Report of Assignment 3

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Network Engineering Assignment 3 Report

Submitted to
Saumya Hegde
Assistant Professor

Submitted by
DenishThummar (15CS23F)
Himanshu Patel (15CS09F)
II Sem M.Tech (CSE)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.

April 2016

Evaluation of CSMA Protocol Performance

CSMA:Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) is a probabilistic media access control
(MAC) protocol.
Every Node listens before transmitting packet
If any node detects idle channel, it transmits immediately
Otherwise (station detects busy channel), the node waits a random amount of time

and tries again

Throghput: Average amount of data bits successfully transmitted per unit time.
Forwarding Delay: Average end-to-end delay (including the queuing delay and the
transmission delay) experienced by the CSMA frames
Jitter: Jitter or packet delay variation (PDV) is the difference in end-to-end one-way
delay between selected packets in a flow with any lost packets being ignored.
We have created 8 nodes and installed UDP server and client and connected all with
CSMA channel.We have used following inbuilt Class for the same:
CsmaHelper,UdpEchoServerHelper,UdpEchoClientHelper and ApplicationContainer. The
nodes use CSMA protocol for channel access at the link layer. The CSMA link bandwidth is
1024 Kbps and the one-way link delay is 2 ms. Every node uses IPv4 at the Internet layer.
The application layer uses UDP echo application where the echo messages are generated at
different data generation rate. There are four different UDP flows in this network as given
Flow 1 : Node 1 -> Node 5 ,Flow 2: Node 2 -> Node 6 ,Flow 3: Node 7 -> Node 3 ,
Flow 4: Node 8 -> Node 4

We have measured the performance of the CSMA protocols in terms of the above metrics
and ploted a graph (for every metrics) with respect to (16,32,64,128,256,512,1024)Kbps
application layer traffic generation rate.
Below are the Readings which we got:

Throughput over Data_rate:

[Graph1.1 Throughput(Kbps) over Data_rate(Kbps)]

since every node is listening before transmitting, nodes try to reduce the vulnerability period to one
propagation delay.It is clear that from Graph 1.1 that Throuput is increasing when the data

rate is increasing.

Forwarding Delay over Data_rate:

h1.2 Forwarding_delay(ms) over Data_rate(Kbps)]

It is clear that from Graph 1.2 that forwarding delay is decreasing when the data rate is

Jitter over Data_rate:

[Graph1.3 Jitter(ms) over Data_rate(Kbps)]

It is clear that from Graph 1.3 that Jitter is decreasing when the data rate is increasing.

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