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Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Connection Point Designations and


EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Updating Function Definitions.....................................................................3


Replace the function definition library .......................................................3

Creating Your Own Connection Point Designations and Descriptions ...4


Create connection point designations .......................................................4


Create connection point descriptions ........................................................4

Creating Your Own Identifier Sets...............................................................6


Select identifier sets..................................................................................7

Exporting Your Own Sets of Identifiers, Connection Point Designations,
and Connection Point Descriptions ............................................................8


Export identifier sets .................................................................................8


Export connection point designations and descriptions ............................9

Importing Your Own Sets of Identifiers, Connection Point Designations,

and Connection Point Descriptions ..........................................................10

Import identifier sets................................................................................10


Import connection point designations and descriptions...........................11

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Updating Function Definitions

The function definition library is managed and expanded by EPLAN Software &
Service. If a new function definition library is made available (online, for example),
you have to integrate it into your system. You must take the following steps to do this:
Export your own identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection

point descriptions (if you have created any)

Replace the function definition library
Import your own identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection

point descriptions (the EPLAN entries are overwritten during this import)
Add your own identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection

point descriptions to the new function definitions.


Replace the function definition library

1. Copy the file FctDefLib.flk into the

..\EPLAN\FunctionDefinition\EPLAN directory.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Creating Your Own Connection Point

Designations and Descriptions

For each function definition, ten sets of connection designations and connection
descriptions can be specified. These sets can then be selected later on from the


Create connection point designations

Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

1. Select the Connection point designations tab.
The Connection point designations tab lists the function definitions with
their connection points. One line is shown for each connection point.

2. In the fields 1 - 10, enter up to 10 different connection point designations per

connection point.

3. Click [OK].


Create connection point descriptions

Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

1. Select the Connection point descriptions tab.
The Connection point descriptions tab lists the function definitions with
their connection points. One line is shown for each connection point.

2. In the fields 1 - 10, enter up to 10 different connection point descriptions per

connection point.

3. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Creating Your Own Identifier Sets

In EPLAN you can create your own sets of identifiers taking into consideration
different standards, countries, and customers.
Utilities > Master data > Identifier
1. Select Popup menu > New.

2. In the New identifier set dialog specify the designation for the identifier set
and click [OK].
A new column with the appropriate heading is displayed.

3. Enter the identifiers for the individual functions into the various cells. Identifiers
can consist of multiple characters.

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

4. Click [OK].
The identifiers entered are saved.


Select identifier sets

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)
1. In the Current identifier set box select the desired identifier set from the
drop-down list.

2. Click [OK].
The corresponding identifier is used when creating a function.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Exporting Your Own Sets of Identifiers,

Connection Point Designations, and
Connection Point Descriptions

Your self-defined identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection point
descriptions can be exported in XML files. This file can be used, for instance, as a
backup for the exchange of data.


Export identifier sets

Utilities > Master data > Identifier

1. Select the columns with the identifier sets you want to export.

2. Select Popup menu > Export.

3. In the Export dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

4. Click [Save].
The selected identifier sets are saved in an XML file.


Export connection point designations and


Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

1. Select the Connection point designations or Connection point
descriptions tab.

2. Select Popup menu > Export.

3. In the Export dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

4. Click [Save].
All sets of connection point designations and descriptions are saved in an
XML file.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training

Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Importing Your Own Sets of Identifiers,

Connection Point Designations, and
Connection Point Descriptions

You can import sets of identifiers, connection point designations, and connection
point descriptions from an XML file and then use them for project planning in EPLAN.


Import identifier sets

Utilities > Master data > Identifier

1. Select Popup menu > Import.

EPLAN Training


Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

2. In the Import dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

3. Click [Open].
The identifier sets are transferred from the XML file into the dialog.


Import connection point designations and


Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

1. Select Popup menu > Import.

EPLAN Training


Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

2. In the Import dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

3. Click [Open].
All sets of connection point designations and descriptions are transferred
form the XML file into the dialog.

EPLAN Training


Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

EPLAN Training


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