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Training Material

Training Agenda



Day 1

Introduction to BPM & PRPC.

PRPC Overview & features at higher level.
Pre Requisites and Set Up.
Classes & Rulesets
Create Class & Rulesets.
Work- & Data Properties.
Creating Properties.
Daily Quiz & Recap.

Day 2

Create Activities.
Data transform.
Creating Data transform.
Daily Quiz & Recap.



Day 3

Creating Flows.
Decision Rules
Creating Decision Rules.
Daily Quiz & Recap.

Day 4

User Interface
Creating User Interface.
Administration (Organization/Operators/Roles).
Daily Quiz & Recap.
Assessment MyRcube.



Day 5

Declarative Rules
Creating Declarative Rules
Connectors And Services
Creating Connectors And Services.
Data Pages.
Creating Data Pages.
Daily Quiz & Recap.

Day 6

Agents / SLA.
Creating Agents / SLA.
Creating Report.
Daily Quiz & Recap.



Day 7

Creating Correspondence.
Using Designer Studio.
Daily Quiz & Recap.

Day 8

Application Express.
Wizards For Automation.
Using Wizards.
Daily Quiz & Recap.



Day 9

Case Management
Creating Case Management
Daily Quiz & Recap.

Day 10

Guardrails /Best Practices/ Design Principles.
Using Tracer/ Live UI/ Clipboard (Advanced).
Daily Quiz & Recap.
Assessment MyRcube.

Day 11


PEGA Rules Process


Basic Day 1

What is BPM ?

Business process management (BPM) is a systematic approach in making an

organization workflow more effective, more efficient and more capable of
adapting to an ever-changing environment.

A business process is an activity or set of activities that will accomplish a specific

organizational goal.

The goal of BPM is to reduce human error, miscommunication and focus

stakeholders on the requirements of their roles.

What PRPC Does?

Business Process Management tool.

Developed on Java and uses OOPS concepts.

Empowers businesses to easily automate, change their business process and

practice, through smart business process management software, delivering
radically improved agility and ROI.

Used in Order management System, Loan Origination, Call Centre Management,

Healthcare, Banking and Insurance anything which has a Business flow.

PegaRULES Process Commander

The only BPM system that delivers a unique blend of process and practice rules.

Provides tools for developing, deploying, executing and evolving Simply Smart
business process applications.

Built completely in Java.

Processes and business rules created with easy to use forms.

At runtime, patented rules technology dynamically selects the right process

or business rule.

Once selected, the rule is converted to Java and executed at Java speed.

Comes with powerful integration facilities that enable you to leverage existing

System Requirements
Operating System:

Windows, Solaris, AIX, Linux, HP-UX, IBM z/OS.

Application Server:
Apache Tomcat, BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBOSS, Pivotal tc Server 2.
MSSQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL.
Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

What is a PRPC Application ?

What you need to create ?

One Application
One or more RuleSets
One class model, including a unique, top-level class
One or more HTML-based forms, tailored for your work
One or more flows
Multiple activities
Multiple flow actions
E-mail notification and correspondence features (optional)

Reusable Building Blocks

PRPC has the building blocks that are common to most business process
management applications

What is a PRPC Application ?

What you need to configure ?

Organization Hierarchy
Authorized users
One or more access Groups
One or more access Roles

What is a Rule?

A rule is a piece of business logic that encompasses practice, process and

system functions.
Rules define how applications and the organization run the business.
PRPC provides both practice and process rules in one integrated package.
Practice rules business guidelines or policies
Process rules procedural steps that must be followed to complete a piece of

What is a PRPC Application ?

What is Ruleset?

Stores a collection of related process and business rules that define an

Defines a major partition of the Rule Base.
Provides security, versioning and easy deployment to other systems.

What is Organization Hierarchy?

An organization is the top level of the three-level organizational hierarchy

available in all applications.
A division is the middle level of the three-level organizational hierarchy
available in all applications.
An unit is the bottom level of a standard three-level organizational hierarchy
available in all Process Commander applications.

Design Paradigm

An extensive class library is provided.

The existing infrastructure is built around the concept of a work object.

A work object encapsulates a piece of work.

Example: a claim, a request, something to be processed.

Work classes can contain a number of different rule types.

Flow rule, Activity, Declarative rule, HTML rule.

You subclass the work class to define your own work classes.
You inherit rules from the work class.
You can override rules youve inherited and define new rules.

Process Flows

Flows specify how work objects are initiated and how they proceed through the
process to resolution.

Flows route work that require human intervention to shared work-baskets or

assigned worklists.

Flows can also route work to external systems for processing

Process flows are

Saved as XML
Executed as Java


Properties are attributes of something. The attributes of your chair may be legs,
color, type of arms, etc. Each of those attributes has a different value depending
on the particular chair you are talking about.

In Java and Pega terms, a property is a field that holds data and can contain:
Scalar values.
Other pages & Arrays.


Programs supplied with Process Commander or developed by programmers.

Perform a specific action in memory or against the database (retrieve, save, etc.)

Contain Java code that is compiled and executed at run-time.

User Interface Harnesses

Process Commander includes built in User Interface features called harnesses that
enable you to get an application up and running quickly.

These sophisticated HTML rules support the initial creation, update, and review of
individual or related work objects.

There are five types of harness: New, Perform, Review, Confirm, and Reopen.

Chapter 1 - Class

There are two types of classes

Abstract classes
Concrete classes

Abstract classes
These classes cannot be instantiated.
Abstract classes should be named with a dash (-) as the last character.
Eg: MyCo<EmpId>-

Concrete classes
These classes can be instantiated
They do not end in a dash


There are two types of inheritance in PegaRULES.

Pattern inheritance.
Directed inheritance.

Both types can be used at the same time.

Directed inheritance is mandatory.

A top level class must at least be derived from @baseclass (which is the root
or top class in PegaRULES).

Directed Inheritance
Specified on class form (General tab).
It is a mandatory field. It should not be left blank.


Pattern Inheritance
In this example, pattern and directed class are the same.
we are defining the class AtPega-Data-demo2 which is derived from

The ultimate base class, identified by the symbol @baseclass, is the top most class
in the class hierarchy.
All other classes are derived from this class. This class is similar to the root class in
The abstract classes Assign-, Rule-, Work-, and others that are direct subclasses of
the ultimate base class are known as base classes.

Rule Resolution and Inheritance

If youve checked the Find by name pattern first checkbox, the rules resolution
process first traverses up the pattern hierarchy.
If a match is not found in the pattern hierarchy search, it searches through the
directed hierarchy (starting from the bottom again).

If you havent checked the Find by name pattern first checkbox, then only the
directed hierarchy will be searched.

Only rules in RuleSets and Versions that are present on your own RuleSet list are

Inheritance Example






Creating Classes


Create a class.
Understand how a class is defined as a set of rules.
Use the App explorer to find classes and whats been defined inside them.
Use inheritance (both directed and pattern).
Understand types of classes.
Understand what happens at runtime.
Rules Resolution/Assembly

These exercises are important so that you learn how to create classes. Later in the
course, you will be creating classes to represent your work objects. But for now,
well practice just what we learned in this chapter, which is how to create a class.
In these exercises, make sure that you save your class definitions into your RuleSet.
If your lab environment is a single PRPC server system, dont forget to use the
number from your login ID to make your class names unique. If your lab
environment is comprised of a server for each student, ignore the <EmpId> in the
1. Create a class called MyCo<EmpId> which is a top-level class. It should have a
version number of 01-01-01.
(Youll need to inherit from @baseclass via directed inheritance).
2. View the class in the App explorer.
Are there any inherited properties or activities visible? If so, turn off the ability to
see the inherited properties / activities (so it should be empty). If you are having
trouble finding out how to do that, use the online help facility

3. Create the class hierarchy (Refer to the next slide)
When naming your classes, Use a version number of 01-01-01 for the Created in
version field.
4. Create the classes with the following names

Defining a Class

In the menu tab click App, select create from dropdown, then SysAdmin and then
Class to create a new class.

Defining a Class

Classes are instance of the class Rule-Obj-Class

Defining a Class (Contd.)

If you click the Create button you will get the following screen.

Defining a Class (Contd.)

Note that the only tabs that are required to be filled-out are:
General Tab (not all of the properties).
History Tab.

Defining a Class (Contd.)

Upon saving the form, the system will detect errors in your input.
Checks to make sure that it is complete.
Saves it into the PegaRULES database (rulebase*).
Puts it into the current RuleSet.

If errors are detected, an error list will be presented, fields containing errors will
appear in red.
Correct your errors and save again.

You need to SAVE your definitions into your current RuleSet (more about why

Chapter 2- RuleSet
A RuleSet Name rule is an instance of the Rule-RuleSet-Name class.
A RuleSet Version rule is an instance of the Rule-RuleSet- Version class.

Create a RuleSet to identify, store, and manage the set of rules that define an
application or a major portion of an application.
When you create a new RuleSet, you also create a RuleSet version.
When you enter a new RuleSet name, the system enters a default three-part version
identifier of 01-01-01 (Major Minor - Patch).
RuleSet Name rules are part of the SysAdmin category.
A RuleSet Name is a major aspect in:
Access Control.
Grouping Interrelated rules.
Managing the rules.
Moving application Set of rules from one PRPC system to another.
Include the RuleSet, Pega-ProcessCommander as a prerequisite to your system or a
RuleSet that has this RuleSet as a prerequisite.
E.G . Myco:01-01-01

Create Ruleset

Ruleset Version

Branch RuleSet
A branch is a container for RuleSets with rules that are undergoing rapid change
and development.
The RuleSets associated with a branch are called branch RuleSets. A branch
RuleSet is a RuleSet that:
Is based off of "branched from" another RuleSet.
Contains rules that are in active development in the associated branch.

Merge Branch RuleSets

Chapter 3 -Work- & DataWork Work- class is a superclass to all the classes that define work items.
A work item is the fundamental unit that records processed work in an application.
Properties, HTML forms, and flows in the Work- class are available to support the
behaviour and appearance of every type of work items.
Work items belongs to a class derived from the standard abstract class Work-Object Covers belongs to a concrete class derived from the Work-Cover- class
Folders belongs to a concrete class derived from the Work-Folder- class
Data Data- class is an abstract that define and contain static data and cumulative data.
Data- classes contain email messages, correspondence, and other permanent or
enduring cumulative information produced by the application as it runs.


A cover is a work item that is also a parent to one or a few other related work
A cover is a work item in a concrete class derived from the Work-Cover- abstract
A cover may also be a parent of other cover objects
The covered work items are the children in a parent-child relationship.


A work item folder is a work item in a concrete class that inherits from the WorkFolder- class.
A folder object holds a collection of one or more other work items.
One work item may be associated with multiple folders, but only with one cover.
Members of a folder can belong to different work types, which need not belong all
in a single work pool.
The relationships between folder work items and their contents may be many-tomany.

Data When creating Data Table Data- Class are inherited.

Page list or Page Group Property mostly derive from Data- Class.

Basic Day 2

Chapter 4 - Activities

Understand how activities differ from Java methods.

Basics of activities including:

Pages and Clipboard.

Step Pages.
Primary Page.
Accessing properties.

Learn Key activity methods

Use the clipboard to create, view pages and run activities.

Use the Tracer to examine your runtime execution of an activity.


Activities are the work-horses behind a process flow

They will do things such as determine who to route a work object to, send
correspondence, access database, etc.

An activity is similar in function to a Java method, or a C++ function.

It is a callable function that has access to properties related to the object its
called to work upon.
If someone creates a page of a certain type, you can call an activity
defined to work on that type of page.
It contains logic, local variables, etc.


Ways in which an activity is different than a method or function in several other

Code is not entered the same way instead forms are used to specify steps.
The way in which information is passed to and from an activity is different.
The activity doesnt have a return type.
The activity doesnt have argument types defined.
Activities can call other activities or call Java code segments.

Pages and Clipboard

Process Commander uses a clipboard metaphor to describe the collection of inmemory pages.

As the system runs, in-memory data (objects, etc.) are held in clipboard pages.
A page is an XML data structure that holds name-value pairs.

A page is contained in memory. When a page is stored in the system's

database, we call it an instance.
All runtime objects are held in the clipboard as pages (one could compare the
clipboard to Javas heap).

If you wish to set or retrieve property values for a specific object, you need to
work on its clipboard page.

Pages and Clipboard

A page may have:

A name.
An associated class.
Any number of name/value pairs.

The names identify properties defined in the class of the page.

Values may be text, or may themselves be a page or multiple pages.

so pages can be used to build complex data structures (lists, trees, etc.)

When a page is created, it doesnt allocate storage for the properties until they are

Pages and Clipboard

Process Commander comes with methods that you use in activities to;
create pages.
move data between pages and the database, or other pages.
perform other functions.

We will start our look at methods in the next chapter.

There are approximately 60 methods that you can use in activities.
The name method might be confusing. Dont confuse it with an activity.

Pages are used by your program as it runs.

Within activities, well access pages and the properties within them.
Well also use the clipboard to shuttle pages between memory and the

We are going to be examining the clipboard in the next couple of chapters.

Embedded Pages

An embedded page is a clipboard page that is not a top-level page, but rather is
the value of a property of mode Page.

The page structure used by Process Commander is recursive. Pages contain

properties that can have single or multiple pages as their values.

The Obj-List method creates an array of embedded pages (all of the same class)
that contain its results.

Primary Page and Steps

When you call an activity, you call it using a page.

When the activity gets called, the page that you used to call the activity becomes
the activitys primary page.
For those who know Java or C++, the primary page is essentially equivalent
to this.

An activity consists of one or more steps.

A step is like a statement.

In steps, we can call one of pre-defined methods which work on a page (in
addition to calling Java methods)
A step page refers to the page a given step is operating on.
Unless a step page is specified, the primary page is used.

Accessing Properties

Within a step, you can specify a Step Page.

This indicates which page the corresponding method is working on.
If you dont specify a step page, the method will use the primary page
Use the . (dot) operator before the property name:
Within an activity, if the property is defined within the same class as the
activity, that property is part of the primary page.
Syntax for accessing a property within the primary page can be either of these
The second syntax (Primary.PropertyName) is used when a step page masks
access to properties in the primary page.

Method: Page-New

Use the Page-New method to create a new page on the clipboard from activity.

The Page-New method can optionally take arguments.

Click the icon to the right of the step page column.

Its common to use a Page-New method with the primary page when you want to
test an activity as you are writing it.
This allows you to select the execute this activity button (on the activity ruleform) and to be able to operate on a page.
Enables unit test to simulate being called from another activity.
Youll later remove the Page-New when you are done writing the activity.

Method: Show-Page

Unnamed pages are not visible via the clipboard viewer

In testing an activity, you may want to use a method to have the activity display its
primary page

Use the Show-Page method to bring up the page in XML

This method uses no parameters.

Creating Pages

In the upcoming section, well look at how to create a named page.

Only named pages appear in the clipboard viewer (although the clipboard holds
both named and unnamed pages).
When you create a page, make sure you name it (so that you can access it).
Unnamed pages are used far less frequently than named pages.
They are used internally by the system, so they are mentioned for

Creating Pages

There is no limit to the number of pages you can create.

Although there are practical limits, and memory/VM space requirements.

If you use Page-New and the page already exists, the old page will be deleted
and the new page will be created.

What is the scope of a named page?

The named page has global scope (to a given user).

Pages and Classes Tab

Use the Pages and Classes tab when you need to create a new page (other than
the primary).
Specify the page type, i.e., the class name in the Pages and Classes tab
Specify the page name (any name you wish)

Now you can use that page name within the steps page to indicate you want to do
something with that particular page.
i.e. can be used with any method that operates on a page .

Pages and Classes Tab (Contd.)

Method: Page-Remove

If you create a page in an activity and no longer have need for it, you should
remove it.

Method: Page-Remove
Use this method to delete one or more pages from the clipboard. Contents of
the database are not affected.
In the page parameter array, enter the name of the page or pages to delete.
The system finds the page(s) (top-level or embedded) on the list and deletes
If a page you specified is not found on the clipboard, the Page-Remove
method reports a warning error but does not fail.

Activities and Parameter Passing

There are two ways to pass parameters to an activity:

Passing by reference
Pass the whole parameter page from one activity to the next and back again
Allows arbitrary parameters to be written and read.
The only way to pass results back from an activity.
Using Predefined Parameters
Explicitly specify the parameters to pass.
Includes specific information such as name, type, etc.

Create An Activity

Make sure that you save any rules, E.g. class definitions into your RuleSet.
1.Create an activity called GetDetails for your class MyCo.
This activity does a Property-Set on each of the properties in GetDetails as follows:
Set .Name to John.
Set .Amount to 25000.
Set .Currency to USD.
2.Use the clipboard viewer to create a page (of class MyCo) and to test your
activity. View the results in the clipboard.

Create An Activity
Name the activity, give the applies to class name select the ruleset then click on
create and open button at the right top of the screen

Create An Activity

After creating the below screen can be seen, where the methods can be selected
along with the related pages and conditions for performing that particular
method. At last Save the activity.

Create An Activity
The symbols on the rule form allow you to add and delete steps, enter
arguments for methods, etc.

Add a new
Row (Step)

row (Step)

Chapter 5 - Data Transform

A data transform rule provides a purpose-built rule for easily transforming and
mapping clipboard data without using activities.
Data transform defines how target data (properties, pages, etc) is mapped from
and transformed by source data (properties, pages, etc).
These rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-Model rule type.
In Activity, method Like Apply-DataTransform, Page-New, Page-Copy and PageChange-Class methods.
Starter flows can specify a data transform to set initial properties for the work
In flow action, the system apply a data transform before or after displaying the
flow action user interface to the user.
In user interface elements, which include the Client Event Editor's:
Refresh This Section action
Refresh When conditions
On-click control rule actions Refresh Section, Show Harness, and Open URL In
Data transform rules can be referenced by other data transforms.

Data Transform
Append and Map To
Append To
Apply Data Transform
Exit For Each Page
For Each Page In
Otherwise When
Update Page

Data Transform

Data Transform

Create a Data Transform

1. Create a Data Transform called pyDefault for the MyCo class. It should initialize
the fields Name, Amount and Currency to the same values that are set in the
GetDetails activity (also in the class MyCo).
2. Create an activity GetInfo in the class MyCo. Make the activity create a name
page of type GetDetailsPage and initialize the page using the Data Transform you
just created.
3. Call the activity using the clipboard and Refresh the clipboard to view it.

From record explorer select data model and you can find data transform. Provide the
name, applies to class and ruleset. Click on create and open button in the right top of
the screen.

Data Transform
Select the action then set the target and source. Save the changes.

Data Transform

Basic Day 3

Chapter 6 - Flow

A flow
Is a model of your business process.
Is a rule containing a network of SmartShapes and connectors (directed
Each with associated parameters and values.
Governs how work objects are:
Progress through the system.
Are resolved.
You can see the flow instances in the App Explorer and Record Explorer.
When making changes to the flow, be sure to:
save it into your RuleSet.
save it into your new work class.

Flow Symbol

The flow has to be created using different shape available in the editor.
The flow is the instances of Rule-Obj-Flow.
Before the flow created the parameters in Design and Process tabs have to be
The flow type, flow initiation screen, etc have to be updated in the process tab

Flow Symbol
Start Task


Assignment Task




Flow Symbol





Start Task & Connector

Start Task

Every flow rule has a single Start shape with no incoming

connectors. This marks the first shape of every execution
of the flow rule.


Appearing on the diagram as an arrow, a connector links

one task in the flow with the next task.
Connectors leaving Assignment tasks may be flow actions;
others may be When conditions (more later).
Connectors can represent flow action like Action, Status,
When, Always, Else.


Enter a percentage between 1 and 100 that indicates how likely the action will take place
If there is only one possible path, enter 100. Otherwise, allocate
percentages among the multiple paths as appropriate.
Selecting Always removes the likelihood and connector label.


Assignment and Router works together to determine

the destination of a work object.
This is the SmartShape used to cause the system to create at
run time an assignment associated with a work object
in a workbasket or worklist.
After you enter an assignment task, you can create an
associated Router task.
Optionally, after the assignment task is defined, you
can associate a service level rule with it.
A clock appears on the diagram, as shown in the image.



To have an assignment be sent to a user, workbasket, or agent other than the

current user.
The Router determines to whom the work should go.
This activity determines which worklist or workbasket is to contain the assignment.


A utility is used to call an activity from the flow.

Causes the activity to run at that point in the flow.
Used to perform automated processing without
any user assignment.
Is an activity that updates a work object but does not
require user interaction or input.
The system includes some standard utility tasks and
you can create your own.


Decision Task
Identifies an activity that can make an automated decision
about the progress of the work object through this flow.

Annotation & Assignment Service


Annotations document your flow on the diagram, but

have no effect on processing.

Assignment Service

The Assignment Service task is used in a flow to pass

control to an external system

Integrator & Split Join


A Integrator task identifies an activity that connects your

Process Commander system to an external system to send or
receive data.
Integrator tasks use activities that call connector rules.

Use the Split-Join shape to require that multiple sub-flows of
your flow are completed before the current flow continues
This allows the sub-flows to be performed asynchronously,
in parallel.

Split-ForEach & Flow End


Use a Split-ForEach shape to send a work object through

another flow based on information in the pages of a Page
List or Page Group property

Flow End Task

Enter a Flow End task to mark the end of the flow.

Flow Actions

A flow action is a choice available to users as an interim or final disposition of an

assignment they are processing.
There are two types:
A Connector action identifies a possible path from an assignment, moving a
work object to the next part of the flow.

Flow Actions
Local Action

Describe an action that can be taken during assignment processing that can
change the state of the work object but does not move it along in the flow, E.g.
Attach a file to a work object.
Attach a URL.

Flow Actions
Flow actions can also be indicated as Local and Connector.

Draft Mode
You can place your flow in draft mode, which allows users to partially
complete the flow.

In Case of developing an application, you can define and save flow rules while
activities, flow actions, and properties that do not yet exist.
On the developer toolbar, the Draft button (
Click to enter draft mode.

) controls this mode.

Create a Flow
Right click on the preferred class select create go to process then select flow

Give the flow name, applies to class and select the ruleset. Create and open the flow

Below you can see single assignment flow along with different flow shapes. Select
the required shapes connect that using connectors and save all the changes.


Decision Tree

Decision Table

Map value


Decision Tree

Use a decision tree rule to record complex if then logic that calculates a value in a
simple-to-understand format.

Decision tree rules may be referenced in three other rule types:

In a flow rule, you can reference a decision tree rule in a decision task,
identified by the Decision shape (
In an activity, you can evaluate a decision tree using the Property-MapDecision Tree method.
A Declare Expression rule can call a decision tree rule.

Decision Table

Use a decision table to derive a value that has one of a few possible outcomes,
where each outcome can be detected by a test condition. A decision table rule lists
two or more rows, each containing test conditions and a result.

At runtime, the system evaluates the rows starting at the topmost row. If all
conditions in a row evaluate to true, the processing rule completes and the value
associated with that row is returned to the application. If no rows in the table
evaluate to true, the system returns a default result.

Map Value

Use a map value rule to create a table of number, text, or date ranges that
converts one or two input values, such as latitude and longitude numbers, into a
calculated result value, such as a city name. Map value rules greatly simplify
decisions based on ranges of one or two inputs. Use a map value rule to record
decisions based on one or two ranges of an input value. A map value rule uses a
one or two-dimensional table to derive a result.

Through cascading where one map value calls another map value rules can
provide an output value based on three, four, or more inputs.

Complete the Input tab before the Matrix tab. To restrict the possible results to
one of a small known list of literal constants, complete the Results tab before the
Matrix tab

Map value rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type.


when condition rule defines a true-false test based on comparing one or more
property values with constant values or with other property values.

A when condition rule is sometimes called simply a "when.

For example, a when condition rule can test whether an amount is greater than
zero or a date is in the future.

A when condition rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-When rule type

Create Decision Tree

Give name, applies to class, and ruleset name then create and open.

Create Decision Tree

Set the conditions and save

Create Decision Table

Give name, applies to class and rule set name, then click on create and open

Create Decision Table

Give the conditions and click on save.

Create Map Value

Give the name, applies to class and rule se name, then click on create and open.

Create Map Value

Give the inputs and save.

Basic Day 4

Chapter 8 - User Interface

A work object is the primary unit of work in an application and the primary
collection of data that a flow operates on.
As an application is used, work objects are created, updated and
closed (resolved).
Assignments for work objects (that have not yet been resolved) appear
someones worklist, or in a workbasket.
In a production system, the number of work object instances may eventually
grow to
many thousands or millions.
The storage of those work objects may require more database space
than rules
or data instances.

User Interface
Work object User Perspective
The flow name updated in case type.
A work object gets created when you click create menu.

User Interface
A form (with perhaps one or more fields pre-filled) will appear.
The user will complete the form and create the work object by clicking the
create button at the bottom of the form.


The user enters a form to create a new work object.

The work object exists in the clipboard and in the database.
We can see it in the clipboard viewer and in the Manage Rules (when we
view instances tab) for the corresponding class.

After the user enters data in the form, the work object begins its journey.
The ultimate destination is to get resolved.
When a work object is resolved, it no longer appears on someones worklist
(but it still exists in the database).

The journey itself will be defined by the flow associated with a work objects


The status of the work object will change as it progresses through the flow.

When all work on a work object is complete, it is said to be resolved or closed.

No longer on a inbox.
No more processing required for it.
Stored in the database.

An open work object is one that is not yet resolved, or has been reopened after it
was previously resolved.
Still requires automated processing, or interactive processing.

After it is resolved, it cannot be worked on (modified) further until and unless it

been reopened.


The property Work-.pyStatusWork (mode String and type Text) holds the work
objects status.
New (not yet qualified).
Open (responsibility for processing is with the processing organization).
Pending (responsibility for processing is currently with an external


Properties that are set in the work objects default model include:
@baseclass-.pyLabel (displayed label, New Purchase Request).
Work- .pyStatusWork (status as discussed earlier, this property is updated as
the work object moves through the flow).
Prefix and suffix for Work ID:

Work-.pyID Each work object has a unique ID.

This information will be used as a primary key for the work object.
It will be used in reports/queries.
By default, the work ID will be visible on the all data entry forms pertaining
to that work object.


The actual work ID is generated based upon:

Work-.pyID (unique sequential number, generated).

The activity Work-.GenerateID generates the value for .pyID.

Provide values for pyWorkIDPrefix and pyWorkIDSuffix in the model for

the Work- class.

If you don't specify a prefix, the Work-.GenerateID uses W-.

Work classes have several harnesses, inherited by Work-.
The harnesses are HTML rules (instances of Rule-HTML-Harness) which are
used for different stages of the work objects user interface.
Use harnesses to define the appearance and processing of user forms used
in your application to create work items and process assignments.

Harnesses use to define composite portals, as well as user forms

Create Harness

Create Harness

The Section are HTML rules (instances of Rule-HTML- Section ) which are
used for different stages of the Harness.

A section is an element of your user interface that is comprised of layouts

and cells.

Create Section

Create Section

Standard Harnesses
Harness Types



Creating new objects


Performing assignments on existing objects


Confirming object resolution


Reviewing closed objects


Reopening closed objects

Chapter 9 - Administration
Access Group

An access group is an instance of the Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup class.

It makes a set of RuleSet versions available to requestors.
An access group is associated with a user through the Operator ID data instance.
Product rules are instances of the Rule-Admin-Product class.
This rule supports the migration and delivery of an application to other PRPC
They belong to the SysAdmin category. Product rules are sometimes informally
called RAP rules, after "Rule-Admin-Product".
You can launch Import wizard as separate item from the landing page menu
under Application > Distribution > Import.

Create Access Group

Create Access Group

An organization is an instance of the Data-Admin-Organization class.
An organization is the top level of the three-level organizational hierarchy available
to all your applications.
Select > DesignerStudio > Organization And Security
> Organization > Organization Chart to see the organizations in your system.

Create Organization

The middle level instances are known as divisions. (Data-AdminOrgDivision class). They are the part of Organization Category.
Division identifiers are limited to 32 characters. As a best practice, limit the
division name to no more than eight characters in length.

Create Division

An organization unit is an instance of the Data-Admin-OrgUnit class.
Organization units form the bottom level of a standard three-level organizational
hierarchy available in every PRPC application.
Each user (Operator ID instance) is associated with an organization, division, and

Create Unit

Operator ID
An Operator ID instance is the saved object in the Data-Admin-Operator-ID class
that defines a user's name, password, access group, organizational setting,
calendar, and other values.
Informally, the term Operator ID refers to the key field of that data instance,
equivalent to a user name in other software settings.
Operators are also called simply users or caseworkers. (In some
organizations, operators are called agents, customer service representatives
or CSRs.)

Create Operator ID

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