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Bhrigu Bindu is a unique point in any individuals Rasi birth chart which is an important significator
of when in the individuals life will most of his/her past Karma is expended. This determines your
There is a way in which you calculate the Bhrigu Bindu.
Bhrigu Bindu is a midpoint of the point (degree-minute-second in the Birth chart)
between Rahu and the Moon in your Birth Chart, taken in that order ( i.e. calculated fromRahu and
the Moon and NOT vice versa).
Lets take an example of a native born today. The birth details are given in image below. Ill use
the jagannatha-hora software to demonstrate it, because supposedly this is the only software which
portrays it. (correct me if Im wrong)

Here, Rahu is in the sign of Libra and the Moon is in Capricon. And the Bhrigu Bindu lies in the
Midpoint i.e in Libra, as highlighted in the red rectangle.
Why does the Bhrigu Bindu lie between Rahu and the Moon ?
Because Rahu represents the past karmas which have to fructify and the Moon in Vedic Astrology
represents the mother or birth. So the mid point of these two in a chart represents your destiny and
the fructification of your karmas
BHRIGU BINDU is a mathematical point in your horoscope, which is the intersection of Rahu and
moon, so moon in the reason why you are born, like it kind of shows the past and Rahu is our future
what we are here to accomplish and the intersection of these 2 planets creates the BB. It shows the
destiny of your life, that is why BB is very important.

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