Geneva Mccloud-Hw410-Unit 9 Final Project

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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in

Management and Prevention

Management and

Program Resource


Stress Management and Prevention

Program Resource Guide

Geneva McCloud
Kaplan University
HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention
May 26, 2015

Table of Contents





Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing.......................................................................................





Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing.......................................................................................




Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing.......................................................................................







Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing.......................................................................................






Information to Remember......................................................................
Journal Writing.......................................................................................




1 :




Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing.......................................................................................




Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................






Information to Remember......................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................
Journal Writing.......................................................................................












Information to Remember......................................................................



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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Therapeutic journal writing can be defined as a sequence of written works that
document some of the most personal events, thoughts, feeling, memories and perceptions during
ones expedition throughout life, allowing wholeness. This practice has been proven a formidable
coping technique to combat stressors (Seward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are three different kinds of stress, which include eustress, neustress, and
distress. Among the three I find eustress to have relevance in my life. Eustress is defined as a good
stress that emerges in a variety of situations or circumstances, which has no real threat (Seaward,
Key Learning Point: Stress at the workplace is unfortunately unavoidable, primarily due to the demands
of the contemporary work environment. Work related stress can be described as the response
employees may encounter when presented with demands and pressures that are not parallel to current
knowledge and abilities, further challenging ones ability to cope (World Health Organization 2007).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The four components of the wellness paradigm include, mental, spiritual,
physical and emotional well-being. In order to have wholeness, we each seek
homeostasis, which is a physiological state of inner peace and harmony (Seaward,

B. 2015). In an attempt to conquer stressors, of the four components, I rely on

physical well-being the most important. When we are physically well, we can
contribute more energy, towards calmness and peace. Mental well-being allows
us to process information, while emotional well-being helps us control our
feelings and have the proper reactions. Seeking spiritual well-being, assist with
overcoming each component.
A paradigm shift in Medical science realizes wellness being instrumental in the
balance, integration, and harmony of the four components (Seaward, 2015). I
appreciate my work place acknowledging the need to initiate health and wellness
on the job. It helps to foster a balance of my physical well-being, through weight
loss and step challenges among my peers.

Journal Writing:
Unit One Journal Writing
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: How Stressed Are You? Directions are found on
pages 11 and 12 of the Mindfulness workbook. List the situation on the left. Use a rating scale of 1
through 10 for the start, midway, and end. You will use this Journal Assignment as a way of mapping
your stress throughout the course. Keep it handy and refer back to it often.
Completing School Assignments on time
Getting 3-4 days of physical activity
Managing a social life, while in school and working
Keeping my son grounded and focused in school
Reducing debt, while maintaining minimal use of credit
Completing monthly article for Health & Wellness
Newsletter at work.
Allowing myself adequate time for relaxation & meditation
Adjusting to new work schedule, 1 hour earlier
Completing scholarship applications by deadline
Making appointments for annual physical exams, dentist,
OB GYN, etc.




Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: The physiological effects of prolonged stress has sever impacts to memory. The
nervous system, endocrine system and the immune system are three known systems directly
connected with the physiology of stress. According to research, repeated occurrences of stress
decreases memory, by exhausting hippocampal brain cells. Chronic stress has been said to whither
the delicate connection between neurons, concluded in brain shrinkage (Seward, B. 2015).
Key Learning Point: Borysenko advices that when the autonomic nervous system releases a generous
amount of stress hormones, many physiological repercussions can be an end result. This may include
migraines, ulcers and hypertension (Seaward, B. 2015).
Key Learning Point: Prior to research from Dr. Richard Gerber, clinical researchers were influenced by
the reduction theory with the assumption that the mind and the brain are one. However Dr. Gerber
takes an empirical look at human consciousness, through an alternative hypothesis, known as a
holistic approach, stating that the mind as conscious and unconscious thoughts exist as energy
surrounding and permeating throughout ones body, impacting a number of corporal biochemical
reactions (Seward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Neuroscience is a study of the brain and nervous system. Neuroscience,
emotions, and thoughts are seen as being comprised of chemicals and electrical
impulses that have effects on physiological systems, including immunity, the
musculoskeletal system, in addition to digestion, circulation and respiration
(Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010).

Neural plasticity is the ability to change our neural connections in response to our
personal experience, it can additionally, be described as the mind using the brain
to create itself (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010). An over- or under-reaction
response of the immune system occurs if aggravated by stress. An over- reaction
may cause a dynamic endogenous activity, resulting in chronic lupus. Chronic
stress has been postulated to increase our susceptibility to such infections and
cancers (Seward, B. 2015).
When the nervous system is affected by stress adrenal fatigue, rheumatoid
arthritis, and aggravated symptoms of menopause may occur. Symptoms of
sadness, energy loss, changes in weight, and thoughts of suicide and loss of
interest in enjoyable activities are signs of depression. Such imbalances can be
genetic, environmental, psychological, and biochemical factors (NIH 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Two Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled, Explore: How is stress or anxiety affecting your
life? Directions are found on pages 33 through 35 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of
this Assignment, you will take the first step toward greater well-being and become aware of how
stress is impacting your life. This should be a minimum of two full pages.
How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?
I have come to the realization that I cannot control how others think or react and that the decisions
they make, have no impact on my life. I attempt to reassure them, everything will be alright, and
continue my journey to success and being in control of my destiny. I share my experience and try to
be a listening ear, to assist with combating stress.
How is stress or anxiety about work affecting your life?
As we know work can be stressful, and due to the technological advances in the telecommunications
field, of which I am currently employed, many of us worry about job placement, and not to mention,
our contracts are expiring soon here in the Midwest region of AT&T. Once again, I put everything in

the hands of the Lord. I have been given new direction, which is why I am enrolled in school, so that I
am prepared for changes to come.
How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?
There appears to be more violence in the world. I believe television (reality) and music has some
negative impacts on our youth today. In addition to the advancements in technology, it is taking over
our lives. I worry about our youth having good face to face communication skills.
How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your life?
I have always been conscious of my food intake. However, the processes being used to produce food
stuff is basically, making me more conscious. I often worry about how my parents and siblings are
making food choices. It can be challenging when determining if I should go organic or with
genetically modified food products. I want to trust I am making the proper decisions.
How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your life?
Sleep is not an issue for me at this time. I am on a schedule, maintaining work and school. I am
normally able to get approximately 6-7 hours of sleep each night. Matter of fact, my body tells me
when to awake. I am aware of, when I have had enough sleep or when it is time to rest. There is one
concern, I will begin a new work schedule next week, which require me to make some adjustments
for the new earlier schedule
How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity affecting your life?
I was having problems incorporating a physical activity regimen to my daily schedule, but have
recently been able to maintain the schedule, and be discipline and diligent in my efforts. It does get a
little stressful, but I keep telling myself, this will allow me to be able to walk the walk of a health and
wellness professional.

Stress can be overwhelming. We often are faced with a multitude of daily stressors, and the
body is not always aware of the difference. Stress can build over time, when cortisol and
neurotransmitters surge through ones body uninterrupted (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010). As a
result health can be a serious issue and we may experience some suffering, as these conditions deplete
energy away from our immune systems, causing them to be less able to execute their functions
It is especially important to be mindful of the complex interaction between the mind, body,
spirit and emotions, because those intricacies may produce detrimental effects, in addition to healing
effects (Seward, B. 2015). Therefore not allowing issues such as people, work, sleep, food and eating
habits, along with the world to take control of your emotions. Have the mindfulness to make better
decisions, which will promote well-being (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010).

Unit 3: Psychology of Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Carl Gustav Jung theorized the conscious and unconscious mind have different
thought processes and speak separate languages, drawing to the conclusion the unconscious mind acts
as the navigator for the driver of the conscious mind (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point:
Technology compromises good communication skills in both personal and
professional settings. Texting and emailing has been the cause of a lack of face to face effective
communication skills. There has to be more focus being given to those we are communicating with.
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Learning to have control of our feelings is a key component to resolving anger
issues. I have discovered, forgiveness helps us to move forward without regret. We have to not only
forgive those who have angered us, but also be mindful to forgive ourselves (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
According to the Tibetan cultures perspective human suffering is associated with
the mind and stress. A calm mind, detachment from desire, and a link to the true
self, sets the stage for healing and wholeness. John B Watson, expressed using
behavioral therapy, this allows an individual in coping and relaxation techniques,
utilized to desensitize ourselves from the stressors (Seward, 2015).
A number of theorist have addressed some of the same concerns related to the
psychology of stress or the stress response. All of whom, have made contributions
to introducing some clarity of the understanding of the mind (Seward, B. 2015).
Healthy boundaries have been recommended to prevent information overload. An
intolerable amount of information can lead to sensory overload or burnout. This


causes mental processes to be compromised, which could lead to negative

communication (Seward, B. 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Three Journal Writing Assignment
Mindfulness meditation, requires silence and concentration. I remembered to focus on my
breathing. I thought about Oprah Winfrey and some of the concepts she discussed on her show,
relating to self help. She was always trying to get the audience to respect and appreciates ourselves,
wanting us to have determination to be the best, we could be.
My mind began to wander, I began thinking about what I was doing next, plans of watching
the season finale of Being Mary Jane. I returned my focus to my breathing, hoping I wasnt going to
begin hiccupping, as I was prior to the meditation. I had thoughts of being able to remember, what
thoughts I had. Once again, I focused on my breathing.
While focused on my breathing, I took note of thoughts of breathing techniques involved with
physical activity. I thought back to the reading material that emphasized the benefits of abdominal or
belly breathing, described as a technique, which helps moderate irregular breathing patterns (Stahl, B.
and Goldstein, E. 2010). I realized meditation will be a true concept to help control my hypertension.
Wisdom, certainly comes with age. As I continue to mature, I have become fully aware of the affect
stress may cause to our inner peace, therefore, learning to meditate will take me to the next level of
I did recall during my mindfulness meditation, my Pastor, advises us to take time out of our
busy schedules, to meditate. He explain, how just 5 minutes would be a great place to start. I will
continue to practice, so that my mind is made stronger. I will further, remember to be non-judgmental.
I will not label thoughts or feeling, or sensations as fair or unfair, but remember to acknowledge the
thoughts, feeling, or sensations in each moment (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010).


Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: I have discovered through my reading, I display the Hardiness stress resistant
personality. I continuously try to see the good in every situation and turn it around into a learning
experience. This has been described a reconstruction according to Managing Stress. Having control
over situations, enable those with a Hardy personality to not feel victimized, rather have personal
control (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Psychology has stated that personality is formed of three factors, one is values,
which are intangible concepts of importance or meaning. Next, attitudes, which are belief derived
from an individuals values, further described as belief or perception and feelings based on particular
values. Lastly, behaviors, which are actions from conscious or unconscious thoughts (Seward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Nien Cheng was accused of being an enemy of the state. Nien knew she was a
responsible and trust worthy individual. She had a magnitude of self-confidence and relied on coping
techniques of patience and a high regards to spirituality. Such coping techniques allowed the situation
to end with positive results (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Self-esteem could be defined as having individuals who trust their own instincts,
have self-pride, self-assurance and a magnitude of self- confidence, in addition to
trusting their own being to be life affirming, constructive, responsible and trust
worthy (Reasoner, R. 2010).


Adding exercise to ones lifestyle can be challenging. James Prochaska and his
colleague Carlo DiClemente have observed that the Stages of Change model can be
applied to many lifestyles, when making modifications, including exercise, smoking
cessation and eating habits. The stages include pre-contemplation, contemplation,
action, maintenance and relapse Thygerson, A. and Thygerson, S. 2013).
Attitudes are beliefs constructed from our values, they may be expressed as
opinions, causing behaviors or actions that can have results promoting health or
impeding health, in terms of well-being. Behaviors can be learned through direct or
indirect conscious or unconscious thoughts. Relationships can be affected by
stress, when one is depressed (Seward, B. 2015).Journal Writing:


Unit Four Journal Writing Assignment

FEAR: apprehension, anxiety, distress, edginess, jumpiness, nervousness, panic, tenseness,
uneasiness, worry, fright, feeling overwhelmed.
When I sense fear, I feel anxiety, nervousness, and worry and can become overwhelmed with
thoughts, leading to emotions of being excited. I feel tension in my face and chest. I tend to pat or
shake my feet. The feelings or emotions become clear at which point, I began to attempt to come to a
resolution of fighting off the fear. So that I am not defeated.
CONFUSION: bewildered, uncertain, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, chaotic, foggy, or unaware.
Confusion, releases uncertainty, causing me to feel puzzled, and perplexed. Confusion is felt
in my mind, causing twitching or closing of my eyes. I am in deep thought, emotionally this can be
draining, because there doesnt seem to be a good reason for the unexplained behaviors, occurrences
and uncertainties. Being in a state of confusion, I tend to put too much emphasis on the result.
ANGER: aggravation, agitation, annoyance, destructiveness, disgust, envy, frustration, irritation,
grouchiness, grumpiness, rage.
When I am feeling anger, aggravation, annoyance and frustration are quite obvious. Im
thinking of ways to remove this frustration. I also feel grumpiness. I am get so upset, that my attitude
is negative. I want to feel the anger and stay made and take it out on the first person, who comes in
contact with me. Then there is a bit of rage. However for the most part, I tend to hold it in. I feel
tension in my head, and experience a heated sensation throughout my body. Expressing feeling of
anger can be hazardous and very serious.
SADNESS: alienation, anguish, despair, disappointment, gloom, grief, hopelessness, insecurity,
loneliness, misery, unhappiness, rejection.


When I hear sadness, I express emotions or feelings of disappointment, loneliness, and

unhappiness. Sadness is in the pit of my stomach. Much like fear, I become nervous and seek refuge
in talking to others or even, having a glass of wine. I feel no one is able to remove the sadness. I once
held on to sadness, thinking there was nothing that could remove it, and kept it bottled inside and
continued to be the victim. Nonetheless, I learned to let go and to have hope for tomorrow.
SHAME: guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, invalidation, regret, remorse, mortification.
Shame gives me feelings of embarrassment, regret and humiliation. All dignity is lost. Shame
makes you want a do over, the only positive solution is wishing we could take it all back. Shame
causes a meltdown and warm sensations go through my body.
LOVE: affection, arousal, attraction, caring, compassion, desire, fondness, infatuation, kindness,
liking, longing, warmth, sympathy, sentimentality.
Love projects affection, caring, desire, and longing. I think about caring for those I love when
they are not well. I desire the longing for compassion and intimacy, wanting to be held and loved
unconditionally. These emotions are felt throughout my body, I feel chills or goose bumps. When I
think of love, I think about how much I love my son, and will do just about anything for him.
JOY: amusement, bliss, contentment, eagerness, elation, enjoyment, enthusiasm, excitement,
exhilaration, hope, optimism, pleasure, satisfaction.
The word joy, leaves me having feeling of bliss, elation, hope, and satisfaction. Joy can cause
a bit of anxiety as well. Joy brings me satisfaction, that things are complete. No worries, joy is my
peace. My separation from all that is not pure. These emotions are felt in my stomach, like butterflies.
I love joy, there is no pain.
I have attempted the exploration of identifying emotions in my body with comfortable and
uncomfortable emotions, expressed as fear, confusion, anger, sadness, shame, love, and joy. Each of


these emotions allowed me to feel different sensations throughout my body. Some of the emotions
manifested in my body causing stiffness, tingling sensations, and sometimes pressure to occur, while
others left me with emotions of nervousness and anxiety.
Emotions are meant to be released and come and go just as any other aspect in our lives. When
we suppress our emotions, this may cause stress in the mind and body (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E.
2010). We should each live in the moment. It will take continuous practice of mindfulness to clearly
understand the difference between emotions and thoughts and how emotions manifest in our bodies.
Often times, our emotions are hidden behind our thoughts in an unconscious effort to guard
ourselves from our awareness of the emotion (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010). There are several
barriers to awareness of emotions, with strong emphasis being placed on the fourth known barrier. It
simply states, we are not utilizing a full range of vocabulary, as it relates to emotions, and that we
have been raised in cultures, where expressing emotions were not encouraged, leaving us without
knowing of how to describe whats being felt (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010). I can certainly relate
to this barrier, because according to my parents, a child should not speak unless spoken to, and it
seemed that my parents theory, may have been an effort to protect or guard us in some way.
The most recognized stress emotions are, fear and anger. Fear has been said to be a learned
behavior, from the effects of previous experiences. While anger has been said to be influenced by the
egging on or pressure of the source. Stressors are also visible in happiness and joy filled emotions
(Seward 2015). I like the feelings of joy most in my life, and if it means living in the present moment,
I want to be there.


Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: A healthy lifestyle begins with knowing and accepting that a less desirable behavior
needs modifying. Prochaskas observations postulated behavior change is not a singular event, but
involves a process. There are six different processes, including, pre-contemplation, contemplation,
determination, action, maintenance and relapse. (Seward 2015).
Key Learning Point: (Seaward, 2015). Negative perceptions perpetuate low self-esteem by suppressing or
obliterating ones feelings of self-worth and self-acceptance. Allison Fisher confronted her stressor,
which was breast cancer. She elaborated on how we must challenge the stressors with a mindset,
instead of running from it with a defeatist attitude, she developed an attitude of a realist optimism,
acknowledging and staying positive, by living in the moment and letting go of negative thoughts and
predictions (Seward, B. 2015).
Key Learning Point: Martin Seligman expounds upon on a concept known as the happiness thermostat,
which is an abstract emotional control made concrete through real thoughts, ones perceptions,
memories as well as personal experiences. He further indicates, this happiness thermostat is one that
is programmed through our thoughts and intentions, this can additionally be programmed through our
inherent strengths and virtue. (Seaward, 2015).

Journal Writing:
Unit Five Journal Writing Assignment
Take some time to write about whatever came up for you mentally, emotionally and physically when
doing this practice for the first time.


Mentally, I was able to let go of yesterday. Yesterday, I was unable to keep the planned
organized day, I had laid out. A limited amount of my original plans, seemed to have surfaced.
Nevertheless, after the mindful self- inquiry for stress and anxiety. I have moved on to the next
moment. I left yesterday, realizing, there was nothing more I could do. I mentally prepared myself to
relax and complete my homework, which ironically, was a stress and anxiety relieving session which
had been needed.
Physically, I felt less tension, through my body, as I completed the body scan. As I focused on
each area of my body, it became more relaxed. I felt neutral, as if everything was slowly pausing.
When I first began the mindfulness practice, pain was felt in my chest, along with lots of tightness. I
am very pleased with the effects from this mindfulness practice session. The bloating in my abdomen
dissipated, as I continued to relax, while inhaling and exhaling.
I truly loved how I felt emotionally, I held onto inner peace, I began to feel elated, and free
from it all. I felt myself smiling and feeling rejoiced in knowing, I could look forward to a new
brighter day. I am connected, and wholeness is upon me. The peace of mind, I have obtained and
allowed to saturate my soul and spirit, were first found in church in 2009. I relied on scripture and
trusting and believing in a power that is greater than me to be anxious for nothing. My current values
and behaviors along with mindfulness, will be concrete to my continued existence.



The Mindful Self-Inquiry for Stress and Anxiety was a new found experience. I understand the
development of the mindfulness series weve gone through. Learning the body scan, understanding
mind traps, relating to the breathing, inhaling and exhaling, while focusing on the abdomen, brought
total peace to my inner body, spirit and mind.
When I look over past experiences, and how I handled them, I can say that, had I known the
effects of mindfulness meditation, my anxiety and stress levels would have been minimized. Although
the placebo effect has been used to remedy my stress and anxiety, it is vital to our well-being to
cultivate inner resilience in dealing with stressors, pain and illness (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010).
Routine coping strategies can be ineffective, therefore employing new coping techniques are
crucial. Learning coping responses, defined as positive skills in dealing with stress. Effective coping
strategies involve four basic components, of increased awareness, information processing, modified
behaviors and finally, peaceful resolution. Our attitudes, play a determining key factor to our
responses to perceived stress. Over the years, I have come to be more assertive. I once was concerned
about others feelings to my rejections and was quite passive, but now being assertive, frees my mind
and I can be proactively diplomatic, without increased anxiety (Seward, B. 2015).
According to Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being, humor
has two fundamental aspects. Ive discovered myself being capable of absorbing humor like a sponge,
or allowing myself to internalize my perception cognitively, being left happy. This behavioral
response gave me feelings of happiness, with complete joy and a big smile upon my inner self.


Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing,


Meditation, and Mental Imagery

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Imagery and visualization can be used for relaxation in numerous ways. When we
use tranquil natural scenes, it allows us to escape to a place where only peaceful existence occurs. We
imagine we are in a place free from disturbance, allowing our minds to relax and recreate the scene.
Visualization, when then bring us to homeostasis (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: The mystical side of spirituality is often neglected in many discussions of
psychology and theology. However the understanding and appreciation of the divine aspect in which
each of us are connected is an equally important pillar (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are common themes that run through numerous paths that provide insight into
the mystery of human spirit. Such themes are described as four processes, those processes are
centering, emptying, grounding, and connecting, collectively they connect the growth of human spirit
(Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Developing self -awareness and effective coping strategies when managing stress
on an individual basis. Diaphragmatic breathing is an effective relaxation
technique when the emphasis of breathing is centered in the lower abdomen as
oppose to the thoracic cavity. Belly breathing exercise will decrease resting heart
beat and anxiety in addition to relieving stress overload, and a decrease in muscle
tension. (Seward, B. 2015).


It is important to assume a comfortable position when using belly breathing

exercises. This can be done sitting or lying down, but with ongoing practice, can
be utilized for any circumstance. A quiet place with minimal disturbance while
eyes are closed, focusing on our breathing, allowing a cleansing of the mind and
body (Seward, 2015).
Meditation brings calmness to our minds, allowing each of us to come back to a
calming state of homeostasis. We are able to have new perspectives and discover
ways to deal with varying situations or circumstances. Meditation has been
researched and reported in the American Heart Association Journal to improve
rates of leading epidemic diseases, this is known as transcendental meditation.
This technique is used for self -healing in an effort the repair and maintain
homeostasis (American Heart Association 2012).
The use of Exclusive Meditation, which allows complete concentration to a
mantra as Om, will help expand self-awareness and positively promote relaxation.
A calming effect enters the body and represents, truth, love, and peace.
Repetition of Exclusive Meditation, helps to clear all thoughts from our conscious
mind. Zen Meditation, has been used to enlighten us, we must slow down the
mind and be in a hurry for nothing. Coming to an understanding there are no
right or wrong answers, when we detach the obvious and rely on intellectual
thought. The ultimate purpose of a koan, or the mind asking itself an
unanswerable question, in Zen Meditation to direct the footpath of learning,
questioning and acquire ones intentions in life(Seward, 2015).
Physical calmness can be obtained from mental imagery and visualization, when
there is an increased concentration in addition to an expanded awareness of
consciousness of a particular scene which has been constructed in the minds eye.
Peaceful scenery promote relaxation, allowing us to remove cluttered
atmosphere, with more pleasurable ones, that have been extracted from the
depths of our imagination. Water has a profound effect to promoting calmness
and bring calmness to each of us. Lastly, systematic desensitization created by
Wolphe, has been used to influence behavior changes in a style of cognitive
restructuring. The imagination is used to overcome anxiety related to a distinct
situation by establishing a tolerance to the stressor through progressive exposure
(Seward, 2015).


Journal Writing:
Mindful of how you interact with yourself?
I rarely send unkind messages to myself. However, I have found myself, saying that was
dumb, or that was foolish, nonetheless, I have come to realize, it has been a learning process and to
move past it, because there isnt anything that can be done about the circumstance. As I reflect on
those instances, I can recall my stomach feeling nervous or I get angry at myself. I now can easily
yield those feeling by relaxing my mind in addition to showing love, kindness and compassion for
Seeds of suffering?
Watering the seeds of our own suffering, allows the suffering to continue to grow endlessly.
Having compassion for myself, and forgiveness is the best antidote. I realize that it has been fear and
a lack of knowledge or understanding, is what has taken me to that dreadful place. I can forgive
others, in order to have closure, for that reason, I must forgive myself. The heart is softened and
calmness, will intercede and conquer all doubt, accepting that I am human and can make mistakes.
Day-to-day life feelings of resentment?


When I take the time to reflect on those who have come into my life and projected seemingly
unkind behavior, I have to take a moment to breathe and bring calmness to my mind and body.
Remove the anxiety and anger that is boiling inside of me, realizing, they are attempting to steal my
joy. If those feelings go unattended, the end result could be directed at the wrong person. I have
learned to distance myself away from the challenges of unwarranted behaviors and negativity. We
cant allow bitterness, animosity nor resentment to be displayed. I have also learned to confront the
situations and try to acknowledge, that we should be able to agree to disagree and move on. If
someone continues to be combative, then it is certainly time to remove ones self from that annoying
and detrimental situation or occurrence. Using innocuous remarks, could assist with bringing
calmness to it all.
Reflection on writing?
I have always regarded myself, as loving, kind, patient, and compassionate. Often times,
people will take your kindness for weakness or they will accept, acknowledge and welcome the
warmth of your inward smile and beauty. I try to find the good in everyone, and realize that, I cant
permit myself to analyze or judge anyone. Only to offer love and support. For many years, I didnt
know how to love myself, but displayed tons of love and forgiveness for everyone, who has hurt me
and left me with feelings of stress, anxiety, and pain. I have in recent years acknowledged my past,
and understand, how I have gotten to this present moment (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010).
It has often been said, misery loves company, when we give into conflict, it will harden our
hearts, and we lose all eternal joy immediately, and began to show resentment or dissatisfaction,
which often times can escalate the situation. With that said, it is essential to forgive, and let loving
kindness pour out of your heart. This sort of effort, may prompt those who are challenging us, to
reflect on their actions and offer forgiveness.


As a result of the mind-body connection being so strong, it is vital to practice relaxation


techniques, which provide physical calmness in addition to a calm mental state. We then have greater
self-awareness and can begin to utilize coping techniques (Seward, B. 2015). Such coping techniques,
calm the mind and allow us to withdraw from hatefulness and harboring of ill feeling.

Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: It has been recommended to maintain a low fat diet, which stimulates the immune
system, when our diets are consisting of high fat foods, there is an increase in illness, which can have
a long term detrimental effect on optimal health and longevity, according to Elizabeth Sommer
(Seward 2015).
Key Learning Point: Caffeine can be described a stimulant that arouses the sympathetic nervous system,
it is quickly absorbed in the blood stream delivered to all parts of the body, with immediate effects to
the brain. In addition to a loss of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Methylated xanthine is
the substance found in caffeine that triggers the effect. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Nutrition has been identified as having aspects of strong spiritual and energy
components. According to eastern culture energy centers are known as chakras, which run from the
top of ones head to the base of the spine. There are seven energy centers and are related to color. The


Ayurvedic principles from India advocate fruit and vegetables eaten by people have a close similarity
to color of the energy center (Seward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The formal practice of sitting meditation, begins with focusing on breathing,
which expands to physical sensation, degree of sound, thoughts and emotions,
and eventually to choice less awareness, commonly known as present moment
awareness. While practicing formal sitting meditation it allowed me to observe
the events of the day, without permanence. I attempted to let all emotions be,
without analysis, I realized I should be in the present moment. However there
was a continued shifting of emotions, thoughts and feeling that wanted to analyze
the days course of events. My beginners mind, allowed me to realizing, there is
something different that I can do to achieve inner peace, wen there is no
judgement. (Seaward, 2015).
Throughout this practice, I was able to give all thoughts and emotions the space
needed to transform and diminish quickly. I was able to process and move from
one thought to the next, while meditating. This practice taught me that my
thoughts are not factual events, and they do not define who we are. I clearly
understood, clearing our minds from our own self-limiting constructions, allows
us to obtain a deeper sense of freedom and peace. I was able to sleep with peace
(Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E. 2010).
Throughout my experience of the meditation practice, there were moments of
monkey mind, where everything is out of control, but fortunately, I have been
successful in slowing the mind down, with relaxed breathing and feeling as if I am
in complete control of my body. I realize mindfulness, is an insight meditation,
bringing full attention to my body and mind without allowing the option to
analyze or make judgement. It is simply to let emotion come and go and bring full
equanimity, which fosters balance and wisdom, while further allowing the mind
and body to be with change with greater insight and compassion (Stahl, and
Goldstein 2010).


Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Hatha Yoga most concrete meaning emphasizes the balance of the mind, body and
spirit. Yoga practice creates numerous levels of inner peace. Hatha Yoga places emphasis on physical
posture, which is integrated with pranayama or simply breathing control. The word hatha is derived
from two Sanskrit words, ha, represent the sun and that represents the moon (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Tai Chi is a relaxation technique with origins of the Chinese, it is a succession of
movements to assist in bringing the body to harmony with the universal energy (Chi) which is a
moving meditation. There is a profound expression of tranquility. Tai Chi can be utilized to help us to
remain calm and centered against, our greatest opposition of stressors. It brings us harmony and can
be relied upon for conscious relaxation and the ability to move in balance and harmony with our
environment (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There has been an over whelming conclusion that the effects of physical activity is
necessary to maintain proper functions of major psychological systems. Extensive research has been
conducted as a result of coronary heart disease, which is the number one cause of death among
Americans, further creating additional health risk (Seaward, 2015).

Self-Assessment Exercises:
Creating a workplace wellness center that includes mind body practices and
physical exercise and nutrition, would remain beneficial to the employees and the
organization. Such programs would bring awareness to numerous health
concerns and issues that have gained exponential media exposure of the
prevalence of obesity and stressors impacting citizens of the United States.
Implementing such a program would require evidence based data and employing
certified trainers and instructors.


The development of a culture of health would allow employees and senior

leadership to be engaged in workplace wellness, such a program would reduce
expenditures affecting organizations, such absenteeism health care cost, and
gains would be seen in worker productivity (CDC 2013). I find it very important to
initially begin with surveys, to gain interest and be aware of what employees are
seeking for quality of life.
Providing the organization with beneficial disease management programs, such
as nutrition and cooking seminars, in addition to Yoga, Tai Chi, Mindfulness
Meditation, and the four components of fitness will have lasting positive effects of
the workforce. According to Walking Spree, for every $3 employers spend for
workplace wellness, there is reap in benefits of $15. Programs can be designed to
have minimal cost to employees. Examples of successful workplace wellness
programs have been reported by the city of Fort Worth Texas and The American
State Bank located in Lubbock, Texas (CDC 2010).
Offering of such practices of Tai Chi and Yoga can have beneficial effects of bring
harmony to the mind, body and soul. Relaxation techniques have been practiced
in Chinese Medicine for hundreds of years. This practice reveals profound
expressions of tranquility and homeostasis. Mindfulness practices are being
prescribed by physicians to help reduce symptoms of stress, pain, and illness
(Seward, 2015).
My partner suggested massage therapy, executing a reward incentive program as
a way to continually keep the organization engaged in wellness benefits. In
addition to prior mentioned benefits, there will be significant boosting of office
moral and harmony in the workplace. The success of workplace wellness, will
require inputs of coordinated and comprehensive strategies that are designed to
meet the health and safety of our employees.

Journal Writing:
Unit Eight Journal Writing Assignment
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: Explore: Creating Connection. Directions are found on
pages 161 through 163 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of this Assignment, practice
developing these qualities in building stronger and healthier relationships.
This should be a minimum of one full page.


When I think of openness, I allow the person to provide their perspective, without judging, but
accepting there explanations. Then I ask respectively, is it ok to give my opinion, without this turning
into an argument. If they can see my point of view, as my own and accepting it, then we have made
progress. I have already decided, to accept their position, and if need be, we will continue on, and
agree to disagree and move to the next topic of discussion.
Providing empathy has been the center of my world for the past week. My brother who is
disabled lost his wife, which left my niece who is 29 the responsible care giver for their family. I cant
imagine, what my niece, nephew and brother are experiencing. However, I want them each to know,
that, when they hurt, I hurt. However, I am there to assist with guidance, nurturing and any other
responsibilities, they may need help with. Although, I have my own circumstances, I cannot and will
not allow them to do this without me.
Loving-kindness comes from the heart. This occurs when genuine concern arises. Having just
one child, I always want to protect him from all dangers and adversities. My heart flourishes with love
and understanding, and my only hope is for fear and harm to diminish.
Sympathetic Joy


When I think of sympathetic joy, I realize joy is something no one should take from another.
Through numerous hardships, we must continue to have joy in our hearts, because the joy I have
inside of me, no one can destroy. Remain uplifted, realizing joy comes every morning we awake.
I pictured my mom, we didnt bond, the way I would have liked. I have since accepted that my
parents were never given a book on how to raise children, therefore, I have accepted my childhood
and moved on. When I see my mothers face I can perceive that she is seeking loving-kindness,
empathy, wants to retain a bit of sympathetic joy. It is up to me to continue to seek openness and share
love from my heart.
Interpersonal Mindfulness is bringing nonjudgmental present awareness to our interaction with other
individual. The way we perceive other individuals has been said to have developed based on parent
and child attachments. If there were strong attachments to our parents, there is a state of resonance
that helps build regulatory circuits in the brain, which aid in the childs resilience and capability to
engage and join in meaningful, empathetic relationships as we grow. It is important to have a bonding
or attachment, because attachment causes structural changes in the brain during the first two
formative years of life (Stahl, B. and Goldestein, E. 2010). I would imagine based on my interactions,
to be passive and avoid conflict, I had a since of stability and security formed as a child.



Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for

Management and Prevention to your
Professional Life
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Hobbies have been identified as a coping strategy to escape from sensory overload,
which may produce or perpetuate the stress response. Such diversions, provide the conscious mind
with a change of venue so to speak, which promotes a clear and positive thinking path. This will
allow us to deal with stressors in a different way, upon their reoccurrence (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Social Orchestration has been identified as a positive coping style designed with the
intent to minimize stress by continuing along a path of least resistance, but careful not to avoid. We
are able to analyze problems, create a series of feasible alternatives, then electing the best viable
option to feelings and perceptions of stress (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: We have learned through exposure, there are numerous coping strategies and
relaxation techniques. With exposure we able to determine those that are most appropriate and will
ensure the most positive effects. When determining the most effective stress management program,
we should make a habit of spending quality time with ourselves to get to know our minds and bodies.
We should further make it a habit to read into our emotional barometer, practice the art of
unconditional love, be nurturing to our creativity skills, balance each component of well- being and
allow time to nurture them and finally and be more like a child(Seaward, 2015).


Additional Information
There are components of wellness which include physical, social, intellectual, emotional and spiritual
wellness. Each of these components can be paired with mindfulness. For example, intellectual
wellness depict arousal and creative mental activity, in addition to emotional wellness, which is the
ability to accept and deal effectively with stressful situations (Thygerson, A, and Thygerson, S. 2013.)
I choose to include this information, because I believe it is vital to have an understanding of the
components of wellness.
Stress at the workplace is unfortunately unavoidable, primarily due to the demands of the
contemporary work environment. Work related stress can be described as the response employees
may encounter when presented with demands and pressures that are not parallel to current knowledge
and abilities, further challenging ones ability to cope (World Health Organization 2007). I elected to
include the brief of information, to inform employers of the stress that may occur with challenges to
employees. Having knowledge that stress is in the workplace, will allow insight for the need of
relaxation techniques being offered in the workplace.
Self- care has been said to be the best possible medical care, because you are then able to make a
physical or mental effort of having control over your personal well-being and overall balance. Being
openly aware of imbalances in our life, as well as recognizing unconscious habitual tendencies, we
can make new choices that encourage well-being (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E.). When we are mindful
of the barriers in our lives, we can make choices to overcome, such challenges.
Reframing has been described as revisiting and reconstruction of a patients point of view of an
experience or circumstance and to inspire with a new positive quality of meaning in the conscious
mind. During the reframing in intractable conflicts, when the patient has a clear understanding of the
underlying source of the dispute or conflict in terms of interest and needs, it becomes increasingly
possible to start thinking in terms of creative solutions (Beyond Intractability 2003). This is known as
cognitive restructuring, therefore we must be aware that it is not the circumstances that tend to create
stressors, but perception. We when are aware of reframing, we will make sound judgement and
utilizing coping techniques.
Relying on mindfulness steps to reduce chronic pain, could be reduced by utilizing the investigation
process. This process gives us the ability to sense tension and where we are transferring the pain. If
we are not conscious of where the pain is, we could cause additional stressors (Stahl, B. and
Goldstein, E. 2010). Allowing ourselves to be mindful, is an excellent relaxation technique to stress
reduction. I found this technique most useful, during my practice.
When practicing mindfulness, we are able to watch the storms brewing of fear, anxiety, and other
emotions and provide the space needed to transform and diminish in intensity. We then come to see
them as transient mental phenomena and realize we are not our thoughts (Stahl, B. and Goldstein, E.



CDC's Lean Works - A Workplace Obesity Prevention Program. (2010, April 8). Retrieved September 28,
2014, from

Reframing. (November 2003). Setting the stage for reframing. Retrieved May 21 from
Depression. (2015, March 25). Retrieved April 6, 2015 from
Making a Business Case. (2013). Retrieved May 16, 2015 from
Meditation may reduce death, heart attack and stroke in heart patients (2012). Retrieved May 3, 2015,
Reasoner, R. (2010). Retrieved April 16, 2015 from
Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (8th Ed.).
Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Thygeron, A. and Thygerson, S. (2013). Fit to be -Well: Essential Concepts. Burlington, MA: Jones
& Bartlett Learning.
Walking spree (2015) Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
World Health Organization (2007). Retrieved May 20, 2015 from



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