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Your guide to summer


Officials try to offset

tuition increases

Volleyball preview
and depth chart

MONDAY, AUG. 22, 2016 | VOLUME 132 ISSUE 02



KU prepares for guns on campus


10,886 students and faculty

were surveyed about their
opinions on conceal and carry
laws on campus. Source:
Kansas Board of Regents
Employee Gun Survey and
Kansas Board of Regents
Student Advisory Commitee
Gun Survey.


onday marks not

only the beginning of a new semester, but also the start of
the Universitys last year as
a gun-free campus.
Starting July 1, 2017,
anyone 21 years or older
will be able to conceal and
carry a handgun on campus, as a result of an expiring exemption on a 2013
law passed by the Kansas
state legislature.
Concealed carry will be
allowed within any campus
building unless the building
is equipped with adequate
security measures, including metal detectors and security guards.
The Board of Regents
has required universities to
form individual implementation committees to decide
how the law will be implemented and enforced on
their respective campuses.
The committees must
decide which buildings
would be restricted, how
the changes would be communicated to students and
On July 28, the committee for the University
submitted its recommendations to Provost Neeli
Bendapudi, according to
Student Body President
Stephonn Alcorn, who
served on the committee.
Bendapudi will review



Do not want concealed

handguns on campus


on cost)


Would be okay with

additional security fees
from KU

Alex Robinson/KANSAN
Summer 2017 may see guns on campus due to new state legislation.

the proposal, which will

then go to Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little by Sept.
1. Gray-Little will also review the proposal and send
it to the Board of Regents
by October, Joe Monaco,

director strategic communications for the University,

The committee represents the Lawrence, Edwards and Yoder campuses
of the University (the med-

ical center has its own committee), and in addition to

specific provisions, has recommended that the implementation process began in
January of 2017 to ensure
the University is prepared

for the July 1 expiration.

As the proposal is still a
work in progress, its specific provisions are not public

61% 58%
Would let concealed carry
affect their decision to attend
or work at KU


Student Senate leaders

discuss outlook for year

Lara Korte/KANSAN
Residents of HERE apartments finally got into their building Friday afternoon. The move-in date had been delayed
for over 10 days as the luxury complex struggled to be approved for an occupancy permit from the city.

After several delays,

many HERE apartments
residents able to move in

Residents of the HERE

apartments complex finally began moving into their
units Friday, after ongoing
construction delayed movein three times and put some
in hotel rooms for up to 10

After initially being delayed from Aug. 7 to Aug.

17, move-in was postponed
for another day after the
complex did not receive
its certificate of occupancy
from the city, according to
HERE emails obtained by
the Kansan.
Early Thursday morning, residents received yet

another email saying movein had again been pushed

back, and many residents
arrived at the Oread Hotel
on Thursday to the news of
another delay.
Jon Beckloff, a senior
from Leawood, said the
delay had been a bit of an

After a tumultuous year

in Student Senate, which
charges for the top three
officials and a heated student fee review process,
new student body president Stephonn Alcorn
and student body vice
president Gabby Naylor
are looking to change the
perception of student government.
Part of changing the
culture surrounding Student Senate begins with
community outreach and
Alcorn said.
From the onset, even
back during our campaign,
we were very proactive in
how we approached different communities and
situations a lot differently
than whats been done before, he said. We visited
every single multicultural or student group that
would allow us to come by,
and sought to create those
windows of communication and rebuild bridges.
Alcorn said he got involved in student government with the goal of using

his position to give back to

the University.
I wanted to leave KU
a better place than I found
it, he said. Also, Ive been
pretty fortunate to have a
lot of opportunities here
at KU, and I wanted to use
my leadership skills to give
back to the University and
make sure future students
have just as many opportunities as Ive had, if not
For Naylor, her involvement in student government began when she
realized she wanted to be
involved in multiple areas
of the University community.
I got involved because I knew I wanted to
be involved with different
things across campus. I
didnt want to just pin myself in one place. I knew
that I could make a big impact on this campus. I really believe that anywhere
you are, you should leave
something better than you
found it, she said.
As a student governing
organization, Naylor said
it is essential for Student
Senate to listen to every
student voice, especially
those students who feel

What we do is we represent the student body,
and you cant do that without listening to the student
body and making sure that
every single voice on this
campus is heard and understood. Sometimes you
have to reach out to those
voices, they dont just
come to you, she said.
Alcorn said a particular
emphasis for Student Senate this year will be incorporating members of the
multicultural community
into Senate itself, as well
as legislation which will
hopefully be passed in the
first Senate meeting of the
There are multicultural Senate seats, but that
isnt enough. We need to
get as much representation and allow room for
more representation within Student Senate from
those communities, he
said. Id also like to see
more non-traditional students involved with Student Senate as well.
One area of uncertainty
in the upcoming academic



Candice Tarver
Managing editor
Maddy Mikinski
Digital operations editor
Matt Clough

Business manager
Gage Brock
Sales manager
Becca Blackburn

News editor
Lara Korte
Associate news editor
Conner Mitchell
Sports editor
Christian Hardy
Associate sports editor
Skylar Rolstad
Arts & culture editor
Ryan Wright
Associate arts
& culture editor
Samantha Sexton
Opinion editor
Jesse Burbank
Visuals editor
& design chief
Roxy Townsend
Chief photographer
Missy Minear
Copy chief
Brendan Dzwierzynski

Chief financial officer

Jon Schlitt
Editorial adviser
Gerri Berendzen

The University Daily Kansan is the

student newspaper of the University of
Kansas. The first copy is paid through
the student activity fee. Additional
copies of The Kansan are 50 cents.
Subscriptions can be purchased at the
Kansan business office, 2051A Dole
Human Development Center, 1000
Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS.,
The University Daily Kansan (ISSN
0746-4967) is published on
Mondays and Thursdays during
the academic year except fall
break, spring break and exams. It is
published weekly during the summer
session excluding holidays. Annual
subscriptions by mail are $250 plus
tax. Send address changes to The
University Daily Kansan, 2051A Dole
Human Development Center, 1000
Sunnyside Avenue.

yet, but Alcorn shared some
of the conversations that
have been included in the
committees work, including funding sources, security measures, policies and
I think the primary goal
that we stressed was safety
across the board, he said.
As one of two students
on the board, Alcorn said he
tried to represent student
voices as much as possible,
but said he struggled with
doing so, given that student
opinion was so strongly
against allowing concealed
carry on campus.
Last year, we administered a survey to students
Regents-wide about their
opinions and preferences
about concealed carry on
campus and overwhelmingly, the answer was that
students did not want guns
on campus, he said. Now
it became, while still representing what KU students and students across
the state said, now how do
we make sure that student
safety comes first?
Alcorn said the proposal
tries to account for student
safety by creating secured
zones where safety would
be a large concern, such as
at sporting events or buildings in which certain research is being done.
In trying to implement
safety measures, however,
Alcorn said funding has
become another concern.
The required equipment
and personnel required to
secure a building under the
law do not come cheaply.
Its almost as if we were

inconvenience, but HERE
was very accommodating.
Theyve been doing
what they can, Beckloff
said in a crowded Oread
Lobby. I was hopeful about
moving in on Thursday, but
when I saw the buildings I
figured there was no way.
Residents and family
that arrived at the Oread
on Thursday were provided
complimentary services including; open food services
tab, a reserved lounge ballroom and valet car service,

being tasked to pay for safety, he said. So I really focused on making sure that
students dont have to pay
for their safety. That was
definitely difficult having to
work through.
One of the committees
proposals was that any department or unit that wanted to secure their building
would have pay for it themselves, rather than drawing
that funding from the University or the state, Alcorn

One of the things

we were trying
to do is set up an
awareness that
we do still care
about peoples
Michael Williams
2015-16 University
Senate President

Senate President Michael
Williams co-chaired the
division of the committee
that addressed communications, campus locations and
legal issues (all of which
were separate from the policy decisions).
The main thing that
was really the most critical
was the communication
stuff. The second and third
things were locked up with
the Universitys rules and
the state law, Williams
provided specific recommendations for using social
media and other forms of
communication to provide
current and future students

according to a HERE email.

HERE was able to obtain
a temporary certificate of
occupancy from the city later Thursday evening, allowing residents with units on
the first six floors to finally
move in the next day. Those
living in the penthouses
on the seventh and eighth
floors had to wait until Sunday, City Communications
Director Megan Gilliland
We didnt issue the
temporary certificate of occupancy until Thursday because there were still issues
of safety that needed to be

with information about the

law change, resources and
even problematic situations
once the law goes into effect.
One of the things we
were trying to do is set up
an awareness that we do
still care about peoples
safety, he said. Were trying to do that in the framework of what the state law
Texas recently enacted
a similar law in which state
universities were required
to allow concealed carry on
their campuses.
The implementation of
these types of laws can have
a large impact on how students feel about their safety, said Kevin Helgren, the
student body president at
the University of Texas in
Texas law allowing concealed carry on campus,
which they call campus
carry, went into effect Aug.
Helgren, who served on
UTs implementation task
force, spoke to the Kansan
shortly after the law went
into effect and he said he
felt just as safe on campus
after Aug. 1 as hed felt before, even though he is
opposed to campus carry
The silver lining to it
was that if campus carry
has to be implemented, I
find an immense amount of
assurance in knowing that
my voice was heard and
accounted for as much as
possible, he said. I dont
believe that campus carry
will manifest itself in concrete daily changes in our
daily lives here.
UTs plan creates gun

taken care of. Once those

were addressed, we were
able to issue the certificate,
Gilliland said. On Thursday they were still working
on things like fire-suppression measures, emergency
access and some general
electrical issues.
Gilliland noted that the
temporary certificate was
issued with deadlines for
other ongoing projects. A
city document with the conditions for a full certificate
of occupancy listed deadlines including; Aug. 23,
Sept. 1 and Oct. 3.


Missy Minear/KANSAN
Members from Kansas Coalition for a Gun Free Campus, gather on
Wescoe Beach.

exclusion zones in buildings like the student center, Helgren said. It also
allows faculty members in
single-occupancy offices to
give oral notice prohibiting
Helgren said he wished
the plan would have been a
little more exclusive by prohibiting guns in large lecture halls or the communal
living areas of dorms, but
he knows that the plan was
unlikely to satisfy all the
Although the two laws
bear similarities, Texas and
Kansas are not exactly in
the same situation, because
of their state concealed carry laws.
Unlike Texas, Kansas

doesnt require training

or a license to conceal a
weapon. Texas also allows
their universities to exclude
buildings from campus carry without Kansas strict security requirements.
Overall, Alcorn said he
was happy with the process
the University committee
went through and hopes the
implementation of the conceal and carry law will still
allow students to feel safe
on campus.
I think there will be a
lot of preparation for this
to happen and I just want
students to know that their
safety is the primary thing,
he said.

Lara Korte/KANSAN
Residents of HERE apartments finally got into their building Friday
afternoon. The move-in date had been delayed for over 10 days as the
luxury complex struggled to be approved for an occupancy permit from the


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Online Classes
File Photo/KANSAN
Gabby Naylor and Stephonn Alcorn celebrate after last years election.

year centers on the relationship between Student
Senate and members of the
Multicultural Student Government, which was vetoed
by Chancellor Bernadette
Gray-Little in May.
Following the chancellors decision and the chancellors veto, we reached
out and have tried to meet
with them multiple times,
and we havent heard back.
We havent stopped try-

ing to focus on those same

issues, and there are definitely common goals we
had, Naylor said. We kept
those in mind all summer,
and with the legislation that
well be passing in the next
few weeks, we hope it is
something they are willing
to work with us on.
The first Student Senate
committee meetings of the
2016-17 school year will
take place Aug. 31, and the
first Full Senate meeting
will take place in Alderson
Auditorium Sep. 7.

Explore the expanded list of JCCC
online classes for a custom fit to
your KU on-campus schedule.
Lifelong Learning



University tries to minimize effects of tuition increases


Incoming freshmen are

seeing a five to six percent
increase in their tuition this
year, thanks to state budget
cuts. However, offices like
University Endowment and
the Kansas Board of Regents
are trying to decrease the effect of the cuts, both now and
in the future.
In May, the office of Governor Sam Brownback announced that the revenue
from fiscal year 2016, which
ended in June, was not as
high as the planned expenses. As a result, the budgets
of all state universities in
Kansas were cut, said Breeze
Richardson, the communications director for the Kansas
Board of Regents.
Originally, incoming instate undergraduates who
chose standard tuition (as
opposed to the fixed, fouryear rate) were supposed
to see a 4 percent increase.
However, after the allotments were announced by
the governors office, the
University amended their
proposal to a 5 percent increase for the same group.
When she spoke with the
Kansan in the first week of
August, Richardson said new
strategies for communicating
with the state government
would be discussed at the
boards annual retreat, which
took place on Aug. 9-11. She
said the board, along with
administrators from every
university, would brainstorm
new ways to better communicate universities need for
funding and the way they can
benefit the state as a whole.
The increased tuition

proposal would generate,

in total, about $9.1 million,
according to KUs revised
proposal. About $5 million
of that would go towards retaining outstanding faculty
and staff through merit pay.
Another $2 million would
support the Universitys efforts to expand their online
course offerings and systems, while $1 million would
be allocated to the business
school to continue improving
their programs.

Were not just

dividing up the
pie, were trying
to make the pie
Neeli Bendapudi

Provost Neeli Bendapudi said the tuition advisory

committee, which is made
up of staff, faculty and students from many different
levels and disciplines, looked
at a lot of numbers and facts
when making the decision
of where to allocate those
Were trying to take [the
increase] very seriously and
make these changes based on
facts and evidence, she said.
For example, Bendapudi
said retention of staff and
faculty was a big focus because the Universitys faculty hadnt seen a real raise in
several years and the committee was worried about
losing those staff members
to other schools. Committee
members also saw that there
were staff members making
under $30,000 a year and

wanted to remedy that.

Bendapudi said University administrators are not just
focused on allocating revenue, but theyre looking at
the budget more holistically.
We are really trying to do
everything we can to look at
our operations and resources, she said Were not just
dividing up the pie, were trying to make the pie bigger.
One of the Universitys
affiliates is also working to
help contribute funds to the
Universitys operations and
help offset the cost of tuition
for students. Endowment recently announced that they
have raised $1.6 billion since
2008 as part of their Far
Above campaign.
About a third of that total
has gone to students, whether in the form of undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships or student
awards, said Michelle Tevis,
the senior editor of Endowments Media Relations department. The rest is split up
between programs, faculty
and facilities, but students
have the majority with $523
Tevis said that fundraising is all donor-driven, as
each individual donor decides how their money will
be spent. The funds marked
for students could be for program-specific scholarships,
need-based programs or general scholarships, depending
on the donors wishes.
Our donors are keenly
aware of students needs and
care want to make an education affordable at KU, she
said, adding that many donors are alumni themselves.




KU Med










KU Med

KU Med







*includes full-time tuition
and required fees

File Photo/KANSAN


Text your #FFA

submissions to


Liston: Lawrence Police Department sets

good example in improving race relations

FFA of the Day: Pro

Tip: Tennessee and
Kentucky are one-way
Harambe lives on in
all of us
Anschutz got
headphones from this
century! #blessed
Crazy Trump tweets
help get me through
the day. Bad! Sad!
At least the business
school is done
dang I hope they got
those ghosts out of
Lindley. im broke after
those 4 exorcisms I
had to have last year.
dont tell the freshmen
about the panda

Illustration by Jacob Benson

wheres the snow hall

Some rockin Dad
bods last week during
move in
Jayhawks jaywalk

finally moving in
Football: this is our
bring back the soulja
boy dance
what if we just didnt
elect a president this
year? everyone just
promise to be good
for four years


ver the past few

logged onto Twitter and too often seen
hashtags with the names
of black people who have
been shot and/or killed by

KU has been feeling

the Bern since BGL
became chancellor
paper or plastic? both

chicken strips at Es?



Khatib said many of the

Campaign Zero proposals
were reasonable and ought
to be considered by the department.
By acknowledging the
Black Lives Matter movement and the problem
of racial profiling by law
enforcement, Khatib has
opened up a path for meaningful change and open discussion of these issues.
Additionally, the Lawrence Police Department
has been working toward
improving issues between
minorities and law enforcement for years. For example, the department created
a Citizens Advisory Board

for Fair and Impartial Policing in 2006 to assess and

seek out potential solutions
for racial profiling and bias
within the local police department.
across the country could
benefit from following the
example set by the Lawrence Police Department in
handling tensions between
minorities and law enforcement.
Engaging the community in conversation, admitting there are problems
in policing and working to
solve those problems are
all keys to successfully improving relations between

minority communities and

law enforcement.
From July 2015 to June
2016, there were only two
complaints of racial profiling filed against the Lawrence Police Department,
one of which was dismissed
after further investigation.
Hopefully, the actions taken by the Lawrence Police
Department will continue to lower the number of
complaints and incidences
of racial profiling and inspire other police departments to follow suit.
Ryan Liston is a sophomore from Lawrence
studying journalism

Foster: Consider passion when choosing

your academic path, not just finances


daisy hills new stoop

cant beat the true

law enforcement. The rise

of social media has brought
greater attention to issues
of racial profiling and targeting by law enforcement,
and is also ushering in a
higher standard of accountability for those law enforcement officials.
Recently, the Lawrence
Police Department decided to work with the Black
Lives Matter movement in
addressing and alleviating
issues of racial profiling on
the local level. In a report
last Tuesday, Police Chief
Tarik Khatib addressed
Campaign Zero, an initiative created by the Black
Lives Matter movement.


How do you want to

change the world? For
many students, the answer
lies within a hospital or
courtroom. They dream of
winning a landmark case
that takes America in a new
direction or of developing
a cure for some unbeatable
disease. The University of
Kansas is merely a stepping
stone for them, a rung on

the ladder to success, a box

to check. They have spent
so long dreaming of one
specific career, they fail to
see other, more fitting paths
to reaching their goals.
As a Peer Advisor in the
Center, I saw freshmen
an uncompromising idea
of what they want to
accomplish here. In their
fervor to get into a good
school, they tend to stick to
conventional majors that
often do not correspond to
their real interests because
they (wrongly) think thats
what graduate schools
In a failure to assess
and craft realistic goals,
themselves the opportunity

to learn more about their

capabilities and what the
University can offer them.
According to Academic
Advisor Paul Crosby, 661
freshmen list pre-medicine
as an interest. That number
drops by two thirds to
222 in the senior class.
This decline results from
students gradually realizing
medical school isnt the
right choice for them, but
that can take a while. In the
meantime, students lose
time to find the right fit in
major and career.
In 2015, The New
York Times reported that
for law students was a
Medical students have
even more debt, an average
$172,000 according to the


letters to Write
email subject line.
Length: 300 words

The submission should include the

authors name, year, major and
hometown. Find our full letter to the
editor policy online at

Association of American
Medical Colleges. Getting
an education at either
medical or law school
represents a staggering
commitment of time and
whetherlaw school is right
for them, pre-law advisor
Mattie Lee recommends
students Visit the Douglas
County Courthouse, sit in
on cases... work in areas
related to [your interest].
Students interested in
professional schools should
meet with the Career Center
as well as a pre-professional
advisor. Assess how much
youre willing to take out in
loans and learn about how
to change the world in a way
you can personalize to your
skills. Shadow professionals

Candice Tarver

Gage Brock
Business Manager

in your desired field. Do

all this as soon as possible
so you can take advantage
of each opportunity that
comes. Dont be afraid to
change your mind.
At the risk of sounding
clich, the path less traveled
can be just as prestigious
and rewarding as the
conventional, well-traveled
one. There are many ways
to change the world. Dont
sell yourself short and
assume you can only do so
at a $150,000 price tag.
Kaitlyn Foster is a
sophomore from Lawrence
studying political science

Members of the Kansan
Editorial Board are Candice
Tarver, Maddy Mikinski,
Gage Brock and Jesse

arts & culture



(March 21-April 19)
Theres plenty of work over
this next month under the
Virgo Sun. Youre in the
mood for powerful productivity; its especially profitable today and tomorrow.
(April 20-May 20)
Youre especially confident
today and tomorrow. Love,
fun and passion bubble up
for the next month, with the
Sun in Virgo. Get wildly
creative, and expect messes. Slow to avoid accidents
(May 21-June 20)
Rest and recuperate today
and tomorrow. If emotions
bubble up, release them.
Get into a month of domestic renewal, with the Sun in
(June 21-July 22)
Teamwork wins, today and
tomorrow. For the next
month, you learn quickly.
Write your discoveries.
Youre especially gifted with
words. Invest in home and
(July 23-Aug. 22)
Accept leadership over the
next two days in a whirl
of career revelations. An
unusual yet fascinating
option appears. Expand
your network.
(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Study or travel today and
tomorrow. Youre the star
this month, with the Sun in
your sign. Visit someone
who sparks your creativity.
(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Get practical with shared
finances today and tomorrow. Peacefulness fosters
productivity and creativity over the next month.
Organize and give away
unnecessary stuff.
(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Partnership makes a difference over the next two
days. Youre more involved
with friends, the public
and community activities
this month. Contribute to a
good cause.
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Profit from excellent service
over the next two days. A
career opportunity unfolds
over the next month, with
the Virgo Sun. Anticipate a
(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Youre especially lucky in
love today and tomorrow.
Listen for hidden elements
and secret revelations. Travel and study opportunities
abound this month with the
Virgo Sun.
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Grow your shared accounts
over the next month, with
the Sun in Virgo. Raise the
organization level. Collaborate with your partner.
Make household decisions
today and tomorrow.
(Feb. 19-March 20)
Take a leap of faith. Your
partnership flourishes over
the next month under the
Virgo Sun. Your communications flow with ease
today and tomorrow. Youre
especially persuasive.

Meet Kevin Lawrence from Blood Relative

Contributed Photo

Blood Relative sits at a table together. From left, percussionist Chris Luckey, lead singer, guitarist Kevin Lawrence and bassist Tyler Bachert.


evin Lawrence isnt

any ordinary guy
who plays in a local
band. His three-man indie
pop band, Blood Relative,
a band local to Lawrence, is
known for having one of its
tracks from its EP Sleeplessness featured in the
popular Showtime series
The song, Three Days
(On End), played in the
season two finale of Shameless and even Lawrence
thought this was something
bizarre for a small local
band from Lawrence getting a national recognition
by having their song played
in a popular show.
Its a pretty crazy feeling. I think it feels a little
different, especially since
I did it all at home, Lawrence, the bands lead singer, said.
worked with Joey Prather,
one of the founders of Blue
Scout Music, a music agency based in San Francisco,

to test and branch out his

music ability. Prather ended up adding Blood Relative to the agencys artist
About two years after
that [working with Prather], I am working for HyVee full-time, and I get a
phone call while Im at work
and he left me voicemail
saying okay, I need your
okay tonight because the
group of people from Showtime went through his Blue
Scout catalog and decided
to use my song, Lawrence
He gave his consent to
Prather without knowing
any financial parameters,
because he said he was excited that his bands song
would be on Showtime. At
that time, Lawrence didnt
know which show the song
would be on. It was later
he was notified that Three
Days would be on Shameless. The bands song is
listed on the shows official
second season soundtrack.
Blood Relative started
to gain international attention, with out-of-state

fans and some from other

countries as well. Lawrence
said he received emails and
letters from fans about their
love, concerns and updates
for his band. He feels humble about the creative works
he has published.

Its a pretty
crazy feeling. I
think it feels a
little different,
especially since
I did it all at
Kevin Lawrence
Blood Relative lead singer

From my perspective,
I created a song and I just
put it out there because I
want people to enjoy it. I
was surprised from emotional responses elicited. I
had somebody emailed me
say that theyve been pretty
violently depressed and discovering my song through
the show Shameless became a go-to song when
they needed to be cheered
up, Lawrence said.

He said he was surprised

with the emotional connections from his fans, because
he was stunned that what
he made for fun became
emotional healing for others.
The band has played at
local venues such as the Replay Lounge, Jackpot Music
Hall, the Granada and the
Bottleneck to engage with
its local fans and promote
its album.

focusing on the concept of

a breakup, and the bands
new album will be released
some time this winter.
Lawrence is currently a
full-time chef at Merchants
Pub and Plate as he continues to make music in his
off-time. He said cooking
is his favorite hobby next to
making music, but his passion is still with music and
he will continue work to become a better musician.

Lawrences former co-worker
and a fan of Blood Relative,
said he saw the band play at
the Replay Lounge.
His performance held
an energy where you could
feel his love of music and
performing. I enjoyed his
music more when he played
it live, Lynch said.
Blood Relative is currently working on their new
album, traveling to different areas like Eudora, Kan.,
Arkansas, Nebraska and
others to record, master,
produce and edit its upcoming songs. Lawrence hinted
the upcoming album will be

Blood Relative is always going to be the moniker, what I call it as solo

music, I dont ever plan on
stopping. People may never
hear any of the stuff, but
for me I want to make music that doesnt exist that I
want to listen to, Lawrence
Singing gives me such
joy. Playing guitar gives me
such joy. I dont need financial stability to buy music.
I dont need fame. I dont
need fortune. Its something that makes me feel
good and human.

Common work of art adds to conversation


In connection with the

new academic years Common Book, Between the
World and Me by Ta-Nehisi
Coates, the Spencer Museum
of Art has also introduced
the Common Work of Art to
help promote and highlight
many aspects found within
Coates best-seller.
The selected work of art
comes from sculptor and
printer Willie Cole, known
for taking mundane objects
such as irons and phones
and transforming them into
something more. Coles chosen series Beauties is no
The work is of ironing
boards that have been printed in relief, Kate Meyer, the
Spencer Museums assistant
curator, said. These have
been distressed, flattened
and worn out so that they
could be inked up and ran
through a press. Its interesting because there are parallel and perpendicular lines,
holes and spots of damage
and they have a quality of
looking like something you
may know but then looking
like so many other things as
The three Beauties chosen for display were named
Calpurnia, Bertha Mae and

Lula Bell all names with

significant meaning, Meyer
said. As an artist of color,
Cole draws inspiration from
his ancestors, family and famous historical depictions of
African and African American men and women. This
can be seen with Calpurnia,
which was named for a domestic worker in Harper
Lees 1960 novel, To Kill a
If you have ever seen an
eighteenth-century depiction of a slave ship you look
at them and think oh my
gosh, theyre slave ships, but
theyre not; theyre ironing
boards, Meyer said. When
I look at them, I tend to connect them to domestic labor
and go back to the history
of women and the history
of domestic labor and how
that has often been coded in
terms of race.
With issues concerning
race growing on campus
and throughout the nation,
Celka Straughn, the museums director of academic
programs, said the museum
was looking for a piece that
would mirror the Common
Books ability to present itself through multiple perspectives.
It resonates in different
ways with the themes of race
in the United States, rac-

Contributed Photo
Willie Coles Calpurnia, Bertha Mae, and Lula Bell, 2012, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas. Images
courtesy of Highpoint Editions.

ism, the history of servitude

and enslavement, Straughn
said. The engagement with
the work of art, very similar
to the Common Book, brings
out the experiences and
ideas that the viewer brings
that shapes the reaction.
Selecting Beauties was
a relatively easy task for the
Museum, as Cole and his
work are no strangers to the

University. In 2004, Cole

gave a lecture at the museum
which Straughn said was
one of the best artist talks
her colleagues had seen.
Coles 1999 work Man, Spirit, and Mask, has also been
a staple of the museums collection for several years.
Though the Spencer
Museum of Art is currently closed, all its exhibits

will open Thursday, Oct. 15

from 7-10 p.m. as a part of
a student preview for the
newly-renovated space. The
Common Work of Art will be
on display that night and for
the rest of the academic year
as well.







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University Theatre lineup aims to promote diversity


niversity Theatre is
revving things up
for the new school
year with a selection of
obscure productions in the
2016 season. In an effort
and diversity on campus,
the plays selected feature
a variety of themes and
We wanted to include
aspects of diversity in our
selection so that the themes
of the plays as well as the cast
of the characters reflected
the kind of diversity that
we see on campus, said
Dennis Christilles, associate
professor of theatre and
artistic director of University
Theatre. For the most part,
I think weve done a pretty
good job.
With casting coming up
in the next couple of weeks,

Christilles said this thought

process would be something
kept at the forefront of
production in order to
develop the diversity seen on
The time has come to
really take a hard look at the
kind of plays that we do and
the kind of message that we
send to people and of course
we want it to be a positive
message, Christilles said.
One way that we can do that
is to include more types of
people in those messages.
theater, said that she is very
excited for the upcoming
season and that shes glad to
be presenting a message of
acceptance in her production
of "Late, a Cowboy Song."
There was a lot of
conversation last year about
inclusion and diversity on
campus, Barnette said. "We
took a hard look at ourselves
and saw an opportunity to

Picnic by William Inge and directed by Jack Wright Opening Sept.


join the conversation about

diversity and inclusion.
Theater is another way that
was can talk to people from
all different walks of life.
more inclusive this year,
University Theatre will
also be partnering with the
Acting Company, a group
of professional actors and
Juilliard graduates, who
will be producing both
"Julius Caesar" by William
Shakespeare and "X" by
Marcus Gardley.
Marcus Gardley actually
has family history with the
Black Power movement
and he is writing about the
assassination of Malcolm
X in response to Julius
Hes drawn some very
interesting parallels between
what happened to Julius
Caesar and what happened
to Malcolm X so I really
recommend that you go
see both to see the uncanny

connections between ancient

Rome and twentieth-century
United States.
Barnette said that shes
also excited to see Peter
Zazzali, a graduate student,
direct "Pooter McGraw
is Not Dead Party and
undergraduate Drew Hafling
direct "Seminar."
This is one of the first
times that Ive seen where
both a grad student and an
undergrad are in the main
season that is publicized
for everybody, Barnette
said. Weve had studentdirected work before but as
something special by itself.
Im really excited to see what
they accomplish.
The 2016 season will
kick off with "Picnic" on
Sept. 30. A season pass
can be purchased for $70
for students by visiting or calling

Late, a Cowboy Song by Sarah

Rahl and directed by Jane Barnette
Opening Oct. 21

Pooter McGraw is Not Dead Party

by Padraic Lillis and directed by
Peter Zazzali Opening Nov. 11

R.U.R by Karel Capek and directed by Blair Lawrence Yates Opening Dec. 2

Company by Stephen Sondheim

and directed by Leslie Bennett
Opening March 3


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Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare and directed by Devin Brain

-- Opening Feb. 15 and X by
Marcus Gardley and directed by Ian
Belknap -- Opening Feb. 16

Seminar by Theresa Rebeck and

directed by Drew Hafling Opening Feb. 9

Anon(ymous) by Naomi Iizuka and Don Giovanni by Mozart and didirected by Jason Bohon Opening rected by John Stephens Opening
March 31
April 21







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An image released by Disney shows Dory, voiced by Ellen DeGeneres, in a scene from Finding Dory.

From left: Brenda, voiced by Kristen Wiig, Frank, voiced by Seth Rogen, Sammy, voiced by Ed Norton and Lavash,
voiced by David Krumholtz in a scene from Sausage Party.

Your go-to guide to the biggest 2016 summer movies


he summer of 2016
was filled with social
unrest, the Olympics,
political debacles and lots
of heat. The summer also
included the usual barrage
of blockbuster films, as the
market for big budget production opens up in the
summer. As always, there
are monumental flops and
classics, but which films belong where?
This years blockbuster
season saw a wide array of
genres to choose from. The
finale of J. J. Abrams Star
Trek reboot trilogy "Star
Trek Beyond," "Independence Day: Resurgence"
and the femme-fueled
the science fiction fans.
Superhero films dominated the box office with DCs
"Suicide Squad," "X-Men:
Apocalypse" and Marvels
"Captain America: Civil
Animated films garnered a lot of acclaim with
the return of Pixars favorite sea creatures in "Finding

Dory," Universals charmingly simple "The Secret

Life of Pets" and the first
ever R-rated CGI film "Sausage Party." Indie flicks
made an impression as well
with "Swiss Army Man," "A
Bigger Splash" and "Hunt
for the Wilderpeople."
The summer kicked off
with "Captain America: Civil War," the first installment
to Marvels third phase
of films. The film has great
pacing and the action sequences feel seamless and
balanced in terms of cinematography and movement. The initial intrigue of
big-time superheroes like
Captain America and Iron
Man duking it out with a
handful of supporting characters wears off as what a
lot of what they are fighting for seems insubstantial.
Newcomers like Paul Rudd
as Ant-Man and Tom Holland as Spider-Man are the
highlights of "Civil War,"
introducing engaging interaction and witty dialogue.
Naturally, however, "Civil
War" skyrocketed in box
office success and continues Marvels incredible hot
streak of films that are both

financially and critically

Pixars "Finding Dory"
elements that make Pixar films so lovable, but
doesnt necessarily play to
the studios usual formula.
"Finding Dory" effortlessly
articulates its heart-warming theme of creativity and
never backing down from
a challenge. The cute, mini
Dory steals the flashback
sequences, and Ed O'Neill
as Hank the seven-legged
octopus is the best addition to the Pixar universe.
"Finding Dory" grossed
over $900 million, marking
it as the biggest opening for
an animated film in North
On the opposite side of
the animated films spectrum, "Sausage Party" bolsters its profanity and innuendos loud and proud. The
concept of food in a supermarket who know nothing
of the great beyond once
they leave the store sounds
promising, but the film
beats to death the same
jokes surrounding food
and gross topics, and the
last 20 minutes of the film

are something beyond anything ever put together in

an animated film. The film,
starring and written by Seth
Rogen, is animated beautifully and has moments of
sheer hilarity, but at times it
goes places that are borderline NC-17. The innovation
of attempting to expand the
R-rated animated market is
noble, but Sausage Partys
appeal wasnt for me.
Other notable summer
entries include the bizarre
and off-beat "Swiss Army
Man" starring Daniel Radcliffe and Paul Dano. Da-

nos character is on the

verge of suicide on some
remote shoreline when he
spots the body of Radcliffes
character wash up on the
beach. The film progresses through a succession of
idiosyncratic events, and
Dano and Radcliffe end up
being one of the more interesting buddies in recent
memory of cinema. Another
indie cut, "A Bigger Splash,"
is a sexy and moody drama
that focuses on a group of
four individuals out in paradise as a slew of sexual desires and violent outbursts

construct complex relationships.

Overall, the summer of
2016 produced some real
winners in terms of cinematic appeal and entertainment. Others, however,
failed to create any kind of
excitement. 2016 now enters a crucial stage of Oscar-hungry films in the fall
and winter months as directors and producers scramble to release their work.
Edited by Ilana Karp

Characters Diablo, Boomerang, Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Rick Flag and Katana in a scene from
Suicide Squad.



Maicke: Its time for set group of Olympic locations


The closing ceremony

has passed, putting an end
to the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. There
were no major security issues, no athletes were in
serious danger, and Brazil
took home 19 total medals.
But the Olympic Games
cant be evaluated as a true
success or failure without
looking at the financial
state of the host city in the
wake of the spectacle. Brazil
pumped billions of dollars
into building stadiums, increasing security, and multiple other necessary expenses involved in running an
impressive Olympics.
Hosting this event has
occasionally turned a profit, but it isnt uncommon
for these host cities to lose a

substantial amount of money in the aftermath of the

Olympic games.
The good news is that
theres a manageable solution to ensure that the
Olympics do not leave a
host city losing money. If
the International Olympic
Committee would designate
a group of cities to rotate
hosting the Olympics, the
event would feasibly always
turn a profit.
Just pick five cities to
host the summer games,
and five to host the winter
games. There should not be
a need to place the Olympics
in a seemingly increasingly
unique location every time.
I understand that the
Olympics is a sort of celebration of the world and
athletes coming together in
different locations around
the globe. However, if a

few cities are prepared to

be hosting, there would not
be abandoned multimillion dollar stadiums lying
around post-Olympic use.
Thats one of the biggest
issues host cities face. An
enormous, massively impressive stadium is built to
be used only for a week in
the Olympics.
How often is Rio, or Brazil at large, going to be using
a rugby stadium after the
Olympics leave town?
There are other international events that put less
financial stress on hosting
countries. The World Cup
could continue to move
around from city to city
without financially burdening its host, and the Euro
League soccer tournament
changes its destination every four years.
These events are two that

continue the celebration of

athletes coming together to
compete around the world,
without the financial burden
that comes with the Olympics.
These five potential predetermined Olympic locations dont need to be exclusively in countries with
tremendous economic power. Whether the games are
set in a place like New York
or Athens, the city would be
ready and experienced to
host a cost efficient, safe and
spectacular Olympics.
The Olympics are a fantastic celebration of international competition, but trust
me; the games would not
lose their essence by being
more financially efficient.
Edited by Matthew

AP Photo
French and British boxers compete during the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Notebook: First full practice for Kansas football



With college football

starting in less than two
weeks and the Jayhawks
fall camp wrapping up, its
getting closer and closer to
the season opener against
Rhode Island. Heres the
latest on the Kansas football

Special Teams Focus

Despite taking over as
the punter last season, senior kicker Matthew Wyman didnt line up with the
punters at Kansas open
practice on Saturday. Instead, freshman punter
Kyle Thompson and junior
Cole Moos launched punts

from the end zone and both

looked to have strong legs.
A few 2016 newcomers
might have an impact on the
punt return unit this season.
Lining up for punts were junior wide receivers LaQuvionte Gonzalez, sophomore
Steven Sims Jr., freshman
Keegan Brewer, freshman
cornerback Mike Lee and
freshman running back
Khalil Herbert.
Right now, Gonzalez
looks like the favorite to be
the Jayhawks punt returner.
New special teams coach
Joe DeForest is already
switching things up at practice. While quarterbacks
were practicing mobility
and defensive ends were

running drills, DeForest

had different coverage units
practice onside kicks for a
good portion of the practice.
When he spoke at Big
12 Media Day, head coach
David Beaty was complimentary about DeForests
past coaching performances.
Joe is going to bring
some stability to us, Beaty
said. Hes done it and for a
long period of time and hes
been successful doing it.

Show Strengths,
After freshman quarterback Tyriek Starks signed
with Kansas, Beaty said
that it was going to be a

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lot more competitive in (the

quarterback) room with Tyriek stepping in.
While the other quarterbacks on the roster were
practicing short passes,
Starks got half of the field
for himself surrounded by a
plethora of coaches.
Like other young quarterbacks, Starks was far
from perfect. He often threw
risky passes and on occasion would under-throw his
receiver. He wasnt alone,
as redshirt freshman Carter Stanley did some of the
same and junior Montell
Cozart often took the longest
to get a pass off to a receiver.

Despite the smaller mistakes, the quarterback battle

seems to still be between
Cozart and sophomore Ryan
Willis, although Stanley and
senior Deondre Ford didnt
look as far behind as they
previously have.

Saturday Full of
It was expected that
the Willis and Cozart battle would be a major factor
during fall practices, but
there were some more surprising moments during
On Friday, Beaty said
that Herbert is ultra-talent-

ed and has been as good

as some of the ones we have
been around.
Herbert showed that
on Saturday, looking very
comfortable and showing
off some of his trademark
speed as he ran outside the
offensive line.
Another surprising performer was senior wide receiver Shakiem Barbel who
caught just 15 passes last
season. At practice, Barbel
stood out, catching everything in his area including
a deep pass in the end-zone
that required a sprawling
catch over senior cornerback Marnez Ogletree.




Keaun Kinner will anchor revamped run game

for KU football this year after healthy offseason

File Photo/KANSAN
Running back Keaun Kinner runs for a touchdown versus Memphis on Sept. 12, 2015.

Last season, senior running back Keaun Kinner

made quite an impression
on the Kansas football
program after the first two
The junior college transfer totaled 270 rushing
yards and three touchdowns
in those games, quickly becoming a fan favorite.
But, after rapidly becoming a rising star on
offense, he encountered a
roadblock: A torn labrum
that diminished his production the last 10 games of the
In fact, Kinner played
just about all of last season
with that torn labrum, not
to mention a deep thigh
contusion he suffered in a
game against Iowa State on
October 3.
Kinner recorded just
296 rushing yards and two
touchdowns over his last 10
games. But he can put that
rough end to 2015 behind
After a healthy offseason, coach David Beaty believes Kinner is poised for a
strong 2016 campaign.
He looks a lot different to me, Beaty said. He
is hard to tackle right now
and that is going to go well
for us."

The Jayhawks ranked

last in the Big 12 in rush
offense last season, recording only 1,355 yards and 10
touchdowns. Kinner must
play a large part in the rushing attack this season for
that to see improvement.
However, Kinner isnt
the only back that could
produce at a high level this
Beaty has praised the job
running backs coach Tony
Hull has done with the
group this offseason, and
believes they should be able
to perform.
"Right now, they are
hard to tackle, Beaty said.
The first defense had a
hard time making a tackle
on most of those guys. I like
their speed every one of
them can run. I like the way
they are being coached.
Notable players to keep
tabs on are freshman Khalil
Herbert, who has impressed in fall camp, and
sophomore Taylor Martin.
Martin ran for 42 yards
on 16 carries in limited action last season.
Taylor Martin has matured so much and is such
a talented guy, Beaty said.
Khalil Herbert is ultra-talented. He is as good as
some of the ones we have
been around.
Their growth and maturation can also be partly

credited to junior Denzell

Evans, who will have to sit
out this season after transferring from Arkansas.
Evans, a former threestar recruit and SEC product, will bring vital experience and guidance to
a younger running back
Honestly, Denzell Evans has been a real calming
force for us in that room in
terms of helping those guys
understand how to work,
Beaty said.
Coming together collectively as a unit in the
rushing game will be key
for a revamped attack this
Theres no doubt Kinner
will play the biggest role in
how the Jayhawks perform
on the ground, but it will
fare well for the team if the
younger backs can excel
early in their collegiate careers.
I love the way that those
guys focus, Beaty said.
They are not a real talkative group, they just kind
of go to work each day.
The Jayhawks will need
that approach to continue
during the season in order
for the group to shine like it
potentially can, and should.
Edited by Brendan

Kansas football defensive preview: Newfound

depth and experience aid in rebuilding unit


Even when the offense

got the job done against
teams like South Dakota
State and Memphis, Kansas
football's porous defense
last year played a significant role in all 12 losses.
At 46.1 points allowed
per game, Kansas had the
worst scoring defense of
any Football Bowl Subdivision team. After losing just
three starters from its defense and adding defensive
line coach Michael Slater
and linebackers coach Todd
Bradford, the 2016 Kansas
defense is primed for an
Defensive Line
Key Returners: Dorance
Armstrong Jr., Jacky
Dezir, Damani Mosby, D.J.
Williams, Daniel Wise
Key losses: Ben Goodman, Corey King
In addition to adding
Michael Slater to the coaching staff, newcomers such
as freshman Isaiah Bean
and JUCO transfers DeeIsaac Davis and Isi Holani
have a chance to make an
impact on the 2016 defensive line.
Bean was ranked as a
three-star recruit by ESPN
out of high school, but
might need time to develop
and bulk up to adapt to the
college game. Davis could
potentially have the most
impact of the three early in
his Kansas career.
He's a big dude, David Beaty said on signing
day. He's quick off the ball.
He can be disruptive in the
middle. We really do need
Kansas also returns a
sizable amount of talent,
with Armstrong leading the
As a freshman, he started five games while appearing in all 12. He ended the
season with 3.5 sacks and is
listed as a member of Phil
Steeles Preseason Big 12
Team (fourth team).
In 2015, Kansas gave
up 267 rushing yards per
game, so stuffing the run
will be crucial to getting
back into the win column.

That will start with the defensive tackles.

Wise had a similar story to Armstrong in that he
was thrust into a starting
role and ended up looking
impressive at times. He
matched Armstrongs sack
total and will likely compete for a starting spot this
As a unit, there should
be a clear improvement
over last year. Losing Goodman hurts, but a more experienced line more than
makes up for it.
Key returners: Joe
Dineen Jr., Marcquis
Roberts, Courtney Arnick
Key Losses: None
In what was the most
surprising defensive unit
last season, the Jayhawks
return their main contributors this season.
After finishing with
just five tackles his freshman year, the former Free
State High School running
back-turned-linebacker Joe
Dineen Jr. exploded for 86
tackles and three sacks. The
junior will be a key member of the defense and will
provide some leadership on
that side of the ball.
Roberts' play was less
surprising, especially given
his status as a three-star recruit out of high school and
his experience as a starter
at South Carolina, but he
was another key member
of the defense who will enter his senior year after a
71-tackle performance last
It should be fun to be
out there, Roberts said at
media day. I feel very confident, we've all come very
Added to this already
tough group is highly regarded freshman Maciah
Long who Beaty said could
be one of the great leaders
developing our program
from this point moving forward."
Key returners: Bazie
Bates IV, Chevy Graham,
Tyrone Miller Jr., Marnez
Ogletree, Tevin Shaw, Fish
Smithson, Brandon Stewart

Key losses: Michael

The secondary has great
depth, but is very top heavy
when it comes to talent.
Smithson is the star of
this secondary, if not the
entire defense. He led the
NCAA in solo tackles last
season and while he might
not be the most talented safety in the Big 12, his
numbers show he gets the
job done like one.
Joining Smithson at the
safety position is going to
be a combination of Tyrone
Miller Jr., a sophomore
who has moved from corner
to safety this offseason, and
senior Bazie Bates IV. Tevin
Shaw, who shined against
Rutgers and Texas Tech but
doesnt particularly do anything at an elite level, will
play nickel back a sort of
do-it-all on the defense
just as he did last year.
The cornerback position
is what will make or break
the pass defense this year
and Beaty has some interesting options this season.
Stewart and Ogletree are
near locks because of their
experience, although the

File Photo/KANSAN
Defensive end Dorance Armstrong Jr. attempts to tackle Texas Techs Patrick Mahomes in a 2015 game.

influx of young talent could

make their way into a starting position at some point.
Prior to the spring, Kyle
Mayberry was tabbed as
the freshman cornerback to
watch, and even the freshman at large to watch. But
that may have changed
when class of 2017 cornerback Mike Lee arrived in
Lawrence a year early.

Lee was ranked as a

four-star recruit by Rivals
and could very well compete for some playing time
early in the season. He's the
first four-star Kansas recruit since 2014.
Kansas knows what its
getting with both Stewart
and Ogletree, but if junior receiver convert Derrick Neal makes a jump

or a freshman impresses
enough to earn playing
time, defensive coordinator Clint Bowen might be
able to put together a much
improved secondary from a
year ago.
Edited by Matt Clough

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depth chart and quick facts




Final Four appearances, which came in 2015 after

upsetting No. 1 Southern California in the Elite Eight.
2015 was only the second time the Jayhawks made it
to the Sweet 16.

Percent of last seasons assists which return this

season. The bulk of those come from Ainise Havili,
who finished third in the NCAA in assists last season.

Straight wins Kansas volleyball notched before

losing to No. 2 Texas in 2015. It was the longest win
streak in Kansas history.

The capacity of the Horejsi Family Athletic

Center. Despite that, average attendance at
last seasons games was 1,388.

right side hitter


middle blocker

defensive specialist

left side hitter

defensive specialist

AVCA First Team All-Americans in 2015. Both of the

All-Americans, junior hitter Kelsie Payne and junior
setter Ainise Havili, are returning to KU this season.

Middle Blockers
Tayler Soucie
Kayla Cheadle
Zoe Hill

Kelsie Payne
Madison Rigdon
Jada Burse
Patricia Montero
Ashley Smith

Ainise Havili
Maggie Anderson

Defensive Specialist
Cassie Wait (Libero)
Addison Barry
Tori Miller
Allie Nelson
Jacqui Mostrom



Freshmen start path to Final Four


Recently ranked No. 5

in the AVCA Coaches Poll,
the Kansas volleyball team
started out their Crimson
& Blue Scrimmage with as
much heart and intensity as
a real game. They were divided into two teams, with
players often switching
sides to change it up a bit.
Kansas has nine returning players this season, but
it was the newcomers that
stood out most.
The four freshmen not
including redshirts Ashley
Smith and Patricia Montero
got to witness the unveiling of the 2015 Final Four
banner their teammates
earned last season. In all,
six of the Jayhawks have
never played in a collegiate
Smith was successful
in playing both offensively and defensively in the
scrimmage. She had 10
kills and added eight digs
while playing in a six-rotation. Freshman Allie Nel-

son landed an ace as well

as recording a total of nine
digs, while freshman Jacqui Mostrom recorded ten.
Montero added to the success of the freshmen with
eight kills and six digs.
Despite the impressive stats coming from the
freshmen, coach Ray Bechard gave a reminder that
this was their first collegiate
game in front of referees
and a big audience.
nerves there, Bechard said.
You cant replicate that in
practice with officials and
people in the stands, so yes,
there were some nerves but
I thought each of them at
some point had some good
The freshmen will start
chasing their first Final
Four banner at 7 p.m. on
Friday, against Mississippi
State, the start of the Bulldog Invitational.

Baxter Schanze/KANSAN
Senior Taylor Soucie hits the ball just over the outstretched arms of Madison Rigdon and Kayla Cheadle in Kansas intra-squad scrimmage Saturday.

Depth chart and more on the 2016 volleyball season

on Page 11

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Kansas guard Frank Mason dribbles past an Austin Peay defender in an NCAA tournament first-round game. Mason threw out the first pitch at the Royals-Twins game at Kauffman Stadium Sunday afternoon.

Frank Mason throws first pitch at Royals KU Day


Kansas City Royals

has two qualities in his
fastball: speed and command.
made him the Royals' ace
this season.
Senior guard Frank
Mason III, on the other
hand, does not.
On Sunday, deep in the
bowels of Kauffman Stadium, Mason was warming up to throw out the
ceremonial first pitch for
KU Day at the K. Mason
was receiving instruction from just about everyone present Royals
personnel, KU Athletics
personnel and a handful
of teammates lining the
concrete wall.

The Kansas baseball

manager was attempting
to explain to Mason that
a four-seam fastball is
thrown with two fingers
across the seams of the
ball, with the pinkie off
the seams. It wasnt going
exceptionally well.
At one point, Mason's
pitch nearly hit a bystander in the back of the
head. After all, Mason
hadn't thrown a baseball
since he was a kid. This
brief game of concourse
catch was Masons first
and only preparation for
the throw.
So how was Mason
chosen for the honor, seeing as he has never played
baseball even in elementary school?
Im not sure, Mason

said. I guess my coaches

just picked me but they
only told me a couple of
days ago.
Perhaps that was Kansas basketball coach Bill
Selfs plan: At least walk
away from KU Day at the
K with a few laughs. Self
joked at Traditions Night
on Saturday, via the LJ
World: I dont think hes
ever played baseball, so I
kind of hope he throws it
against the backstop. It
would be kind of funny.
Junior Devonte' Graham, Mason's teammate
and fellow guard, seemed
optimistic about Masons abilities. He was be
tasked with catching the
first pitch.
I tried to play baseball in high school, but it
didnt turn out too well,

Graham said. I think

[Mason] might throw a
Flanked by Big Jay,
Baby Jay and teammates,
Mason took the mound
and, after a brief introduction, delivered a short
hop three feet in front of
the plate that sent Graham scrambling to his
left. After a few more
bounces, the ball came
to rest at the backstop.
Laughter from all in attendance ensued.
Other aspects of KU
Day at the K included
a special KU Day hat,
extra KU signage around
the ballpark and the inclusion of KU-related
songs during half-inning
It was the second time
Kansas was represent-

ed at Kauffman Stadium
this year. Kansas baseball
played a regular season
game at Kauffman Stadium on April 28, where
they fell to Nebraska 3-1.

I dont think hes

ever played
baseball, so I
kind of hope he
throws it against
the backstop.
Bill Self
Kansas basketball coach

Fans in attendance
were treated to a close
and exciting ballgame,
which ultimately saw the
Royals defeat the Minne-

sota Twins 2-1.

Duffy went six and 2/3
innings, allowing just one
run on eight hits, often
tipping his cap to the stellar defensive plays of his
teammates. First baseman Eric Hosmer doubled to send right fielder
Lorenzo Cain home, who
scored from first for the
go-ahead run in the sixth
The Royals now head
to Miami for a three-game
series starting Tuesday
night. Meanwhile, classes
begin Monday for University of Kansas students,
including Mason and his

Edited by Matthew

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