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A Lesson Plan in English 4

Prepared by Alfred Mark D. Castillo

SLU-LES Teacher-Applicant
June 28, 2016
(Teaching Demonstration)
I. Objectives:
At the end of a sixty-minute lesson, the pupils shall be able to:
A. distinguish whether the verbs tense is past, present or future;
B. share personal ideas using verbs with different tenses; and,
C. construct sentences using verbs of varying simple tenses.
kindness to others
II. Subject Matter
A. Song: The World Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow
B. Topic: Simple Tenses of Verbs
C. Reference: LIFE 4 (pp. 227,239-240,251-252)
D. Materials: activity sheets, pictures, powerpoint
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Drill

words that end in /ed/


What do you notice on the last sound of each column of words when pronounced?
Which group of words ends in /ed/ is pronounced as /ed/? /d/? /t/?
3. Review
What do you notice that is similar among the words aside from ending in /ed/?
What are these words generally called?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
The teacher will show a picture and ask the pupils what might be the story behind the picture.
2. Presentation
The teacher will present the title of the poem to be read to the class.
3. Recall of Standards
Before reading the poem, the teacher will recall standards that should be observed by the pupils.
4. Reading the Poem
The World Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow
Jackson G. Orlanda
The world and its people seem worrisome
Problems persist, they just come
We contribute to what we experience
While our planet shrinks and fights for conscience
People used to help each other
They forgot humanity, they did not bother
Kindness and sympathy lost their meaning
Apathy pushed the love's fleeing
So now together, we will fuse our abilities
The world will rise to create new societies
Children will help shape our tomorrow
We will build the splendor and all back aglow

5. Answering Comprehension Questions

What is the poem all about?

What is meant by the title The World Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow?
What could be the problems that persist based on the first stanza?
What is your role based on the third stanza?
How can you contribute to build the splendor and aglow of the World?
6. Discussion and Relating the Poem to the Subject Matter
C. Application: Constructing Sentences Using the Different Tenses of Verbs
Group 1: The Past
What do you know about the Martial Law in the Philippines?
Group 2: The Present
What can you say about PNoys Administration?
Group 3: The Future
Whats your idea about Dutertes term as President??
Group 4: Prepare a wrap-up or summary of the things that we did today.
D. Generalization by the 4th group

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the tense of the verb in each sentence. Write Yesterday if the tense of the verb is Past, Today if it
is Present and Tomorrow if it is Future.
1. Warren mailed the letter yesterday.
2. Larry is going to buy a stereo next month.
3. Jessie used to play with me.
4. The earth revolves around the sun.
5. Thou shall not steal.
6. I am reading a book.
7. Vanessa will travel to Canada next year.
8. Miko went to the Library.
9. The former Davao City Mayor won the Presidency.
10. My aunt is going to visit us on Sunday.
V. Homework
Construct a sentence with the past, present and future tense of each verb.
1. watch
2. go
3. fly

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