Long Range Plans Religion

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Grade 3 Long Range Plans, Religion

Samantha Stretch
Fall 2016


We welcome and gather in the Spirit
The Holy Spirit gathers and feeds us at
The Holy Spirit calls and anoints us in
Baptism and Confirmation
The Holy Spirit comes upon Advent

We Welcome and Gather in the Spirit
Students will
Understand the importance of
gathering as a community
Discover how Gods dream is to gather
all people.

Know that the basic elements of a

celebration are: (1) Stop and
Remember; (2) Tell the Story; (3)
Respond in Ritual Action

Contribute to class dreams and
expectations through art mural
Identify scripture source describing
Gods dream (Is.25.6)
Reflect in written form on Gods dream
Illustrate personal prayer reflection of
Gods dream for us, through pictures
and words
Use format to contribute to the
planning and carrying out of a

The Holy Spirit Gather and Feeds Us at the Eucharist

Students will
Make a connection between family and
community gatherings with being
gathered in the Spirit
Recognize that the Holy Spirit is at work
in those who do good
Experience how the rites in the
Eucharistic Liturgy form a structure for
Recognize that the Holy Spirit is at work
in the Eucharist upon the gifts of bread

Collect stories and pictures of family
and wider community events
Retell story of St. Vincent de Paul and
his continued work.
Participate in preparing a class
celebration for the Eucharist
Show a deepened understanding of the
Liturgy of the Eucharist by participating

and wine and the gathered community

Know the difference between ordinary
bread and Eucharistic bread

in the musical Eucharistic acclamations

Use recipes for each type of bread and
discuss the differences with reference
to the consecration of the mass

The Holy Spirit Calls and Unites Us in Baptism and Confirmation

Students will
Understand our place in the Eucharistic
Review the celebration of the Eucharist
Deepen understanding of how Baptism
and Confirmation make us part of the
Christian community, the Church
Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation
and Eucharist call us to serve others as
Jesus did

Express understanding of our role in the
Eucharistic Celebration, e.g. art activity,
song Taking Our Place
Depict four major rites of the Eucharist
in art
Articulate in oral and written forms that
through Baptism and Confirmation we
belong to the Lord Jesus
List ways we can offer service using
parish bulletins, etc.

The Holy Spirit Comes Upon Advent People

Students will
Recognize the season of Advent as a
time of waiting, hoping, expectation
and doing.
Identify Isaiah as one of the key figures
of the Advent Season
Celebrate the Spirit in Advent

See Mary as an Advent figure of hope in

the story of her people
Recognize that we participate in Gods
dream when we do things to help
Gain insight into Joseph as an Advent
figure who contributed to the fulfillment
of Gods dreams
Share the spirit of Advent as a season
of hope that Christ will come again

Share memories of what is already
known about Advent
Observe and reproduce some of the
signs and symbols of Advent
Illustrate impressions of Isaiahs call
and response
Prepare and participate in Advent
rituals celebrating Gods Spirit in the
lives of Advent people
Enter into the proclamation of the story
of the Annunciation
Participate in an Advent outreach
Enter into the scripture story of Joseph,
Marys future husband
Illustrate impressions of Josephs story
Participate in the preparation and
presentation of an Advent Pageant

In the Spirit We Belong

Bailie Resources

Books, videos


Project assessments

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