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Streamflow forms the most important data for engineers and hydrologists since they are
concerned mainly with estimating rates, volumes and quality of the streamflow to be used in the
design of water resources and environmental projects.
In evaluating the capacity of a surface water resource to multipurpose activities, it is important to
estimate the volume, quality, and reliability of the water supply.
Stream flow, or discharge, is the amount of water that flows past a specific point in a stream over a
specific period of time. The two components of stream flow velocity (how fast the water is moving)
and volume (the amount of water in the stream) combine to determine the energy of the water.

Water stage :
Sasabihin ko! :D
The river stage has been defined as the height of the water surface in the river at a given section
above any arbitrary datum. It is usually expressed in meters. In many cases, the datum is taken as the
mean sea level. Sometimes the datum may be selected at or slightly below the lowest point on the
river bed.
A. Hook or Point Gauges
The depth of water is measured by operating the system by bringing the pointer or hook to close to the
water surface. Then with the help of finer adjustment screw the sharp point of the pointer or hook is
made to just touch the surface of water. At this moment it is ready for measurement of the depth by
reading on the graduated bar. Provision of vernier is also made for accurate reading.
B. Staff Gauge
The simplest way to measure river stage is by means of a staff gage, a scale set so that a portion of it
is immersed in the water at all times. The gage may consist of a single vertical scale attached to a
bridge pier, piling, wharf, or other structure that extends into the low-water channel of the stream.
B-1. Section Staff Gauge
Short sections or staffs are mounted on available structures or on specially constructed
support in such a way that one section is always accessible.
An alternative to the sectional staff is an inclined staff gage (Fig. 4-1c) which is placed on the
slope of the stream bank and graduated so that the scale read directly in vertical depth.
C. Suspended Weight Gauge
Figure: The wire-weight gage (Fig. 4-2) has a drum with a circumference such that each revolution
unwinds 1 ft of wire. A counter records the number of revolutions of the drum while a fixed
reference point indicates hundredths of feet on a scale around the circumference.
D. Float Gauge
1. Scouring , hindi dapat laging nililinasan baka kasi magalaw yung mga gauges at baka hind
imaging accurate yung reading dito.
2. River bends iwasan yung mga river bends or twist kasi hindi nagiging accurate yung
measurement ditto dahil pagdating sa mga twist ,bumibilis yung current tapos tumataas yung
level ng water.
3. Upstream opposite to the direction of flow of the stream.
A variety of such gages have been devised, including small floats which rise with the stage but
are restrained at the maximum level and water-soluble paints on bridge piers where they are protected
from rain and can indicate a definite high-water mark. The stick can be removed, the crest reading
recorded, the cork wiped off, and the stick replaced ready for the next rise.

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