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What and Why is Gamma Correction?

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What and Why is Gamma
All of the world's photo image files
contain Gamma Correction (gamma 2.2
is specified in the specifications, sRGB,
in digital HDTV, and before that, in
analog TV NTSC and PAL).
Because, Gamma Correction oppositely
corrects for the deficiencies of CRT
monitors (which we used for many
years, including television). For this
purpose, all of our digital cameras
and scanners always output images
already corrected
for gamma
(except Raw images defer this step
until later, and 1-bit line art images
don't need gamma).
Gamma is pretty much an invisible
operation, it just always happens in
background, but it does affect our
histogram data. When you edit a
RGB(210, 145, 20) color in
Photoshop, that is gamma data,
which may not be important to us
there. But this also affects the 18%
gray card, which in the histograms
gamma data is near 46% (which is
Not how many of us think of it).

DataFit Curve
Nonlinear curve tting, 600+
built in equations, or create
your own

Terms linear and gamma: All digital tonal image data is gamma
encoded (tonal data contains many tones, which is color or
grayscale images). In video use, the common use of these terms is
that gamma data means gamma correction has been added, and
linear data means still linear, it is not gamma encoded (either not
yet encoded, or no longer encoded).
So linear also implies the analog scene data in the lens, and also
implies the linear reproduction that is presented to our eye, same
as we see when either standing in front of the original scene, or
viewing a reproduction on a video screen. Our eye of course always
wants to see only the linear version, like the original scene. Gamma
data is always necessarily "decoded" first before any eye ever sees

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In math, linear means a straight line graph, meaning twice the input
produces twice the output (proportionally, linearly, also 5x input
produces 5x the output, etc.) Gamma is non-linear logarithmic
processing, done to correct for CRT monitors which show data as if
it had been raised to the exponent of 2.2 (roughly numerically
approximate to squared, exponent of 2), with the high values
leaving the low values far behind (lost, dark). So for the CRT, we
have to prepare by first doing Gamma Correction, by applying
exponent 1/2.2 to the data first, offsetting the expected losses, so
the image will come out of the CRT right, i.e., linear again for the
eye to see.

Gamma is NOT in any way related to the human eye

Now and then, I get email... :) Charles Poynton's gamma articles
have made the statement that we would still need to use gamma
even if we no longer use CRT monitors. It's impossible to agree
with his suggestion about the eye, however I am definitely all for
continuing to use gamma for the reason that we do continue,
because continuing to use gamma for compatibility prevented
obsoleting and rendering incompatible 100% of the world's existing
images and video systems. That must have been a very easy
decision, it was vastly easier than starting over, since the world is
full of gamma images, and especially since gamma has become
easy and inexpensive to implement (it's just a chip now).
Compatibility is a great and best reason to continue using gamma.
The big problem I do see is that this ridiculous notion (that we still
need gamma for the eye somehow?) has recently caused some
false internet "explanations" (just notions which are impossible to
explain). Their only argument is that the eye has a similar nonlinear
response, which even Poynton says is "coincidental". I think it may
be an opposite effect, but be that as it may, human eyes simply
NEVER see any gamma data. We only see analog linear scenes or
data. Our eyes of course evolved without CRT gamma, and eyes
don't need gamma now. We did use gamma for decades, knowing it
was designed only for the CRT. Now CRT is about gone, so
suddenly newbies decide gamma must instead still be done for the
human eye response somehow? Come on guys, don't be dumb. :)
No matter what gamma might do, the eye simply never has any
opportunity to ever see any gamma data, and gamma data is still
totally unrelated to our vision response. Our eye only wants to view
a properly decoded linear image reproduction, the same as the lens
saw, the same as our eyes see if we were still standing there.
However, all of the worlds images are in fact already gamma

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encoded, so we do continue gamma for that compatibility (LCD

displays simply decode it first). The "why" we use gamma may not
actually matter much, gamma is pretty much an invisible automatic
operation to us, a noop now, encoded and then decoded, but still,
novices are being told wrong things, and it's a pet peeve for me.
Our eye of course always expects to see only linear data, a linear
reproduction of the original linear scene, same as if we were still
standing there. Any deviation would be data corruption. Any "need"
for gamma for the eye or for the LCD is laughable technically, but
our need for compatibility is still extremely important, so we still do
it. The eye has no use for gamma. And the eye never sees gamma
data. We may still encode gamma into the data for other reasons
(compatibility now), but it is always necessarily decoded back to
linear before any eye ever sees it. Anything else would be
distortion. The eye has no use for gamma. Luckily, the eye never
sees gamma data.

The fundamentals are impossible to

ignore: Our eye only looks at linear
scenes, or at linear reproductions
of scenes. The eye never ever sees
excessively bright and unnatural if
it did. The reason to do gamma
correction is to correct CRT
response. Today, CRT is no longer
popularly used, however, since all
of the worlds tonal images are
gamma encoded, the obvious
reason we still continue gamma
today is for compatibility, which is

DataFit Curve
Nonlinear curve tting, 600+
built in equations, or create
your own

Our eyes never see gamma data (it's always decoded first). Our camera
sensors also see linear data, images do begin and end as linear, and it
seems every minimal article about our histograms portray them as
linear data. However all our tonal image files and all of their
histograms contain gamma data, which changes the numerical
values you will see in your images. Their data is gamma data, our files
and histograms contain gamma data, the numerical values are gamma

Gamma Calculator

2.2 is the standard profile

Show decimal places on computed values

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Values are converted both as linear or gamma


Value [0..255]


Percent [0..100%]


Difference of two values [0..255]


Linear or Gamma

Difference of two values [0..100%]

% -->

Linear or Gamma

stops down from 255 right end

(formats can be 1 or 1/3 or 1 1/3 or 1.3333)

6 & 7 are for article below
Decoded gamma value truncated, not rounded

Convert linear to gamma and back

All values, linear to gamma and back

1. Linear to Gamma
Linear value 128 at 50% is
Gamma 2.2 value 186 at 73%
Gamma to Linear
Gamma 2.2 value 128 at 50% is
Linear value 56 at 22%
Numbers Only.
The "values" are the 0..255 values
in a histogram (which are gamma
numbers in the histogram, and
linear numbers at the sensor). The
percentages are of the 255 full
scale histogram value.
numbers like 127.5 cannot actually
exist in our JPG files. The calculator
and math will use the decimal
fraction value though, if it pleases
you. And you can show a couple of
decimal places on Option 1, 2, 5
histogram values (if interested in rounding maybe).

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Option 5 (measuring stops down from 255 right end) offers a rough
approximation about how exposure affects the gamma histogram. In
the gamma data, one stop underexposed from 255 should be about 186
or 73%, about 3/4 scale. Or 1/3 stop down from 255 should be about
230 at 90%. However, note that digital cameras also are making a
few simultaneous tonal adjustments, for White Balance, Color
Profile like Vivid, Saturation, Contrast, etc, which shift the histogram
data. Therefore the gamma values in histogram data probably are a
little different than the exact values predicted. It is a ballpark guess.
We never see linear histograms for our photo images, our image files
and histograms are RGB gamma data. These tonal images are always
gamma (but one bit line art is not). The camera sensor chip was linear,
and raw files are still linear, but until we show them to the eye, RGB
image data is gamma. Even raw files show gamma histograms (from an
embedded JPG image included in the raw file).
But gamma in 8-bit files and 8-bit target video space can create tiny
rounding errors in the numbers (possibly "off by one"). This is no big
deal (8 bits is what we do, and it obviously works fine), and this is Not
related to the eye.

The Gamma Procedure, and How It Works:

It can be made to
sound like voodoo,
but it's actually
pretty simple. A
CRT display is not
a linear device.
CRT displays have
brightest tones get
through and the
(dark). We used
CRT display for
over 75 years for
television, so this
there is a fix.
This nonlinear CRT
response curve is
named gamma, which is shown at right. These graph axes represent
the 0..255 range, but the numbers are normalized to show 0..1 values
(percentage scales). Read it like a regular curve tool (which I have

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marked in Blue, with input at bottom, and output at left). The straight
45 degree line shows a hypothetical perfect unchanged linear response,
so that any input is the same numerical output (60% input from bottom
is 60% output at left, no change). But the CRT response curve (named
gamma) shows 50% response is down to 22% (so much of the output
will be too dark).
To correct this nonlinear response, the image data is first boosted
nonlinearly, modified to new values equally in the opposite direction of
the losses. This curve is named gamma correction, after which the
image will display properly (linearly) on a nonlinear CRT. Even after
suffering these expected CRT losses, the corrected output will come out
linear (the straight line in graph). That correction curve is shown, the
image data is boosted so that midpoint 50% is raised to 73% in gamma
data (calculator above, Option 2, 50%).
The correct Google search term for this subject is Gamma Correction.
Don't believe everything you read now though. It is the internet, and
there are good sources, and also those that frankly don't know. That
part you see about the purpose of gamma being to aid the human eye
response is utter nonsense, made-up gobbledygook. The eye never
even sees gamma data, the eye only sees the decoded data, exactly
reversed back to be the same original linear version again. That's the
purpose of gamma, meaning gamma is only to correct the response of
CRT, so we can in fact see the original linear image.
The Adobe Levels tool (CTRL L in Elements and Photoshop) has a
gamma option. Adobe Help calls the center slider "Midtones", but
describes it as "The middle Input slider adjusts the gamma in the
image." It is certainly a very good tool to adjust overall image
brightness (much better than "Brightness" tools, which merely add a
constant to all tones, and can cause clipping). This tool raises the
center of the curve, but the endpoints stay fixed (same range is fixed).
It does that by changing gamma, raising the curve shown above. This
center slider of Levels shows 1.00 by default, which means gamma of
1x of existing value (whatever it was, but probably 2.2, and default 1x x
2.2 is still 2.2, no change at 1x). But other slider values are multipliers
of that existing gamma.

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Center slider at 0.45 = 1/2.2, opposite action, now an image

with no gamma correction (with 1/2.2 x 2.2 = gamma 1,
linear). Too dark because it simulates CRT losses showing an
image with no gamma, because now your LCD also decodes
gamma 1 to gamma 0.45, also too dark. This is the effect of
CRT gamma losses. CRT is why we use gamma correction.

Center slider at 1.0, normal default, normal gamma 2.2.

However, an LCD monitor has to specifically decode gamma
first, by applying the 0.45 curve before showing it as linear, or
gamma 1. CRT losses would also show it this proper way. This
is the plan. Your LCD also decodes 2.2 to (2.2 x 1/2.2) =
gamma 1, linear, reproducing the original scene in front of the

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Center slider at 2.2, adding gamma 2.2 to already 2.2 (i.e., 2.2
x 2.2 = gamma 4.8 now). Too bright, but we never see this. If
we could see gamma data, our histogram data should look this
way (too bright, the point is data does have gamma 2.2 added
to linear). This is done so when a CRT shows it darker suffering
the gamma losses, it will look right after all.
The Levels center slider is a multiplier of the current image gamma. I
don't find that "multiplier" written about any more, but it was widely
known and discussed 15-20 years ago (CRT days, back when we knew
what gamma was). Gamma used to be very important, but today, we
still encode with 1/2.2, and the LCD monitor must decode with 2.2, and
it's just an automatic no-op now.
Evidence of the tool as multiplier: An eyedropper on the gray road at
the curve ahead in the middle image at gamma 2.2 reads 185 (I'm
looking at the red value). Gamma 2.2 puts that linear value at 126
(midscale). 126 at gamma 1 is 126 (measured in top image, 0.45x x
2.2 = gamma 1). 126 at gamma 4.8 is 220 (measured in bottom image,
2.2x x 2.2 = gamma 4.8). Q.E.D.
Today, our LCD display is considered linear and does not need gamma.
However we still necessarily continue gamma to provide compatibility
with all the world's previous images and video systems. The LCD
display simply uses a chip to decode it first (discarding gamma
correction to necessarily restore the original linear image). Note that
gamma is a Greek letter used for many variables in science (like X is
used in algebra, used many ways), so there are also several other
unrelated uses of the word gamma, in math and physics, or for film
contrast, etc, but all are different unrelated concepts. One use of the
term gamma is to describe the CRT response curve.
Film cannot be shown on a CRT directly (we must digitize an image first
for our computer video system), so CRT is not a concern for film. But
digital cameras and scanners all always automatically add gamma to all
tonal images. A color or grayscale image is tonal (has many tones), but
a one-bit line art image (two colors, black or white, 0 or 1) does not
need or get gamma.

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Gamma correction is automatically done to any image from by any

digital camera (still or movie), and from any scanner, or any way a
digital tonal image might be created. Gamma is an invisible background
process, it just always happens. This does mean that all of our image
histograms contain and show gamma data. The 128 value that we may
think of as midscale is not middle tone of the histograms we see. This
original linear 128 middle value (middle at 50% linear data, 1 stop down
from 255) is up at about 186 in gamma data, and in our histograms.
Normalization: When the digital image is converted to RGB, then for
computing gamma, the [0..255] data is normalized into a [0..1]
range (divide each value by 255 to be a fraction [0..1], see formula).
Normalization is necessary because the end values of 0 or 1 raised to
any exponent are still 0 or 1 (unchanged). Therefore, the overall
range is not extended or changed, no clipping added, etc. The end
points remain fixed (see the curve.) Then for each red, green, or blue
component of every pixel,
the encode math is Gamma = 255 * (Linear / 255) 1/2.2
Then we store the result in a 8 bit file, which is an integer in range
[0..255]. We probably take time to do any necessary rounding, but it
is an integer value (cannot store the fractional number). Then when
displayed, the goal is to get that same tonal number back when
decoded to linear again to view the accurate reproduction of the
original image.
CRT displays take care of their own decoding (the CRT losses occur
to decode simply by showing the image on a CRT). This is of course
the purpose that gamma plans for, but even with LCD today, we still
continue to do gamma for compatibility with the world.
LCD displays are considered to be linear, not needing gamma, but our
images are all gamma encoded, so a LCD chip simply decodes it back
to original linear (so we can show our gamma images). There is more
than one way to do it, but LCD monitors and television normally use
look up tables. Math is slow for millions of pixels, so these lookup
tables have previously been computed for all values, and are now
used by the device to avoid the math (see example LUT below). Then
the table can simply provide the linear values for substitution to be
The decode math is Linear = 255 * (Gamma / 255) 2.2
It's just math, the formulas graph out the curves above. There's no
mumbo-jumbo involved, and it's not rocket science. It is simply an
exponential function. Gamma is used to exactly offset CRT losses, to
be able to correct and use a CRT display. However, simple CPUs are
not equipped for much math, so on a LCD display, a LUT chip (below)
first simply decodes back with the exact reversed math operation to
simply recover the same exact linear value we started with (leaving
no change the eye could see). Decode uses exponent of 2.2 instead

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of reciprocal 1/2.2 for Encode, which is reversible math. It's like 8/4
= 2, and 4x2 is 8 again. Reversible math, we simply get the same
value back. However there can be slight 8-bit rounding variations of
gamma in between, which might change the value by a difference of
one sometimes. A small error, but not really a big deal, virtually all of
our images and video systems and printers are 8 bits. If 8 bits were
not acceptable, we would be doing something else.
The reason we use gamma. For many years, CRT was the only video
display we had. But CRT is not linear, and requires heroic efforts to
properly use them for tonal images (photos and TV). The technical
reason we needed gamma is that the CRT light beam intensity efficiency
varies with the tubes electron gun signal voltage. CRT does not use the
decode formula, which was simply the study of what the non-linear CRT
losses already actually do in the act of showing it on a CRT ... the same
effect. The non-linear CRT simply shows the tones, and the response is
sort of as if the values were squared first (2.2 is near 2). These losses
have variable results, depending on the tones value, but the values that
were not bright will pretty much go dark.
How does CRT gamma correction actually do its work? Gamma
2.2 is roughly 2, and my example will use 2 instead because it is
simpler math. Encoding input to the power of 1/2.2 is roughly 1/2 or
square root, which condenses the image gamma data range smaller
(yes Poynton fans, the tones are compressed, CLOSER together). And
78% of the values encode to be boosted above the 127 50% midpoint
(see LUT below, or see curve above). So gamma boosts the low values
higher, they move up more near the big boy bright values. Specifically,
for a numerical example (two tones 225 and 25, and using easier
exponent 2 instead of 2.2), value 225 is 9x brighter then 25 (225/25).
But the square roots are 15 and 5, which is only 3 times more then,
compressed together... 3 is 9 (and only 2.7 times more if we used
2.2). But we simply store the square root, and then the CRT
shows it squared, for no net change, which is the plan. The reason
of course is because the CRT losses are going to show it squared
regardless (specifically, the CRT response result is power of 2.2).
Not to worry, our eye is NEVER EVER going to see any of these
gamma values. Because, then the non-linear CRT gamma output is a
roughly squared response to expand it back (restored to our first 225
and 25 linear values by the actual CRT losses that we planned for). CRT
losses still greatly reduce the low values, but which were first boosted
in preparation for it. So this gamma correction operation can properly
show the dim values linearly again (since dim starts off condensed, up
much closer to the strong values, and then becomes properly dim when
expanded by CRT losses.) It has worked great for many years. But
absolutely nothing about gamma is related to the human eye response.
We don't need to even care how the eye works. :) The eye NEVER sees
any gamma data. The eye merely looks at the final linear reproduction
of our image on the screen, after it is all over. The eye can only tolerate

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seeing an accurate linear reproduction of the original scene. How hard

is that?
Then we more recently invented LCD displays, and these were
considered linear devices, so technically, they didn't need CRT gamma
anymore. But if we did create and use gamma-free devices, then we
couldn't show any of the world's images properly, and the world could
not show our images properly. No advantage of that, so we're locked
into gamma, and for full compatibility, we simply just continue encoding
our images with gamma like always before. This is easy to do today, it
just means the LCD device simply includes a chip to first decode
gamma and then show the original linear result. Perhaps it is a slight
wasted effort, but it's easy, and exactly reversible, and the compatibility
reward is huge (because all the worlds images are gamma encoded).
So no big deal, no problem, it works great. Again, the eye never sees
any gamma data, it is necessarily decoded first back to the linear
original. We may not even realize gamma is a factor in our images, but
it always is. Our histograms do show this numerical gamma data, but
the eye never sees it. Never ever.
So our printers naturally expect to receive gamma images too
(because that's all that exists). Publishing and printer devices also need
some of gamma too, not as much as 2.2 for the CRT, but the screening
methods need most of it (for dot gain, etc). Until recently (2009), Apple
Mac computers used gamma 1.8 images. They could use the same CRT
monitors as Windows computers, and those monitors obviously were
gamma 2.2, but Apple split this up. This 1.8 value was designed for the
early laser printers that Apple manufactured then (and for publishing
prepress), to be what the printer needed. Then the Mac video hardware
added another 0.4 gamma correction for the CRT monitor, so the video
result was an unspoken gamma 2.2, roughly - even if their files were
gamma 1.8. But that was before internet, and now, the last few Mac
versions (since OS 10.6) now observe the world standard gamma 2.2 in
the file, because all the world's images are already encoded that way,
and we indiscriminately share them via the internet now. Compatibility
is a huge deal, because all the worlds grayscale and color photo images
are tonal images. All tonal images are gamma encoded. But yes,
printers are programmed to deal with the gamma 2.2 data, and to
adjust it to their needs.
While we're on history, this CRT problem (non-linear response curve
named gamma) was solved by earliest television (first NTSC spec in
1941). Television broadcast stations intentionally boosted the dark
values (with gamma correction, encoded to be opposite to the expected
gamma CRT losses). That was less expensive in vacuum tube days than
building gamma circuitry into every TV set. Without this "gamma
correction", the CRT screen images came out unacceptably dark.
Today, 8 bits is the sticky part: We do store computed gamma into 8
bit JPG files or 8 bit video space. A decimal value like 100.73 has to

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become integer 101 or 100. We can round it or truncate it. Even if we

use the rounded value, some of the values work out very well, but other
possible 8-bit values might still be off by one (one is a tiny number, any
number's least significant bit). For example, values of linear 72 or 80 or
86 and others are simply not exactly reproducible in rounded 8-bits
(see Option 7 above, or the LUT can show it too), so these will always
be off by one (in 8-bits). (Poynton fans, note the low values are NOT
the rounding problem). Using the truncated value may sound crude, but
it is fast, and in fact not so bad. Rounding is random up or down too,
and it somewhat changes which values are affected, and changes the
count of values affected by 8-bit one-off errors from 28% rounded to
50% truncated (speaking of Option 7).
Options 6 & 7: However, these rounded 28% errors are roughly
evenly distributed between +1 or -1 difference, a variation range of 2.
But the 50% truncated errors are all -1 (except only one value 143 was
-2, only because actual -241.986 was truncated as 241). We might
claim the overall truncated result appears better, more consistent, less
variation (evidence offered in Option 7). But we are speaking of tiny
rounding effects on precision (only "off by one" errors), and for speed,
LUT are commonly used, which are rounded.
FWIW, converting any 16 bit file to 8 bits always only uses truncation.
We never notice, and it is fast.
If we did not use gamma for a LCD, then our JPG 8 bit file could instead
simply already contain any linear values directly. We could simply store
the linear value in the file, and then read the same original value back
out, and simply show it as is (speaking of on a LCD). No technical
issues then. But we instead necessarily and desirably still use gamma
for compatibility with all the images and video and printer systems in
the world.
How big a deal is 8-bit gamma? What actually does happen? We've
come a long way, but 8-bit gamma did have a pretty large effect in film
scanners before technology allowed them to use 12 bits. It seems much
less critical in video display. I offer evidence to examine this 8-bit
rounding effect in the calculator above, Options 6 & 7.
Gamma values stored in an 8-bit JPG file, or decoded into 8-bit video
space, are necessarily 8-bit integers, which means the values can only
be a limited set of numbers of [0..255]. When computing gamma, we
can compute a number like 19.67. But the result can only be 19 or 20,
and not a fraction. So the values might change by a value of one
(almost always only one, Option 7). Rounding up or down appropriately
certainly helps accuracy, and video lookup tables can provide that. Or
code could do that, but it's slow processing math. For the huge load of
millions of pixels (x3 for RGB), an expedient method to convert to
8-bits is to truncate. It's really not all that bad.
The Truncate gamma values checkbox in the calculator will do the same

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rounding down, or not (just click it, on and off, and watch the values).
Output storage results go into 8-bit integers [0..255], i.e., floating point
fractions are Not stored, and may not be rounded, same as storing into
8-bits would do. Random values might change by one. 8-bits may not
be perfect, but the point is to show worst case isn't too bad.
So 8-bits has effect, but not a big difference. Our accepted computer
color system plan is 8-bits (called 24 bit color, 8 bits each of RGB). We
all use 8-bits and find no problems. Yes, linear values might decode to
come back one less than they went in. A difference of 1 down at 5 or 10
or 20 could possibly be a significant percentage at the low end (where it
is very black, and our monitors can hardy show it anyway), but this is
nothing at higher values. And this change of One is random, no pattern
to it, don't count on the eye to help figure it out. The 8-bit "problem" is
largely only about if the integer should have randomly rounded up
instead of down. The computer can of course compute gamma
conversions to any high precision desired, but the final act of storing a
precise result value into an 8-bit file MAY expediently truncate it to be a
value of maybe one less. It is the tiniest error, which depends on the
decode procedure.
For example, if to be stored in an 8-bit file, linear 20 goes to 80 in 2.2
gamma, which then decodes back to 19 or 20 in 8-bit video space (to
see this, just enter 20 into calculator field 6, choose Option 6, and then
toggle the Truncate gamma values checkbox repeatedly). Then
compare it to value 21. Option 6 is only for this purpose, and Option 7
just counts the values with the different differences for the two
rounding cases. The point is, 8 bits can cause minor "off by one" errors
in gamma data. You probably may never detect this difference in a
screen image. And it's just math, we certainly don't see any way here
that the human eye could help with it? Notice that this difference is Not
just because the gamma data was 8-bits, it is also because the target
video space was 8-bits. But 8-bits is not a big problem. It is our
standard, and it works well.
The math: You can repeat the math yourself for the concept. Here's
how: Gamma must be normalized to a [0..1] data range (divide by 255)
before we do the math. Because when normalized to [0..1], end point
values 0 or 1 to any exponent are still 0 or 1, so the gamma boost
never extends end ranges or causes clipping. The end points are fixed,
it only boosts the midrange, more at the low end (see the graph). Then
our computation must be rounded to an integer, both in the 8-bit file,
and in the 8-bit video space.
This next shows the work to convert linear value 20 to 2.2 gamma
value 80 and then back to linear 19 (19 because it was stored as 8-bit
integers). Again, the computer can do any precise calculations, but
the 8-bit file is limited to storing integers.
Normalize: 20 / 255 = 0.078431 [0..1] range (so this is 7.8% of 255

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full scale)
Gamma value: 0.078431 ^ (1/2.2) = 0.314409 [0..1] range (this is
31% scale on the histogram)
Value = 0.314409 * 255 = 80.174369, rounded to store as integer 80
[0..255] in 8-bit file.
Converting 80 gamma back to linear value 20:
Normalize: 80 / 255 = 0.313725 [0..1] range
Gamma value: 0.313725 ^ 2.2 = 0.078057 [0..1] range
Value = 0.078057 * 255 = 19.90443, stored as 19 [0..255] (8-bit
video space)
19, or 20, depending on how the decoding software processes the
rounding. It has to be an integer, which the receiving hardware can
choose to process by truncating or rounding. If computed, truncation
is simpler and faster than rounding. But IF 20 comes back as 19, this
is what Option 7 calls a difference of one.

Look up Tables (LUT)

This article is about gamma, so to be more complete, and for example
of concept, here are 8-bit video lookup tables (LUT) for gamma 2.2.
Both Encode and Decode are shown. Instead of computing math
millions of times (three times per RGB pixel), a scanner or camera could
read an Encode LUT, and a LCD display or printer could read a Decode
LUT. This table can be in a ROM with the decode input address being all
of the possible gamma values, and with the output being the
corresponding rounded linear value for that input. Low gamma inputs
are rather coarse (and gamma less than 25 is 0 or 1 linear.) For an
example of use, input gamma 132 (decode) simply reads at address
132 to see and use output rounded 60 linear. Or linear 60 (encode
table) outputs 132. The idea is that the table is fast, and prevents the
video from having to do the math on millions of pixels.

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8-bit gamma Look Up Table, Encode

Linear address, Gamma 2.2 output

0 21 28 34 39 43 46 50 53 56
59 61 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78
80 82 84 85 87 89 90 92 93 95
96 98 99 101 102 103 105 106 107 109
110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
142 143 144 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
151 151 152 153 154 155 156 156 157 158
159 160 160 161 162 163 164 164 165 166
167 167 168 169 170 170 171 172 173 173
174 175 175 176 177 178 178 179 180 180
181 182 182 183 184 184 185 186 186 187
188 188 189 190 190 191 192 192 193 194
194 195 195 196 197 197 198 199 199 200
200 201 202 202 203 203 204 205 205 206
206 207 207 208 209 209 210 210 211 212
212 213 213 214 214 215 215 216 217 217
218 218 219 219 220 220 221 221 222 223
223 224 224 225 225 226 226 227 227 228
228 229 229 230 230 231 231 232 232 233
233 234 234 235 235 236 236 237 237 238
238 239 239 240 240 241 241 242 242 243
243 244 244 245 245 246 246 247 247 248
248 249 249 249 250 250 251 251 252 252
253 253 254 254 255 255

for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++)


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8-bit gamma Look Up Table, Decode

Gamma 2.2 address, Linear output

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7
7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10
11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14
15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19
20 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 25
26 26 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 32
33 33 34 35 35 36 37 38 39 39
40 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 47 48
49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78
79 81 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 90
91 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 102 103
105 106 107 109 110 111 113 114 116
119 120 121 123 124 126 127 129 130
133 135 137 138 140 141 143 145 146
149 151 153 154 156 158 159 161 163
166 168 170 172 173 175 177 179 181
184 186 188 190 192 194 196 197 199
203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219
223 225 227 229 231 234 236 238 240
244 246 248 251 253 255


for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++)

{table[i]=Math.round(Math.pow(i/255, 2.2)*255);}

An example of use of the LUT is that Encode address linear 81 is

gamma value 152. And then Decode address gamma 152 is linear value
81. It works without any additional math (fast and simple), but in
8-bits, some of these could be one off, like 80 is. Now we could of
course store any modified value we wish in the table, but that can't
help, it's already computed right.





81 But what could we change?

In an 8-bit integer, where could any supposed so called perceptual

improvements even be placed? :) The lowest linear steps (1,2,3,4) are
separately distinguished (with numbers 1,2,3,4), perhaps coarsely

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percentage wise, but in 8 bits, 1,2,3,4 is all they can be called. And of
course, they are the exact values we hope to reproduce (however real
world video monitors probably cannot show levels that black, which
cause is neither gamma nor 8-bits). Notions about the human eye can't
help (the eye never sees gamma data). An analog CRT is all that sees
any gamma data directly, but the eye notion is the full opposite,
imagining gamma is still somehow needed without CRT? Anyway,
gamma is obviously not related to the human eyes response in any
way. Our only problem is that 8-bit values can only show integer values
150, 151, 152, ... but linear 80 computes about gamma 150.5. But off
by one is not a big deal, since there are so many other variables
anyway. White Balance for one for example, Vivid for another, these
skew the camera data. So this is an instance to not sweat the small
The LUT is not entirely wasted effort for LCD, because the table can also
be modified to additionally correct for any other color nonlinearity in
this specific device, monitor color calibration procedures for example, or
just routine corrections. The LUT provides the mechanism to expand it
further (if the data is this, then show that). Color correction would
require three such tables, for each of red, green and blue. This table is
for gamma 2.2, but other tables are quickly created. A 12-bit encode
table would need 4096 values, a larger table, but it still reads just as
The lowest linear values, like 4, 5, 6, may seem to be coarse steps
(percentage-wise), but they are what they are (still the smallest
possible steps of 1), and are what we've got to work with, and are the
exact values that we need to reproduce, regardless if we use gamma or
if we hypothetically somehow could bypass it. These low values are
black tones, and the monitor may not be able to reproduce them well
anyway (monitors cannot show the blackest black).
But gamma is absolutely Not related to the response of the eye, and
gamma is obviously NOT done for the eye (that's nonsense, and of
course, we don't even need to know anything about the eyes
response). The eye never ever sees any gamma data, because gamma
is always first completely decoded back to linear. We couldn't care less
what the eye does with it, the eye does what it does, but it is happiest
to see an exact linear reproduction of the original linear scene, the same
as if it were still standing there looking.
Note that Options 6 & 7 convert linear values to gamma, and then back
to linear, and looks for a difference due to 8-bit rounding. That's all 6
does, but Option 7 does all possible values, to see how things are
going. But our photos were all encoded elsewhere at 12 bits (in the
camera, or in the scanner, or in raw, etc), so encoding is not our 8-bit
issue (it's already done). So my procedure is that Option 6 & 7 always
round the input encoded values, and only uses the Truncate gamma
values checkbox for the decoding, which will convert the 8-bit output

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values by either truncating or by full rounding. This still presents 8-bit

integer values to be decoded, which matches the real world, but
rounding the input introduces less error, which the camera likely would
not cause.
Yes, it is 8-bits, and not perfect. However, the results are still good,
very acceptable, which is why 8-bit video is our standard. It works.
Gamma cannot help 8-bits work, actually instead, gamma is the
complication requiring we compute different values then requiring 8-bit
round off. Gamma is a part of that problem, not the solution. But it is
only a minor problem, necessary for CRT, and today, necessary for
compatibility with the worlds images.
Stop and think. It is obvious that gamma is absolutely not related to
the response of our eye. This perceptual step business at the low end
may be how we might wish the image tones were, but it is Not an
option, not in 8 bits. Instead, the numbers are what they actually are,
which we hope to reproduce accurately. The superficial "gamma is for
the eye" theory falls flat (fails) when we think about it once. If the eye
needs gamma, how can the eye see scenes in nature without gamma?
And when would the eye ever even see gamma? All data is ALWAYS
decoded back to linear before it is ever seen. And short of using 10 or
12 bits, how could we possibly improve it? So before you email
nonsense to me, proponents need to show a specific numeric example,
showing data numbers from start to finish, showing how gamma could
possibly help results (of course, it doesn't, so they cannot, it's funny
actually). Gamma is obviously NOT related to the response of the eye.
A linear value of 20 would be given to a CRT monitor as gamma value
80, and we expect the CRT losses will leave the corresponding linear 20
visible. A LCD monitor will simply first decode the 80 to 20, and show
that. Our eye will always hopefully see this original linear value 20, as
best as our monitor can reproduce it.
So the most obvious fact, if we had instead simply stored this linear
integer value 20 in an 8-bit file, then we would of course have easily
read back linear 20, which is what computers do, very reliably.
There's no problem with that, no need to alter the values then. It could
be a great plan for a LCD (only for LCD not needing gamma). Showing
that original linear 20 value to the eye is the only goal of reproduction.
It can't get better than that. If it were possible, it would obviously be far
better to simply store and use the original linear number 20, because
reproducing it is our only goal. But CRT response made that impossible,
and now compatibility with years of gamma makes that impossible. We
of course continue to do gamma for compatibility, but certainly this LCD
display does not "still need" CRT gamma then. In fact, it is obvious
that gamma manipulation actually increases the 8-bit problem.
Gamma is certainly Not the solution, regardless of the mumbo-jumbo
trying to call it a virtue. However it's necessary, and a tiny problem, and
it is easy, and it does work. The actual necessity of gamma now is for
compatibility, so we do have much larger considerations. It is

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tremendously more worthwhile to continue compatibility with all the

worlds images and video systems. But gamma is certainly Not in any
way related to matching the response of our eye. :)
Gamma has been done for nearly 80 years to allow television CRT
displays to show tonal images. CRT are non-linear, and require this
correction to be useful. Gamma is very well understood, and the human
eye response is NOT any part of that description. The only way the eye
is involved is that we hope the decoded data will show a good linear
reproduction of the image for the eye to view (but the eye is NOT part
of the correction process). Gamma correction is always done,
automatically, pretty much invisible to us. We may not use CRT today,
but CRT was all there was for many years, and the same gamma is still
done automatically on all tonal images (which are digital in computers),
for full compatibility with all of the world's images and video systems
(and it is easy to just keep doing it). LCD monitor chips simply easily
decode gamma now (the specification 2.2 value does still have to be
right). The 8-bit value might be off by one sometimes, but you will
never know that. Since all values are affected about this same way,
there's little overall effect. More bits could be better, but the consensus
is that 8-bits work OK.
I am all for the compatibility of continuing gamma images, but gamma
has absolutely nothing to do with the human eye response. Gamma
was done so the the corrected linear image could be shown on
non-linear CRT displays. Gamma is simply just history, of CRT
monitors. We still do it today, for compatibility of all images and all
video and printer systems.
We probably should know that our histogram data values are gamma
encoded. Anything you see in the histogram is gamma values.
Copyright 2011-2016 by Wayne Fulton - All rights are reserved.

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