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Argument for Measure L1 - City-sponsored rent control measure

We are facing an affordability crisis in Alameda. We must take action to
protect affordable housing options for our hard working families, seniors,
and school children.
Measure L1 takes immediate action to stop evictions and limit rent
increases, but unlike Measure M1, it does this without creating an out-ofcontrol bureaucracy that forces the City to spend money on administrators
instead of on critical services like police, fire, parks, libraries, and more.

Measure L1 is the result of months of work with tenants and landlords and
is a common-sense and balanced approach to the affordability crisis.
Your YES vote on Measure L1 will help make housing more affordable in
Alameda by continuing the following protections, giving the current city
Ordinance a chance to work:
1 Prohibit any rent increase over 5% unless agreed upon through
mediation between the tenant and landlord.
2 Prohibit mass evictions of entire buildings.
3 - Discourage evictions solely to increase rents by limiting any rent
increase to the next tenant to no more than 5%.
4 - Require landlords to pay a relocation fee and cover moving expenses so
tenants have the ability to move in the least disruptive manner possible.
5 - Ensure that seniors, people with disabilities, and families with children
are not treated as less desirable and expensive tenants, potentially
narrowing their housing choices for years to come.
Measure L1 protects our most vulnerable populations from skyrocketing
housing costs without creating an expensive new bureaucracy.
Measure L1 saves millions of dollars that can be used to fund police,
fire, ambulance response, and other essential city services.
Protect our residents by supporting Measure L1, which curbs rent increases
and protects our rental housing without wasting funds on an
unaccountable, duplicative bureaucracy. Vote Yes on Measure L1.

s/ Arthur Kurrasch
Chair, Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
s/ Helen Sause
President, Alameda Home Team
s/ Tim Corriero
Alameda Renter
s/ Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft
City Councilmember, Alameda City Council
s/ Jim Oddie
City Councilmember, Alameda City Council

Argument against Measure L1 - City-sponsored rent control measure

This argument was selected for the voter guide in a random drawing

s/ Jill Broadhurst
Executive Director, East Bay Rental
Housing Association

Argument against Measure L1 - City-sponsored rent control measure

We urge you to vote NO on Measure L1. Measure M1 is the better choice it provides fair
returns to landlords and real protections for renters.

Measure L1, the citys socalled Rent Stabilization Act, fails to provide:

Accountability to voters. The citys ordinance started in council and would be
subject to shifts in the City Council. By being a charter amendment, Measure M1
takes this important issue out of city council politics.

Longterm affordability. The citys ordinance imposes a higher annual fee $131
than that of Measure M1. Furthermore, Measure M1 includes its own independent
funding and will not spend your tax dollars.

Stability across Alameda. The citys ordinance allows a landlord to evict 25% of
their rental units per year without cause. Measure M1 creates justcause protections
to ensure community stability.

Measure M1 is the best choice to ensure accountability, affordability, and stability across
the city.

Measure L1, Rent Stabilization Act, on the other hand:

Has produced an average rent increase of nearly 8% in cases of mediation thus far
Has cost the city $800,000 to implement. Meanwhile, the city has failed to collect up
to $700,000 in dwelling unit fees for rentals.
Allows nocause evictions
Expires in December 2018

In contrast to the citys ordinance, Measure M1:

Ends nocause evictions
Creates an independent, elected Rent Board
Ties rent adjustments to inflation
Provides longterm stability

Join Assemblyman Rob Bonta, the Alameda Labor Council (AFLCIO), the Alameda County
Democratic Party Central Committee, Alameda Progressives, Filipino Advocates for Justice,
educators, public health professionals, homeowners, veterans, and working families and
vote YES on Measure M1 and NO on Measure L1.

s/ Eric Strimling
Home Owner, Steering Committee Member, Alameda Renters Coalition

s/ Maria D. Dominguez
Policy Advocate

s/ Fr. Dana P. Michaels

Pastor/Administrator, St. Barnabas Church

s/ Doyle Saylor
Disability Housing Advocate

s/ Barnett J. Brickner
Rabbi, Temple Israel of Alameda

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