Embedded Technologies: Pedagogy & Learning

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Embedded Technologies: Pedagogy & Learning

Technology in schools today is ubiquitous but is often not utilized in ways that impact student
learning. Unfortunately, the research, development, and legislative policies that anchor 21st
century reform in technology remain largely unrealized. A number of reasons for this gap exist:
the readiness capacity (knowledge and dispositions) of individuals to effectively use technologies
and the interoperability (content capabilities) of the technology itself to make meaningful
contributions to both teaching and learning. The issues of readiness and interoperability have
become key features of the infusion of digital media in NELA. For us the infusion of technology
in general and specifically digital media was anchored in the domains of teaching, learning, and
leading. The NELA program gives all students a laptop computer, small digital video camera,
training in video editing and leadership in digital learning communities. We utilize these devices
and skill sets in a number of innovative ways (especially to monitor leadership growth) which
are described in the following sections.
Video for Observation of Practice and Reflection on Authentic Role-Plays
The use of video footage and playback is an important aspect of our work. We use this
medium to train candidates to effectively diagnose good teaching and learning as well as to
conduct honest and poignant conversations with teachers about their teaching. Finally, we
employ a spontaneous in-class scenario assignment we dub Operation NELA. Here we provide
students with a specific scenario, context, and roles. The Fellows role-play and record the
situation as it plays out. The Fellows use the video to debrief and reflect on in-the-moment
actions, outcomes, and for the development of plans for alternative outcomes.

Webpages/Electronic Evidence Portfolio

Every NELA Fellow creates a public webpage. The page is a living document to certify their
preparation including tracking evidences of their proficiency on each standard and competency.
Fellows must show or demonstrate that each sub-standard and competency has been met at the
proficient level with an assortment of artifacts.
Technology Fellows Learn and Utilize
Technology that NELA Fellows learn and utilize includes: Video and Audio Collection, Video
Editing, Video Production, PowerPoint and Prezi, Live Binder, Scribd, Excel, Moodle and many
others (See other Web 2.0 tools at: http://www.fi.ncsu.edu/).

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