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It seems to me, telekinesis is not possible for anyone!

Telekinesis (also called psychokinesis, or PK), is the ability to move objects through mind
power. Though many people believe in such psychic ability, scientific evidence for its
existence remains still very elusive.
The history of telekinesis is a history of frauds and fakery, both proven and suspected. Even
many researchers studying psychokinesis admit that the data fall far short of scientific
standards of proof. But they face an even bigger problem: there is no known mechanism by
which the human mind could move or bend material objects. Even if our brain waves could
somehow influence objects, the laws of physics demonstrate that the waves don't extend
beyond a few millimeters from the skull.
The idea of people being able to move objects through "mind power" has intrigued people
for centuries, though only in the late 1800s was it seen as an ability that might be
scientifically demonstrated.
Fraudulent psychics resorted to trickery, using everything from hidden wires to black-clad
accomplices to make objects appear to move untouched. Harry Houdini, the famous
magician and illusionist (1874-1926) investigated and exposed many fake mediums, and
even wrote a book about it titled "Miracle Mongers and Their Methods."
In the 1970s, a man named Uri Geller became the world's best-known psychic and made
millions traveling around the world demonstrating his claimed psychokinetic abilities
including starting broken watches and bending spoons. Though he denied using magic
tricks, many skeptical researchers observed and proved that all of Geller's amazing feats
could be and have been duplicated by magicians.
In 1976, several children who claimed to be able to bend spoons with their minds were
tested in controlled experiments at the University of Bath in England. At first the results
seemed genuine, and experimenters believed they might finally have found real scientific
evidence of psychokinesis. However the children were caught cheating, on hidden cameras,
physically bending spoons with their hands when they thought no one was watching.
Some people believe that there is physiological or psychological evidence for the human
brain's capacity to do far more than we imagine: after all, they claim, we only use 10 percent

of our brains. They further claim that psychic powers, including telekinesis, are merely the
result of psychics being able to use more of their brains than others. After all, they ask, what
wonders could we accomplish by tapping the other 90 percent of our brains?
Unfortunately, it is only a myth. The fact is that we use 100% of our brains. Researchers
have found that brain imaging research techniques such as PET scans (positron emission
tomography) and FMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) clearly show that the
entire brain is used by us.
In April 2008, British psychologist and skeptic Richard Wiseman published the results of an
online survey he conducted, entitled "Magicians and the Paranormal: A Survey", in which
400 magicians worldwide participated. For the question, "Do you believe that psychokinesis
exists (i.e., that some people can, by paranormal means, apply a noticeable force to an object
or alter its physical characteristics)?", the results were as follows:
83.5% NO
9%, YES
Written 1 Jun 2015 View Upvotes

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Adam Cristian, Check detailed info about how to develop


We all know that the brain is the most requested organ of contemporary human, but it is
said that we use only 3-10% of its capacity consciously, the rest of 90-97% is used by us
subconsciously. We also know that it is specialized in processing the information, which is
absolutely necessary for regulating inter organs and human behavior in a changing

environment. Our brain has a very important energetic power, which might mean major
changes in our existence and evolution.
Remember that the object that you want to move does not exist , it's just a code of
information , bit 0101011100, this is an example. everything that surrounds you is just a
code , and you are a Co-creator , a programmer, so you can change that code through your
brain's power which is a processor. By changing the code you are able to move the object or
to change it in other object or whatever you want to do with it. In quantum physics
everything around us is made from atoms , even you , those atoms are the bits with
information 01010101.
Telekinesis refers to mechanical actions performed from the distance on material objects.
So, it is about an object capable to move other things without touching them. In these
situations there is always a human subject. There is a person who triggers the psycho-kinetic
Telekinesis is a very advanced practice, being necessary a powerful halo. We all have this
ability, but due to many centuries of religion oppression on the powers of the mind, this
became an inactive part of the human brain. Through telekinesis you have to connect your
halo with that of the object you want to move. The power of your halo will determine the
There are many simple exercises and steps you should follow in order to learn how to do
telekinesis. You shouldnt be frustrated if you cant do it for the first time you try. Such a
practice requires an intense concentration and a strong state of mind. With a lot of patience
and consistency in practice, the necessary time in order to succeed moving an object will be
shorter and shorter.
Important advice:
- Be strong enough and confident in your powers and you will see your potential. All you
need is practice, every day, for several weeks.
- Start with small light objects, such as precious stones, they have a powerful halo.
- Try telekinesis every day, as any other ability you want to improve, until you became very
good at it. You can replace small light objects with those heavier, until you reach an
advanced level.

Updated 26 Jan View Upvotes

Ezekiel Grimares, Likes asking and answering questions


Theoretically, telekinesis is possible - if you literally take all of the energy from the neurons
in the brain (about 20J), and multiply it to a certain degree. Now, all you need is to find a
way to convert that into kinetic energy and direct it.
All objects are moved via energy. There are many forms, but the ones that come into mind
are chemical, electrical, magnetic, thermal, and of course, kinetic. They can be converted
into other forms, like when electrical energy moves things, or when chemical energy heats
things up. Basically, energy creates movement; it is simply how, that is the question.
Written 12 Feb View Upvotes

Jesse-Lee McCleary, Born & Raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses


Humans were born perfect & meant to live forever. Scientists even say that our body is made
to heal ourselves & regenerate cells forever, but they can't explain why there is a certain
point in our lives that it starts to slow down or stop completely, and we start to slowly age &
die off. They say we only use 10% of our brain, but can't really explain what the other 90% is
for. The harder scientist try to find a reason to something that is unreasonable for them to
understand, the more they are really just wasting there time, unless they want the quick &
easy answer, they will only find it in the Bible.
This obviously goes back to the beginning when our first parents were created. They were
made perfect, never to grow old and die. When they sinned against God who had already
told them the consequences of disobeying him, the earth became cursed (weeds overtook
food stock, nutrients lost in soil, etc). Adam & Eve both started to age, grow old, &
eventually die. There bodies were now imperfect thus there ability to completely heal & have
there cells regenerate forever was lost. I'm pretty sure that before they sinned, they were
able to use 100% of there brain (similar to the movie "Limitless"). You would think, well if
there brains were perfect with 100% thought process, why would anyone make the mistake
of disobeying and loosing it all? Would you want to be created as a robot? No, that is why we
are blessed with the freedom to choose. Even in perfection, a person can choose to make the
wrong decision. Because Adam & Eve didn't have any children before they sinned, the
disease of sin (imperfection) passed on to us. We could never imagine living forever with
100% brain process in a perfect world, because all we know is our world, its promised to us
in the Bible that we will have that chance once again, all we have to do is obey Jehovah God.
I may sound like a preachy person, and I'm pretty sure i can say I'm not in the 'smart

category,' but at least I can say I know the answer to scientists question of why of bodies
grow old & die off, and why we only use a small portion of our brains.
This leads to the answer of Telekinesis. Is it Possible? Definitely not in this time of our lives
in this world, unless your possessed by a demon who is really behind moving the object. I'm
not all too familiar with brain energy, neurons, equations & all that other scientific stuff, I
know bending energy is possible (black holes in outer space), but for now I personally think
that it would be a little scary or dangerous to try an open your mind up a little more then it
is meant for us in our time, your might attract the devil & he could definitely move things
for you, deceiving yourself & others that it is you. But the bible promises oneway that he
(God) will give us every desire of our hearts. So if you can patiently wait until then, who
knows the possibilities we could do using ALL of our brains capacity. If you got more
questions about life, check out

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