Donner Co Worksheet

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Donner Co.

Worksheet for Homework and possible examination

1. Draw the process flow diagram for Donner?

2. How Donner should make choices for use of alternative technologies in

Drilling or Profile Punch press or CNC?

Perform the capacity analysis for Dry Film Photoresist? Assuming order size is
8 boards, 80 board and 800 boardsCan use excel sheet once you do and
understand one manual calculation.

Size of order
In board

Size of order
In panels

Set up Run time


No of
per day

No of
per day

8 boards
80 boards
800 boards
4. Repeat the question 3 for all other workstationmay be using excel sheet

5. How capacity is defined in Donner (thought provoking questions ...)


How is Donner compete in the market? What are the important performance
measures (competitive priorities) and how the current level? Cost? Quality?
Delivery reliability? What are the problem faced by Donner and how to resolve
that? What are the reason for those problems?


How do you plan capacity for the Donner?

8. What are the decision that you must take in case of Donner as a manager to
manage the shop floor?

9. What is time required for each order size through the production system?
(thought provoking questions ...) Does it matter? Consider order size of 8
boards, 80 boards and 800 boards .. find the time required to move it from
fist workstation (Bhopal) to last workstation (Indore)

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