Candy Mountain

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"Candy Mountain"

Main Characters:Ibex, a rare mountain goat

A small boy
Plot Summary: Ibex who lives in the high lands has wandered down to a
playground where he meets our protagonist- a rambunctious
little boy
who isnt afraid to wander off with a goat in search
of sweets. Our
protagonist learns about the dangers of
wandering off with strangers
and that it isnt a good
idea to overindulge.
(Una calurosa tarde de verano. Un nio est apoyado en una ventana
oyendo las voces de los nios jugando fuera)
Boy: Mom! Dad! Can I go outside and play?
Dad/Mom: Johhny, its getting dark.
Boy: Awh, please, just for a little while, please, I want to go out and play,
Dad/Mom: Alright, you can go for a bit.
(El nio va hacia la audiencia)
Boy: Woo Hooo! Yupeeee! Do you want to play with me? ( Le pregunta a la
audiencia entusiasmado)
Boy: Let's see who can climb the highest! (baja del escenario) come on!
Lets go climb! (sealando algn punto alto ) Do you want to try? (
pregunta a la audiencia)
Do you know how to climb? ...
Boy: You have to get a grip with your feet ( levanta una pierna ) and then
you have to hold on tight (levanta los dos brazos y agarra) and then you
have to PULL ( trayendo los brazos hacia el cuerpo. todo muy exagerado. No
puede conseguirlo y se cae)
Boy: AUUUUUUCCHHHHHHHH ... that was painful.
( De repente se oye un sonido entre las hojas de los rboles)
Boy: mmmm ... Who is there?? .... ( mira a su alrededor ) Did you hear
that? ( se levanta expectante porque no sabe de dnde viene ese ruido... el
ruido cada vez es ms alto )
I think theres someone hiding in the bushes... shhhhh.... quiet. (empieza a
andar silenciosamente) Is someone playing hide-and-seek? (Oye sonidos de
mastiscar) Come out, come out, wherever you are! (de repente sale una
cabra montesa cominedo un chupachups gigante y le sorprende)
ARGHHHHHHH!!!!! (se asusta y se cae hacia atras)
Goat: Are you okay?
Boy: ARGHHH!! A talking goat! (se esconde detras de algo)
Goat: Im sorry, I didnt mean to scare you.
Boy: I must have hit my head very hard, Im seeing a talking goat!
(frotandose la cabeza)
Goat: Im not a goat! Look at my big beautiful horns.
Boy: Youre right. You cant be a goat. Animals cant talk!
Goat: I am an ibex. (lamiendo su chupachups)
Boy: A what? You eat candy, too. This is crazy!
Goat: An Ibex, and yes, I can talk and I love sweets. (lamiendo su
chupachups) Would you like one, too?
Boy: Yes, of course!!
Goat: its your lucky day! I just came from Candy Mountain and Ive got lots
of sweets.

Boy: Candy Mountain! I cant believe it!

Goat: Believe it! Candy Mountain is real. A hidden mountain, covered in
sweets. Right over there (sealando a la distancia)
Boy: where?
Goat: Dont be silly. Its hidden. You cant see it- You must go through a
secret path.
Boy: thats amazing! I have been waiting for this my whole life! Can you
take me to candy mountain?
Goat: Yes, but, you must know how to climb. Can you climb?
Boy: Yes, I can.
Goat: Very Good. And, are you a good hiker?
Boy: I love hiking!
Goat: Very well, I will take you , but its getting dark.
Boy: Yes, my daddy said I could play a little bit.
Goat: Very well then. Lets go before it gets too late.
(empieza la cancin....La cancin se podra aprovechar como el momento
de "montar" la prxima escena, entre los dos actores bailando...
La escena empieza con ellos caminando a travs de la audiencia, en busca
de la montaa de caramelos...
Boy: Are we there yet?
Goat: We are almost there. I can smell it!
Boy: What? I dont smell anything! (olfateando el aire)
Siguen andando a travs de las filas de la audiencia, buscando pruebas de
Goat: Soon, you will see sweets everywhere... keep your eyes peeled!
(mirando por todas partes)
Boy: (gesto de abrirse los ojos mas) I think I found something! (recoje algo
del suelo)
Goat: Oh yeah, lets see!
Boy: Here it is! (se lo ensea)
Goat: How do you know thats a candy?
Hmm.... its red... Its round , and its shinny! (lo huele un
momento)....And it smells delicious!
El nio pregunta a alguien en el publico si huele bien...
Boy: Can you smell it? Doesnt it smell delicious?
(lo huele la cabra)
Goat: Thats not candy!
Boy: Yes it is. Look! (lo empieza a abrir)
Goat: Are you sure you should do that?
Boy: (para un momento pero sigue)... this is a candy, and Im hungry! (lo
acaba de abrir)
Boy: Oh, its, its... a ball.(decepcionado)
Goat: Phew! Thats was lucky! I thought it was a bomb!
Boy: A bomb! thats silly! Lets keep looking.
Goat: Its not a good idea to eat things found on the floor, you know.
Boy: My mom always says that too, but Im so hungry.. (sigue mirando por
los suelos)
Goat: Yes, its getting very late ... (nervioso por llegar)

Boy: Look I found a lollipop!! ( le interumpe cuando encuentra otro paquete)

Goat: How do you know thats a lollipop?
Boy: (con el paquete en la mano lo mira y lo describe) Well, its small, its
round, and its got a stick at the bottom! What else can it be!
Goat: Well.. Im not sure, but...
Boy: Lets open it! I want to eat it now.
Goat: Are you sure?
Boy: Yeeeeesss. Why not?
Goat: Its just not a good idea to eat things from the ground!
Boy: Please, can I just open this last one?
Goat: Okay, last one.
(el nio lo abre y es una cuchara)
Boy: I cant believe it. (decepcionado otra vez)
Goat: What is it?
Boy: Its just a spoon.
Goat: A-what? Whats a spoon?
Boy: Youve never used a spoon before?
Goat: (Se rie) No I cant. Remember, Im an ibex, not a boy.
Boy; Oh silly me, of course

(cantan la cancin una vez mas)


Boy: I can see the lollipop trees. Were here! Were here!
Goat: I know you are hungry, but come with me, I will show you the best
candy in all of Candy Mountain.
(el nio ya ha empezado a coger y comer de los caramelos colgando)
Boy: Oh, yes, Im coming! Wait for me (recogiendo montones de cosas y
llenandose los bolsillos)
Goat: Look, there it is. Its the most delicious tree you will ever try. Its
made of chocolate!
(aqu necesitaramos un objeto que aparente ser el
mejor rbol de
chocolate de la historia)
Boy: Give it to me! Give it to me! I must have it.
Goat: (la cabra le ayuda a alcanzarlo) There you are, but dont eat too
much at once! Im going to the soda-pop fountain to get us a drink.
Boy: Okay.
(empieza a mordisquear el arbol de chocolate hasta que se cae del dolor de
Goat: (vuelve corriendo) What happened? Are you alright?
Boy: oh, my tummy hurts!
Goat: I told you not to eat so much at once!
Boy: Oh no, (gruendo de dolor) my mom always says I shouldnt eat
sweets before dinner. Oh no, dinner. I forgot! (recordando que deba volver
a casa para cenar)
Goat: Dinner? You said you could come along.
Boy: I didnt think it would take so long... Im just a child! How could I
Goat: Well, Im just a goat. Not a babysitter.
Boy: What do I do now? How do I get back home?
Goat: I dont know. Its dark and I must go find a place to sleep. See you
tomorrow! (se va dando saltos)

Boy: What? Please dont leave me all alone. I shouldnt have gone off with
a stranger! (se tira al suelo a llorar y de fondo se empieza a oir a su
padre/madre llamandole)
Johnny! Johnny! Where are you? Its dinner time! Come on!
(sale al escenario el padre y el nio se sorprende)
Boy: Daddy! Daddy! You found me!
Dad: Johnny. What are you doing laying on the floor?
Boy: Dad! Am I glad to see you! I must have fallen asleep for a bit. I was
climbing and I fell down and then... I say a talking ibex, or at least I thought
I did...
Dad: An ibex. What are you talking about?
Boy: Never mind dad, Im so glad it was just a dream. I will never pick
things off the ground again or eat sweets before dinner time.
Dad: Wow... You must have had quite an adventure! Lets get inside and
eat. (se van del escenario juntos.
CHORDS USED "Big Rock Candy Mountain" (edited version from Harry McClintock)
One [C]evening as the sun went down
And the street lamps were all burning,
Down the track came a big goat hikin',
And he said, "Kids, I'm not turning.
I'm [F]headed for a [C]land that's [F]far a[C]way,
Be[F]side the crystal [G7] fountains,
So [C]come with me, we'll go and see,
The Big Rock [G7]Candy [C]Mountains."

Oh, the buzzin' of the bees in the peppermint trees

'Round the soda water fountains
Where the lemonade springs and the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
Verse 1:
"[C]In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
There's a [F]land that's fair and [C]bright,
Where the [F]candy grows on [C]bushes,
And you [F]sleep out every [G7]night,
Where [C] love is all around you,
And the [F]sun shines every [C]day,
On the [F]birds and the [C]bees
And the [F]lolli-pop [C]trees,
The [F]lemonade [C]springs
Where the [F]bluebird [C]sings,
In the [G7]Big Rock Candy [C]Mountains."
Verse 2:
"[C]In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the [F]dolls can move their [C]legs,
And the [F]bulldogs all have [C]rubber teeth,
And the [F]hens lay chocolate [G7]eggs.
The [C]peppermint trees are full of fruit
And the [F]houses are gingerbreads [C].
Oh, I'm [F]bound to [C]go
Where there [F]ain't no [C]snow,
Where the [F]rain don't [C]fall
And the [F]wind don't [C]blow,
In the [G7]Big Rock Candy [C]Mountains."
Verse 3:
"[C]In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You [F]never change your [C]socks,
And the [F]little streams of [C]soda pop

Come a-[F]tricklin' down the [G7]rocks,

The [C]kids dont have to brush their teeth
And the [F]vegetables are all [C]jelly-beans.
There's a [F]lake of [C]juice,
And of [F] soda-pop [C]too,
You can [F]paddle all a[C]round 'em
In a [F]big ca[C]noe,
In the [G7]Big Rock Candy [C]Mountains."
Verse 4:
"[C]In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
All the [F]beds are made of [C]bread,
And [F]you can jump right [C]out again,
As [F]soon as you are [G7]in.
There [C]ain't no eating vegetables,
No salads[F], peas, or [C]slaw,
I'm a-[F]going to [C]stay,
Where you [F]sleep all [C]day,
Where you [F] can always [C]play,
Where [F]no one [C]works,
So[F] come with [C]me and well[F]go and [C]see
The [G7]Big Rock Candy [C]Mountains."

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