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Table of Contents

Company Profile
Governance Structure
L&Ts Overall CSR Activities
Contribution Towards Education
Skill Training initiatives of L&T


Highlights & Impact

Awards Received

Conclusion and Recommendation for further improvement



Social infrastructure is indispensable for progress; L&T, as Indias leading builder of major
infrastructure projects, is equally committed to developing projects that will contribute to the
quality of life. This includes schools, hospitals, skill training institutes, water supply &
distribution and sanitation facilities.

Company Profile:
Larsen & Toubro Limited, also known as L&T is an Indian multi-national
conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It was founded by Danish engineers
taking refuge in India, as well as an Indian financing partner. The company has business interests
in engineering, construction, manufacturing goods, information technology, and financial
services, and also has an office in the Middle-East and other parts of Asia.
L&T is India's largest engineering and construction company. Described by NDTV in 2013 as a
"bellwether of India's engineering & construction sector". L&T was recognised as the Company
of the Year in Economic Times 2010 awards.

Governance Structure:

L&Ts Overall CSR Activities:

An indispensable factor for progress is social infrastructure, and L&T, as the leading builder of
major infrastructure projects in India, has been committed to developing projects towards
enhancing quality of life. The initiatives included schools, hospitals, skill training institutes,
water supply & distribution and sanitation facilities.

Contribution Towards Education:

L&Ts social interventions covering educational initiatives are focused on providing primary
education, infrastructure development and enhancing the learning experience for children in
several schools in the vicinity of its units across India. The emphasis is on enriching the
education in primary schools through innovative learning methodologies focusing on subjects
like Mathematics & English which many children find challenging.

1. Project Ujjwal:
UJJWAL is a learning centre for underprivileged children, which provides education to
school children and school dropouts. It also helps in creating awareness on child rights
issues, with children and parents performing street plays, exhibitions and rallies.
The classroom approach is participatory which incorporates Story Telling Method, this
method incorporates the subject to be discussed and makes learning fun for children. The
other innovative interactive learning styles incorporated by L&T are role play, drama and
Q&A sessions. The Volunteer-Parent-Teacher Association ensures participation from parents
and the community.
Balwadi is a pre-school centre which runs in collaboration with local NGOs. It has a lively
teaching environment. The teachers are chosen from the community and are well trained and
equipped with participative teaching styles. It adopts the play-way method for teaching like
songs, mathematics and language with breaks to encourage drawing, craft and storytelling,
enhancing classroom excitement.
In 2012-13, L&T through this project reached more than 1500 children through 56 learning
centres from tribal hamlets in and around Powai.
2. Nanha Munna Express:
In 2006, L&T in collaboration with Childrens Toy Foundation (CTF) NGO came up with the
Nanha Munna Express which engaged schools in and around Powai to educate children beyond
reading and writing, to help them acquire real skills, give them a sense of pride and to develop a
positive attitude. The mobile toy van visits 22 schools in S ward - Mumbai and reaches out to
more than 8000 students. The van is well equipped with educational and amusement toys and has
a team of dedicated teachers who guides & directs the children. This initiative is helping the civic
body plug the high dropout and absentee ratio across civic schools in the eastern suburbs.

3. Prayas - A special effort for special people:

Prayas is a trust formed by the spouses of L&T-ites which empowers specially abled children
with various opportunities.

This initiative involves:

Adoption of promising children for an entire academic year.

Contribution of furniture such as a specially designed Hearing Aid Table for partially
deaf & mute students.

Contribution of learning essentials like books, notebooks and school uniforms.

Facilitating wellness through eye check-up camps, dental and general fitness camps, HIV
awareness camps and distribution of free medicines.

Conducting several play and learn events like childrens day, science exhibitions, quiz
and games competitions.

Providing livelihood to the specially abled by sourcing boiler suits and aprons from them

4. Equipping the young ones:

L&TS Transportation Infrastructure IC rolled out a community initiative programme -Back

to School aimed at providing relevant study kits to students from the economically weaker
sections of the society. The distribution of the kits were organized through a series of
functions by involving the local authorities such as Sarpanch, Sub Divisional Magistrate,
Safety & Health Officer and Additional Divisional Magistrate as Chief Guests, along with the
business Cluster Heads, Project Managers and other key site personnel. This scheme has
reached out to 9840 students spread in 71 schools across various project sites in 2014-15.
5. Single Teacher School A Second School:

Single Teacher School as a concept is reinforcement, multi grade class education for children
post their normal schooling hours. Children who come to STS are either attending
Government schools or have dropped out of the schooling system. The aim of this project is
to impart quality based education at primary and middle level and thus holistically improve
childrens learning achievement rates and bring them up as educated and disciplined citizen
of the country. L&T Construction business through its CSR intervention is aiding 150 such
centers in over 125 rural villages spread over Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram Districts of
Tamil Nadu and is reaching out to 4500 rural children through this initiative which is being
run in collaboration with a local NGO. The teachers of the STS centers are provided regular
training and they follow a syllabus which is developed by eminent retired educationalists and
is in line with the Government curriculum.
6. Making Science fun for children:
Since the last 30 years Mr. Arvind Gupta, an engineer from IIT Kanpur, has been making
simple toys and short video clips on scientific experiments using locally available materials
or trash. These simple toys not only fascinated children but also helped them to understand

different concepts of Science through fun learning method. L&Teers have been
enthusiastically volunteering to dub these short films in various regional languages like
Gujarati, Marathi, Odiya, Bengali, Bhojpuri and Punjabi. More than 350 videos have already
been dubbed by L&Teers. The videos being available in their native language helps them to
comprehend and understand the concepts better. These videos have been uploaded on
YouTube and on such that they are freely available to all.
7. Mentoring at L&T:
L&T partners with the NGO Mentor Me India to help employees find opportunities for
mentoring kids in the communities. L&T Mentors connect with underprivileged children as
positive role models and help them find motivation.

Skill Training initiative of L&T:

1. CSTI Construction Skills Training Institute:
L&TS construction skills training institutes empowers and builds careers for rural youth
through structured training. Such structured training enables both new entrants and less
experienced workers in the industry which helps improve their knowledge and competencies
in their respective trades. It has provided vocational training to more than 40,000 people for
the past 20 years Total beneficiaries count increased to over 1,300,000 since 2014-15.
For enhancing employability of urban and rural youth & women through capacity building
initiative a new Construction Skills Training Institute is being constructed at Pulikat (Tamil
Nadu) to provide skills training to rural youth in construction skills.
This initiative focuses on:

Social upliftment through Employment Generation and Skills Upgradation.

Converts scores of unemployed rural youth into productive nation building initiative.

Plays a considerable role in the economic upliftment of rural India.

Earning a huge forex by way of migration of skilled manpower for overseas jobs.

In the long run, the impact of training will not only benefit the individuals but also have a
positive impact on the construction industry in terms of huge saving in COST and TIME.

An unskilled worker after training reaches the final level of highly skilled worker and can
even lead a team of skilled workers and supervise the job effectively. Some of the workers
who were trained at CSTI have become supervisors in L&T.
The various courses under CSTI program has some minimum educational qualifications and
some Physical Standards:

Minimum Height: 155 Cms

Minimum Weight: 45 Kgs

Formwork Carpentry : 5th Class and above (or) ITI Carpenter

Bar Bending & Steel Fixing : 5th Class and above

Masonry (Brick Work/Block Work) : 5th Class and above (or) ITI Mason

Plumbing and Sanitary : ITI (Plumber)

Electrical : 10th Class + ITI NCVT Passed (Electrician/Electrical Wiremen)

Scaffolding : 5th Fail and below

General Assistants : 5th Fail and below

Welding (Pipe & Structural) : ITI - (welder) (or) 8th Pass with 2 years exp. in

Pre-Stressing : ITI-NCVT (Fitter/Auto Mechanic) (or) 12th Class

Concrete laboratory and field testing : 10th Passed or -12th std

Solar Electricians : Minimum 10th std with 2 Years ITI as an Electrician or Wireman

Solar Non-Technical : Min 8th standard and above

Candidates for individual trades are selected through a process of Entrance Test
(Written and Practical) and viva-voce.

Candidates with excellent academic performance will be considered for choice of

trades according to Management's discretion.

Diploma / Degree / Software professionals are not eligible for admission

2. MAKE IN INDIA AND L&T: Private participation key to bridging the skills gap
Success in creating a skilled labour force can be attributed to its technical and vocational
education and training system. The TVET system ensures vocational training at the
secondary level, higher educational institutes, adult training and retraining, training of

vocational trainers, financing, and active participation of the local NGOS. This can be
achieved if jobs are created simultaneous and workers are absorbed in industry without
delays. The data suggests industry absorbed only half of those who underwent formal
skilling. As per National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), India's skill development
authority, could formally train barely 51 million in the last four years. Of these, only 21
millions managed to get jobs.
Though Make In India program is down the line, it has not reached a point where lots of jobs
are generated. So, its a question of implementations. Partly it is a lack of effective
implementation but partly also every corporate thinks, what is it that they will do with those
trainees. Can they absorb them, can they make them permanent workers or are they going to
be back on the street looking for a job; and partly that becomes a dampener. L&T needs 3-3.5
lakh people every year and therefore they are able to absorb them. So whether or not there is
a government support or government policy, they need to train people for their own growth,
at the same time servicing to the community at large.

Highlights & Impact:

CSTI, vocational training and




Presently, L&T is supporting over 250 schools across India and reaching out to over 2,50,000
underprivileged children besides also undertaking interventions in over 100 Balwadis and
Anganwadis towards enabling better infrastructure and learning environment in schools.
CSTIs impact:

Over 50,000 trained technicians from Construction skills training Institutes (CSTIs)

Over 1,25,000 workmen through MoUs & tie-ups

Over 1,50,000 workmen of subcontractors

Over 2,00,000 workmen trained through e-learning modules

CSTI has partnered with various organizations as well, they are:

CSTD signs MoU with Odisha Government

Construction Skills Training department signed an MoU with the Odisha Government on
17th December 2012 for the setting up of a main construction skills training Institute
(CSTI) at Cuttack - Odisha, 4 sub centers for sourcing of candidates and adopt 5 ITIs as
knowledge partners for imparting Construction skills training.

CSTI signs MoU for expanding the sourcing area and training capacity
L&T's Construction Skills Training Institute has signed a MoU with ELDECO Real
Estate Developers in its process of expanding the sourcing area and training capacity. In
this model, the eligible candidates will be sourced by ELDECO and there after the first
month of training will be imparted at Lucknow following which the trainees will be sent
to CSTI-Pilakhuwa for two months training.

Tie-up with MoRD

L&T has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding in March 2009 with the Ministry
of Rural Development (MoRD), Govt. of India in support of MoRD's implementation of
"Demand Driven Skill Development Programme" of livelihood through training. This
strategic tie-up with MoRD is a part of L&T's Skill Development initiatives by means of
training the rural youth in Construction Skills, to enable their livelihood and it is covered
under Swaranjayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY) Scheme of Govt. of India.

CSTC Chhindwara
Construction Skills training institute has been set up at Chhindwara in collaboration with
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

JSS Mahavidyapeetha
L&T-CSTD signed a MoU with JSS Mahavidyapeetha, Mysore on 7th July 2008 to
provide Construction Skills Training to the unemployed youth of Mysore and

Tie-up with Gujarat Governement

Signed MoU with the Directorate of Employment & Training (Labour & Employment
Department), Govt. of Gujarat for setting-up construction related trades in Govt. ITIs
under MES.

CSTI Signs MoU with Jindal Steel and Power Limited


The Construction Skills Training Institute (CSTI) of L&T Construction has signed a MoU
with Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) on April 3, 2012, to promote construction skills
training centres in Angul and Barbil.


IACC also honoured L&T TS continued efforts to reduce its carbon footprint at
its various locations, by awarding the company with the Best Green Office
Space of the Year award- 2016

L&T Ranks in Top 10 Companies for CSR The Economic Times

L&T Conferred Caring Company Award By World CSR Congress in 2013

L&T Wins ICC Corporate Governance & Sustainability Vision Award for its
commitment to Corporate governance and sustain-ability practices- 2013

L&T was honored with the prestigious CII-ITC Sustainability Award for strong
commitment to the cause of sustainability- 2013

Recommendation for further improvement:

L&T is doing a wonderful job of training and placing the people in its own organization. It is
going a step ahead by skilling specially abled people. It has adopted innovative styles of
imparting knowledge and has given a new direction to participative teaching. Despite this, there
are certain steps they can undertake to leverage their initiatives:
1) L&Ts initiatives are restricted to Mumbai and the southern region. Bihar, Rajasthan,
Jharkhand being one of the least educated states in India have a lot of scope in term of
these initiatives. L&T should consider these states and come up with initiatives to bridge
the gap across states


2) They should come up with counselling sessions in order to prevent mismatch of skills and
jobs. The major problem with most of the uneducated people is lack of knowledge about
different fields and career paths. Along with providing training and imparting knowledge
they could go a step ahead in understanding their interest and further helping them
develop those skills in order to increase efficiency and productivity.





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