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Set up the map as indicated in the separate Map Setup file.

The Story So Far

Being an investigator of supernatural occurrences is rarely easy and usually terrifying,
but any success makes the whole job worthwhile. Your investigations lead you to a cult not far
outside of Arkham attempting to sacrifice four innocent victims to bring a dark elder god into the
world. But you and your allies not only managed to stop the ritual from succeeding but also
saved the lives of the three sacrifices, killed or arrested every member of the cult, and even
managed to get the most interesting volumes out of the cults library to bring home, in case any
of them should prove useful in the future. And now, driving back home from their monastery,
you cant help but feel fantastic.
Thats when Dr. Sparrow brings the car to an abrupt stop.
She says she recognizes a medium-sized manor house just over the hill. Its been
mentioned a few times in papers as having suspicious architecture and being in some sort of
important location your eyes glaze over as she rattles off some jargon about planes of existence
or nexuses of magical energy or something of that sort, the terminology she uses is too technical
for you to be quite sure what shes saying. All you can get out of it is that its important and was
used by a coven of witches about fifty years ago before they were broken up. She just wants to
check it out, she says, driving the car around to the back of the house so that she can enter from
the patio door. Just a quick look to make sure nothing too dangerous is going on, and to jot down
a few notes about the mirror as long as the house itself that is said to be inside. Shouldnt take
more than fifteen minutes, maybe half an hour, tops. Probably safe, based on the reports, so the
rest of you wont even need to leave the car.
That was two hours ago, and you havent seen any sign of her since her entry. Something
must have happened, and youll need to go in after her.
Investigator Setup
1. Choose Investigators: Each player chooses an investigator and receives the corresponding
investigator Character Card, his Trait cards, and the listed number of skill point tokens.
2. Choose Traits: Each player chooses two of his investigators Trait cards (one Strength card
and one Intellect card)
3. Place Figures: Each player places his investigator figure on the Start space.

Special Rules: Two spaces are considered opposite in this scenario if they lie in corresponding
locations in the two houses, reflected across the central vertical line between them. For example,
the two vents, the two hiding spaces, the two barriers, and the two altars are in opposite spaces.
Opposite rooms are defined in the same way.
In this scenario, if a gray line at the edge of one tile lines up with a wall at the edge of another
tile, those two spaces are considered to have a door between them. Similarly, if a door at the
edge of one tile lines up with a wall at the edge of another tile, those two spaces are considered
to have a door between them. (Naturally, if a sealed door token appears between two spaces,
those spaces have a wall between them as normal.) The result of this is that each pair of spaces in
the same house has one and only one path between them, and the two houses are mirror images
of one another in terms of their layout. If your group uses custom Open Door tokens, feel free to
place them between any rooms affected by this rule to make these doors more visible on the map,
but this is not necessary to play.
Whenever a Witch would be dealt damage (or destroyed by an effect such as Joe Diamonds
Lucky Break ability) before the Objective is revealed, the Keeper may choose to negate that
damage. If the Keeper does so, all Sample tokens (if any) that the Witch is carrying are
discarded, and if that Witch is not stunned, the Keeper must either stun that Witch or allow an
Investigator player to move the Witch one space. (The Investigator player is free to choose not to
move the Witch, in which case the Witch is undamaged and loses all Samples but is otherwise
unaffected.) If all damage from an attack is negated, that attack is not considered to have
inflicted damage for the purposes of effects like the Tommy Gun Starting Item. Once the
Objective is revealed, the Keeper can no longer invoke this rule, and Witches may be dealt
damage and destroyed normally.

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