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Past Simple

1. They ____________________________________ (see) by everyone.

1. They ____________________________________ (see) by everyone.

2. He ____________________________________ (bring) by the police.

2. He ____________________________________ (bring) by the police.

3. The women __________________________(save) by the firefighters.

3. The women __________________________(save) by the firefighters.

4. The explanation _____________________ (understand) by all the students.

4. The explanation _____________________ (understand) by all the students.

5. My wallet ________________________________(steal) by that man.

5. My wallet ________________________________(steal) by that man.

6. They ___________________________________ (knew)by everyone.

6. They ___________________________________ (knew)by everyone.

7. He ________________________________________ (bit) by a snake.

7. He ________________________________________ (bit) by a snake.

8. That house ___________________ (built) by Thomas and his brother.

8. That house ___________________ (built) by Thomas and his brother.

Present perfect

Present perfect

The clinic _______________________________ (clean) by them.}

Many books ____________________________ (write) by Thomas.
The man _____________________________ (catch) by the police
The letters __________________________ (deliver) by the school.
The Lion ____________________________ (capture) in the forest.
All the patients ________________________ (treat) by the doctor.
The letter __________________________ (sign) by the President.
The customer ____________________________________ (paid) by him.
Passive Voice: Present simple or past simple.


The clinic _______________________________ (clean) by them.}

Many books ____________________________ (write) by Thomas.
The man _____________________________ (catch) by the police
The letters __________________________ (deliver) by the school.
The Lion ____________________________ (capture) in the forest.
All the patients ________________________ (treat) by the doctor.
The letter __________________________ (sign) by the President.
The customer ____________________________________ (paid) by him.
Passive Voice: Present simple or past simple.

1. Cheese _____________________ (make) from milk.

1. Cheese _____________________ (make) from milk.

2. Hamlet _______________________ (write) by Shakespeare.

2. Hamlet _______________________ (write) by Shakespeare.

3. He __________________ (offer) a new job last week.

3. He __________________ (offer) a new job last week.

4. Flies ____________________ (catch) by spiders.

4. Flies ____________________ (catch) by spiders.

5. All the trees ___________________ (cut) down yesterday.

5. All the trees ___________________ (cut) down yesterday.

6. Their purse ________________________ (steal) yesterday night in the disco.

6. Their purses ________________________ (steal) yesterday night in the disco.

7. The old theatre ____________________ (reopen) last Friday.

7. The old theatre ____________________ (reopen) last Friday.

8. She____________________ (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday.

8. She____________________ (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday.

9. Mice _______________________ (catch) by cats.

9. Mice _______________________ (catch) by cats.

10. Ketchup _______________________ (make) from tomatoes.

10. Ketchup _______________________ (make) from tomatoes.

11. Many accidents ______________________ (cause) by drunk drivers.

11. Many accidents ______________________ (cause) by drunk drivers.

12. Dynamite ____________________(invent) by Alexander Nobel.

12. Dynamite ____________________(invent) by Alexander Nobel.

13. Rice ______________________ (grow) in China.

13. Rice ______________________ (grow) in China.

14. The first plane ____________________ (fly) by the Wright brothers.

14. The first plane ____________________ (fly) by the Wright brothers.

15. The telephone_______________________ (invent) by Alexander Graham Bell

Past Simple

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