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What is translation?

Translation is the accurate transfering of the exact of a written document from one
language to another.

What is interpretation?
is the accurate transferring of te meaning of a spoken utterance in one language to
that of another.

Context sensitivity
This is the erroneous idea that each word "possesses" only one meaning. Freedom
from this error involves a recognition of the following linguistic truism: "Context
carries a heavy semantic load." Paraphrasing this rather technical Jargon, we
might say simply that the meaning of most words and expressions is determined by
the total environment in which they occur.
"I read" "yo leo" or whether "I read" "yo lei "; "I put" "yo pongo" or "I put" "yo puse";
"entre" "between" or "entre" "come in"; "tome" "take" or "tome" "drink," etc. Such
examples are readily understood by moat people; what is not understood, however,
is that practically ALL words and expressions of ANY language are HIGHLY context
sensitive and possess not ONE but MANY meanings depending on subtle factors
of linguistic "environment." Let us briefly attempt to analize some of these factors of
context sensitivity.

3.1 Time - In the first two examples above, it is obvious that we would need a clue
as to the TIME of the action of the English verbs. In most texts clues would be
abundantly provided in the form of adverbs of time, other past or present tense
verbs, or by logical deduction. For example: "I put it there yesterday" (past tense);
"I put it there whenever I see it" (present tense).
3.2 Location - In the case of "entre" and "tome," mentioned above, it would be
necessary to note the location in the utterance of the word "entre" in order to find
its meaning. If it is the final or only element in an utterance (or breath group) we will
be forced to conclude that the proper translation is "come in." In order for it to be
"between" it would usually have to be followed by a complement which is the object
of that preposition. In the case of "tome" "take" or "tome" -"drink," only by logical
deduction from the object "taken" or "drunk" could we be sure of the correct

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