OFFSETTING Entries - Cash Flow - 1306759486778

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Transaction Code ZFI038

This report will extract the all the documents having the company/ GL /
year/period /Business Area ( ex 5000/ 15129005/2010/12/331) entered in the input
screen and display the amount which tallies with GL balance ( Left side of the
We have created a Generic Program for this extraction with two options in
transaction code ZFI038

GL Offsetting Entries
GL Offsetting Entries Service tax

If you select the 1st one (default) , system will display the GL code you wish to
analyze on the left side of the report and all the offsetting entries ( all entries in
the document other than the GL code entered) on the right side of the report .

In the Second option ( mainly for Service tax extraction) the Left side of the report
will be same as the 1st one but the right side will only display the possible
offsetting entries from the selected document which may have any direct impact
on the selected GL code( Service tax) amount. Since some documents may have
multiple entries out of which the user would have calculated the Tax on one or a
few other records and since there is no way where the system can link the
applicable amount and the amount of tax calculated ,as agreed with Mr.ACR
Swamy, the system will display all the possible entries which is restricted with
some logic like dropping of customer and vendor record etc . Normally the service
tax should have calculated either of the service received or provided ( P& L
account). But we have come across many documents where a vendor is debited,
service tax (asset) is debited and cash is credited (doc no 37237 -2010) and some
cases service tax is debited and expenses is debited with the same amount
(4062745 -2010). In Such case system will not display any entry on the right hand
side . Though the 2nd option ( right side display) may not be 100 %correct
because of the few reasons mentioned , it may but definitely save 80 to 90 % of
the time the user ( as told by ACR Swamy) was taking to down load ( fs10n) report
and go through each line and cut and paste in a xl file etc etc

In the following pages we will try to explain you the first option

Example You wants to anlyse GL 28483501 of Company code 5000 for period 12
and Business area 100

The Net Balance of FS10 for that Period is 13539305.00

New Transaction ZFI038

Select the default option GL code Offsetting entries

Left side of the report

Right side of the report

If you select the Amount columns of the left side of the report , may see the sum
total of amount is matching with the fs10 report. This side also displays the
document no ,date, period, posting key, business area and description given in the
document text of the line item

On the right hand side it displays all the other entries (off settings) of that particular
document no ,with the GL code, description , amount, Business area , party code
vendor or customer/ Name , and if it is vendor , the vendor group code and vendor
description . Please ignore the Vendor group and group description if the record is of
a Customer
Transaction Code ZFI039
This report is similar to the 1st option ( offsetting entries) for earlier report . The
difference is only the input screen where a user is allowed for multiple Gl codes ,
date option instead of period . Only cash and Bank transaction is allowed in this
report . This is created mainly for helping the Treasury users to make cash/fund
flow. Since there is no uniformity in the data flow for the system to get and group
each spend/receipt on various head , as an interim option , this report is given to
ease the effort of the use to some extend . It may also save considerable amount of
their time from extracting details from various Gl vendor/customer/ line item text

Display of right hand side

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