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Presidential Polls 2016 Hillary Clinton retakes lead

over Donald Trump

Presidential Polls 2016 has been twisting since last May. It has become more
twisted after the major parties Convention, Democratic National Party and
Republican National Committee. Hillary Clintons leadership over Donald Trump
amid Latino voters has been depicted as like that if the election were held today
the Democratic presidential nominee would shake off her opponent in all 12
Battleground states. Those are the generalizations of Latin Victory Fund and
Latino Decisions poll whom has surveyed the recent campaign of Hillary Clinton
and Donald Trump in regard of Presidential Polls 2016. Pollsters found Clinton is
now dominating Trump amid Latin American Descents living in the swing-states
of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Latest Presidential Polls 2016 Tracker
Latinos Aligned With Clintons Reformation Commitments
Latino respondents are ensured that Clinton would be the Best candidate to
handle few major concerns such as Immigration, Foreign Policy, Education and
the Economy as she made a promise to remodel the immigration issue within
the first 100 days of her administration. On the other hand Trump has made a
vow to drive away 11 million immigrants and will construct a wall along the
Mexican Border. These has been found after a survey, conducted from July 18
to 22 amid 800 Latino adults who also widely consider Clinton to be the best
candidate to legislate reasonable gun laws, create college education more
affordable, elect the next Supreme Court Justice and reform the Criminal justice
system. More than 13 million Latinos are supposed to take part in the
Presidential Election 2016 and a recent Univision poll pegged trumps support
amid Hispanics at just 19 percent.

Clinton dominates Trump in figures of percentage too!

A new Presidential Poll 2016 carried out by CNN poll has depicted that in a twoway head-to-head matchup, Clinton dominates Trumps 52% to 43%. According
to this new CNN poll 2016 it seems that 48% Americans now believe that the
country will be in the right direction with Clintons policies. Meanwhile both
Clinton NA Trump has Improved their numbers in case of supporting. Moreover,
a majority of 58% of Clintons backers said that their vote is more to show
support for her than to oppose Trump while 47% of Trumps backers said that
their vote is for his support. 44% registered voters said their mind is made up
to support Clinton in the upcoming November while 36% implies that they are
strongly backing Trump. Mere about 16% said that their minds could change in
the 99 days left between now and Election day. In case of honesty and
trustworthiness Clinton is behind Trump by 5%. Except this measure on each of
other measures Clinton fares better than Trump such as 50% now saying that
shes in touch with the problems of general American and 48% that she will
unite the country not divide it.
In this new Presidential Poll 2016 Clintons acceptance speech achieved
miscellaneous reviews, with 44% calling it pretty good or good, 20% just okay
and 19% sluggish horrible.
Trumps obstacles seem increasing
It seems that the new Presidential Poll 2016 has made Donald Trumps electoral
map suppressed.

Trump is encountering a serious financial problem and due to that the campaign
is planning to concentrate his time and money on just three or four states to
ensure his winning in the presidency. He needs to win in the trifecta biggest
swing states: Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania as per experts advice. In addition
Mr. Trump also should concentrate on North Carolina too where Republicans has
gained poor attention of black voters and college-educated whites with who
Trump is deeply unpopular. After the new Presidential Poll 2016 published,
Trump and his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana are supposed to
campaign seriously across these four must-win States, while track Presidential
Polls 2016 Mr. Trump will be announcing a set of broad slogans through mass
media and Mr. Pence will try to gain support from conservatives and right-ofcenter whites.
Old Argument comes up with A New Blame!
The new Presidential Poll 2016 has made Trump to say again that the general
election has been manipulated against him to Fox News host Bill OReilly. He is

thinking that people are going to vote 10 time without voter ID. You dont
have to have voter ID to now go in and its a little bit scary and Ive
heard a lot of bad things trump said to Bill. I mean people are going to
walk in , they are going to vote 10 times maybe
In recent rallies, Trump has been saying the election is biased against him,
blaming the media and the crooked system of United States elections. During
the primary season, he complained that democratic candidate Hillary Clinton
had gamed the system to defeat Bernie Sanders and now Clinton is trying to
plot a game against him too. Get latest update Presidential Polls 2016.
Presidential Poll 2016 Effect on the Supporters
The going down figures from the new Presidential Poll 2016 of Donald trump
has made Clintons supporter heartened. Clintons Convention also seems to
supported Democratic unity overall and strengthened her position among
Sanders supporters. Among Democrats and independents who lean toward the
Democratic Party, 84% now feel the party will be united by November, up from
75% before either convention. Those who say they would rather have seen the
party nominate Sanders now split 69% for Clinton, 13% for Stein, 10% for
Johnson and just 3% say theyll back Trump. Thats a 5-point improvement for
Clinton (inside the margin of sampling error for this subgroup), an 8-point drop
off in the share who say theyd back Trump and a 7-point increase in support
for Jill Stein.
Clintons favorability rating has rebounded from the small hit it took following
Trumps convention (her favorability among registered voters dipped slightly
from 43% before the Republican convention to 41% after and now stands at
43% again), but both shifts were small enough to be within the margin of
sampling error. Trumps rating among registered voters did take a hit, from a
39% favorable and 59% unfavorable reading before either convention to a 35%
favorable to 61% unfavorable Presidential Polls 2016 news read now.

The new Presidential Poll 2016 CNN/ORC was conducted by telephone July 2931 among a random national sample of 1,003 adults, including 894 registered
voters. Results for the sample of registered voters have a margin of sampling
error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

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