Οδυσσέας Γκιλής.Braudel Fernand - Φερνάν Μπρωντέλ.Θεσσαλονίκη 22016

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(Fernand Braudel)


Greece........................................................................................................ 4
Greece, Grce........................................................................................... 33
Greek Grec................................................................................................ 46
Greek grecque........................................................................................... 59
Greek civilization....................................................................................... 72
Greek culture............................................................................................. 86
Hellenism, Hellenistic..............................................................................101
Macedonia............................................................................................. 114
Macedoine............................................................................................... 128
Thessalonique......................................................................................... 137
............................................................................................... 150

A Companion to Ancient History. Andrew Erskine 2012 Pausanias's
Perlegesls was a skillful account of the geography of Roman Greece that
covered the natural environment...The works of the French pioneers
Claude Levi-Strauss and Fernand Braudel have been translated into
English, which...
A Companion to Archaeology 176 John Bintliff 2008 represents a
central aspect of Annaliste thought: structural history, as elaborated by
Fernand Braudel (1972; Bintliff...One major pattern emerging from a
long timescale analysis of a province of Greece (Boeotia) is the cyclical
rise and fall of...
A Companion to the French Revolution 421 Peter McPhee 2012
And yet there is no reason for us to believe that the Mediterranean, so
lyrically painted by Fernand Braudel (1972), should...toward the
northern peninsulas, from Spain to Greece in itself a vast and complex
geographical and historical zone.
A concise history of Greece 2003 MEDITERRANEAN PARADIGMS
A Greek Countryside: The Southern Argolid from Prehistory...Michael H.
Jameson, Curtis Neil Runnels, Tjeerd Hendrik Van Andel 1994 "Fernand
Braudel and the Monde Braudellien." Journal of Modern History 44:

480-539. Higgs, E. S., and C. Vita-Finzi. 1966. "The Climate,

Environment and Industries of Stone Age Greece: Part II." Proceedings of
the Prehistoric Society 32...
A History of Civilizations 82 Fernand Braudel 1995 Fernand
Braudel...Trapped between Greek thought on one side and the revealed
truth of the Koran on the other, it was tossed to and fro between them. It
owed to Greece, and to Islam's scientific bent, its clear but not exclusive
A History of Greek-Owned Shipping: The Making of an... 460.
Gelina Harlaftis 2005 INTRODUCTION Nicos G.Svoronos, The Unsaid
on Modern Greek History and Historiography, Athens, Themelio,
1987...Among the most important works are: Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of...
A History of the Archaic Greek World, ca. 1200-479 BCE. Jonathan M.
Hall 2013 Based on the assumption proposed most vociferously by
Fernand Braudel (1972) and developed further by Peregrine Horden and
Nicholas Purcell (2000) that the entire Mediterranean basin constitutes
a tissue of connectivity, a network...
A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean. Irad
Malkin 2011 For example, it was often claimed that since the topography
of Greece is so split up by mountains, the land was less...That is also the
problem with the brilliant legacy of Fernand Braudel: He emphasized
the Mediterranean as the arena for...
A study in Balkan civilization 214 Traian Stoianovich 1967 Good
introduction to the problem of lost or abandoned villages in GreekBalkan areas from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth...A critique of
Fernand Braudel's Miditerranie, including an evaluation of Ottoman
demographic growth during the...
Academic American encyclopedia 7 280
Incorporated 1993 It then came to be extended to all of what is now
Greece and by the 5th century bc to the entire landmass to the
north...equally true of the 16th-century Mediterranean world, which was
treated as a unit by the French historian Fernand Braudel.
Ad Hoc Urban Sprawl in the Mediterranean City: Dispersing...Vittorio
Gargiulo Morelli, Luca Salvati 2010 Travelling in the Mediterranean
means coming across the Roman world in Lebanon, prehistory in

Sardinia, Greek cities...cities, open to all the winds of culture and profit,
that since centuries consume and supervise the sea Fernand Braudel...
After Empires: European Integration, Decolonization, and... 190
Giuliano Garavini, Translated by Richard R. Nybakken, 2012 One
example of such cultural excavation linking past and future identities was
Fernand Braudel's 1977 study of the space...closer together in the
future: There is all the West on one side (the Greeks and the Latins), all
the Orient on the other.
gis und Europa 100 Evangelos Konstantinou 2005 In the
classical centuries the Greeks did expand and colonise in places remote
from their original homeland, but they...shape is owed to the
impenetrability of the Andes; and as Fernand Braudel stressed,
substantial mountain ranges rise...
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the... 1. Charles
Gates 2011 The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and
Egypt, Greece and Rome Charles Gates...Inspiration for any student of
the Mediterranean world comes from the great French geographer and
historian Fernand Braudel (190285).
Ancient Greek Agriculture: An Introduction. Signe Isager, Jens Erik
Skydsgaard 2013
Few have describedthe Mediterranean world
withgreater insightthan Fernand Braudel in La Mditerrane etlemonde
mditerranend l'epoque de Philippe II(1949). The chronological
framework isearly modern,butthere are matters ofgeneral...
Annales: Crit Assessmnts 109 Stuart Clark 1999 J. H. Hexter,
"Fernand Braudel and the Monde Braudellien Journal of Modem
History 44 (1972), 529... voice of "mere" human culture until the birth of
Greek philosophy objectified Nature and culminated in the Platonic
reversal: after Plato...
Antiquity and modernity: a celebration of European history... 89
Nicholas Charles Pappas 2004 GREEK. CULTURAL. HISTORY.
Benjamin C. Sax, University of Kansas, USA From a number of
apparently independent...To Fernand Braudel, we owe the generally
accepted tripartite division of history into structural, conjunctural, and...
Archaeology and History in Roman, Medieval and... 3 William
Caraher, Linda Jones Hall, R. Scott Moore 2008 ... time, the
Mediterranean World was emerging as a topic of study in Fernand
Braudel's great experiment in total history: The...Like his advisor Paul

Alexander, Gregory infused his historical study with a sound

understanding of the Greek...
Archaic Greece: New Approaches and New Evidence 69
Atlas of Cities 246 Paul Knox 2014 Athens:
KonstantinidesMichalas; Biris, C. 1966 (in Greek) Athens From the
19th to the 20th Century. Athens...economica generale nel Mediterraneo
e in Occidente alla fine del Medioevo in Mlanges en l'honneur de
Fernand Braudel.
Az utols birodalom 40 2007 vgre igazi rm szmunkra a
vilgtrkp tanulmnyozsa, mivel semmit sem ltunk azon, ami idegen
Fernand Braudel A...1949-ben megjelent ugyan Max Cary The
Geographic Background of Greek and Roman History cm legalbb
Balkan Studies: 40 74. 1999 ... Greek language published
in Vienna in 178547. Along with other Serb and Balkan contemporaries,
however modestly, Obradovic initiated in the Balkans a process of
"inflation verbale", which Fernand Braudel has associated in the
Balkan Transitions to Modernity and Nation-States: Through... Evguenia
Davidova 2012 Many scholars have mentioned that Greek became the
Georges...Organization: Family-based Business and Partnerships
Fernand Braudel and many other scholars have discussed the...
Berge, Flsse, Wlder in der Geschichte: 7 Jean-Franois Bergier
1989 Mountains and the Greek City States Michael H. Jameson,
Stanford, USA The Classical Greek polis, in the eyes of both ancients and
moderns, has commonly been...Fernand Braudel began his great book
with "Mountains Come First" 2).
Between East and West: The Balkan and Mediterranean... 64
Traian Stoianovich 1992 Greek trade stagnated or shrank only on the
continental front, while it recovered in the Ottoman Empire itself, after
a...My heaviest debt is to Fernand Braudel, who introduced me to the
historical science of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes...
Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition 319.
Cedric J. Robinson 2005

Brill's New Pauly: Oly-Rul 5 Manfred Landfester, Hubert Cancik,

Helmuth Schneider 2006 ... languages and four scripts. 1.a Cults and
Metalanguages The Greeks and Romans spread their culture across
western Europe...According to the well-known model of history by
Fernand Braudel, three parallel periods can be distinguished...
Bulletin 31-32 20 Modern Greek Studies Association 1999
BROWN UNIVERSITY Committee of Modern Greek Studies Academic
Year 2000-2001 Executive Committee: Alan...Film (Ms. Gotsi)
Macrohistory/Microhistory: Fernand Braudel and Carlo Ginzburg (Mr.
Molho) Spring 2001 Introduction to...
Cartographica 24 75 1987 Certainly the image of the
Mediterranean kept in the air by Campbell's prose is far from that of
Fernand Braudel or Lucien...of cartography can trade in such canards as
the theoretical Greek and the practical Roman, as though who said it?
Catalogue of French, Spanish and Greek Manuscripts and... vii
Sotheby & Co. (London, England) 1973
Cities in the World-System 150 Reat Kasaba 1991 Sevket
Pamuk, "The Ottoman Empire in Comparative Perspective," Review
(Fernand Braudel Center), 1 1, no. 2 (Spring 1988)...The Greeks,
because of their longstanding presence in many parts of the Ottoman
Empire, are difficult to classify.
Citt storiche, siti archeologici, musei. Strategie di... 50 Aa.Vv.,
Anna Lucia D'Agata, Luciano Cessari 2011 Fernand Braudel lo ha visto
come un'unit costituita da innumerevoli piccole terre, l'una diversa
dall'altra. Unit strutturale di...The Ancient Greeks thought of the
Mediterranean as an organic whole, with a life of its own. Fernand
Civilization and capitalism, 15th-18th century 3 481
Fernand Braudel 1985 Fernand Braudel. Pesaro,358 Naples and the
fairs of the Mezzogiorno. The strangest of these were perhaps the Greek
merchants and seamen, honest or dishonest, sometimes frankly pirates,
who came from islands with practically no arable...
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this
book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands
and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well

Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The... 93.

Fernand Braudel 1982 Fernand Braudel...(Las Navas de Toledo,
1212); and it was also resisted in North Africa, from Gibraltar to Egypt;
in the Levant, where the states in the Holy Land led a precarious
existence; and in the Greek Empire (but that collapsed in 1204).
Classics in Progress: Essays on Ancient Greece and Rome 246
Timothy Peter Wiseman 2002 Essays on Ancient Greece and Rome
Timothy Peter Wiseman...In part, too, it has stemmed from survey
activity, from awareness of the work of Fernand Braudel on later
periods of Mediterranean history, and from increased sensitivity to the...
Classics in the History of Greek Mathematics 458 Jean
Christianidis 2013 Consequently, by Freudenthal's own criteria of
algebraic thinking, Babylonian and Greek mathematics are
nonalgebraic... slow progress of evolution (Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II...
Cleisthenes the Athenian: an essay on the representation... 102
Pierre Lvque, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, David Ames Curtis 1996 an essay
on the representation of space and time in Greek political thought from
the end of the sixth century to the death...of the Indies (1590), of the
discipline of anthropology, served as an epigraph for Fernand Braudel
when he published...
Commedia dell' Arte and the Mediterranean: Charting... 22
Professor Erith Jaffe-Berg 2015 12 As with Venice, another group that
came under Ottoman governance, the Greeks, functioned as both
merchants and seamen...13 Fernand Braudel, the mediterranean and the
mediterranean World in the age of Philip II, Volume I, trans.
Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the... 1 Michelle
Pace, Tobias Schumacher 2013 Fernand Braudel's seminal 1966 study
of the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World at the time of Philip
II of Spain is the chief modern example of this. In classical times, Greek
and Roman authors were also greatly interested in what...
Conquering Balkan Orthodox Merchant 234 Traian Stoianovich
1960 ... the Greek trader of Constantinople, Salonika, and Smyrna, the
Greek and Orthodox Albanian merchant, sailor, and...on a preliminary
manuscript of this work and to Professor Fernand Braudel for
introducing me to the historical science of...


Country life 152 1084 1972 I. By Fernand Braudel

(Collins, 6.00) IN THE LIGHT OF HISTORY... world is partly defined
by the coming of the new Atlantic world, and the new northern world, the
temporal depth of focus extending backward as well to Rome and Greece.
Cracking the Code: Allegory and Political Mobilization in... 67
Janet Hart 1991 Allegory and Political Mobilization in the Greek
Resistance Janet Hart. 127... A seminal discussion of the concept as part
of a typology of approaches to history is in Fernand Braudel, On
History , University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1980.
Current Biography Yearbook 46 1985 A native of the region of
northeastern France known as Lorraine, Fernand Braudel was born on
August 24, 1902 in his paternal...excelled in mathematics and history,
took "a lot of Latin and a little Greek," and wrote poetry in his spare time.
Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues Anna
Hickey-Moody, Peta Malins 2007 See 'Plato and the Greeks', in Deleuze,
G. Essays Critical and Clinical (French: 1993) Trans. D. Smith
and...Fernand Braudel once observed, 'It was then that the network of
Greek cities, both Ancient and modern, really "went live" ', p. 216. 14.
Demain, qui gouvernera le monde ? Jacques Attali 2011 ... and Current
States, Butterworths, 1984. BRAUDEL Fernand, Charles Quint,
tmoin de son temps 15001558 , in crits sur l'Histoire, t. II,
Flammarion, coll... Playing with Greece. Pierre de Coubertin and the
Motherland of Humanities and...
Diaspora entrepreneurial networks: four centuries of history 127
Ina Baghdiantz McCabe, Gelina Harlaftis, Ianna Pepelas Minoglou
2005 In 1791 there were only two Greeks out of a total of 3,216
foreigners established in Spain's foremost commercial centre, Cadiz
(see...Fernand Braudel (1982: 156) makes reference to the opposition of
the Marseilles consuls to the presence of...
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 2 1992 "Problems of
Economic History of the Period of Ottoman Domination in Greece."
Trans. Yiorgos Chouliaras. Journal of the...Review: Fernand Braudel
Center 13.3 (Summer 1990): 329-61Es Gibt Keinen Stoat in Europa:
Racism and Politics...
Didaskalos 4 403 1972 Take some little known Greek
author, and throw your knowledge into editing him: that will found your


reputation. '2 Gaisford...The rest followed naturally: Regius Professor of

Greek, Canon of Durham, Dean of Christ Church... Fernand Braudel,
Diplomacy and Displacement: Reconsidering the Turco-Greek...Onur
Yildirim 2007 Reconsidering the Turco-Greek Exchange of Populations,
19221934 Onur Yildirim. Adanr's article is found in his...Fernand
Braudel, The Identity of France, Volume One: History and Environment,
trans. Sian Reynolds (New York: Harper...
Diseases in the Ancient Greek world xii Mirko Draen Grmek
1989 This book would never have seen the light of day without the
initiative of Fernand Braudel at a time now distant, or without the
encouragement which that famous historian of Mediterranean civilization
was willing to lavish upon me. The lengthy...
East European Quarterly 13 312 1979 Also, a Greek
translation of this 1811 memorandum to Count Stackelberg, Russian
Ambassador in Vienna, was...famous French journal Annates: Economies,
Soci/tes, Civilisations, and with the work of the French historian
Fernand Braudel.
East Meets West: Banking, Commerce and Investment in the...P. L.
Cottrell, Monika Pohle Fraser, Iain L. Fraser 2008 V. Kardassis, From
Sail to Steam (Athens, 1993). , 'Greek Steam Liner Companies 18581914', in International Journal of...121-35. , 'Incorporation of the Ottoman
Empire, 1750-1820', in Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 10, 5-6, 1987,
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient... 110.
Charles Freeman 2014 The standard of debate on the question was set at a
high level by one of the finest works of history of the twentieth century,
Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in
the Age ofPhilip II, originally published in...
Encounter 40 70 1973 Now we have Fernand Braudel's
masterpiece, or half of it,1 in Sian Reynolds's sturdy translation, flatter,
less expansive...Within them, the sea unifies while the spines of the
peninsulas divide: Greeks, then Turks (or Greeks disguised as Turks)...
Environmental Problems of the Greeks and Romans: Ecology...J. Donald
Hughes 2014 o understand Greek and Roman environmental problems, it
is necessary to place them in the context of the special environment in
which they occurred and with which they interacted. Fernand Braudel,
in his magisterial study of early modern...


ERA 319 Lynn C. Hattendorf 1996 ... AND CITED BETWEEN

1980-1989 Ranking basis/background: Arnold Toynbee, Fernand
Braudel, and William McNeill are...3 Kiltir Am Scheideweg, 3
Constantine Porphyro, 3 Death Current Persp, 3 W Ques Greece Turkey,
3 Choose Life...
Essays on the Historical Geography of the Greek World in... 79.
Basile G. Spirdonakis 1977 Fernand Braudel, "Histoire et sciences
sociales. La longue duree", in Annales, Economies, Societs,
Civilisations, 13e annee (1958), pp. 725-753, subsequently reproduced in
his Ecrits sur /' histoire (Collection Science), Paris, Flammarion...
Fernand Braudel, Capitalism and Material Life, 14001800, Harper and
Row, New York, 1973, pp... Fear of Persia lent colour to the Greek
attitude to the continents, but the empire of Alexander the Great was in
Asia, not Europe, while the...
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in... 31.
Anastasia N. Karakasidou 2009 Passages to Nationhood in Greek
Macedonia, 1870-1990 Anastasia N. Karakasidou...Fernand Braudel I
first went to Assiros in early July 1988, when the village's ripe golden
fields of wheat were being harvested and trucks heavily ladened...
Fifty Key Thinkers on History. Marnie Hughes-Warrington 2014 -This
third edition has been updated throughout and features new entries on
Machiavelli, Ranajit Guha, William McNeil and Niall Ferguson.
Finding People in Early Greece 1Carol G. Thomas 2005 the.
Crossroads. We historians of today, Fernand Braudel announced on
December 1, 1950, have the sense of belonging to a different age, to a
different adventure of the intellect. Above all, our profession no longer
seems to us to be a calm...
Following the Nereids: sea routes and maritime business... 71
Maria Christina Chatziannou, Gelina Harlaftis 2006...Xdpre Kai
xaproypdcpoi rov Aiyaiov, ["The Greek Archipelago...in the work of
Fernand Braudel; on this see also E. Paris, La gense intellectuelle de
l'oeuvre de Fernand Braudel: La...
French Literature: A Cultural History 6 Alison Finch 2010 ...
shifting the global cultural struggle from 'Europe' (Greece, and later
Rome) versus 'Asia' (Persia) to Christian Europe...In The Identity of
France (1986), the historian Fernand Braudel has declared: 'Yes, France
is certainly diverse, and that...


From Byzantium to modern Greece: Hellenic art in... 18 Angelos

Delvorrias, Elektra Georgoula, Dmtrs Arvanitaks 2005 From
Constantinople to Tinos, 1453-1715 After the fall of Constantinople in
1453, the conquest of Greek territory by the Ottomans...In the opinion of
Fernand Braudel, it marked "the end of a real inferiority complex for
Christendom," because...
Go North!: Baltic Sea Region Studies: Past-Present-Future 170.
Carsten Schymik, Valeska Henze, Jochen Hille 2011 Greece is primarily
confronted with illegal immigration from Albania, partly of Greekspeaking Orthodox people from...the French historian Fernand Braudel
introduced the fundamental difference between coastal peoples and
Grammatiki ton politismon Fernand Braudel 2001
Greece 111 Thanos Verems, Mrkos Dragomis 1998 The
author, a Professor of History at Amherst College, also puts forward the
hypothesis that the Greek parties, either as...An entire generation of
Greek historians has drawn on Petropulos' example... Review (Fernand
Braudel Center), vol.
Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Political Economy...V.
Fouskas, C. Dimoulas 2013 ... their policyof severe austerity they impose
across Europe today? 2.3. Global. faultlines. andtheimperial. geopolitics.
of. debt. 'World system' theories and Fernand Braudel's workare
important because their narrative aims at advancing...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall...Brewer David
2012 166, who points out that Nur Banu may in fact have been a Greek
girl from Corfu which would disappoint the genealogists. 10 Slot, p. 78
11 Slot, p. 77 Chapter 6: Pirates and Slaves (pp. 6676) For piracy in
general see Fernand Braudel, The...
Greece, the New Europe, and the Changing International Order. Harry J.
Psomiades, Stauros Thmadaks 1993 Greeks and Spaniards, Southern
Europeans in general and others at the peripheries of Europe, can be
expected...Bold and 12See Perry Anderson, "Nation-States and National
Identity" (a review of Fernand Braudel's The Identity of France.
Greece: A Short History of a Long Story, 7,000 BCE to the...Carol G.
Thomas 2014 Fernand Braudel, a French scholarwho knewand
understoodthe Mediterranean as wellas any personcan, painted a vivid


picturewith his description that every mountain [in the Mediterranean

region]has some arable land, inthe valleys oron...
Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean. Irad Malkin, Christy
Constantakopoulou, Katerina Panagopoulou 2013 .. greatly,yet patterns of
practicetend to recur.Fernand Braudel 1 has repeatedly claimed that the
Mediterraneanisan...ideasand armies, of cults and languages.Braudel
speaks of the lines crisscrossing the Mediterranean interms of
Greeks in Russian military service in the late eighteen... 5
Nicholas Charles Pappas 1982 The Balkan Slavs call such bandits halduci
(sing, halduk In Serbian, havdud in Turkish), while Greeks call them
klephtes...Fernand Braudel, in his classic comparative study of the
Mediterranean region, recognizes geography, rural social and...
Harvest of the Cold Months: The Social History of Ice and Ices Elizabeth
David 2011 Perpetual Snow 'The peak of the Mulhacen,' observed
Fernand Braudel,l 'is white with snow, while down below...Asia that
originally inspired the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Ottoman
rulers of the Turkish Empire and the Moghuls of...
Hegel and the Third World: The Making of Eurocentrism in... Teshale
Tibebu 2011 Greece The Ancient Greeks lay the historical foundation
for the making of the West... Like Fernand Braudel later, he sees history
and geography as intrinsically linked: history is the march of world spirit
within a defined geographical abode.
Hellenization and Southern Phoenicia: Reconsidering the...2007 Let us
reconsider the definition offered at the outset of this section:
Hellenization is "the diffusion of [Greek] culture...Recently, several
scholars have re-focused on Fernand Braudel's idea of the
Mediterranean as an exchange network, with...
Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1450-1914. Eric H.
Boehm 1999 The document specifies the daily menus for patients,
representing a situation that the author compares with the circumstances
prevailing elsewhere in Europe as presented by Fernand Braudel. J
Greece 50A:3585 1828-30's Accardo, Peter X.
History and the Enlightenment x Hugh Trevor-Roper 2010 I
resolved to be bettertempered, more tolerant, etc.; to resume this
notebook; and to re-read the Greek tragedians... where he spent the Hilary


term of 1963.8 He went at the invitation of Fernand Braudel, and

lectured, in French, on the English...
History and the Human Condition: A Historian's Pursuit of... John Lukacs
2014 ... the HahnStrassmann fission experiments, 3132; treatment by
the Nazi regime, 4849 Born, Max, 30 Braudel, Fernand...5355; on the
interrelationship of military and political decisions, 69; intervention in
Greece, 72; Iron Curtain speech...
Homelands and Diasporas: Greeks, Jews and Their Migrations Minna
Rozen 2008 Greeks, Jews and Their Migrations Minna
Rozen...connecting Poland to the Balkans via Moldavia cannot be
overstated, as Fernand Braudel stressed in his classic work on the
Mediterranean,22 but vigorous trade between Poland, Wallachia...
Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies 1-3 88 1981 ture,
when-as the Romans attended to practical details such as water-supplies
and sewerage.59 In particular, Greek...Fernand Braudel in particular has
emphasized that whereas the mediaeval City was closed, the Greek or
Roman City was...
Ideas on Liberty 51 4 Sheldon L. Richman 2001 One of my
all-time favorite history books is Fernand Braudel's The Structures of
Everyday Life (1981)... Throughout this book, Durant makes clear that
the unprecedented culture, liberty, and prosperity of Ancient Greece
grew from commerce...
In the light of Apollo: Italian Renaissance and Greece... 18 Mina
Gregori, Ethnik Pinakothk, Mouseion Alexandrou Soutsou,
Fondazione Roberto Longhi 2003 Italian Renaissance and Greece: 22
December 2003-31 March 2004 Ethnik Pinakothk, Mouseion
Alexandrou Soutsou Mina...field of enquiry in order to seek precedents,
following the concept (dear to Fernand Braudel) of longue dur^e.
In the Shadow of the Holy Mountain: The Genesis of a Rural...Stephen D.
Salamone 1987 The Genesis of a Rural Greek Community and Its
Refugee Heritage Stephen D. Salamone...A more objective appraisal of
this aspect of Ottoman authority is given by Fernand Braudel: "The
spectacle of these gigantic political machines can...
Index Islamicus 17 257 1993
International Accounting 41 1984 Andreas Andreades, A History
of Greek Public Finance (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard...G. J. Costouros,


Accounting in the Golden Age of Greece: A Response to Socioeconomic

Changes (Urbana: Center for...Fernand Braudel, Capitalism Notes.
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society 307 Helmut K.
Anheier, Stefan Toepler 2009 The Assyrians, Persians, Greek, Romans,
Byzantium, Arabs, Seljuk, Mongols, Crusades, Ottoman Turks, and the
European...Not being well endowed by nature, argued Fernand Braudel
(1992: 556), the wealth of the Middle East has been...
Introduction to International and Global Studies, Second... 376
Shawn C. Smallman, Kimberley Brown 2015 ... 318 Augmented
Washington Consensus, 40, 41 Aum Shinrikyo, 163, 258 Austerity,
138,213; in Greece and Iceland, 39...Gordon, 215 Brady, Nicholas, 140
Brand Aid, 21718 Brandt, Willy, 128 Braudel, Fernand, 137 Brazil, 12,
5152, 76...
Irad Malkin 2013 In this book Mediterranean paradigms are applied to
the world of Classical Antiquity, from Ancient Greece to the Roman
Empire, offering original perspectives with wide-ranging implications to
how we view history in general.
Islandology: Geography, Rhetoric, Politics 110 Marc Shell 2014
Ancient Athens, a mainland polis, was refashioned into an island.24 One
might almost say that, for the Greek as for the...Fernand Braudel's
notion that, for the Greeks and some others in the Mediterranean region,
there are islands that the...
Islands and Military Orders, c.1291-c.1798 Dr Emanuel Buttigieg, Dr
Simon Phillips 2014 At the heart of this volume is a concern with
exploring levels of interaction between two particular objects of study,
islands on the one hand, and military orders on the other.
Italy: A Short History Harry Hearder 2001 Editions ofthe Greek and Latin
classics were not the only concern of theVenetian publishers... Fernand
Braudel,in oneofhis sweeping generalizations, makes the somewhat
preposterous statement thatthe Renaissance reached Venice only...
Jewish Questions: Responsa on Sephardic Life in the Early...Matt Goldish
2008 The borrower is an Ottoman subject, but he is presumably a Greek
Orthodox Christian rather than a Muslim... The case supports the famous
thesis of the historian Fernand Braudel that the Mediterranean in this
period was really one...


Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry 19 24 2000 In

addition, if the Mediterranean world is considered as one integrated unit,
the category of "Mediterranean civilization" is important, as Fernand
Braudel argues. He refers to "Latin, Islam and Greece" as "the three
great Mediterranean...
Journal of Modern Hellenism 3 141 1986 Poetry as a
principal expression of Greek cultural life captures many of the relevant
dilemnas of identity. In fact, given conditions...18On comparative
contexts, see Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean World in the...
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 17 42 1991 no less
restrictive institutional and theoretical narrowness of Greek
historiography... The intellectual and political affinities between Svoronos
and Labrousse mitigated against Svoronos's adoption of the historical
mode of Fernand Braudel.
La France et la Mditerrane: vingt-sept sicles...Irad Malkin 1990 At
the same time this book indicates that "France and the Mediterranean" is
a valid subject for a historical study during every period, in spite of the
ambiguity of the terms.
Landscape of the Mind: Human Evolution and the Archeology... John F.
Hoffecker 2010 For a recent discussion of the Hellenistic military
revolution, see S. Cuomo, Technology and Culture in Greek
and...Fernand Braudel discussed Alexandrian Egypt as an abortive
industrial revolution in The Perspective of the World, vol.
Life in Biblical Israel 7 Philip J. King, Lawrence E. Stager 2001
To be sure, political, military, and religious histories are not to be
gainsaid, what Fernand Braudel denigrated as "Thistoire...As the first
great cultural historian, Jacob Burckhardt, writing in the nineteenth
century about the Greeks, reminds us...
Love, Amy: The Selected Letters of Amy Clampitt 178 Amy
Clampitt, Willard Spiegelman 2005 On the subway, and when snatching
a free few minutes, I'm reading The Mediterranean by Fernand Braudel
a...But Hal and I did see the National Theater of Greece when they
were here in November, doing Oedipus at Colonus in modern...
Mamlk Studies Review 9, 2 31 2005 ... ecological
approach of Fernand Braudel and more recently of Peregrine Horden
and Nicholas Purcell.1 Christians in Palestine within the Framework of


International Relations Latin and Greek Orthodox Christians in the

Mamluk Empire did...
Mediterranean Archaeology 18-20 1 2005 It was this region
that saw Greek settlement in South Italy and Sicily, Phoenician
colonization in Sicily and Sardinia, and...in debt: Fernand Braudel's La
Mediterranee el le monde miditerraneen a I'epoque de Philippe II (1949)
and Peregrine...
Mediterranean Europe and the Common Market: Studies of... v
Eric N. Baklanoff 1976 The local conflict, frequently exacerbated by
unrelated national rivalries (or by internal problems) of Greece and
Turkey, flared to grave...*Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, vol. I (London...
Mediterranean Winter: The Pleasures of History and... 11 Robert
D. Kaplan 2004 The Pleasures of History and Landscape in Tunisia,
Sicily, Dalmatia, and Greece Robert D. Kaplan. deep harbor...Except for
what the French scholar Fernand Braudel calls "the leveling hegemony
of Rome" (following its final defeat of...
Memory and the Mediterranean. Fernand Braudel 2011 Impressive in
scope and gracefully written, Memory and the Mediterranean is an
endlessly enriching work of history by a legend in the field. From the
Trade Paperback edition.
Metaphor and Rational Discourse 179 Bernhard Debatin, Timothy
R. Jackson, Daniel Steuer 1997 In examining the place of 'games' in
Fernand Braudel's Civilisation materielle, economie et capitalisme,
however, I want...Hermes, the Greek god of trade, appeared on the cover
of every issue of the Annales until the journal's 1994 change of...
Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean: Vernacular... 16 JeanFrancois Lejeune, Michelangelo Sabatino 2009 5 See Fernand Braudel,
La Mditerrane et le Monde mditerranen l'poque de PhilippeII,
Paris, Armand Collin, 1949... To travel within the Mediterranean is to
encounter the Roman world in Lebanon, prehistory in Sardinia, the
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 20-21 466. 2005
sociology, etc.), and I would read it extensively. I continue to read, but
now I am a bit more selective because of time constraints. Q: What book
are you reading now? A: I just finished reading Grammaire des
Civilisations, by Fernand Braudel.


Modern Migrations: Gujarati Indian Networks in New York... 186

Maritsa Poros 2010 By the time Greeks learned to exploit the monsoon
winds, around 116 bce, the ocean trade was burgeoning... Fernand
Braudel argued that the three huge world economies of Islam, China, and
India were indeed capitalist and were far ahead...
Moral Codes and Social Structure in Ancient Greece: A... 84.
Joseph M. Bryant 1996 A Sociology of Greek Ethics From Homer to the
Epicureans and Stoics Joseph M. Bryant...Dark Age Greece, we relied on
the peasant-poet Hesiod to provide us with information on what Fernand
Braudel has termed "the groundfloor of history...
N. R. Nicolas Ralph Edmund Fisher, Hans Van Wees, Deborah Dickmann
Boedeker 1998 Fernand Braudel (1972 (1949), 21) suggested that the
best way to understand the history of the Mediterranean 'is to dissect
history into various planes, or, to put it another way, to divide historical
time into geographical time, social time, and...
Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe Margarita Daz-Andreu, Timothy
Champion 2014 ... a reputation equivalent to thatofMortimer Wheeleror
Glyn Daniel in Britain, let alonethat of Manolis Andronikos in Greece...
circles ofJules Michelet,of Fustel de Coulanges, of Camille Jullian, of
Marc Bloch, indeed of Fernand Braudel.
NAWCC Bulletin 44, 417-848 602 2002 The
education of the children of affluent English families at that time
routinely included the classics, frequently Greek and Latin
languages...The later Greeks read Cronus as Chronos, Father T with his
relentless sickle... Fernand Braudel...
New Perspectives on Turkey 18-21 144 1998 Records of
Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c, 2 volumes. London: Saunders and Othey.
Senior, N. 1859. A Journal Kept in Turkey and Greece... "The Ottoman
Wages and the World Economy, 1839-1913," Review, Fernand Braudel
Center, 8(3).
New Society 35 236 1979 (Something of the tradition
lingered on: when the Greek Spyros Louis won the Marathon in the first
modern Olympics at...in Africa (Barrie & Jenkins 3.50) Paul Oliver (ed):
Shelter and Society (Barrie & Jenkins 3.25) history Fernand Braudel...
New Ways of History: Developments in Historiography 211
Gelina Harlaftis, Kostas Sbonias, Nikos Karapidakis 2010 Socrates in
Plato, Phaedo, 109B [thalassa] in Greek is the sea, mare in


Latin is the sea. Maritime history...and geography. It 'sails' on the searoutes opened by Fernand Braudel in his sea history par excellence, The
On History. Fernand Braudel 1982 An eminent French historian
analyzes the study of history and the nature of time
Orthodox Christianity in 21st Century Greece: The Role of... ix
Professor Vasilios N Makrides, Professor Victor Roudometof 2013 ... and
in the European University Institute (Law Dept. in January-February
2009 as Fernand Braudel Fellow). Dr. Anagnostou has been awarded a
Marie Curie Fellowship to work on a book project entitled "Civil Society
and the Mobilization of...
Other Greeks: The Family Farm and the Agrarian Roots of...Victor Davis
Hanson 1995 Crop diversification, whichsoon spread throughout the
Mediterranean and became thestaple of agrarian culture, is what ledthe
historian Fernand Braudel to remark: All agricultural life, thebest part
of Mediterranean life, is commanded by...
Ottoman Greeks in the Age of Nationalism: Politics... 60 Dimitri
Gondicas, Charles Philip Issawi 1999 The area is a classic case of the
strong impact of geography on collective life in Mediterranean society, as
has been argued by Fernand Braudel.37 In the hinterland of Anatolia,
the presence, location, and natural formation of mountain masses...
Pan's travail: environmental problems of the ancient... 208 Johnson
Donald Hughes 1994 environmental problems of the Ancient Greeks and
Romans Johnson Donald Hughes. Stanford University Press...Fernand
Braudel, La Mediterranee et le Monde Mediterraneen a I'Epoque de
Philippe II, 2 vols. (Paris: Armand Colin, 1966). 2.
Papailias, Penelope (2005), Genres of Recollection: Archival Poetics and
Modern Greece (New York: Palgrave Macmillan). Paris, Erato (1999), La
genese intellectuelle de I'oeuvre de Fernand Braudel: La Mediterranee
et le monde...
Papers of the...Algonquian Conference 188 William Cowan,
Carleton University 1977 Fernand Braudel (l973) has called the
protohistorical colonizing of the Greeks and Phoenicians "a dramatic
upheaval." I believe that the same phrase can be applied to the English
arrival in North America as colonizers. Mythology would have...


Paris: The Secret History Andrew Hussey 2013 Her thoughts were noted
in the chronicles of her home town, where she moaned loudly and long,
in Greek, about her...to suffer from political instability and petty but
punishing wars.3 The historian Fernand Braudel describes this century
Phantoms on the Bookshelves Jacques Bonnet 2012 This elegantly
produced volume will be a lasting delight to specialist collectors,
librarians, bibliophiles and all those who treasure books.
Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 2004 In this
respect, a parallel could be drawn between the history of the Greeks,
reclaiming their past, the heritance of Ancient...8 The writings of
Fernand Braudel, of course, still provide a major source for the idea of
the Mediterranean world as a...
Pleite 317 Matthew Lynn 2011 2 Zitat aus Merkel Says She Was
Right on Greece, Winning Unthinkable Cuts, Bloomberg News,
2.5.2010... 3 Fernand Braudel: The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean Worlds in the Age ofPhilip II, Bd. 1 (Berkeley und Los
Plt: Greek Shipowners from the Late 18th Century to the...Manos
Charitatos, Helen Benek 2003 Greek Shipowners from the Late 18th
Century to the Eve of World War II Manos Charitatos, Helen
Benek...The French historian Fernand Braudel, unique hymnist of the
Mediterranean, maintains that: 'The Mediterranean is not even a single...
Political communities in the Greek colonies of archaic and...Trinity
Jackman, Stanford University. Dept. of Classics 2005 One reason is the
belated influence of Fernand Braudel's argument that the Mediterranean
should be understood in the longue duree, with patterns, structures, and
networks that transcend disCretely bounded cultures or time periods. His
Politics of the Archaic Peloponnese: The Transition from... 107 K.
Adshead 1986 36, for a geography of Greece by this school, and E. Will,
Korinthiaka, Recherches sur l'histoire et la Civilisation de
Corinthe...Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le Monde
mditerranen a l'poque de Philippe II (Paris, 1949), 144, quatre...
Postmodernism and History Willie Thompson 2004
In the
subsequentgeneration of Annalistes Fernand Braudel published his
classicwork onthe Mediterranean of the...in our culture and from the time


of the Greeks onwards, has generally been subject to the sanction of

historical 'science'...
Prose of the World: Modernism and the Banality of Empire 139
Saikat Majumdar 2013 ... of Anglophone Indian national allegories, this
vision of history coincides with what Fernand Braudel has identified as
the...Another influential Western theorist of the private-public divide,
Hannah Arendt, looks back to the Greek polis instead...
Radical Political Theology: Religion and Politics After... 148
Clayton Crockett 2011 ... was linguistically and culturally identified as
Semitic, along with Judaism, in contrast to an Aryan European Greek
and...(following Fernand Braudel) could help deconstruct the
fundamental polarity of a substantialised Islam on one hand...
Recasting the Social in Citizenship 268. Engin Fahri Isin 2008
How these virtues were articulated and how they evolved were, of course,
different in both Greek and Roman cities, but...Fernand Braudel (1988)
and Charles Tilly (1992, 1994) have told these struggles with specific
inflections of their own.
Reconstructing the Balkans: a geography of the new... 96 Derek R.
Hall, Darrick R. Danta 1996 A., 1992, Population distribution of Greece
today according to language, national consciousness and religion, in
Macedonia: past and present. Institute for Balkan...Gounaris, B., 1993a,
Salonica, Fernand Braudel Center Review, 16, 499-518.
Regimes of Histori City: Presentism and Experiences of Time 248
Fran ois Hartog 2015 ... 56,60 Aron, Raymond, 139,146 Art of allusion,
50 Arts, 170; conservation of, 176; in Greece, 169,171, 173;
historians...Jacques-Bnigne, xvi, 11, 12 Bourdieu, Pierre, 113 Bousquet,
Ren, 115 Braibant Report, 229n52 Braudel, Fernand...
Regional Pathways to Complexity: Settlement and Land-use... P. A. J.
Attema, G.-J. L. M. Burgers, Martijn van Leusen 2010 Colonization,
Hellenization and Romanization It was (and sometimes still is) held that
the Greek and Roman cultures...inspired by the Annales historian
Fernand Braudel.37 Braudels theory regards historical change as being
articulated in...
Regions in Central and Eastern Europe: Past and Present 226
Rick Steves' Greece: Athens & the Peloponnese 483 Rick Steves
2014 Rick Steves. Historians like the green Michelin guides and the


Cadogan series; both have books on Greece. Others go for...Fernand

Braudel's The Mediterranean in the Ancient World is another marvelous
overview. If you'd like a large-format...
Rituals of Death and Dying in Modern and Ancient Greece...
11Evy Johanne Hland 2014 on death rituals in Greece, which started
some years after the publication of Danforth's book.10 The validity
of...need to come together.11 Influenced by the historian Fernand
Braudel, Aris analysed the cultural construction of the death rituals...
Robert Louis Stevenson in the Pacific: Travel, Empire, and... 75
Roslyn Jolly 2009 ... unique event (such as the Jacobite uprising or the
Berlin Treaty) and what the structuralist historian Fernand Braudel calls
the...He wrote to Edward Burlingame, his U.S. publisher: Here is for the
first time a tale of Greeks Homeric Greeks...
Roman Festivals in the Greek East: From the Early Empire...Fritz Graf
2015 They also entered the Muslim world, illustrating Fernand
Braudel's insight that...(1908), 544551. Doutt's interpretative
framework is much more 224 Roman festivals in the Greek East after
Constantine Postscript from Muslim North Africa.
Rome, the Greek World, and the East 1 235.Fergus Millar,
Hannah Cotton, Guy MacLean Rogers 2002
F. Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II,
trans. S. Reynolds...H. Hexter, "Fernand Braudel and the Monde
Braudellien," in his On Historians (1979), 61-145, see now S. Kinser,
"Annaliste Paradigm?
Sasanian Iran, 224651 CE: Portrait of a Late Antique Emprire Touraj
Daryaee 2008 It also hinders the understanding of Greek and Roman
history. As J. Wiesehdfer, one of the most eminent...Fernand Braudel
once stated that "Europe invented historians and then made good use of
them."4 This "good use," I contend, is the...
Slavery in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia 10 William D.
Phillips, Jr. 2013 Fernand Braudel, mid-twentieth century Slavery
was present in the Iberian Peninsula from the beginning of recorded
history. It was prominent in...Only five places and times figured in
Finley's scheme as slave societies: classical Greece and...
Social Theory and Social History 55 Donald M. MacRaild, Avram
Taylor 2004 The first, the vogue for 'systemic' or 'total story', most
closely associated with Fernand Braudel, offers an opportunity to


consider...Since the Greeks, philosophers have sought to encapsulate the

entirety of human development, or its essential...
Sociological Abstracts 34, 5 1375 Leo P. Chall 1986
AA Tr & Modified by C. Waters 86Q9436 George, Francois, Fernand
Braudel face a I'histoire de France (Fernand Braudel...A Comparative
Study of the Emergence of Urban Civilization in Mesopotamia and
Greece, Journal of Urban History...
Spatial Conceptions of the Nation: Modernizing Geographies...Nikiforos
Diamandouros, Caglar Keyder, Thalia Dragonas 2010 Modernizing
Geographies in Greece and Turkey Nikiforos Diamandouros, Caglar
Keyder, Thalia Dragonas...Following Fernand Braudel, one can say that
this permanence or inertia is characteristic of the whole of the
Mediterranean and Near...
Staging contingency: the histori City of chance in Greek...Steven
Thomas Brown, Stanford University. Dept. of Comparative Literature
1994 the histori City of chance in Greek tragedy and Japanese Noh
drama Steven Thomas Brown, Stanford University. Dept. of...Cf.
Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in
the Age of Philip U, tr. Sian Reynolds, 2 vols.
Studies on Ottoman social history in the sixteenth and... 41 Ronald
C. Jennings 1999 ... IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Fernand
Braudel has shown that the Mediterranean basin experienced a doubling
of population in the 16th...In 1500 adult male Muslims numbered 1,961,
Armenian Gregorians 266, and Greek Orthodox 60.
Talanta: 1-7 9 1969 ... Fernand Braudel, La Mdditerranee
et le monde me'diterrane'en a I'epoque de Philippe II (Paris, 1949), pp. 3304. I quote from M. I. Finley, Ancient Culture and Society, Early
Greece: The Bronze and Archaic Ages (London, 1970), p. 6: "The...
The American Historical Association's guide to historical... Mary Beth
Norton, Pamela Gerardi, American Historical Association 1995 'Collected
essays by great social historian. Most pertinent are discussions of
relationship between myth and history in Greek thought and role of...
[RTV] Time and Periodization 1.203 Fernand Braudel. On history.
Sarah Matthews, trans.
The Ancient Economy 48. Walter Scheidel, Sitta von Reden 2002
The Hellenistic and Roman Greek world, which, unfortunately, is on the
whole less studied than classical Greece (and above all...A partir de


l'oeuvre de Moses I. Fmley, vols 6-8 of the journal Opus, '4 Fernand
Braudel, 'L'Antiquite et I'hismire...
The Armies of Classical Greece xvi. Everett L. Wheeler 2007 The
possibilities of using ethnological studies of primitive peoples to interpret
Greek and Roman religious practices...1966 version of Annaliste
Fernand Braudel's La Mediterranee et la monde mediterraneen a
I'epoque de Philippe II, first...
The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind: Transformations... Roger
Chartier 2013 ... olives are beaten down off trees in Provence and in
Greece; fishermen draw in their nets on the immobile Venetian lagoon...2
Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde mditerranen
l'poque de Philippe II (1947),2nd edn (Paris...
The Beginnings of European Theorizing--reflexivity in the... Barry
Sandywell 1996 But there is a darker side to the civilizing process; by
identifying with Greek ways of thinking European culture has tended
to...Fernand Braudel, for example, has suggested a 'thought experiment'
designed to isolate the singular spirit of...
The Biblical Journey of Slavery: From Egypt to the Americas 171
Lynette Joseph-Bani 2010 [they] entered the highly civilized Eastern
Mediterranean world The Greeks were not the only invaders ofthe
eastern...the part which survived the onslaught ofthe Peoples of the Sea
(Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean in the Ancient World...
The charm of legal history 256 Herman Brink 1974 On the
environmental factor, see the elaborate discussions by Fernand Braudel,
La Mediterranee et le monde miditerraneen...I quote from M.I. Finley,
Ancient Culture and Society, Early Greece: The Bronze and Archaic
Ages (London, 1970)...
The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World: From the... 598
Geoffrey Ernest Maurice De Ste. Croix 1989 IX, Milan, 1958) 151-80
('Iscrizioni', 224 in number, mainly in Latin, but some in Greek)... A
leading French historian, Fernand Braudel, in his introduction, describes
the book as 'an example of a Marxist problematic mastered, assimilated
The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From Hunter-Gatherers...John
Bintliff 2012 It appears that much of lowland Greece is an artifact,
since such signs of human activity are almost continuously...journal


Annales (1929present, with various forms of title), most notably

Fernand Braudel and Le Roy Ladurie, developed an...
The Daily Life of the Greek Gods 2 Giulia Sissa, Marcel
Detienne 2000 ..market and monetary economy, and that it had nothing in
common with the kind of material life and culture studied by Fernand
Braudel. The Greeks, Romans, and Etruscans had strayed by mischance
into the Hachette series, or rather had...
The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World 192 Robert Sallares
1991 .. a historian of the world in the early modern period, Fernand
Braudel.263 Braudel noted, quite correctly, that town and country were
unified in Ancient Greece and drew a contrast with the closed City of
the mediaeval world. So far so good.
The Edinburgh Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome 531.
Edward Bispham, Thomas Harrison, Brian Sparkes 2010 amphictyony
association of Greek poleis with common responsibility for a religious
sanctuary (most famously Delphi)...with the historians Marc Bloch,
Fernand Braudel and Lucien Febvre) annona public food supply in
Rome antefix ornament...
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1768 to 1913...Thomas Gallant
(1994), Russian Society and the Greek Revolution, DeKalb:
Northern Illinois University Press... D. (1988), 'Ottoman Handicrafts and
Industry in the Age of European Industrial Hegemony, 18001914',
Review (Fernand Braudel Center), pp.
The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the... 3.
Robert Drews 1995 Throughout the eastern Mediterranean the twelfth
century B.c. ushered in a dark age, which in Greece and Anatolia was not
to lift for more than four hundred years... 1200 1 For the comparison see
Fernand Braudel, "L'Aube," in Braudel, ed....
The Enlightenment as Social Criticism: Iosipos Moisiodax... 184.
Paschalis M. Kitromilides 2014 In addition to this, Moisiodax, as a
representative of the phenomenon of cultural Hellenization, embodies
another hallmark of Balkan society and the place of Greek culture within
it. Fernand Braudel has reminded us that the Balkans formed...
The Essential World History William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel
2013 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise of modern
civilization in the West. There is...the world historian Fernand Braudel


termed it, interpreting world history as a river with no banks. xxi On the
whole, this development is to be...
The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker,
Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly
to the rise of modern civilization in the West... picture'' or, as the world
historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as a
river with no banks. xxi On the whole, this development is...
The Essential World History, Volume II: Since 1500 xvii William
J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 From Greece and Rome, the road
led directly to the rise of modern civilization in the West. There is...the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as
a river with no banks. xvii On the whole, this development is to be...
The folds of Parnassos: land and ethni City in Ancient Phokis 2
Jeremy McInerney 1999 Concepts such as ethni City , previously ignored
by Greek historians, are now accepted as legitimate aspects of the
mentalitt...In particular, I have tried to follow the approach of the AnnaUs
historians like Fernand Braudel, whose Structures of...
The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern... Strobe
Talbott 2009 In 1981, I attended a lecture by the renowned French
historian Fernand Braudel when he came to Yale to receive an honorary
degree. He used a phrase that stuck...their Asiatic origins. In Greek
The Greek and Hebrew origins of our idea of history 272 Paul
Merkley 1987 The principal theoretical statement of the school is in
Fernand Braudel, Ecrits sur I'histoire (Paris: Flammarion, 1969.) See
esp. the essay, "Histoire et sciences sociales. La longue dur6e," 41-84. 31.
Ulrich Simon, Story and Faith in the Biblical...
The Greek City: From Homer to Alexander 23 Oswyn Murray,
S. R. F. Price 1991 The developed Greek City was a network of
associations: as Aristotle saw, it was such associations which created the
sense of community, of belonging, which was an...The classic discussion
is Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and...
The Greek Inheritance: Ancient Greek Wisdom for the... 66
Yannis Andricopoulos 2008 roportion, balance and symmetry were for
the Greeks the ruling principles of all aspects of life, from religion,
architecture, prose, health or mathematics to what Fernand Braudel, the
French cultural historian, called les structures du quotidien.


The Greek nation, 1453-1669: the cultural and economic... 295

Apostolos Euangelou Vakalopoulos 1976 the cultural and economic
background of modern Greek society Apostolos Euangelou
Vakalopoulos. of interest on an...Cf. Fernand Braudel, La Miditerranee
et le monde mediterraneen a Pepoque de Philippe II (Paris, 1949), p. 510.
The Greek Orthodox Waqf in Lebanon During the Ottoman Period Souad
Abou el-Rousse Slim 2007 Shrin and Abu MTzan were "twin villages," a
phenomenon, quite frequent in Lebanon and the Mediterranean world, in
which the same population and families lived and worked on both sites.
According to Fernand Braudel this practice was...
The Greek portolan charts: 15th-17th centurues: a... 74. Girgos
Tlias, Kentro Neoellnikn Ereunn (Ethnikon Hidryma Ereunn) 1999
252. Mollat du Jourdan and de la Ronciere, op. cit.. p. 274. 253.
Campbell, 'Portolan charts...', op. ciU p. 393. 254. Fernand Braudel. Lu
Mdditerranee et le monde mediterranneen a lepoche de Philippe II.
Armand Collin. Paris s1982, vol. I, p.
The Greeks and Us 91Marcel Detienne 2007 We must not allow
our history to be expropriated' was the theme with which one great
historian (an illustrious academician whom some of us used to see in a
quite different light) harangued his fellows:Fernand Braudel, no less, in
his last...
The Greeks: A Portrait of Self and Others Paul Cartledge 1993 Perhaps
its most enduring legacy has been in the historiography of the so-called
'Annales School' founded by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre and
associated most recently with Fernand Braudel. Though not in any strict
or dogmatic sense...
The Human Shore: Seacoasts in History 39 John R. Gillis 2012
To the Ancient Greeks, the Mediterranean was more like a pond than an
ocean. Fernand Braudel described its peoples as moving crab-wise
from rock to rock, from island to island, peninsula by peninsula. The
Italians called this costeggiare;...
The Idea of Europe: From Antiquity to the European Union Anthony
Pagden 2002 7 As late as the 1960s, the great French historian Fernand
Braudel was able to refer (with no trace of irony) to the...8 "Europe,"
wrote the first-century Greek geographer Strabo, in the earliest surviving
attempt to demonstrate and explain the...


The Identity of France: People and production 77 Fernand

Braudel 1990 Fernand Braudel...might have become assimilated to the
Greek civilization of Marseilles (founded 600 BC)126 a thesis rather
difficult to...It is true that the Gauls did use the Greek alphabet and that it
was not confined to a cultivated elite.
The Invention of Greek Ethnography: From Homer to Herodotus.
Joseph E. Skinner 2012 .. andimportantlychronology is a viable
basis for considering the manner in which Greek ethnographies and...in
the wake of Fernand Braudel's stately The Mediterranean, which saw
the entire region characterized as an exchange,...
The Journal of economic history 20 234 1960 ... of the
Balkan Orthodox merchant: the Greek trader of Constantinople,
Salonika, and Smyrna, the Greek and Orthodox...on a preliminary
manuscript of this work and to Professor Fernand Braudel for
introducing me to the historical science...
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions... 175.
Alain Bresson 2015 In Classical and Hellenistic Greece, houses grew
larger and were better equipped, and the quantity of goods
available...Fernand Braudel wrote a classical account of the importance
of fish, especially herring, for the peoples of northern...
The Making of the Modern Greek Family: Marriage and... 2. Paul
Sant Cassia, Constantina Bada 2006 The unity of the Mediterranean also
received a powerful stimulus from the work of historians, notably
Fernand Braudel (1975), and demographers and historians of the family
(Hajnal, 1965; Laslett and Wall, 1972; Laslett, 1983; Wall, 1983).
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the... 278.
Iain McGilchrist 2009 One has to accept that Greek, like many other
languages, began being written in the opposite direction, the one that
favours...'Writing is basically a technology,' wrote the great French
historian, Fernand Braudel, a way of committing things to...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age...Fernand
Braudel 1995 Fernand Braudel. Greek civilization: did it survive?
Greek civilization itself was not dead in the sixteenth century. How do we
know? Because it too was capable of equally categorical and no less
dramatic 'refusals'. Although dying, or rather...
The Mediterranean City in Transition: Social Change and... 240
Lila Leontidou 1990 Fernand Braudel (1966: 18) In a way, this is


another 'minute piece of the mosaic', a study confined in time (the

postwar period until 1981), space (Greece) and object (the transition from
spontaneous urban development to a new urban pattern).
The Mediterranean: Environment and Society 94 Russell King,
Lindsay Proudfoot, Bernard Smith 2014 Although Fernand Braudel
(1972, pp... By 1500 ad, the emergent hegemonic Ottoman state already
controlled mainland Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria, and over
the...prolonged siege of Famagusta and Nicosia in 1573 (Braudel 1972,
The Middle East and Central Asia: An Anthropological Approach Dale F.
Eickelman 1998 Notwithstanding questions of modern nationalist feeling,
argued...Armenian Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Sunni Muslim, Shi'i
Muslim, Palestinian Christians and Muslims, Druze, and...
The New York Times Book Review viii 1985 The Early Greeks,
by Ft J Hooper A soarkling study of Greek civilization in all Its
archaeological and cultural splendor ry Book Club, Dept. N, srnsey
Street, Box 790, nford, CT...II), by Fernand Braudel. $35 00/515.95
The Origins of Israeli Mythology: Neither Canaanites Nor... 185
David Ohana 2012 Goitein himself became aware of Fernand Braudel's
book only at the end of his researches: I immediately regretted I
had...the penniless fisherman in the Isles of Greece, the ploughman in
Provence and the peasant living on vegetables in the...
The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek lands: toward a...Elias
Kolovos 2007 ... them almost completely: for he seems to have
understood himself as an economic and socio-political historian in a
much more exclusive sense than was true, for instance, of his French
colleague and correspondent Fernand Braudel.1 Even...
The Place of the Mediterranean in Modern Israeli Identity 98
Alexandra Nocke 2009 Fernand Braudel examined the way cultural
possessions traveled in the region and emphasized the role of...This study
is an impressive account of a language used throughout the
Mediterranean, from Portugal to Greece to North Africa.
The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe... 44 Piotr
Stefan Wandycz 2001 Fernand Braudel wrote about the long sixteenth
century that covered the two hundred years from the mid-1450s to


the...intellectual sphere the Renaissance understood as a rebirth of

cultural achievements of the Greek-Roman world...
The Recurring Dark Ages: ecological stress, climate... 7 Sing C.
Chew 2007 V. R. Desborough in The Greek Dark Ages identified such a
phase of distress for prehistoric Greece: during these generations...In
Memory and the Mediterranean, Fernand Braudel identified these types
of disruptions at the end of the twelfth...
The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece 392 Josiah Ober 2015
Greece in the Making, 1200479 BC, 2nd ed... Greek Mercenary
Soldiers, from the Earliest Times to the Battle of Ipsus... Questioning
Nineteenth-Century Assumptions about Knowledge: Reductionism,
(Fernand Braudel Center Studies in...
The Role of Religion in the Early Greek Polis: Proceedings... 64
Robin Hgg 1996 Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on
Ancient Greek Cult, Organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens, 1618...en I'honneur de Fernand Braudel 2: Methodologie de I'histoire et
des sciences humaines, Toulouse 1973, 190-206.
The Role of the Physical Environment in Ancient Greek...Jamie Morton
2001 This study in environmental anthropology explores the physical
geography and sailing conditions of Ancient Greece and the
Mediterranean region, the seafaring practices of the Ancient Greeks,
and, more generally, the interrelationships...
The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World Lincoln Paine
2014 In Venice and History: The Collected Papers of Frederic C. Lane,
ed. by Fernand Braudel et al., 38398. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ.
Press, 1966. ... Greece and Rome, 2nd ser., 34:2 (1987): 16977.
Leamon, James S. Revolution...
The Sea: Thalassography and Historiography 277 Peter N. Miller
2013 Ah, Dedalus, the Greeks! I must teach you. You must read...and
other landlubbers. Not surprisingly, a name that was frequently evoked in
this context was that of Fernand Braudel 277 Afterthoughts: Histories in
Bottles Sanjay Subrahmanyam.
The Theft of History Jack Goody 2007 The Theft of History will be read
by an unusually wide audience of historians, anthropologists and social


Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern...Maria Fusaro,

Mohamed-Salah Omri, Colin Heywood 2010 The book aims to open up
the subject to English-speaking readers, in particular to those interested in
maritime history; the history of the early modern world; and the
historiographical legacy of Fernand Braudel.
Ulysses in the Raj 8 Paul Byron Norris, British Association for
Cemeteries in South Asia 1992 leading Greek merchant of
Constantinople, Michael Cantacuzenus was summarily hanged at the
gates of his own home at Anchioli...The Perspective of the World,
Fernand Braudel; Civilisation and Capitalism 1518th Century,
(Fontana), Vol.
Urban World History: An Economic and Geographical Perspective LucNormand Tellier 2009 It was on the trajectory of the northwestward
movement that had so benefited Phoenicia and then Greece, and which
was predominant to the...Fernand Braudel, La Me'diterrane'e et le
monde me'diterranen a l'poque de Philippe II, Vol.
Venice: The Hinge of Europe, 1081-1797 William H. McNeill 2009
Concentrating on Venice as the hinge of European history in the late
medieval and early modern period, McNeill explores the technological,
economic, and political bases of Venetian power and wealth, and the City
s unique status at the...
Vernacular Christianity: essays in the social anthropology... 5
Wendy James, Douglas Hamilton Johnson 1988 Fernand Braudel
presents one which highlights the rich variety of experience which must
be gathered together in the very...Indeed, the Orthodox Greeks chose to
submit to the Muslim Turks rather than to the Catholics,5 a decision we
War and Society in East Central Europe: East Central... 367 Bla
K. Kirly, Gunther Erich Rothenberg 1982 Cf. Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (New
York, 1973), II...Among the many sources that describe this transition in
the political orientation of the subject Greeks, special mention should...
Ways to Modernity in Greece and Turkey: Encounters with...Anna
Frangoudaki, Caglar Keyder 2007 4 Fernand Braudel, Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, New York: Harper
& Row, 1972. 5 See Elena Frangakis, "The Raya Communities of
Smyrna in the Eighteenth Century (1690-1820): Demographic and...


What is Masculinity?: Historical Dynamics from Antiquity... 189 J.

Arnold, S. Brady 2011 ... Greek, Roman and Near Eastern men of both
antiquity and the modern era to a common stereotype of 'Mediterranean
masculinity' that obliterates a range of important differences.3 Influenced
by the pioneering project of Fernand Braudel...
When the Gods Were Born: Greek Cosmogonies and the Near East.
Carolina Lpez-Ruiz 2010 Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age
(1992), as well as with numerous articles, such as "Oriental and Greek
Mythology...up by the pioneering work of Fernand Braudel, La
Mediterranee et le monde mediterraneen a I'epoque de Philippe II...
Women and the recomposition of labor forces: some...Joan Smith 1984
World History xxii William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2008
From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise of modern
civilization in the West... study of individual civilizations and focuses
instead on the big picture or, as the world historian Fernand Braudel
termed it, interpreting world history...
World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2012 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise
of modern civilization in the West. There is nothing inherently...as the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as
a river with no banks. On the whole, this...
World History, Volume II: Since 1500 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2012 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise
of modern civilization in the West... gives less attention to the study of
individual civilizations and focuses instead on the big picture or, as the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it...

Greece, Grce
A Companion to Ancient History Andrew Erskine 2012 Pausanias's
Perlegesls was a skillful account of the geography of Roman Greece that
covered the natural environment...The works of the French pioneers
Claude Levi-Strauss and Fernand Braudel have been translated into
English, which...
A Companion to Archaeology 176 John Bintliff 2008 represents a
central aspect of Annaliste thought: structural history, as elaborated by
Fernand Braudel (1972; Bintliff...One major pattern emerging from a


long timescale analysis of a province of Greece (Boeotia) is the cyclical

rise and fall of...
A Companion to the French Revolution 421Peter McPhee 2012
A concise history of Greece 2003
A Greek Countryside: The Southern Argolid from Prehistory...Michael H.
Jameson, Curtis Neil Runnels, Tjeerd Hendrik Van Andel 1994
A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean Irad
Malkin 2011 For example, it was often claimed that since the topography
of Greece is so split up by mountains, the land was less...That is also the
problem with the brilliant legacy of Fernand Braudel: He emphasized
the Mediterranean as the arena for...
A study in Balkan civilization 214 Traian Stoianovich 1967
Finally, readers may profit from the following: Antoniadis-Bibicou,
Helene: "Villages desertes en Grece: Un bilan provisoire," in...A critique
of Fernand Braudel's Miditerranie, including an evaluation of Ottoman
demographic growth during the...
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the... 1 Charles
Gates 2011 The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and
Egypt, Greece and Rome Charles Gates...Inspiration for any student of
the Mediterranean world comes from the great French geographer and
historian Fernand Braudel (190285).
Ancient Greek Agriculture: An Introduction Signe Isager, Jens Erik
Skydsgaard 2013
Few have describedthe Mediterranean world
withgreater insightthan Fernand Braudel in LaMditerrane etlemonde
mditerranend l'epoque de Philippe II(1949). The chronological
framework isearly modern, butthere are matters ofgeneral...
And yet there is no reason for us to believe that the Mediterranean, so
lyrically painted by Fernand Braudel (1972), should...toward the
northern peninsulas, from Spain to Greece in itself a vast and complex
geographical and historical zone.
Archaeology and History in Roman, Medieval and... 3 William
Caraher, Linda Jones Hall, R. Scott Moore 2008 ... the Mediterranean
World was emerging as a topic of study in Fernand Braudel's great
experiment in total history: The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean
World in the Age of Philip II.2 The appearance of this work in English
stimulated a...


Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory 21 A. Bernard Knapp

1992 1988 An Archaeology of Greece: The Present State and Future
Scope of a Discipline. Sather Classical Lectures 53. Berkeley...TrevorRoper, H. R. 1973 Fernand Braudel, the Annales, and the
Mediterranean. Journal of Modern History 44...
Archaic Greece: New Approaches and New Evidence 69 N. R.
Nicolas Ralph Edmund Fisher, Hans Van Wees, Deborah Dickmann
Boedeker 1998 Fernand Braudel (1972 (1949), 21) suggested that the
best way to understand the history of the Mediterranean 'is to dissect
history into various planes, or, to put it another way, to divide historical
time into geographical time, social time, and...
Autour de F. Braudel: et un texte indit de Fernand Braudel 96
Maurice Aymard 2002 Universitaire de son temps, Fernand Braudel l'est
aussi, quand il situe chez les hommes du lointain Orient le dpart de...ce
mystre qui taraude aussi Braudel), la Grce avec deux volets
privilgis, la colonisation et l'Athnes classique.
Bibliographie internationale de lHHumanisme et de la... 307 1996
0/5 Grce Pninsule Balkanique [Albanie; Bulgarie; Roumanie; Serbie;
Croatie]; Turquie; Empire Byzantin 3870 Anatolia moderna Yeni...3871
AYMARD (Maurice), La Mditerrane ottomane de Fernand Braudel, in
Soliman le Magnifique .
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this
book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands
and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well
De la richesse et de la pauvret entre Europe et Mditerrane Thierry
Fabre 2006 ... ce qu'on pourrait appeler le sous-dveloppement, ou la
marginalisation conomique, que Fernand Braudel lui-mme a
dtermin vers la fin du xvne et le dbut du xvme sicle... En
Mditerrane de l'est, il en a t de mme avec la Grce.
Demain, qui gouvernera le monde? Jacques Attali 2011 BRAUDEL
Fernand, Charles Quint, tmoin de son temps 15001558 , in crits sur
l'Histoire, t. II, Flammarion, coll. Champs , 1994. Civilisation
matrielle, conomie et capitalisme, XVeXVIIIe sicle, t. 1: Les
structures du quotidien, t.


Dictionnaire de la Philosophie: (Les Dictionnaires...Encyclopaedia

Universalis 2015 Envisag dans cette optique, l'vnement pisodique est
l'cume de l'histoire (Fernand Braudel), renvoyant au temps court,
plus au moins dramatique, des situations de crise. Ce n'est qu' partir du
XIXe sicle que la notion reoit une...
Dictionnaire des Notions: (Les Dictionnaires d'Universalis)
Encyclopaedia Universalis 2015 Envisag dans cette optique, l'vnement
pisodique est l'cume de l'histoire (Fernand Braudel), renvoyant au
temps court, plus au moins dramatique, des situations de crise. Ce n'est
qu' partir du XIXe sicle que la notion reoit une...
cologie et environnement ; mythes et ralit: Pierre Yves MorvanAmeslon 2014 (Fernand Braudel, Civilisation matrielle, conomie et
capitalisme) C'tait le bon vieux temps... des disettes et des famines... il
ne pouvait mme pas tre imagin: dans la Grce de Solon il tait
autoris de faire bombance les jours de fte en...
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient... 110
Charles Freeman 2014 The standard of debate on the question was set at
a high level by one of the finest works of history of the twentieth century,
Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in
the Age ofPhilip II, originally published in...
Essays on the Historical Geography of the Greek World in... 79
Basile G. Spirdonakis 1977 Fernand Braudel, "Histoire et sciences
sociales. La longue duree", in Annales, Economies, Societs,
Civilisations, 13e annee (1958), pp. 725-753, subsequently reproduced in
his Ecrits sur /' histoire (Collection Science), Paris, Flammarion...
Fernand Braudel and the Monde Braudellien. Journal of Modern
History 44: 480-539. Higgs, E. S., and C. Vita-Finzi. 1966. "The Climate,
Environment and Industries of Stone Age Greece: Part II." Proceedings of
the Prehistoric Society 32...
Fernand Braudel 39. Giuliana Gemelli, Brigitte Pasquet,
Batrice Propetto Marzi 1995 jouera un rle trs important dans le
parcours universitaire de Braudel. Les priodes de l'Antiquit et du
Moyen ge taient...L. Gernet, Les Nobles dans la Grce antique ,
Annales HES, X, p. 3643. 4. R. DIDONATO, Per un'antropologia...
Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 1996 Fernand
Braudel Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel. Mditerrane. Et ils osent
dire non: la Mditerrane, anciennement partage, poussait plus loin son


rayonnement que le lac romain ; la Grce hellnistique avait atteint un

instant l'Indus et...
Fernand Braudel: synthse et libert 138 Alain Brunhes 2001
Pour Braudel, le concept de civilisation doit tre dfini par rapport
toutes les sciences de l'homme, celles-ci...Jaune et l'Egypte du Nil en sont
des exemples et les civilisations thalassocratiques , filles de la mer ,
telles la Grce, Rome...
Finding People in Early Greece 1 Carol G. Thomas 2005 the.
Crossroads. We historians of today, Fernand Braudel announced on
December 1, 1950, have the sense of belonging to a different age, to a
different adventure of the intellect. Above all, our profession no longer
seems to us to be a calm...
French Literature: A Cultural History 6 Alison Finch 2010 ...
shifting the global cultural struggle from 'Europe' (Greece, and later
Rome) versus 'Asia' (Persia) to Christian Europe...In The Identity of
France (1986), the historian Fernand Braudel has declared: 'Yes, France
is certainly diverse, and that...
Gopolitique de l'Europe Grard-Franois Dumont, Pierre Verluise 2009
JeanPaulII ad'ailleurs institu saint Benot patronde l'Europe. 10.En
Bourgogne. La ville, 1921, Paris, AubierMontaigne, 1982. 12. Fernand
Braudel, Civilisation matrielle, conomieet capitalisme, quele Paris,
Armand Colin, 1979, t. 1, p. 449.
Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Political Economy...V.
Fouskas, C. Dimoulas 2013 ... their policyof severe austerity they impose
across Europe today? 2.3. Global. faultlines. andtheimperial. geopolitics.
of. debt. 'World system' theories and Fernand Braudel's workare
important because their narrative aims at advancing...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall...Brewer David
2012 6676) For piracy in general see Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean, especially vol. II, chapter 7; and Nicholas Rodger, The
Safeguard of the Sea. Both praise Godfrey Fisher's The Barbary Legend
'excellent book' (Braudel), 'an exuberant...
Greece: A Short History of a Long Story, 7,000 BCE to the...Carol G.
Thomas 2014 Fernand Braudel, a French scholarwho knewand
understoodthe Mediterranean as wellas any personcan, painted a vivid
picturewith his description that every mountain [in the Mediterranean
region]has some arable land, inthe valleys oron...


Guerre et conomie en Grce ancienne Yvon GARLAN 2013 Les

meilleurs d'entre eux y ont mme fait l'occasion de brillantes incursions:
par exemple Fernand Braudel travers la Mditerrane de Philippe II,
ou Georges Duby lors de la journe de Bouvines. Pour l'Antiquit,
l'impulsion une...
Hegel and the Third World: The Making of Eurocentrism in... Teshale
Tibebu 2011 Greece The Ancient Greeks lay the historical foundation
for the making of the West... Like Fernand Braudel later, he sees history
and geography as intrinsically linked: history is the march of world spirit
within a defined geographical abode.
Hellenization and Southern Phoenicia: Reconsidering the...2007 Did
culture simply emanate from Greece? Was the...Recently, several
scholars have re-focused on Fernand Braudel's idea of the
Mediterranean as an exchange network, with shifting categories and
without strict poles.60 One might see the...
Histoire de France 10 Starseed,, Damien Mecheri 2008 J.-C, que
les diverses races prsentes sur le territoire franais commencent former
une identit biologique , pour reprendre les termes de l'historien
Fernand Braudel. La conqute du territoire franais commence avec les
Celtes, qui...
Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1450-1914 Eric H. Boehm
1999 The document specifies the daily menus for patients, representing a
situation that the author compares with the circumstances prevailing
elsewhere in Europe as presented by Fernand Braudel. J Greece
50A:3585 1828-30's Accardo, Peter X.
History and the Human Condition: A Historian's Pursuit of... John Lukacs
2014 ... the HahnStrassmann fission experiments, 3132; treatment by
the Nazi regime, 4849 Born, Max, 30 Braudel, Fernand...5355; on the
interrelationship of military and political decisions, 69; intervention in
Greece, 72; Iron Curtain speech...
Images en bibliothques: 1500 films pour les bibliothques... Catherine
Rozenberg, Catherine Blangonnet, France. Direction du livre et de la
lecture 1992 Plusieurs historiens, dont Fernand Braudel, participent
cette mission. m Phnicien (peuple): histoire m Mditerrane...tait
source de tensions Domine par les Turcs pendant prs de 500 ans. la
Grce a fini par obtenir son indpendance.


Introduction to International and Global Studies, Second... 376

Shawn C. Smallman, Kimberley Brown 2015 ... 318 Augmented
Washington Consensus, 40, 41 Aum Shinrikyo, 163, 258 Austerity,
138,213; in Greece and Iceland, 39...Gordon, 215 Brady, Nicholas, 140
Brand Aid, 21718 Brandt, Willy, 128 Braudel, Fernand, 137 Brazil, 12,
5152, 76...
Jewish Questions: Responsa on Sephardic Life in the Early...Matt Goldish
2008 ... Introduction Hakham Abraham de Boton officiated in Saloniki,
Greece, one of the major Mediterranean seaports of the...The case
supports the famous thesis of the historian Fernand Braudel that the
Mediterranean in this period was really...
Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry 19 24 2000 In
addition, if the Mediterranean world is considered as one integrated unit,
the category of "Mediterranean civilization" is important, as Fernand
Braudel argues. He refers to "Latin, Islam and Greece" as "the three great
La dcouverte du monde: Suivi de Voyage avec Colomb Edwy Plenel
2002 ... l'avis unanime le plus grand historien portugais vivant, form
l'coledes Annales franaises, disciple de Lucien Febvre et ami de
Fernand Braudel. Toutcela, je l'ai crit ds 1942. C'est avec Salazar que
la mythologie aremplac l'histoire.
La description 1 171 Jean Bazin, Vincent Descombes,
Clifford Geertz 1998 Directeur: Fernand BRAUDEL Revue bimestrielle
publie depuis 1929 par l'cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales
avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 53e
La francopolyphonie: 3 70 2008 Bibliographie 1. Avram,
Mioara et Sala, Marius Facei cunotin cu limba romn, Cluj, Ed.
Echinox, 2001. 2. Braudel, Fernand, Gramatica civilizatiilor, Bucureti,
Meridiane, 2 vol., 1994. 3. Dima, Sofia, Histoire des Franais et de leur
La gense intellectuelle de l'uvre de Fernand Braudel...Erato Paris
1999 Ces vers, cits par Braudel, Bertrand les empruntait la posie
d'Abd-er-Rhaman, mir d'Espagne, comme un rappel des pigrammes de
la Grce antique64. En 1927, le trs jeune encore Fernand Braudel
publie un compte rendu critique...


La Mditerrane: l'espace et l'histoire Fernand Braudel 1985 Les crits

de Fernand Braudel. 1. Autour de la Mditerrane
La Mditerrane: l'space et l'histoire 1 1977
La philosophie du Mont-blanc Nicolas Giudici 2000 En effet, les
citsEtats dela Grce antiquese structurenten symbiose troiteavec la
mer laquelle elles donnent...Celtes,s'ils ontunecivilisation matrielle
dehaut niveau, ensontencore un stade social peuvolu, observe
Fernand Braudel.
Le Jour le plus meurtrier de l'histoire de France: 22 aot... Jean-Michel
Steg 2013 Du temps de mes tudes, l'influence de Fernand Braudel et
de l'cole dite des Annales, btie sur des sdiments de structuralisme et de
marxisme, dominait l'enseignement de l'histoire en France. Tout tait
tourn vers la longue dure, les...
L'conomie de la Grce des cits: Les structures et la...Alain Bresson
2007 de l'conomie du monde mditerranen antique,et particulirement
de celle de la Grce des cits... Fernand Braudel mettaitl'accent sur
lesgrandeslignes de navigationqui mettaient enrelation les grandes
mtropoles de la Mditerrane, soit...
Les codices du merveilleux 13 2002 Les seuls authentiques
gographes de plein air , selon le mot de Fernand Braudel, Byzance,
ce sont les soldats et les gomtres du fisc. Lorsque Photios lit
Agatharchide, il explore donc les pays du Sud; lorsqu'il rsume
Les Grecs, les Arabes et nous: enqute sur l'islamophobie...Philippe
Bttgen 2009 Ce concept, pourtant, n'a pas t abord dans les dbats sur
Braudel au cours des annes 1980-199053. La discussion sur sa porte
mthodologique et pistmologique est, par exemple, absente du recueil
Fernand Braudel et l'histoire...
Les mmoires de la Mditerrane: prhistoire et antiquit Fernand
Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 2001 " On comprend bien
que ce dernier livre publi de Fernand Braudel doit tout son
exprience acquise pendant des dizaines d'annes au contact de l'espace
magique de la mer Intrieure.
Love, Amy: The Selected Letters of Amy Clampitt 178 Amy
Clampitt, Willard Spiegelman 2005 On the subway, and when snatching
a free few minutes, I'm reading The Mediterranean by Fernand Braudel


a...But Hal and I did see the National Theater of Greece when they
were here in November, doing Oedipus at Colonus in modern...
MEDITERRANEAN PARADIGMS Irad Malkin 2013 In this book
Mediterranean paradigms are applied to the world of Classical Antiquity,
from Ancient Greece to the Roman Empire, offering original
perspectives with wide-ranging implications to how we view history in
Mlanges en lhhonneur de Fernand Braudel: Mthodologie de... 1973 ne
vue gographique de la Grce (Faucher (Daniel), Les conditions
naturelles de la vie agricole en Grce continentale, dans Mlanges de la
socit toulousaine d'tudes classiques, I (1946), pp. 5-22), dans t
Annales E.S.C. , IV (1949)...
Memory and the Mediterranean. Fernand Braudel 2011 Impressive in
scope and gracefully written, Memory and the Mediterranean is an
endlessly enriching work of history by a legend in the field. From the
Trade Paperback edition.
Moral Codes and Social Structure in Ancient Greece: A... 84
Joseph M. Bryant 1996 II.ii The Demos in Dependency: Peasant Values
and the Cry for Social Justice In the chapter on Dark Age Greece, we
relied on the peasant-poet Hesiod to provide us with information on what
Fernand Braudel has termed "the groundfloor of...
Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe Margarita Daz-Andreu, Timothy
Champion 2014 ... a reputation equivalent to thatofMortimer Wheeleror
Glyn Daniel in Britain, let alonethat of Manolis Andronikos in Greece...
circles ofJules Michelet,of Fustel de Coulanges, of Camille Jullian, of
Marc Bloch, indeed of Fernand Braudel.
On History Fernand Braudel 1982 An eminent French historian
analyzes the study of history and the nature of time
Orthodox Christianity in 21st Century Greece: The Role of... ix
Professor Vasilios N Makrides, Professor Victor Roudometof 2013 ... and
in the European University Institute (Law Dept. in January-February
2009 as Fernand Braudel Fellow). Dr. Anagnostou has been awarded a
Marie Curie Fellowship to work on a book project entitled "Civil Society
and the Mobilization of...
Paris, ville catin: des origines 1800: Essai. Andrew Hussey 2007 Tout
cela ne semble pas changer grand-chose, car la population continue


souffrir de l'instabilit politique et des guerres mesquines, mais

dvastatrices3. Fernand Braudel voit dans ce sicle le dbut de
Pleite 317 Matthew Lynn 2011 2 Zitat aus Merkel Says She Was
Right on Greece, Winning Unthinkable Cuts, Bloomberg News,
2.5.2010... 3 Fernand Braudel: The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean Worlds in the Age ofPhilip II, Bd. 1 (Berkeley und Los
Quand les dmons enlevaient les enfants: les changelins...Jean-Michel
Doulet 2002 Cf. Marcel Dtienne, Les Matres de vrit dans la Grce
archaque, Paris, 1995. 4. James Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion
andEthics...Fernand Braudel, L'Identit de la France. Les hommes et les
choses, Paris, 1990, p. 10 sqq. 9. ERE...
Quelle mondialisation ? Acadmie Universelle des Cultures 2002 Ces
deux ouvrages sont celui du sociologue amricain Immanuel Wallerstein
Th Modem World System (1974) et celui de l'historien franais
Fernand Braudel dans le troisime volume Le Temps du monde de
sa Civilisation matrielle.
Regimes of Histori City: Presentism and Experiences of Time 248
Fran ois Hartog 2015 ... 56,60 Aron, Raymond, 139,146 Art of allusion,
50 Arts, 170; conservation of, 176; in Greece, 169,171, 173;
historians...Jacques-Bnigne, xvi, 11, 12 Bourdieu, Pierre, 113 Bousquet,
Ren, 115 Braibant Report, 229n52 Braudel, Fernand...
Rick Steves' Greece: Athens & the Peloponnese 483 Rick Steves
2014 Rick Steves. Historians like the green Michelin guides and the
Cadogan series; both have books on Greece. Others go for...Fernand
Braudel's The Mediterranean in the Ancient World is another marvelous
overview. If you'd like a large-format...
Rituals of Death and Dying in Modern and Ancient Greece... 11
Evy Johanne Hland 2014 on death rituals in Greece, which started some
years after the publication of Danforth's book.10 The validity of...need to
come together.11 Influenced by the historian Fernand Braudel, Aris
analysed the cultural construction of the death rituals...
Slavery in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia 10 William D.
Phillips, Jr. 2013 Fernand Braudel, mid-twentieth century Slavery was
present in the Iberian Peninsula from the beginning of recorded history. It


was prominent in...Only five places and times figured in Finley's scheme
as slave societies: classical Greece and...
Ta Balkania 2002
Telos Volume VI: Perspectives on Political Change in the... 21
Fondation de Malte 2013 1 Jean-Louis GUIGOU Fernand Braudel, pre
de la Prospective, avait coutume de dire: Si j'tais chef d'un grand Etat,
je travaillerais peu. J'analyserais les forces l'uvre et je faciliterais
celles qui vont dans le bon sens. Je vous invite...
The Ancient Economy 48 Walter Scheidel, Sitta von Reden 2012
The Hellenistic and Roman Greek World, which, unfortunately, is on the
whole less studied than classical Greece (and above all Athens), must
occupy a central position in those comparisons, since it...Fernand
Braudel once said: 48 After Finley.
The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind: Transformations... Roger
Chartier 2013 ... olives are beaten down off trees in Provence and in
Greece; fishermen draw in their nets on the immobile
Venetian...Morefundamentally, it seems thatfor Braudel knowledge, a
rigorousgrasp of past social realities, was in itselfa form of poetic
experience... 2 Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde
mditerranen l'poque de Philippe II (1947), 2nd edn (Paris: Armand
Colin, 1966); trans.
The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From Hunter-Gatherers...John
Bintliff 2012 It appears that much of lowland Greece is an artifact,
since such signs of human activity are almost continuously...journal
Annales (1929present, with various forms of title), most notably
Fernand Braudel and Le Roy Ladurie, developed an...
The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World 192 Robert Sallares
1991 ... a historian of the world in the early modern period, Fernand
Braudel.263 Braudel noted, quite correctly, that town and country were
unified in Ancient Greece and drew a contrast with the closed City of
the mediaeval world. So far so good.
The Edinburgh Companion to Ancient Greece and Rome 531
Edward Bispham, Thomas Harrison, Brian Sparkes 2010 ... Fernand
Braudel and Lucien Febvre) annona public food supply in Rome antefix
ornament along the eaves of a tiled roof anthropomorphic in human shape
(e.g. of gods) apella Spartan popular assembly aporia lit. 'no way
through', (Greek);...


The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the... 3

Robert Drews 1995 Throughout the eastern Mediterranean the twelfth
century B.c. ushered in a dark age, which in Greece and Anatolia was not
to lift for more than four hundred years... 1200 1 For the comparison see
Fernand Braudel, "L'Aube," in Braudel, ed....
The Essential World History William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel
2013 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise of modern
civilization in the West. There is...the world historian Fernand Braudel
termed it, interpreting world history as a river with no banks. xxi On the
whole, this development is to be...
The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker,
Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly
to the rise of modern civilization in the West... picture'' or, as the world
historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as a
river with no banks. xxi On the whole, this development is...
The Essential World History, Volume II: Since 1500 xvii William
J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 From Greece and Rome, the road
led directly to the rise of modern civilization in the West. There is...the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as
a river with no banks. xvii On the whole, this development is to be...
The Greek portolan charts: 15th-17th centurues: a... 207 Girgos
Tlias, Kentro Neoellnikn Ereunn (Ethnikon Hidryma Ereunn) 1999
Dizionario del Dialetto Veneziano. Venice. 31867. Fernand Braudel. La
Mditerrane et le monde mediterranean l'epoque de Philippe II.
Armand Collin, Paris 51982. Philippe Braunstein & Robert Delort.
Venise. portrait historique d'une cite...
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the... 587
Iain McGilchrist 2009 ... the 147-9 and soul (or mind) in Ancient Greece
263-4, 283-4, 289, 293-5 in the Renaissance and Reformation 31219...petalias 23-4 relation between structure and function in 23-4
significance of structure of 7-9 Braudel, Fernand 278-82...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age... 1
Fernand Braudel 1995 "Braudels Mediterranean is a tour de force, one
of the classics of this century's historical writing."--Charles Tilly, author
of "As Sociology Meets History"
The Mediterranean City in Transition: Social Change and... 240
Lila Leontidou 1990 Fernand Braudel (1966: 18) In a way, this is


another 'minute piece of the mosaic', a study confined in time (the

postwar period until 1981), space (Greece) and object (the transition from
spontaneous urban development to a new urban pattern).
The Mediterranean: Environment and Society 94 Russell King,
Lindsay Proudfoot, Bernard Smith 2014 Although Fernand Braudel
(1972, pp... By 1500 ad, the emergent hegemonic Ottoman state already
controlled mainland Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria, and over
the...prolonged siege of Famagusta and Nicosia in 1573 (Braudel 1972,
The New Ways of History: Developments in Historiography Gelina
Harlaftis 2010 This wide-ranging overview of recent trends and the
changing agenda of historical questions compares new approaches-chronological, thematic, regional--not only in the various historical fields
such as ancient, medieval, modern and early...
The Origins of Israeli Mythology: Neither Canaanites Nor... 185
David Ohana 2012 Goitein himself became aware of Fernand Braudel's
book only at the end of his researches: I immediately regretted I
had...the penniless fisherman in the Isles of Greece, the ploughman in
Provence and the peasant living on vegetables in the...
The Recurring Dark Ages: Ecological Stress, Climate... 7. Sing C.
Chew 2007 V. R. Desborough in The Greek Dark Ages identified such a
phase of distress for prehistoric Greece: during these generations...In
Memory and the Mediterranean, Fernand Braudel identified these types
of disruptions at the end of the twelfth...
The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece 392 Josiah Ober 2015
Greece in the Making, 1200479 BC, 2nd ed. New York: Routledge...
Questioning Nineteenth-Century Assumptions about Knowledge:
Reductionism, (Fernand Braudel Center Studies in Historical Social
Science), edited by Richard F. Lee.
The Role of the Physical Environment in Ancient Greek...Jamie Morton
2001 This study in environmental anthropology explores the physical
geography and sailing conditions of Ancient Greece and the
Mediterranean region, the seafaring practices of the Ancient Greeks,
and, more generally, the interrelationships...
The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World Lincoln Paine
2014 In Venice and History: The Collected Papers of Frederic C. Lane,
ed. by Fernand Braudel et al., 38398. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ.


Press, 1966. Greece and Rome, 2nd ser., 34:2 (1987): 16977. Leamon,
James S. Revolution...
Toute l'histoire du monde: de la prhistoire nos jours Jean-Claude
Barreau, Guillaume Bigot 2005 LaMditerrane estun univers auquel le
grand historien Fernand Braudel consacra son uvre... lalagune et la
montagne lagunes aufond de l'Adriatique, du golfe deSyrte, en
Camargue; montagnes en Ligurie, en Grce, au Liban,etc.
Una leccin de historia de Fernand Braudel: 14 1986 Fernand
Braudel observe cette peau pour comprendre ce qui se passe dans ie
cur... Les recherches de J.-L. Angel sur les squelettes de la Grce
archaque et classique montrent que la variabilit anthropomtrique y est
Urban World History: An Economic and Geographical Perspective LucNormand Tellier 2009 It was on the trajectory of the northwestward
movement that had so benefited Phoenicia and then Greece, and which
was predominant to the...Fernand Braudel, La Me'diterrane'e et le
monde me'diterranen a l'poque de Philippe II, Vol.
Ways to Modernity in Greece and Turkey: Encounters with...Anna
Frangoudaki, Caglar Keyder 2007 4 Fernand Braudel, Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, New York: Harper
& Row, 1972. 5 See Elena Frangakis, "The Raya Communities of
Smyrna in the Eighteenth Century (1690-1820): Demographic and...
World History xxii William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2008
From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise of modern
civilization in the West... study of individual civilizations and focuses
instead on the big picture or, as the world historian Fernand Braudel
termed it, interpreting world history...
World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2012 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise
of modern civilization in the West. There is nothing inherently...as the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as
a river with no banks. On the whole, this...
World History, Volume II: Since 1500 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2012 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise
of modern civilization in the West... gives less attention to the study of
individual civilizations and focuses instead on the big picture or, as the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it...


Greek Grec

Albanie (Histoire et Langue): Ou l'incroyable odysse d'un... 12

Mathieu Aref 2003 En outre les initiateurs de la civilisation grecque,
selon la tradition antique, lurent Orphe et Muse... Fernand Braudel
(Les mmoires de la Mditerrane, Editions de Fallois,1998):"Ces
premiers peuples gens (les Plasges de la tradition...
Annales 50 960 Lucien Febvre 1995 J.-C, transforment
Rome en un tat vaste territoire; continuit et volutions du monde
grec, d'abord sous la frule...Fernand Braudel disait un jour: Si vous
ne sortez pas de l'Antiquit pour voir ce qu'il se passe ensuite, vous ne
Annales: Crit Assessmnts 485 Stuart Clark 1999 Jean-Pierre
Vernant, Mythe et pensee chez les Grecs. Etudes de la psychologie
historique...Fernand Braudel, La Mediterranee et le monde
mediterraneen a I'epoque de Philippe II, 2nd edn (2 vols, Colin, Paris,
1966), vol. 1, pp. 16-17 [The...
Autour de F. Braudel: et un texte indit de Fernand Braudel 10
Maurice Aymard 2002 et un texte indit de Fernand Braudel Maurice
Aymard...allemande, italienne, turque, serbo-croate et grecque entre 1972
et 1991, a t depuis traduite en hollandais (1992), chinois (1994),
hongrois (1996), coren (1996-1997), serbe (1997)...
Avant les grandes dcouvertes: une image de la terre au... 130 Sir
John Mandeville, Xavier Walter 1997 Les Grecs ne feront rien pour leur
rsister. Selon Fernand Braudel, ils connaissaient trop bien les Latins
pour se faire tuer leur service2 . Le schisme est l'origine de cette
haine, plus que le fait colonial: Mourante, ou plutt menace...
Becoming Byzantine: Children and Childhood in Byzantium 170
, Alice-Mary Maffry Talbot 2009 ... of this
approach lies in the notion of longue duree, in accordance with Fernand
Braudel's work on the time spans of history... 9 See A. Bresson, "La
parente grecque en palindrome," in Parente et societe dans le monde grec
de I'Antiquite a...


Bibliographie du monde mditerranen: relations et... 1828. Alain

Blondy 2003 ... remarques sur la politique et l conomie de Dubrovnik
(Raguse) , in Melanges en l' honneur de Fernand Braudel, t...
KREMMYDAS (Vasilis) Capital et dploiement du commerce des
Grecs: le cas de la marine marchande (fin XVIIIe...
Chanter les dieux: Musique et religion dans l'Antiquit... Christophe
Vendries 2015 Musique et religion dans lantiquit grecque et romaine
Christophe Vendries. rapprochement me semble lgitime entre...C'est ce
que montre la carte de l'implantation des palmeraies reproduite par
Fernand Braudel.Il y trace la limite entre la...
Civilisation Matrielle Et Capitalisme 1 397 Fernand
Braudel 1967 Fernand Braudel. Le grand problme: les formes
urbaines, ou un modle Ceci dit, supposons, sous nos yeux, une
histoire d'ensemble des villes d'Europe, englobant la srie complte de
leurs formes depuis la ville grecque jusqu' la ville...
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this
book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands
and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well
Contributions une histoire du catholicisme: Papaut... 388
Nicolas Champ, Claire Laux, Jean-Pierre Moisset 2013 Phniciens,
Grecs, Carthaginois, Romains, Byzantins, Arabes: une telle numration
emporterait sans doute la...Fernand BRAUDEL, La Mditerrane et le
monde mditerranen a l 'poque de Philippe 11, Paris, A. Colin, 1966
(2 d.), t.
De l'Organisation rvolutionnaire 192 Yves Raynaud Y opposer la
civilisation grecque ne fait que dplacer le sujet... Il n'est nul besoin de se
rfrer Fernand Braudel pour se rendre compte que ce n'est pas la
civilisation occidentale qui a pris le pouvoir dans le monde entier, c'est
bien cette...
Destins d'exils: 58 Servanne Jollivet, Christophe Premat, Mats
Rosengren 2011 ... en Sciences Sociales, dirige successivement par
Lucien Febvre et Fernand Braudel, se montra aussi, ds ses
origines...D'autres exils Grecs, tel Nicos Svoronos, furent employs
comme chercheurs-enseignants l'Ecole Pratique des...


Dictionnaire amoureux de la Mditerrane. Richard MILLET 2015 Elev

en Suisse, dou pour les langues, il en parle une demidouzaine, et connat
aussi le grec et le latin. Il assiste au lyce une confrence de...La
Mditerrane existerait-elle sans Fernand Braudel ? Il tait n dans la
Meuse, en 1902...
Dictionnaire de la Philosophie: (Les Dictionnaires...Encyclopaedia
Universalis 2015 Ds lantiquit grecque s'est constitu un discours
relatif aux vnements... Envisag dans cette optique, l'vnement
pisodique est l'cume de l'histoire (Fernand Braudel), renvoyant au
temps court, plus au moins dramatique, des...
Dictionnaire des Notions: (Les Dictionnaires d'Universalis)
Encyclopaedia Universalis 2015 Ds lantiquit grecque s'est constitu
un discours relatif aux vnements... Envisag dans cette optique,
l'vnement pisodique est l'cume de l'histoire (Fernand Braudel),
renvoyant au temps court, plus au moins dramatique, des...
Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue franaise 465 Franois
Pouillon 2012 Il est attir ensuite par Fernand Braudel et Lucien Febvre
Paris la nouvelle ephe, o il devient directeur d'tudes en...grecque
comme pralable l'laboration du droit: l'espace civique de la polis est
un tat d'harmonie fragile ...
Diffrend grco-turc 30 Semih Vaner 1988 Pour une action dans
ce sens, les socits grecque et turque, elles mmes, ne sont pas
compltement dmunies. (9) Voir...(6) Voir dans ce sens, l'intervention de
Robert Mantran, in Une leon d'histor're de Fernand Braudel
Discours de rception de M. Fernand Braudel l'Acadmie...Fernand
Braudel, Maurice Druon 1986 Fernand Braudel, Maurice Druon...Une
jeune tudiante grecque qui lui servit de guide, jadis, au Parthnon et
Delphes une tudiante qui est aujourd'hui le recteur de l'Acadmie de
Paris se souvient de ses paroles loquentes...
Du bon gouvernement: des vrits caches de l'histoire et... 79
Jean-Claude Barreau 1988 Et cela reste vrai aussi bien dans la cit
grecque pour laquelle Platon crivait sa Rpublique, au IVe sicle avant
Jsus-Christ...A mon sens, ce sont Lewis Mumford et Fernand Braudel
qui ont le mieux compris l'ambigut et la complexit des...
Espaces Grecs, espaces mditerranens: variations sur le... 10
Jacques Phytilis 1990 La premire tient aux limites idlogiques


qu'inconsciemment les historiens, mme d'entre les plus grands et je

songe ici bien sr Fernand Braudel me semblent mettre leurs
enqutes lorsqu'il abordent la question mditerranenne.
Fernand Braudel 362 Giuliana Gemelli, Brigitte Pasquet,
Batrice Propetto Marzi 1995 Peut-on dire pour autant que Braudel est
devenu un intellectuel mdiatique la manire des historiens de la
gnration...dans le dcor solennel et silencieux de l'ampithtre grec
situ sur la colline qui domine Toulon, o le vert des arbres...
Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 1996 Fernand
Braudel Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel...Rome, en se brisant sous le
coup des invasions barbares, a scind la Mditerrane et libr finalement
trois univers: le monde grec qui se groupe autour de Byzance ; l'Occident
Fernand Braudel: Espaces et temps de l'historien 114 Yves
Lemoine 2005 C'est un nologisme transgressif des frontires de
l'Empire, non seulement les frontires gographiques mais aussi
civilisationnelles ; celles, notamment, que se partage l'espace
mditerranen: grec, turc, musulman, chrtien. Transgression...
Fernand Braudel: synthse et libert 23 Alain Brunhes 2001 Ce
qui le conduit lever ses fils dans un agnosticisme bon teint auquel
Fernand Braudel, du reste, sera fidle tout au long de sa vie... Il y fera de
trs bonnes tudes, obtenant partout, que ce soit en franais, en latin, en
grec, en histoire...
Following the Nereids: sea routes and maritime business... 71
Maria Christina Chatziannou, Gelina Harlaftis 2006 173, collection
Zerlentis, 222-223 (and the French translation of the document in Zei,
Paros dans l'Archipel grec... op. cit....in the work of Fernand Braudel; on
this see also E. Paris, La gense intellectuelle de l'oeuvre de Fernand
Braudel: La...
French Travel Writing in the Ottoman Empire: Marseilles to... Michele
Longino 2015 Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde
mditerranen l'poque de Philippe II, vol. 1. (Paris: Armand...Tous ces
gens, tant Grecs que latins, tiennent beaucoup de l'humeur des Gnois,
qui les ont autrefois gouverns. Thvenot, p.
Gographie de l'Europe 27 Vincent Adoumi, Christian Daudel,
Jean-Michel Escarras 2013 Au-del d'une infinie diversit, l'historien
Fernand Braudel rappelle que la culture est la seule langue commune


de l'Europe ... Trois grandes formes d'criture expriment cette richesse

linguistique (alphabets grec, latin et cyrillique).
Gopolitique de la Mditerrane: Que sais-je ? n 3975 Bouchra
Rahmouni Benhida, Younes Slaoui 2013 L'historien Fernand Braudel se
plaisait dcrire la Mditerrane comme non pas une civilisation, mais
des...L'histoire mditerranenne est riche d'une histoire partage par des
empires si diffrents: Empires grec, romain, ottoman...
Gopolitique de l'Europe Grard-Franois Dumont, Pierre Verluise 2009
Du grec eurus, large, et ops, leregard. 2. Hsiode,Thogonie, VIIIesicle
av.J.C., 357... La ville, 1921, Paris, AubierMontaigne, 1982. 12. Fernand
Braudel, Civilisation matrielle,conomieet capitalisme, quele Paris,
Armand Colin, 1979, t.
Histoire de France 10 Starseed,, Damien Mecheri 2008 ... franais
commencent former une identit biologique , pour reprendre les
termes de l'historien Fernand Braudel... Le commerce prend de
l'importance, avec Massalia (l'ex-Marseille) comme point d'articulation,
et l'influence grecque se...
Histoire de la Gaule: Une confrontation culturelle (VIe...Danile Roman,
Yves Roman 1997 La premire fut celle de lacit Etatetdela colonisation
d'une...Brunpourles Phocenset les Massaliotes916 mais aussicelui de
Fernand Braudel utilisant uneautre terminologie...
Histoire du monde grec antique: Indit. Franois Lefvre 2012 Ceci
permetde reconsidrer lerapportdes Grecs lamer. Notre perceptionde la
choseest domine...Tout cela rpond au concept d' conomie pannes
dvelopp notamment par Fernand Braudel. Aussi l'approvisionnement
History of Linguistics 2002: Selected Papers from the... 143
Eduardo Guimares, Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros 2007 A 1'Uni versite
de Sao Paulo ont enseigne des professeurs tels que Roger Bastide,
Fernand Braudel... Le premier comprenait les chaires suivantes:
Philologie Grecque et Latine; Philologie Portugaise; Litterature LusoBresilienne; Litterature...
Hypothses 2006 254 2007 Ces caractristiques sont l'origine
de l'ide d'une expansion grecque plus ou moins conue et dcrite
comme un phnomne unitaire par les Modernes... L'expression est de
Fernand Braudel, cit par G. VALLET, art. cit, p. 18. 23.


Images en bibliothques: 1500 films pour les bibliothques...Catherine

Rozenberg, Catherine Blangonnet, France. Direction du livre et de la
lecture 1992 Plusieurs historiens, dont Fernand Braudel, participent
cette mission. m Phnicien (peuple): histoire m...de la Mditerrane l'a
place au long de l'histoire au centre de nombreux conflits: les Grecs ont
dvelopp leur puissance maritime...
Intgrales de Philo PLATON, Rpublique Platon, Olivier Battistini,
Josette Casanova 2014 Dans le mme ordre d'ides, ce que dit Fernand
Braudel nous intresse, car nous sommes les habitants d'un autre rivage
temporel, responsable d'une reprsentation du monde grec: Ce qui
fascine en Crte, c'est l'ide que nous nous...
International Conference of Economic History 822 1968 En outre,
il est trs difficile que ces impts qui furent appliqus pour la protection
de l'industrie grecque, soient abolis, alors que l'impt...CONTENTS
TABLE DES MATIRES Prface de Fernand Braudel g Avertissement
L' Homme alcoolique Jean-Paul Descombey 1998 Au cours des sicles,
les Grecs d'abord, les Arabes ensuite, s'taient essays vaporiser les
liquides obtenus partir de certaines poudres solubles pour en recueillir
par refroidissement les principes volatils. Selon Fernand Braudel, la
La dcouverte du monde: Suivi de Voyage avec Colomb Edwy Plenel
2002 ... historien portugais vivant, form l'coledes Annales franaises,
disciple de Lucien Febvre et ami de Fernand Braudel... terre
quiaemmen dans sonsillage uncontinent, offrantune mer infinie
l'Europe dela mer finie, grecque et romaine?
La description 1 171 Jean Bazin, Vincent Descombes,
Clifford Geertz 1998 Directeur: Fernand BRAUDEL Revue bimestrielle
publie depuis 1929 par l'cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences...Les
Grecs, les autres (et nous) (note critique) autrepart Echanges
transfrontaliers et intgration rgionale en (Cahiers des...
La francopolyphonie: 3 70 2008 ... ont lanc plusieurs
hypothses: elle proviendrait du grec littraire, langue de la grande
littrature, de l'hbreu, langue du...Fernand Braudel, L'identit de la
France, Paris, Arthaud-Flammarion, 2 tomes, tome 1 Espace et histoire,
tome 2...


La gense intellectuelle de l'uvre de Fernand Braudel: La...Erato Paris

1999 Les moines Grecs arrivent de Constantinople en Italie, en Espagne
ou en Afrique, et leur influence sur la pense chrtienne est trs nette.
Les pres Grecs, rsume Pirenne, sont indispensables la pense
religieuse de l'Occident.
La Mditerrane et le monde mditeranen l'poque de...Fernand
Braudel 1966 Fernand Braudel. fassent par voie de terre ou par mer.
Tout se passe comme s'il y avait, les arrtant, un filtre aux mailles serres.
Sans doute, au xvie sicle, y a-t-il des Levantins sur les rives
occidentales, des Grecs Livourne, des...
La Mditerrane Grecque 32 Taks Theodropulos, Rania
Polykandrit 2000 C'est surtout aprs Fernand Braudel que le sens
propre de la Mditerrane s'largit pour pntrer aussi vers l'intrieur des
pays qui entourent la mer. La Mditerrane ainsi conue prsuppose l'ide
d'un ensemble. Un ensemble certes...
La Mditerrane: l'espace et l'histoire Fernand Braudel 1985
La Mditerrane: l'space et l'histoire 1 1977
La pense grecque 48 Jean-Pierre Vernant, Franoise FrontisiDucroux, Franois Hartog 1992 Tout colonel qu'il tait, il resta pas dans
l'arme et s'orienta ver: mtier de psychologue appliqu la pen
grecque...de l'histoire en particu Fernand Braudel, Raymond Aron,
Roland Barthes, Jacques Lacan disparu trop tt pour avoir pu...
La philosophie du Mont-blanc. Nicolas Giudici 2000 ... contribu
compartimenter le relief [grec] enpetites plaines, dominespar des
hauteurs abruptes,mal lies entreelles...ontunecivilisation matrielle
dehaut niveau, ensontencore un stade social peuvolu, observe
Fernand Braudel.
La Renovation Du Shi'isme Ismaelien En Inde Et Au... 35 Michel
Boivin 2013 ... a consacr sa thse prouver l'existence d'un humanisme
arabe fond sur l'intgration partielle de l'hritage grec... dans la mesure
o Fernand Braudel crit que c'est du conflit ou de l'accord entre
attitudes anciennes et ncessits...
La stle histoire de la colonie juive d'gypte: les... 83 Jean-Marie
Brunier 2010 ... Fernand Braudel crit: Il n'y apas au monde d'espace
mieux clair, mieux inventori que celui de la mer Intrieure et


des...mouvement qui pousse l'Orient vers la Mditerrane occidentale

dj sillonne par les Phniciens et les Grecs.
La Vie wallonne 49-51 6 1975 Fernand Braudel l'a fort
bien dit: Inconsciemment peut-tre, le Turc ouvre ses portes et le
Chrtien ferme les siennes. L'intolrance...A partir du Levant, seuls les
Grecs, sous la pression des Turcs prcisment, ont pntr dans nos pays.
L'apologie par l'histoire 146 Pierre Chaunu 1988 En dehors, vous
avez la btise... ; dans cette numration je ne vois gure que le Sacr que
Fernand Braudel, par une...le Liban)... et la mathmatique qui est
gyptienne et grecque et dont Galile prtend qu'elle est l'criture de la
L'art contemporain et le monde grec: actes du XVIIIe... 79 Athina
G Kalogeropoulou, Eleftherios Ikonomou, H. Wilderotter 1984 ...
innovation and tradition, the forces of long lasting cultural processes like
those which had been elucidated by George Kubler in "The Shape of
Time" or by Fernand Braudel, and the strong emotional needs of people
for deep roots in history.
L'Avenir des Anciens: Oser lire les Grecs et les Latins Pierre Judet De La
Combe 2015 Oser lire les Grecs et les Latins Pierre Judet De La
Combe...o ces savants, qui ne cessaient de se frquenter et souvent de
s'opposer, ctoyaient quotidiennement des penseurs comme Claude
LviStrauss, Fernand Braudel, Raymond Aron...
Le Jour le plus meurtrier de l'histoire de France: 22 aot... Jean-Michel
Steg 2013 Du temps de mes tudes, l'influence de Fernand Braudel et
de l'cole dite des Annales, btie sur des sdiments de...Chercher
reconstituer prcisment le mouvement de l'hoplite grec dans sa
phalange, ou l'effroi du fantassin moderne...
Le Livre et l'historien: tudes offertes en l'honneur du...Frdric Barbier
1997 Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde mditerranen
l'poque de Philippe 11, Paris, 1985, p. 135-152... Quant aux livres en
langue grecque auxquels se rfre Nicolay, il s' agit assurment de livres
Grecs imprims en caractres...
Le modle culturel civique de la cit grecque 35 Guy Bajoit 2015
La Grce antique reste vivante; l'homme grec tmoigne pour une
certaine humanit de base qui a peu vari au cours des ges. Et la pense
grecque vole vers nous...Fernand Braudel, Les Mmoires de la
Mditerrane, Paris, De...


Le Monde Grec Colonial D'Italie Du Sud Et de Sicile xxxv

Georges Vallet 1996 Mditerrane, Une Co-production FR3, Europe N. 1/
Tlcompagnie RAI, Une Srie de douze missions de 52' chacune, 19721978, uvre collective sous la direction de Fernand Braudel, professeur
honoraire au Collge de France...
Le monde grec. Michel Kaplan, Nicolas Richer 1998 -Mais la richesse de
ces dcouvertes largement dues au hasard est exceptionnelle: elles
permettent d'tudier ces structures du quotidien chres Fernand
Braudel, et de pntrer dans la vie la plus intime de Grecs dont on a pu
Le phnomne nouvelle histoire: grandeur et dcadence de...Herv
Coutau-Bgarie 1989 Le groupe des historiens des mythes Grecs, avec
Jean-Pierre Vernant, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Marcel Dtienne, Nicole
Loraux (6)...(2) Dans un entretien, accord peu avant sa mort, Fernand
Braudel tmoigne d'une dsinvolture quelque peu...
Les Ambitions de l'histoire 262 Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de
Ayala, Paule Braudel 1997 Fernand Braudel Roselyne de Ayala, Paule
Braudel. elles ont connu le miracle de l'expansion par les voies de la mer.
Or cette expansion a amen, dans toutes les villes grecques, des
transformations qui sont, je dirais, classiques.
Les archipels gens dans lantiquit grecque (Ve-IIe... 119
Patrice Brun 1996 Cette vision de populations nombreuses l'troit sur
leurs terres est celle de Fernand Braudel qui parle, pour les les
mditerranennes du XVP sicle l'exception de la Sicile de mondes
affams257. La question est pour nous de savoir si...
Les codices du merveilleux 13 2002 Mais Photios sait aussi lire au
premier degr, et la science des Grecs trouve chez lui un accueil
bienveillant... Les seuls authentiques gographes de plein air , selon le
mot de Fernand Braudel, Byzance, ce sont les soldats et les...
Les collections de L'histoire 22-29 162 2005 COMMENT
mycnienne, les Grecs s' aventurent...Ulysse vit toujours parmi les marins
de la Mditerrane , crit Fernand Braudel dans La Mditerrane,
l'espace et l'histoire.
Les diasporas grecques: du VIIIe s. au IIIe s. avant J.-C....Pierre-Yves
Boillet, Claire Barat, Michela Costanzi 2012 permettant ce rayonnement
de la civilisation grecque, vont la porter vers de nouvelles terres, encore


plus loignes... pour voquer l'histoire des peuples du Bassin

mditerranen a t utilis pour la premire fois par Fernand Braudel.
Les Grecs Marseille: minorit ethnique ou nation en... 29 Michel
Calapodis 2012 En substance, montrer que l'entit dmographique
grecque telle...Quelque vingtquatre sicles avant les Annales, Marc
Bloch, Fernand Braudel et l'histoire socio-conomique, l'historien
athnien a construit l'difice historiographique de sa...
Les Grecs et la Mditerrane orientale. Des sicles...Claude Baurain
2015 Claude Baurain Professeur d'histoire grecque l'Universit de
Lige 1 Le paysage, les hommes et leurs activits de...l' Histoire
historisante de longue tradition, le grand historien Fernand Braudel
innovait sans nul doute plus d'un titre.
Les Grecs, les Arabes et nous: enqute sur l'islamophobie...Philippe
Bttgen 2009 Ce concept, pourtant, n'a pas t abord dans les dbats sur
Braudel au cours des annes 1980-199053. La discussion sur sa porte
mthodologique et pistmologique est, par exemple, absente du recueil
Fernand Braudel et l'histoire...
Les historiens Vronique Sales 2003 Par ailleurs, il faut mentionnerle
dialogueconstant avec deuxspcialistes dumonde grec qui sont ses
contemporains...Enfin, du ctde l'histoire moderne, la figure de
Les mmoires de la Mditrrane: prhistoire et antiquit Fernand
Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 1998 " Sur l'immense pass
de la Mditerrane, le plus beau des tmoignages est celui de la mer ellemme.
Let Us Go Up to Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M... 127 Iain
Provan, Mark Boda 2012 1 Peregrine Horden, Mediterranean Excuses:
Historical Writing on the Mediterranean since Braudel, History and
Anthropology...that speak of la mditerrane grecque, allemande,
tunisienne etc... See also Fernand Braudel, Les Mmoires de la
Mditerrane:Prhistoire etAntiquit (Paris: ditions de Fallois, 1998),
L'Europe improbable 162 Pierre Vaydat 2005 L'espace grec, quant
lui, est dans l'ensemble extrmement bien maitris, systmatiquement
repr. Il est jalonn par des...1 1 Fernand Braudel, Grammaire des


civilisations, Paris, 1993, pp 94 et sq. 12 Maurice Lombard, L'Islam dans

L'express international 2606-2617 34 2001 Ajoutons cela
les rditions capitales de La Loi dans la pense grecque des origines
Aristote, de Jacqueline de...Dans ses Mmoires de la Mditerrane,
Fernand Braudel constate qu'il y a deux faons de voir cette Grce
L'histoire au quotidien 122 Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala,
Paule Braudel 2001 Fernand Braudel Roselyne de Ayala, Paule
Braudel...cette pninsule de la pninsule balkanique, mais toute la mer
qui s'tend des plages grecques celles d'Asie Mineure, des ctes de la
Thrace jusqu' la grande le de Crte, au sud.
L'Histoire 190-194 1995 Les crits de Fernand Braudel. 1.
Autour de la Mditerrane
Lieux dits: recherches sur l'espace dans les textes... 122 Jacques
Soubeyroux 1993 Certes, toute ville, quelle qu'elle soit, est d'abord un
march, ainsi qu'aime le rappeler Fernand Braudel, mais en
rgle...Rien n'est jamais dit sur les activits des citadins des les grecques,
ignors des auteurs, de mme que leurs villes qui...
Livret-annuaire 522 Ecole pratique des hautes tudes (France).
Section des sciences historiques et philologiques Le directeur d'tudes a
rappel, une nouvelle fois, que ceux qu'on appelle Phniciens portent en
ralit un nom grec (oi phoiniko)... l'ayant plac dans l'optique de la
clbre longue dure , dans la ligne du regrett Fernand Braudel.
Magazine littraire 144-155 66 1979 hommes et formes de
la mditerrane Fernand Braudel et son quipe publient le deuxime
volume de leur admirable tude la...Aprs avoir t l'espace de la
rflexion grecque, de la domination romaine, l'axe de propagation des
Mlanges en l'honneur de Fernand Braudel: histoire... 240
Fernand Braudel 1973 histoire conomique du monde mditerranen,
1450-1650 Fernand Braudel...sicle, le commerce ottoman tait domin
par les marchands musulmans plus nombreux, puis venaient les Juifs, et
enfin les Armniens, les Grecs et les Slaves.
Mlanges en lhhonneur de Fernand Braudel: Mthodologie de...1973
Mme si le nom d'Apollon ne possde pas d'tymologie satisfaisante en


grec, il pouvait avoir un sens dans la langue du peuple asiatique ou

hyperboren auquel il semble que les Grecs empruntrent cette divinit ;
auquel cas il s'agirait...
Memory and the Mediterranean Fernand Braudel 2011 Fernand
Braudel. in the western Mediterranean from the eighth century...(PR) 15.
On Greek colonization in general,see Les Grecs et l'Occident, Paris,1995
and J.-L. Lamboley, Les Grecs d'Occident. La priode archaque, Paris
1996. (PR) 16.
Mobilits culturelles Cultural Mobilities Pascal Gin, Walter Moser 2011
... grecque ou romaine; 2)les villes refermes sur ellesmmes(B),
rigoureusementfermes, entoures demurailles les villes mdivales;...
(Braudel, 1967, p.397) Ilest clairque nous sommesen trainde traiter icide
cesdernires :les villes sous tutelle,rgles selonun modle...Ces lments
de rflexion tirs de Fernand Braudel, Gilles Deleuze et Flix Guattari
nous permettent de discerner deux tendances...
Neoellnikos diaphtismos: 550 Paschalis Kitromilids,
Morphtiko Hidryma Ethniks Trapezs (Greece) 1996 Esquisse d'une
histoire des courants idologiques au sein du peuple grec asservi,
Hc7aaXovxT 1982, Ttpoyci 7YpiavTixa OjjLa A
;...Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World
in the the Age of Philip ...
On History Fernand Braudel 1982 An eminent French historian
analyzes the study of history and the nature of time
Paris, ville catin: des origines 1800: Essai. Andrew Hussey 2007 Dans
les chroniques de sa ville natale o elle s'panche, elle se plaint
longuement en grec de cet exil dans une contre barbare aux maisons
sinistres, aux glises...Fernand Braudel voit dans ce sicle le dbut de
Penser les frontires de l'Europe du XIXe au XXIe sicle...Gilles Pcout
2015 Voici alors que l'le retrouverait les chemins de la Mditerrane, et
de ce que Fernand Braudel appelle la cicatrice la plus...dans le passage
cit Braudel dcrit ce qu'il appelle la frontire culturelle entre
Latinit et monde grec [8].
Prfaces 1-4 174 1987 Br. 200 F Un nouveau catalogue du
dpartement des Antiquits grecques et romaines, il regroupe une
centaine d'objets provenant des.... Discours de rception de Fernand
Braudel l'Acadmie franaise et rponse de Maurice Druon.


Quelle mondialisation ? Acadmie Universelle des Cultures 2002 Mais

Fernand Braudel insiste avec force sur le fait que ne penser qu'
l'conomique serait non seulement une...Ils avaient repris le terme grec
pour dsigner ce monde habit l'oecumne et l'Empire romain se
Ronsard's Philosophic Thought 3, 1 23 Isidore
Silver 1992 Boyance Pierre Boyance, Le Culte des Muses chez les
philosophes Grecs, 1937. Boyer Charles Boyer, Christianisme et NeoPlatonisme dans la formation de Saint Augustin, Rome, 1953. Braudel
Fernand Braudel, La Mediterranee et...
Telos Volume VI: Perspectives on Political Change in the... 21
Fondation de Malte 2013 1 Jean-Louis GUIGOU Fernand Braudel, pre
de la Prospective, avait coutume de dire: Si j'tais chef d'un grand
Etat...des frres musulmans etc... de la tideur des propositions de
l'Europe qui est embourbe dans la crise grecque et...
The French Historical Revolution: The Annales School, 1929-89 Peter
Burke 1990 Vansina, J. (1978a) 'For Oral Tradition (but not against
Braudel)' History in Africa, 5, 351-6. Vansina, J. (1978b) The
Children...Vernant, J.-P. (1966) Mythe et pens'ee che les Grecs (English
trans.: Myth and Thought in Ancient Greece...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age... 1
Fernand Braudel 1995 "Braudels Mediterranean is a tour de force, one
of the classics of this century's historical writing."--Charles Tilly, author
of "As Sociology Meets History"
Toute l'histoire du monde: de la prhistoire nos jours Jean-Claude
Barreau, Guillaume Bigot 2005 Grecs,. Phniciens,. Juifs. gyptiens,
Msopotamiens, Indiens et Chinois craignaient la mer, milieu trs
tranger aux paysans. Nous avons dit...LaMditerrane estun univers
auquel le grand historien Fernand Braudel consacra son uvre.
Un Moyen ge grec: Byzance IXe-XVe sicle. velyne Patlagean 2015
Empire. grec. et. identit. nationale. La comparaison rencontre alors un
autre problme. Fernand Braudel plaait au seuil de la Mditerrane
moderne un tat territorial qu'il distinguait de l'tat national, encore ...
Una leccin de historia de Fernand Braudel: 63 1986 A ce
moment l, mme si l'Empire ottoman a une marine tenue par des Grecs,
des Byzantins. . . F. BRAUDEL. Cette marine grecque existe toujours.


A. NOUSCHI. Oui, mais la marine grecque n'est pas la marine de

Byzance aujourd'hui.
Venise engloutie Nicoletta Salomon 2008 Amour est le fils de Poros (en
grec, passage maritime)etde Penia (en grec, pauvret ). (NdE) 18 E.
Flores, Il sistema non...24 J'emprunte cette image Fernand Braudel, La
Mditerrane, op. cit., II, p. 567: Rayonner, donner, c'est...
Znon de Caunos, parpidmos, et le destin grec. Claude Orrieux 1985
Les papyrologues ont le rare privilge de les saisir dans leur
quotidiennet, au moins les milieux Grecs. Or c'est prcisment dans les
"structures du quotidien", chres Fernand Braudel, qu'apparaissent au
rythme de la longue dure les...
, 1700-1821: ...Tzelina
Charlaut, 2013.

Greek grecque
A study in Balkan civilization 214 Traian Stoianovich 1967
Finally, readers may profit from the following: Antoniadis-Bibicou,
Helene: "Villages desertes en Grece: Un bilan provisoire," in...A critique
of Fernand Braudel's Miditerranie, including an evaluation of Ottoman
demographic growth during the...
Albanie (Histoire et Langue): Ou l'incroyable odysse d'un... 12
Mathieu Aref 2003 En outre les initiateurs de la civilisation grecque,
selon la tradition antique, lurent Orphe et Muse... Fernand Braudel
(Les mmoires de la Mditerrane, Editions de Fallois,1998):"Ces
premiers peuples gens (les Plasges de la tradition...
Annales 50 960 Lucien Febvre 1995 J.-C, transforment
Rome en un tat vaste territoire; continuit et volutions du monde
grec, d'abord sous la frule...Fernand Braudel disait un jour: Si vous
ne sortez pas de l'Antiquit pour voir ce qu'il se passe ensuite, vous ne
Autour de F. Braudel: et un texte indit de Fernand Braudel 96
Maurice Aymard 2002 Universitaire de son temps, Fernand Braudel l'est
aussi, quand il situe chez les hommes du lointain Orient le dpart de
toutes choses ou quand il prsente le dernier millnaire travers par trois
peuples, le Phnicien, l'trusque, le Grec...


Avant les grandes dcouvertes: une image de la terre au... 130 Sir
John Mandeville, Xavier Walter 1997 Les Grecs ne feront rien pour leur
rsister. Selon Fernand Braudel, ils connaissaient trop bien les Latins
pour se faire tuer leur service2 . Le schisme est l'origine de cette
haine, plus que le fait colonial: Mourante, ou plutt menace...
Balkan Worlds 360 Traian Stoianovich 1994 1 76, "Relatione e
descrittione del Sangiacato di Scutari," microfilm copy of Fernand
Braudel. Account of the Venetian...Microfilm copy belonging to
Fernand Braudel. Service Hlstorique de...La Grece contemporaine.
Paris: L. Hachette, 1 854.
Becoming Byzantine: Children and Childhood in Byzantium 170
, Alice-Mary Maffry Talbot 2009
underpinning of this approach lies in the notion of longue duree, in
accordance with Fernand Braudel's work on the time spans of history... 9
See A. Bresson, "La parente grecque en palindrome," in Parente et
societe dans le monde...
Between East and West: The Balkan and Mediterranean... 162
Traian Stoianovich 1992 239. 10 Jean-Pierre Vernant, Mythe et societe en
Grece ancienne (Paris: Francois Maspero, 1981), pp. 62-81. 1 1 Morris E.
Opler, "The Extensions of an Indian Village," Journal of Asian Studies,
XVI, 1 (Nov. 1956), 5-10; Fernand Braudel...
Bibliographie du monde mditerranen: relations et... 1828 Alain
Blondy 2003 ... remarques sur la politique et l conomie de Dubrovnik
(Raguse) , in Melanges en l' honneur de Fernand Braudel, t...
KREMMYDAS (Vasilis) Capital et dploiement du commerce des
Grecs: le cas de la marine marchande (fin XVIIIe...
Bibliographie internationale de lHHumanisme et de la... 307 1996
0/5 Grce Pninsule Balkanique [Albanie; Bulgarie; Roumanie; Serbie;
Croatie]; Turquie; Empire Byzantin 3870 Anatolia moderna Yeni...3871
AYMARD (Maurice), La Mditerrane ottomane de Fernand Braudel, in
Soliman le Magnifique .
Cities and the rise of states in Europe, A.D. 1000 to 1800 Charles Tilly,
Willem Pieter Blockmans 1994 (Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1
876-1 879), III, 378-379; G. Chassiotis, LTnstruction publique chez les
Grecs depuis...Patterns and Agricultural Production Trends in SixteenthCentury Anatolia," Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel...


Civilisation Matrielle Et Capitalisme 1 397 Fernand

Braudel 1967 Fernand Braudel. Le grand problme: les formes
urbaines, ou un modle Ceci dit, supposons, sous nos yeux, une
histoire d'ensemble des villes d'Europe, englobant la srie complte de
leurs formes depuis la ville grecque jusqu' la ville...
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this
book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands
and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well
De la richesse et de la pauvret entre Europe et Mditerrane Thierry
Fabre 2006 ... ce qu'on pourrait appeler le sous-dveloppement, ou la
marginalisation conomique, que Fernand Braudel lui-mme a
dtermin vers la fin du xvne et le dbut du xvme sicle... En
Mditerrane de l'est, il en a t de mme avec la Grce.
Dictionnaire amoureux de la Mditerrane Richard MILLET 2015 Elev
en Suisse, dou pour les langues, il en parle une demidouzaine, et connat
aussi le grec et le latin. Il assiste au lyce une confrence de...La
Mditerrane existerait-elle sans Fernand Braudel ? Il tait n dans la
Meuse, en 1902...
Dictionnaire amoureux de l'Italie Dominique FERNANDEZ 2010
L'impeccable historien de la Mditerrane, Fernand Braudel, rappelait,
dans un livre rcent, comment beaucoup des arbres et des fruits...Trois
seules productions vgtales peuvent se dire grecques et siciliennes: le
bl, l'olivier et la vigne.
Dictionnaire de la Philosophie: (Les Dictionnaires...Encyclopaedia
Universalis 2015 Ds lantiquit grecque s'est constitu un discours
relatif aux vnements... Envisag dans cette optique, l'vnement
pisodique est l'cume de l'histoire (Fernand Braudel), renvoyant au
temps court, plus au moins dramatique, des...
Dictionnaire des Notions: (Les Dictionnaires d'Universalis)
Encyclopaedia Universalis 2015 Ds lantiquit grecque s'est constitu
un discours relatif aux vnements... Envisag dans cette optique,
l'vnement pisodique est l'cume de l'histoire (Fernand Braudel),
renvoyant au temps court, plus au moins dramatique, des...
Diffrend grco-turc 30 Semih Vaner 1988 Pour une action dans
ce sens, les socits grecque et turque, elles mmes, ne sont pas


compltement dmunies. (9) Voir... (6) Voir dans ce sens, l'intervention de

Robert Mantran, in Une leon d'histor're de Fernand Braudel
Discours de rception de M. Fernand Braudel l'Acadmie...Fernand
Braudel, Maurice Druon 1986 Fernand Braudel, Maurice Druon...Une
jeune tudiante grecque qui lui servit de guide, jadis, au Parthnon et
Delphes une tudiante qui est aujourd'hui le recteur de l'Acadmie de
Paris se souvient de ses paroles loquentes...
Du bon gouvernement: des vrits caches de l'histoire et... 79
Jean-Claude Barreau 1988 Et cela reste vrai aussi bien dans la cit
grecque pour laquelle Platon crivait sa Rpublique, au IVe sicle avant
Jsus-Christ...A mon sens, ce sont Lewis Mumford et Fernand Braudel
qui ont le mieux compris l'ambigut et la complexit des...
cologie et environnement ; mythes et ralit: Pierre Yves MorvanAmeslon 2014 (Fernand Braudel, Civilisation matrielle, conomie et
capitalisme) C'tait le bon vieux temps... des disettes et des famines... il
ne pouvait mme pas tre imagin: dans la Grce de Solon il tait
autoris de faire bombance les jours de fte en...
Economies et socits en Grce ancienne 478-88 62 MarieFranoise Baslez 2007 Elle est sans doute plus proche de la manire dont
les anciens Grecs percevaient eux-mmes leur conomie... Cet ouvrage se
veut une histoire de la Mditerrane par opposition la fameuse tude de
Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane au...
Esclavage, guerre, conomie en Grce ancienne: hommages ...Pierre
Brul, Jacques Oulhen, Yvon Garlan 1997 ... sous le nom 1 . Fernand
Braudel, prface de la premire dition (1949) de ia Mditerrane et le
monde mditerranen l'poque de Philippe II, Livre de Poche, 1990, p.
17. d'n7reipo2. Si, durant la longue histoire de la cit, l'intgrit 229.
Espaces Grecs, espaces mditerranens: variations sur le... 10
Jacques Phytilis 1990 La premire tient aux limites idlogiques
qu'inconsciemment les historiens, mme d'entre les plus grands et je
songe ici bien sr Fernand Braudel me semblent mettre leurs
enqutes lorsqu'il abordent la question mditerranenne.
Fernand Braudel 362 Giuliana Gemelli, Brigitte Pasquet,
Batrice Propetto Marzi 1995 Peut-on dire pour autant que Braudel est
devenu un intellectuel mdiatique la manire des historiens de la


gnration...dans le dcor solennel et silencieux de l'ampithtre grec

situ sur la colline qui domine Toulon, o le vert des arbres...
Fernand Braudel: synthse et libert 23 Alain Brunhes 2001 Ce
qui le conduit lever ses fils dans un agnosticisme bon teint auquel
Fernand Braudel, du reste, sera fidle tout au long de sa vie... Il y fera de
trs bonnes tudes, obtenant partout, que ce soit en franais, en latin, en
grec, en histoire...
Following the Nereids: sea routes and maritime business... 71
Maria Christina Chatziannou, Gelina Harlaftis 2006 173, collection
Zerlentis, 222-223 (and the French translation of the document in Zei,
Paros dans l'Archipel grec...op. cit....in the work of Fernand Braudel; on
this see also E. Paris, La gense intellectuelle de l'oeuvre de Fernand
Gographie de l'Europe 27 Vincent Adoumi, Christian Daudel,
Jean-Michel Escarras 2013 Audel d'une infinie diversit, l'historien
Fernand Braudel rappelle que la culture est la seule langue commune
de l'Europe ... Trois grandes formes d'criture expriment cette richesse
linguistique (alphabets grec, latin et cyrillique).
Gopolitique de la Mditerrane: Que sais-je ? n 3975 Bouchra
Rahmouni Benhida, Younes Slaoui 2013 L'historien Fernand Braudel se
plaisait dcrire la Mditerrane comme non pas une civilisation, mais
des...Liban, la prhistoire en Sardaigne, les villes grecques en Sicile, la
prsence arabe en Espagne, l'islam turc en Yougoslavie 8.
Gopolitique de l'Europe Grard-Franois Dumont, Pierre Verluise 2009
Du grec eurus, large, et ops, leregard. 2. Hsiode,Thogonie, VIIIesicle
av.J.C., 357... La ville, 1921, Paris, Aubier Montaigne, 1982. 12.
Fernand Braudel, Civilisation matrielle,conomieet capitalisme, quele
Paris, Armand Colin, 1979, t.
Grce: (Mycniens = Plasges) ou la solution d'une nigme. Mathieu
Aref 2004 Mais il s'agit fondamentalement d'une interrogation sur ceux
qui ont prcd les Grecs sur le sol de l'Hellade, ces...Moiler M. I.
Finley et Fernand Braudel qui tous se sont interrogs sur ces
prHellnes qui la Grce de Pricls doit tant.
Guerre et conomie en Grce ancienne Yvon GARLAN 2013 Les
meilleurs d'entre eux y ont mme fait l'occasion de brillantes incursions:
par exemple Fernand Braudel travers la Mditerrane de Philippe II,


ou Georges Duby lors de la journe de Bouvines. Pour l'Antiquit,

l'impulsion une...
Histoire & mesure 10 5 1995 L'historiographie grecque est
peu connue en France mme si une partie est influence par l'oeuvre de
Fernand Braudel et l'cole des Annales. La lecture de la langue grecque
constitue un obstacle certain, mais au-del de cette difficult...
Histoire de France 10 Starseed,, Damien Mecheri 2008 ... franais
commencent former une identit biologique , pour reprendre les
termes de l'historien Fernand Braudel... Le commerce prend de
l'importance, avec Massalia (l'ex-Marseille) comme point d'articulation,
et l'influence grecque se...
Histoire du monde grec antique: Indit Franois Lefvre 2012 Ceci
permetde reconsidrer lerapportdes Grecs lamer. Notre perceptionde la
choseest domine...Tout cela rpond au concept d' conomie pannes
dvelopp notamment par Fernand Braudel. Aussi l'approvisionnement
History of Linguistics 2002: Selected Papers from the... 143
Eduardo Guimares, Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros 2007 A 1'Uni versite
de Sao Paulo ont enseigne des professeurs tels que Roger Bastide,
Fernand Braudel... Le premier comprenait les chaires suivantes:
Philologie Grecque et Latine; Philologie Portugaise; Litterature LusoBresilienne; Litterature...
Images en bibliothques: 1500 films pour les bibliothques...Catherine
Rozenberg, Catherine Blangonnet, France. Direction du livre et de la
lecture 1992 Plusieurs historiens, dont Fernand Braudel, participent
cette mission. m Phnicien (peuple): histoire m...de la Mditerrane l'a
place au long de l'histoire au centre de nombreux conflits: les Grecs ont
dvelopp leur puissance maritime...
Intgrales de Philo PLATON, Rpublique Platon, Olivier Battistini,
Josette Casanova 2014 Dans le mme ordre d'ides, ce que dit Fernand
Braudel nous intresse, car nous sommes les habitants d'un autre rivage
temporel, responsable d'une reprsentation du monde grec: Ce qui
fascine en Crte, c'est l'ide que nous nous...
International Conference of Economic History 822 1968 En outre,
il est trs difficile que ces impts qui furent appliqus pour la protection
de l'industrie grecque, soient abolis, alors que l'impt...CONTENTS


TABLE DES MATIRES Prface de Fernand Braudel g Avertissement

La dcouverte du monde: Suivi de Voyage avec Colomb Edwy Plenel
2002 ... historien portugais vivant, form l'coledes Annales franaises,
disciple de Lucien Febvre et ami de Fernand Braudel... terre
quiaemmen dans sonsillage uncontinent, offrantune mer infinie
l'Europe dela mer finie, grecque et romaine?
La description 1 171 Jean Bazin, Vincent Descombes,
Clifford Geertz 1998 Directeur: Fernand BRAUDEL Revue bimestrielle
publie depuis 1929 par l'cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences...Les
Grecs, les autres (et nous) (note critique) autrepart Echanges
transfrontaliers et intgration rgionale en (Cahiers des...
La francopolyphonie: 3 70 2008 ... ont lanc plusieurs
hypothses: elle proviendrait du grec littraire, langue de la grande
littrature, de l'hbreu, langue du...Fernand Braudel, L'identit de la
France, Paris, Arthaud-Flammarion, 2 tomes, tome 1 Espace et histoire,
tome 2...
La gense intellectuelle de l'uvre de Fernand Braudel...Erato Paris
1999 Les moines Grecs arrivent de Constantinople en Italie, en Espagne
ou en Afrique, et leur influence sur la pense chrtienne est trs nette.
Les pres Grecs, rsume Pirenne, sont indispensables la pense
religieuse de l'Occident.
La Mditerrane et le monde mditeranen l'poque de...Fernand
Braudel 1966 Fernand Braudel. fassent par voie de terre ou par mer.
Tout se passe comme s'il y avait, les arrtant, un filtre aux mailles serres.
Sans doute, au xvie sicle, y a-t-il des Levantins sur les rives
occidentales, des Grecs Livourne, des...
La Mditerrane Grecque 32 Taks Theodropulos, Rania
Polykandrit 2000 C'est surtout aprs Fernand Braudel que le sens
propre de la Mditerrane s'largit pour pntrer aussi vers l'intrieur des
pays qui entourent la mer. La Mditerrane ainsi conue prsuppose l'ide
d'un ensemble. Un ensemble certes...
La Mditerrane: l'espace et l'histoire Fernand Braudel 1985
La Mditerrane: l'space et l'histoire 1 1977
La Nation 21 Gil Delannoi 2010 Fernand Braudel, L'Identit de
la France, 1986 Quel est l'espace habituel dans lequel se situe une nation


politique?...Les colonies grecques antiques n'taient que des points sur

les ctes de la Mditerrane, 21 Une nation est un espace...
La pense grecque 48 Jean-Pierre Vernant, Franoise FrontisiDucroux, Franois Hartog 1992 Tout colonel qu'il tait, il resta pas dans
l'arme et s'orienta ver: mtier de psychologue appliqu la pen
grecque...de l'histoire en particu Fernand Braudel, Raymond Aron,
Roland Barthes, Jacques Lacan disparu trop tt pour avoir pu...
La philosophie du Mont-blanc. Nicolas Giudici 2000 En effet, les
citsEtats dela Grce antiquese structurenten symbiose troiteavec la
mer laquelle elles donnent...Celtes, sils ontunecivilisation matrielle
dehaut niveau, ensontencore un stade social peuvolu, observe
Fernand Braudel.
La Renovation Du Shi'isme Ismaelien En Inde Et Au... 35 Michel
Boivin 2013 ... entre l'Occident et l'Islam avec celle survenue au
IIIme/IV me sicle de I'Hgire entre la pense grecque et l'Islam...dans
la mesure o Fernand Braudel crit que c'est du conflit ou de l'accord
entre attitudes anciennes et ncessits...
La stle histoire de la colonie juive d'gypte: les... 83 Jean-Marie
Brunier 2010 ... Fernand Braudel crit: Il n'y apas au monde d'espace
mieux clair, mieux inventori que celui de la mer Intrieure et
des...mouvement qui pousse l'Orient vers la Mditerrane occidentale
dj sillonne par les Phniciens et les Grecs.
L'apologie par l'histoire 146 Pierre Chaunu 1988 En dehors, vous
avez la btise... ; dans cette numration je ne vois gure que le Sacr que
Fernand Braudel, par une...le Liban)... et la mathmatique qui est
gyptienne et grecque et dont Galile prtend qu'elle est l'criture de la
L'art contemporain et le monde grec: actes du XVIIIe... 79 Athina
G Kalogeropoulou, Eleftherios Ikonomou, H. Wilderotter 1984 ...
innovation and tradition, the forces of long lasting cultural processes like
those which had been elucidated by George Kubler in "The Shape of
Time" or by Fernand Braudel, and the strong emotional needs of people
for deep roots in history.
Le Jour le plus meurtrier de l'histoire de France: 22 aot... Jean-Michel
Steg 2013 Du temps de mes tudes, l'influence de Fernand Braudel et
de l'cole dite des Annales, btie sur des sdiments de...Chercher


reconstituer prcisment le mouvement de l'hoplite grec dans sa

phalange, ou l'effroi du fantassin moderne...
Le Livre et l'historien: tudes offertes en l'honneur du...Frdric Barbier
1997 Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde mditerranen
l'poque de Philippe 11, Paris, 1985, p. 135-152... Quant aux livres en
langue grecque auxquels se rfre Nicolay, il s' agit assurment de livres
Grecs imprims en caractres...
Le modle culturel civique de la cit grecque 35. Guy Bajoit
2015 La Grce antique reste vivante; l'homme grec tmoigne pour une
certaine humanit de base qui a peu vari au cours des ges. Et la pense
grecque vole vers nous...Fernand Braudel, Les Mmoires de la
Mditerrane, Paris, De...
Le Monde Grec Colonial D'Italie Du Sud Et de Sicile xxxv.
Georges Vallet 1996 Mditerrane, Une Co-production FR3, Europe N. 1/
Tlcompagnie RAI, Une Srie de douze missions de 52' chacune, 19721978, uvre collective sous la direction de Fernand Braudel, professeur
honoraire au Collge de France...
Le monde grec. Michel Kaplan, Nicolas Richer 1998 Mais la richesse de
ces dcouvertes largement dues au hasard est exceptionnelle: elles
permettent d'tudier ces structures du quotidien chres Fernand
Braudel, et de pntrer dans la vie la plus intime de Grecs dont on a pu
Les Ambitions de l'histoire 262 Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de
Ayala, Paule Braudel 1997 Fernand Braudel Roselyne de Ayala, Paule
Braudel. elles ont connu le miracle de l'expansion par les voies de la mer.
Or cette expansion a amen, dans toutes les villes grecques, des
transformations qui sont, je dirais, classiques.
Les archipels gens dans lantiquit grecque (Ve-IIe... 119.
Patrice Brun 1996 Cette vision de populations nombreuses l'troit sur
leurs terres est celle de Fernand Braudel qui parle, pour les les
mditerranennes du XVP sicle l'exception de la Sicile de mondes
affams257. La question est pour nous de savoir si...
Les codices du merveilleux 13 2002 Mais Photios sait aussi lire au
premier degr, et la science des Grecs trouve chez lui un accueil
bienveillant... Les seuls authentiques gographes de plein air , selon le
mot de Fernand Braudel, Byzance, ce sont les soldats et les...


Les collections de L'histoire 22-29 162 2005 COMMENT

mycnienne, les Grecs s'aventurent...Ulysse vit toujours parmi les marins
de la Mditerrane , crit Fernand Braudel dans La Mditerrane,
l'espace et l'histoire.
Les diasporas grecques: du VIIIe s. au IIIe s. avant J.-C...Pierre-Yves
Boillet, Claire Barat, Michela Costanzi 2012 permettant ce rayonnement
de la civilisation grecque, vont la porter vers de nouvelles terres, encore
plus loignes... pour voquer l'histoire des peuples du Bassin
mditerranen a t utilis pour la premire fois par Fernand Braudel.
Les crits de Fernand Braudel. 1. Autour de la Mditerrane Fernand
Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 1996 Fernand Braudel
Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel. Mditerrane. Et ils osent dire non: la
Mditerrane, anciennement partage, poussait plus loin son rayonnement
que le lac romain ; la Grce hellnistique avait atteint un instant l'Indus
Les Grecs Marseille: minorit ethnique ou nation en... 29 Michel
Calapodis 2012 En substance, montrer que l'entit dmographique
grecque telle...Quelque vingtquatre sicles avant les Annales, Marc
Bloch, Fernand Braudel et l'histoire socio-conomique, l'historien
athnien a construit l'difice historiographique de sa...
Les Grecs et la Mditerrane orientale. Des sicles...Claude Baurain
2015 Claude Baurain Professeur d'histoire grecque l'Universit de
Lige 1 Le paysage, les hommes et leurs activits de...l' Histoire
historisante de longue tradition, le grand historien Fernand Braudel
innovait sans nul doute plus d'un titre.
Les Grecs, les Arabes et nous: enqute sur l'islamophobie...Philippe
Bttgen 2009 Ce concept, pourtant, n'a pas t abord dans les dbats sur
Braudel au cours des annes 1980-1990 53. La discussion sur sa porte
mthodologique et pistmologique est, par exemple, absente du recueil
Fernand Braudel et l'histoire...
Les historiens Vronique Sales 2003 Par ailleurs, il faut mentionnerle
dialogueconstant avec deux spcialistes dumonde grec qui sont ses
contemporains...Enfin, du ctde l'histoire moderne, la figure de


Les mmoires de la Mditrrane: prhistoire et antiquit Fernand

Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 1998 " Sur l'immense pass
de la Mditerrane, le plus beau des tmoignages est celui de la mer ellemme.
Let Us Go Up to Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M... 127 Iain
Provan, Mark Boda 2012 1 Peregrine Horden, Mediterranean Excuses:
Historical Writing on the Mediterranean since Braudel, History and
Anthropology...that speak of la mditerrane grecque, allemande,
tunisienne etc... See also Fernand Braudel, Les Mmoires de la
Mditerrane: Prhistoire etAntiquit (Paris: ditions de Fallois, 1998),
L'Europe improbable 162 Pierre Vaydat 2005 L'espace grec, quant
lui, est dans l'ensemble extrmement bien maitris, systmatiquement
repr. Il est jalonn par des...1 1 Fernand Braudel, Grammaire des
civilisations, Paris, 1993, pp 94 et sq. 12 Maurice Lombard, L'Islam dans
L'express international 2606-2617 34 2001 A trois ans des
Jeux olympiques, les brochures touristiques ramnent nos bons
souvenirs la Grce ternelle, ainsi...Dans ses Mmoires de la
Mditerrane, Fernand Braudel constate qu'il y a deux faons de voir
cette Grce ternelle.
L'histoire au quotidien 122 Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala,
Paule Braudel 2001 Fernand Braudel Roselyne de Ayala, Paule
Braudel. secteur de la Mditerrane tout sem d'les. Alors je dirai: La
Grce, ce n'est pas la Grce proprement parler, mais la mer Ege: non
pas la Grce classique, cette pninsule de la...
L'Histoire 190-194 1995
Livres hebdo 8, 32-44 24 1986 Civilisation
matrielle, conomie et capitalisme, de Fernand Braudel (3 vol.), 1979
(Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy...La Civilisation grecque l'poque
archaque et classique, 1984 (Zacharopoulou, Grce). La Civilisation de
l'Europe des...
Mlanges en l'honneur de Fernand Braudel: histoire... 240
Fernand Braudel 1973 histoire conomique du monde mditerranen,
1450-1650 Fernand Braudel...sicle, le commerce ottoman tait domin
par les marchands musulmans plus nombreux, puis venaient les Juifs, et
enfin les Armniens, les Grecs et les Slaves.


Mlanges en lhhonneur de Fernand Braudel: Mthodologie de...1973

Une vue gographique de la Grce (Faucher (Daniel), Les conditions
naturelles de la vie agricole en Grce continentale, dans Mlanges de la
socit toulousaine d'tudes classiques, I (1946), pp. 5-22), dans t
Annales E.S.C. , IV (1949)...
Memory and the Mediterranean. Fernand Braudel 2011 Fernand
Braudel. Croiset, Alfred and Maurice, Histoire de la littrature grecque
(Paris, 188793) Desborough, Vincent, The Last Mycenaeans and Their
Successors: anarchaeological surveyc. 12001000 B.C . (Oxford,
Mobilits culturelles Cultural Mobilities Pascal Gin, Walter Moser 2011
... grecque ou romaine; 2)les villes refermes sur ellesmmes(B),
rigoureusementfermes, entouresdemurailles les villes mdivales;...
(Braudel, 1967, p.397) Ilest clairque nous sommesen trainde traiter icide
cesdernires :les villes sous tutelle,rgles selonun modle...Ces lments
de rflexion tirs de Fernand Braudel, Gilles Deleuze et Flix Guattari
nous permettent de discerner deux tendances...
Myth and Territory in the Spartan Mediterranean 237. Irad Malkin
2003 'A propos des sanctuaires extraurbaines en Sicile et Grande Grece:
theories et tcmoignages", Melanges Pierre Leveque 1: 1-15. Asheri, D.,
and...Aymard, M. (1990) 'Fernand Braudel, la Mediterranee et 1'Europe',
in Malkin I990C, pp. 3-14.
Neoellnikos diaphtismos: 550 Paschalis Kitromilids,
Morphtiko Hidryma Ethniks Trapezs (Greece) 1996 Esquisse d'une
histoire des courants idologiques au sein du peuple grec asservi, 1982,
;...Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World
in the the Age of Philip ...
On History Fernand Braudel 1982 An eminent French historian
analyzes the study of history and the nature of time
Paris, ville catin: des origines 1800: Essai Andrew Hussey 2007 Dans
les chroniques de sa ville natale o elle s'panche, elle se plaint
longuement en grec de cet exil dans une contre barbare aux maisons
sinistres, aux glises...Fernand Braudel voit dans ce sicle le dbut de
Penser les frontires de l'Europe du XIXe au XXIe sicle...Gilles Pcout
2015 Voici alors que l'le retrouverait les chemins de la Mditerrane, et
de ce que Fernand Braudel appelle la cicatrice la plus...dans le passage


cit Braudel dcrit ce qu'il appelle la frontire culturelle entre

Latinit et monde grec .
Quand les dmons enlevaient les enfants: les changelins... Jean-Michel
Doulet 2002 Cf. Marcel Dtienne, Les Matres de vrit dans la Grce
archaque, Paris, 1995. 4. James Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion
andEthics...Fernand Braudel, L'Identit de la France. Les hommes et les
choses, Paris, 1990, p. 10 sqq. 9. ERE...
Quelle mondialisation ? Acadmie Universelle des Cultures 2002 Mais
Fernand Braudel insiste avec force sur le fait que ne penser qu'
l'conomique serait non seulement une...Ils avaient repris le terme grec
pour dsigner ce monde habit l'oecumne et l'Empire romain se
Recherches sur l'histoire sociale de la Grce du nord: le... 48
Alexandros Dagkas, Association Pierre Belon 2003 En Grce, sous la
domination ottomane, la culture a commenc ds 1600121. Jusqu'au 20e
sicle...Cf. FERNAND Braudel, Civilisation matrielle et capitalisme
(15e-18e sicles), tome 1, Armand Colin, Paris 1967, pp. 197-198;
Telos Volume VI: Perspectives on Political Change in the... 21
Fondation de Malte 2013 1 Jean-Louis GUIGOU Fernand Braudel, pre
de la Prospective, avait coutume de dire: Si j'tais chef d'un grand
Etat...des frres musulmans etc... de la tideur des propositions de
l'Europe qui est embourbe dans la crise grecque et...
Territoires des cits grecques: actes de la table ronde... 31 Michle
Brunet, cole franaise d'Athnes 1999 14), the doyen of whom was the
late Fernand Braudel. The Structural History approach of the Annalistes
emphasizes the fact that any historical sequence is created by the
interaction of processes occurring at different wavelengths of time.
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age... 1
Fernand Braudel 1995 "Braudels Mediterranean is a tour de force, one
of the classics of this century's historical writing."--Charles Tilly, author
of "As Sociology Meets History"
Toute l'histoire du monde: de la prhistoire nos jours Jean-Claude
Barreau, Guillaume Bigot 2005 Grecs,. Phniciens,. Juifs. gyptiens,
Msopotamiens, Indiens et Chinois craignaient la mer, milieu trs
tranger aux paysans. Nous avons dit...La Mditerrane estun univers
auquel le grand historien Fernand Braudel consacra son uvre.


Un Moyen ge grec: Byzance IXe-XVe sicle velyne Patlagean 2015

Empire. grec. et. identit. nationale. La comparaison rencontre alors un
autre problme. Fernand Braudel plaait au seuil de la Mditerrane
moderne un tat territorial qu'il distinguait de l'tat national, encore ...
Una leccin de historia de Fernand Braudel: 27 1986 Par la
prsence d'un pouvoir fort, avec une arme, une marine non ngligeable
encadre trs souvent par des Grecs devenus Ottomans. Car ces Ottomans
ne sont pas exclusivement Turcs mais aussi bien Arabes, Armniens,
Grecs, Serbes...
Une certaine ide de la France: actes du XIXmA colloque...GRECE
(Research group: France). Colloque national 1985
Venise engloutie Nicoletta Salomon 2008 Amour est le fils de Poros (en
grec, passage maritime)etde Penia (en grec,pauvret). (NdE) 18 E.
Flores, Il sistema non...24 J'emprunte cette image Fernand Braudel, La
Mditerrane, op. cit., II, p. 567: Rayonner, donner, c'est...
Znon de Caunos, parpidmos, et le destin grec. Claude Orrieux 1985
Les papyrologues ont le rare privilge de les saisir dans leur
quotidiennet, au moins les milieux Grecs. Or c'est prcisment dans les
"structures du quotidien", chres Fernand Braudel, qu'apparaissent au
rythme de la longue dure les...

Greek civilization
A concise history of Greece. 2003
A History of Civilizations 43 Fernand Braudel 1995 Fernand
Braudel. degree, to use the...Behind the Roman facade Greek civilization
lived on; and it regained its dominance when the Roman Empire fell in
the fifth century and Byzantium Greek civilization again took its
place. E. F. Gautier...
A Realist Theory of Art History 139 Ian Verstegen 2013 29 38
See Jack Hexter's classic review of Braudels method: Fernand
Braudel and the Monde...(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press,
1994), 4453; Jacob Burckhardt, The Greeks and Greek civilization, ed.
A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean 42
Irad Malkin 2011 to denote genealogies of kinship, races, languages, and
entire civilizations... information, and marriage contracts.115 Neither


Shlomo Dov Goitein nor Fernand Braudel has read each other's
work...The current debate as to whether Greek...
A study in Balkan civilization 214 Traian Stoianovich 1967 Good
introduction to the problem of lost or abandoned villages in GreekBalkan areas from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth...A critique of
Fernand Braudel's Miditerranie, including an evaluation of Ottoman
demographic growth during the...
Ad Hoc Urban Sprawl in the Mediterranean City: Dispersing...Vittorio
Gargiulo Morelli, Luca Salvati 2010 Not a civilisation, but a series of
cultures piled up one on top of the other. Travelling in the Mediterranean
means coming across the Roman world in Lebanon, prehistory in
Sardinia, Greek cities in Sicily...cities, open to all the winds of culture
and profit, that since centuries consume and supervise the sea Fernand
After Empires: European Integration, Decolonization, and... 190
Giuliano Garavini, Translated by Richard R. Nybakken, 2012 One
example of such cultural excavation linking past and future identities was
Fernand Braudel's 1977 study of the space and history of the...The
French historian, without denying the clash of civilizations that always
populated the area, emphasized the richness ofits...different shores closer
together in the future: There is all the West on one side (the Greeks and
the Latins), all the Orient on the other.
Afterthoughts on material civilization and capitalism Fernand Braudel
1977 "In this concise book... Braudel summarizes the broad themes of
his three-volume Civilisation materielle et capitalisme, 1400-1800 and
offers his reflections on the historian's craft and on the nature of the
historical imagination.
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the... 1 Charles
Gates 2011 The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and
Egypt, Greece and Rome Charles Gates...Inspiration for any student of
the Mediterranean world comes from the great French geographer and
historian Fernand Braudel (190285)... The words City and indeed
civilization come from the Latin civis (citizen) and civitas (community,
state, City; citizenship) via Old French cit (capital City ).
arab muslim civilization in the mirror of the universal... 20
Fernand Braudel, 1995, A History of Civilizations, trans, by R. Mayne,
London, Penguin, pp. 41, 43...The son of the famous Harun al-Rashid,


Mamun (813-833), had large numbers of foreign and especially Greek

works translated into Arabic.
Asian Studies 7 26 1989 In this monumental work, The
Structures of Everyday life (Les Structures du quotidien: le possible et 1'
impossible), Fernand Braudel observes...Earlier, the polis of Ancient
Greece, particularly Athens, created the milieu of Greek civilization.
Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition 319
Cedric J. Robinson 2005 Fernand Braudel, Capitalism and Material
Life, 14001800, Harper and Row, New York, 1973, pp... the inland sea,
which linked all but the most remote provinces, which was literally the
cradle of Greek civilization and which even the Romans...
Catalogue of French, Spanish and Greek Manuscripts and... vii
Sotheby & Co. (London, England) 1973
Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The central... 134
Benjamin Braude, Bernard Lewis 1982 V Fernand Braudel, in his The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philipe II, has
noted that in Turkey the urban bourgeoisie essentially a merchant class
was foreign to Islam: Ragusan, Armenian, Jewish, Greek...
Cities in the World-System 150 Reat Kasaba 1991 Sevket
Pamuk, "The Ottoman Empire in Comparative Perspective," Review
(Fernand Braudel Center), 1 1, no. 2 (Spring 1988)...The Greeks,
because of their longstanding presence in many parts of the Ottoman
Empire, are difficult to classify.
Civilization and capitalism, 15th-18th century 3 22
Fernand Braudel 1985 Fernand Braudel...It also ignored the wellmarked and strongly-felt boundaries between the civilizations which
divided up the Mediterranean: Greek civilization lying humiliated and in
disarray under the increasingly heavy Turkish yoke...
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century...Fernand Braudel 1982
Volume III investigates what Braudel terms "world-economies"--the
economic dominance of a particular City at different periods of history,
from Venice to Amsterdam, London, New York.
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this
book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands


and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well

Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The...Fernand Braudel
1992 'This is the most remarkable picture of human life in the centuries
before the human condition was radically changed by the growth of
industry that has yet been presented. A book of great originality, a
Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation...Felipe
Fernandez-Armesto 2001 More, here are fascinating stories, brilliantly
told -of the voyages of Chinese admiral Chen Ho and Portuguese
commodore Vasco da Gama, of the Great Khan and the Great Zimbabwe.
Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the... 1 Michelle
Pace, Tobias Schumacher 2013 Fernand Braudel's seminal 1966 study
of the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World at the time of Philip
II of Spain is the chief modern example of this. In classical times, Greek
and Roman authors were also greatly interested in what brought the
peoples of the...the discourse centres on 'clash of civilizations', threats,
terrorism and irreconcilable political, economic and cultural differences.
Demain, qui gouvernera le monde? Jacques Attali 2011 BOUDON
JacquesOlivier, Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire, 17991815, Perrin,
coll. Tempus, 2003... BRAUDEL Fernand, Charles Quint, tmoin de
son temps 15001558 , in crits sur l'Histoire, t... Playing with Greece.
Pierre de...
East Meets West: Banking, Commerce and Investment in the...P. L.
Cottrell, Monika Pohle Fraser, Iain L. Fraser 2008 V. Kardassis, From
Sail to Steam (Athens, 1993). , 'Greek Steam Liner Companies 18581914', in International Journal of...121-35. , 'Incorporation of the Ottoman
Empire, 1750-1820', in Review (Fernand Braudel Center), 10, 5-6, 1987,
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient... 110
Charles Freeman 2014 Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean
Charles Freeman...finest works of history of the twentieth century,
Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in
the Age ofPhilip II, originally published in France in 1949 and...
Environmental Problems of the Greeks and Romans: Ecology...J. Donald
Hughes 2014 Fernand Braudel, in his magisterial study of early modern
Mediterranean history, pointed out that the environment was not...The


main setting of the Greek and Roman civilizations was the Mediterranean
basin, an area dominated by the sea...
Essays on the Historical Geography of the Greek World in... 56.
Basile G. Spirdonakis 1977 Needless to say, today Greece is no longer
considered a poor country. 5. On this question see the interesting remarks
made by Henry Thomas Buckle in his classic History oj Civilization
in...10-26. For the Bulgarian case see Fernand Braudel.
Fifty Key Thinkers on History Marnie Hughes-Warrington 2014 This
third edition has been updated throughout and features new entries on
Machiavelli, Ranajit Guha, William McNeil and Niall Ferguson.
French Literature: A Cultural History 6 Alison Finch 2010 ... in
the break-up of the Roman Empire, shifting the global cultural struggle
from 'Europe' (Greece, and later Rome) versus...In The Identity of France
(1986), the historian Fernand Braudel has declared: 'Yes, France is
certainly diverse, and...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall...Brewer David
2012 13646) For Cyprus see Halil Inalcik, The Ottoman Empire:
Conquest, Organisation and Economy, section VIII; George Hill...Europe;
Suraiya Faroqhi, The Ottoman Empire and The World Around It; and
Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean.
Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean Irad Malkin, Christy
Constantakopoulou, Katerina Panagopoulou 2013 Fernand Braudel 1
has repeatedly claimed that the Mediterraneanisan...time when,according
to Henri Pirennes famous thesis, the Mediterranean was hopelessly split
between the twohostile civilizations ofIslam and Christendom. 3 What...
Harvest of the Cold Months: The Social History of Ice and Ices. Elizabeth
David 2011 Perpetual Snow 'The peak of the Mulhacen,' observed
Fernand Braudel,l 'is white with snow, while down below...Asia that
originally inspired the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Ottoman
rulers of the Turkish Empire and the Moghuls of...
H Eurp gennthke ton Mesaina? 2006
History and the Human Condition: A Historian's Pursuit of... John Lukacs
2014 ... Max, 30 Braudel, Fernand, 4 Brighter than a Thousand Suns
(Jungk), 41 British Empire, 51, 5253, 84 Brogan, Sir Denis...5355; on
the interrelationship of military and political decisions, 69; intervention in
Greece, 72; Iron Curtain speech...


Identity of France: People and Production 77 Fernand Braudel

1992 People and Production Fernand Braudel...on his sleeve, goes so far
as to suggest that Gaul, without Rome, might have become assimilated to
the Greek civilization of Marseilles (founded 600 BC)i28 a thesis rather
difficult to substantiate.
Introduction to International and Global Studies, Second... 376
Shawn C. Smallman, Kimberley Brown 2015 ... 30910, 318 Augmented
Washington Consensus, 40, 41 Aum Shinrikyo, 163, 258 Austerity,
138,213; in Greece and Iceland, 39...19, 22, 55, 90, 224; and energy,
28788, 292, 296 Austria, 56 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 22 Avian flu,
237, 240,254 Avicenna of Bukhara...166 Bowker, Gordon, 215 Brady,
Nicholas, 140 Brand Aid, 21718 Brandt, Willy, 128 Braudel, Fernand,
137 Brazil, 12, 5152, 76...
Italy: A Short History Harry Hearder 2001 Editions ofthe Greek and Latin
classics were not the only concern of theVenetian publishers... Fernand
Braudel, in oneofhis sweeping generalizations, makes the somewhat
preposterous statement thatthe Renaissance reached Venice...that the
literary nature of European civilization may be said to have depended on
it, and on the fact that the first massproduction industry had the book as
its product.
Jewish Questions: Responsa on Sephardic Life in the Early...Matt Goldish
2008 The borrower is an Ottoman subject, but he is presumably a Greek
Orthodox Christian rather than a Muslim... The case supports the famous
thesis of the historian Fernand Braudel that the Mediterranean in this
period was really one integrated world...In the early modern period, Corfu
was a crucial port on the route between Venice and the Ottoman Empire,
and the two powers fought fiercely over it.
Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry 19 24 2000 In
particular, it was the successor of Greek-Hellenistic civilization from the
time of the Abbasid dynasty and achieved...is considered as one
integrated unit, the category of "Mediterranean civilization" is important,
as Fernand Braudel argues.
Landscape of the Mind: Human Evolution and the Archeology... John F.
Hoffecker 2010 For a recent discussion of the Hellenistic military
revolution, see S. Cuomo, Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman
Antiquity...Fernand Braudel discussed Alexandrian Egypt as an abortive
industrial revolution in The Perspective of the World, vol... The


emergence of Bronze Age civilizations in China was not accompanied . . .

by a significant use of metal farming implements, irrigation networks...
Life in Biblical Israel 7 Philip J. King, Lawrence E. Stager 2001
To be sure, political, military, and religious histories are not to be
gainsaid, what Fernand Braudel denigrated as "Thistoire
vnementielle," the short-term, fastchanging history of...Jacob
Burckhardr, The Greeks and Greek civilization, trans.
Manufacturing in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, 1500-1950 Donald
Quataert 1994 This report, "Industry in Izmir and the Greek Asia Minor,
an Economic Study", was written by George Trakakis...East Center
Library, St Antony's College, Oxford; there is another copy at the
Fernand Braudel Center at Binghamton University.
Mastering Globalization: New Sub-States' Governance and... 21
Stphane Paquin, Guy LaChappelle 2005 For example, following Martin
Bernal, Ancient Greek civilization developed from a blend of local, IndoEuropean...the thirteenth century that extended from Flanders to China.28
Fernand Braudel and others emphasize that capitalism has had...
Mediterranean crossings: the politics of an interrupted... 34 Iain
Chambers 2008 ... one national unit to another, or of a simple teleology
civilizations...brilliantly exposed in Fernand Braudel's classic 1949 text
La Mediterranee et le Monde Mediterraneen a I'epoque de...
Memory and the Mediterranean. Fernand Braudel 2011 Impressive in
scope and gracefully written, Memory and the Mediterranean is an
endlessly enriching work of history by a legend in the field. From the
Trade Paperback edition.
Metaphor and Rational Discourse 179 Bernhard Debatin, Timothy
R. Jackson, Daniel Steuer 1997 In examining the place of 'games' in
Fernand Braudel's Civilisation materielle, economie et capitalisme,
however, I want...Hermes, the Greek god of trade, appeared on the cover
of every issue of the Annales until the journal's 1994 change of...
Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean: Vernacular... 16 JeanFrancois Lejeune, Michelangelo Sabatino 2009 5 See Fernand Braudel,
La Mditerrane et le Monde mditerranen l'poque de PhilippeII,
Paris, Armand Collin, 1949... However, once the legitimacy of the
civilization of the Mediterranean has been recognized as a subject of
historical analysisparticularly in...To travel within the Mediterranean is


to encounter the Roman world in Lebanon, prehistory in Sardinia, the

Greek cities in Sicily, the Arab...
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 8 3 1992 mous French
historian, Fernand Braudel, and the American sociologist, Immanuel
Wallerstein, made crucially...Concerning the Ottoman empire, which was
established in the Balkans during the fourteenth century, they argue that it
was a...
Montague Burton lecture on international relations 5 1969 ... and
certainly this has been admirably illustrated by the great book of
Fernand Braudel on the Mediterranean World in...and at each crisis of
European history memories of the Ancient world, of Rome and of Greek
civilization as transmitted...
Northeast African Studies 11-12 15 1989 ... basis of
European (Greek) civilization, and one which demonstrates bow those
origins have been intentionally obscured...Press, 1982); Fernand
Braudel, The Perspective of the World: Civilization and Capitalism, 15th18th Centuries, vol.
Omni 5 5 1983 By R.J. Hopper Asparkling study of Greek
civilization in all its archaeological and cultural Splendor $25.00/$13.00
5827. Ireland...Byzantium: The Empire Of New Rome... By Fernand
Braudel $30.00/s15.50 THE WARRINGWORLD 4721.
On History 201 Fernand Braudel 1982
Braudel..."Civilization," wrote Margaret Mead (using the word in the
same way as Mauss, whom I have already quoted), "is all that man,
henceforward, will not be able to forget" language...Nietzsche
claimed that as far as one could see, since the Greek civilization there had
been only one other the French.
Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy: A Study of... Carl
Trocki 2012 3 Fernand Braudel, the great historian of consumption,
commodities and capitalism has virtually nothing to say about...periods of
Ancient Greece, it did not begin until the Mycenaean civilization
emerged and the shamanistic influences of the...
Perpetuating poverty: the World Bank, the IMF, and the... 343
Doug Bandow, Ian Vsquez 1994 ... invaluable knowledge of Greek
civilization.15 The commerce of Byzantium, or Istanbul, was in the
hands of foreigners, including Venetians...111-17; and Fernand Braudel,
The Wheels of Commerce (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), pp.


Perspectives on teaching innovations: world and global... 56

Robert Blackey 1999 Annexing Greek civilization to Europe ignores its
actual geographic location, which was as much Middle Eastern as...This
notion draws on the work of Fernand Braudel (especially The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age...
Piracy and Diplomacy in Seventeenth-century North Africa... 69
Thomas Baker, C. R. Pennell 1989 92. 38. Fernand Braudel,
Civilization and Capitalism, vol... 83-84. 44. Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II,
trans... C. M. Woodhouse, Modern Greece, a Short History, rev. ed.
Prose of the World: Modernism and the Banality of Empire 139
Saikat Majumdar 2013 Modernism and the Banality of Empire Saikat
Majumdar...Within the archive of Anglophone Indian national allegories,
this vision of history coincides with what Fernand Braudel has identified
as the...Another influential Western theorist of the private-public divide,
Hannah Arendt, looks back to the Greek polis instead of...
Robert Louis Stevenson in the Pacific: Travel, Empire, and... 75
Roslyn Jolly 2009 The structural clash between Ancient barbarism and
modern civilization, which was at the heart of Stevenson's conception of
both...event (such as the Jacobite uprising or the Berlin Treaty) and what
the structuralist historian Fernand Braudel calls the 'structures of
everyday life'...He wrote to Edward Burlingame, his U.S. publisher: Here
is for the first time a tale of Greeks Homeric Greeks mingled with...
Roman Festivals in the Greek East: From the Early Empire...Fritz Graf
2015 Thus, in the later empire, January 1 was also the day when public
servants received their salary, when the emperor rewarded advocates for
their public service...They also entered the Muslim world, illustrating
Fernand Braudel's insight that...
Rome, the Greek World, and the East 1 235 Fergus Millar,
Hannah Cotton, Guy MacLean Rogers 2002
But it would not be
inappropriate to compare his two great social and economic histories, of
the Roman Empire (1926) and of...H. Hexter, "Fernand Braudel and the
Monde Braudellien," in his On Historians (1979), 61-145, see now S.
Sasanian Iran, 224651 CE: Portrait of a Late Antique Emprire Touraj
Daryaee 2008 Fernand Braudel once stated that "Europe invented


historians and then made good use of them... forsaking those

civilizations5 that were certainly older and as significant in the formation
of our common civilization today as Greece and Rome.
Straight Power Concepts in the Middle East: US Foreign... 12
Gregory Harms 2010 As historian Fernand Braudel remarks, "Behind
the Roman facade Greek civilization lived on."3 The study of Ancient
Rome is a field unto itself, but it will suffice to limit its discussion here to
the basic outline of its rise and fall. Roman primacy is...
The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 2002 If they have not
been used in productive purposes, what was their impact on civilization?
The question also arises...Greek civilization ended in...Progress. as.
Civilization. How do civilizations grow in history? Fernand Braudel, in
his A History...
The Ancient Mesopotamian City Marc Van De Mieroop 1997 Urban
history starts in Ancient Mesopotamia. In this volume Marc Van De
Mieroop examines the evolution of the very earliest cities which, for
millennia, inspired the rest of the Ancient world.
The Armies of Classical Greece xvi Everett L. Wheeler 2007 ... to
imply that it was only French scholars who attempted to exploit
anthropology in order to understand Greek civilization...1966 version of
Annaliste Fernand Braudel's La Mediterranee et la monde mediterraneen
a I'epoque de Philippe II...
The Biblical Journey of Slavery: From Egypt to the Americas
171Lynette Joseph-Bani 2010 [they] entered the highly civilized Eastern
Mediterranean world The Greeks were not the only invaders ofthe
eastern...the part which survived the onslaught ofthe Peoples of the Sea
(Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean in the Ancient World...
The empire in the City: Arab provincial capitals in the... 1 Jens
Hanssen, Thomas Philipp, Stefan Weber 2002 During the long duration of
Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Venetian, Caliphal and Ottoman rule, cities
grew prosperous or were...cultural space that marks as Fernand Braudel
insists the Mediterranean Sea until at least the seventeenth century.
The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the... 3
Robert Drews 1995 The Hittite empire had given to the Anatolian plateau
a measure of order and prosperity that it had never known
before...Throughout the eastern Mediterranean the twelfth century B.c.


ushered in a dark age, which in Greece and Anatolia was not...1200 1 For
the comparison see Fernand Braudel, "L'Aube," in Braudel, ed....
The Enlightenment as Social Criticism: Iosipos Moisiodax... 184
Paschalis M. Kitromilides 2014 Iosipos Moisiodax and Greek Culture in
the Eighteenth Century Paschalis M. Kitromilides...Fernand Braudel has
reminded us that the Balkans formed one area of the Mediterranean world
most intensively marked by interpenetrating...According to Braudel, the
abilities to select and absorb elements from other cultures and exercise a
corresponding influence on them mark the viability of civilizations.
The Essential World History William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel
2013 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise of modern
civilization in the West. There is...the world historian Fernand Braudel
termed it, interpreting world history as a river with no banks. xxi On the
whole, this development is to be...
The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker,
Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly
to the rise of modern civilization in the West... picture'' or, as the world
historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as a
river with no banks. xxi On the whole, this development is...
The Essential World History, Volume II: Since 1500 xvii William
J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 From Greece and Rome, the road
led directly to the rise of modern civilization in the West. There is...the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as
a river with no banks. xvii On the whole, this development is to be...
The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern... Strobe
Talbott 2009 too, is a civilization, but not until the middle of the
twentiethcentury did its leaders buckle down to the task of making it
into...In 1981, I attended a lecture by the renowned French historian
Fernand Braudel when he came to Yale to receive an honorary degree...
In Greek mythology, Zeus THE POET AND THE PRINCE
The Human Shore: Seacoasts in History 39 John R. Gillis 2012
To the Ancient Greeks, the Mediterranean was more like a pond than an
ocean. Fernand Braudel described its peoples as moving crab-wise
from rock to rock, from island to island, peninsula by peninsula... rather
than offshore, for the real home ofhumankind is where land and water
meet, the birthplace of civilization.


The Identity of France: People and production 77 Fernand

Braudel 1990 Fernand Braudel...might have become assimilated to the
Greek civilization of Marseilles (founded 600 BC)126 a thesis rather
difficult to...It is true that the Gauls did use the Greek alphabet and that it
was not confined to a cultivated elite.
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the... 278
Iain McGilchrist 2009 One has to accept that Greek, like many other
languages, began being written in the opposite direction, the one that
favours...'Writing is basically a technology,' wrote the great French
historian, Fernand Braudel, a way of committing things to...Braudel
mentions number as appearing early in written language: in fact the
Sumerians were the first to write down numbers, and theirs was the first
real empire.
The Measure of Civilization: How Social Development... Ian Morris 2013
Peter Lock and Guy Sanders, eds., The Archaeology of Medieval Greece
(Oxford: Oxbow, 1996); Sigalos, Housing; John...There is a huge amount
of evidence, much of it described in Fernand Braudel, Civilization and
Capitalism, 15th-18th...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age...Fernand
Braudel 1995 Fernand Braudel. Greek civilization: did it survive?
Greek civilization itself was not dead in the sixteenth century. How do we
know? Because it too was capable of equally categorical and no less
dramatic 'refusals'. Although dying, or rather...
The Mediterranean: Environment and Society 94 Russell King,
Lindsay Proudfoot, Bernard Smith 2014 Although Fernand Braudel
(1972, pp... By 1500 ad, the emergent hegemonic Ottoman state already
controlled mainland Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria, and over the
next...prolonged siege of Famagusta and Nicosia in 1573 (Braudel 1972,
p... These allowed the Russians unprecedented commercial access
Venetian Republic Hapsburg Empire [DAMASCUS BAGHDAD
ALEPPO and cultural.
The New York Times Book Review viii 1985 Captures the
essence of this fabulously rich and diverse civilization $17 50/111.50
8474... The Early Greeks, by Ft J Hooper A soarkling study of Greek
civilization in all Its archaeological and cultural splendor...II), by
Fernand Braudel.


The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Greek lands: toward a...Elias
Kolovos 2007 ... them almost completely: for he seems to have
understood himself as an economic and socio-political historian in a
much more exclusive sense than was true, for instance, of his French
colleague and correspondent Fernand Braudel...
The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World Lincoln Paine
2014 ... its course, Fernand Braudel's magisterial The Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II (1949) ushered in
a...An Ancient Greek epigram acknowledges the unity of the world
ocean with stark simpli City: All sea is sea.
The Second International Conference on the Mediterranean...Erdal zhan
1995 Introduction Fernand Braudel (Braudel, 1949) has likened the
history of the Mediterranean islands to a blown-up photograph...From
here the great adventure of Greek civilization developed on the Ionian
and Aegean islands before expanding...
The Shari'a and Islamic Criminal Justice in Time of War... 19 M.
Cherif Bassiouni 2013 These include: the Ancient Egyptian civilization
across the Red Sea;...the Roman Byzantine civilizations to the north
along the southern Mediterranean coast; the Greek civilization to the
northwest; the...3 See FERNAND BRAUDEL, A HISTORY OF
CIVILIZATIONS (New York, USA: Penguin, 1993); M. HODGSON, 1
The Uniqueness of Western Civilization 12 Ricardo Duchesne
2011 ... relations (729).9 Less hesitant in its appreciation of human
progress was Fernand Braudel's A History of Civilizations...past and the
birth of new civilizations, from Greece to Rome to Christian Europe
through Islam to Renaissance Europe.
Vernacular Christianity: essays in the social anthropology... 5
Wendy James, Douglas Hamilton Johnson 1988 Through Europe, Christ
(and civilization) is brought to the rest of the world, and the rest of the
world must choose to submit or resist... Fernand Braudel presents one
which highlights the rich variety of experience which must be gathered
together in the very attempt of identifying continuities... Indeed, the
Orthodox Greeks chose to submit to the Muslim Turks rather than to the
Catholics,5 a decision we can...
Ways to Modernity in Greece and Turkey: Encounters with...Anna
Frangoudaki, Caglar Keyder 2007 4 Fernand Braudel, Mediterranean


and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, New York: Harper
& Row, 1972... 1699-1812", in Halil Inalcikwith Donald Quataert (eds),
An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, Vol.
Western Civilization in World History 50.Peter N. Stearns 2008
Note 1 There is also a pedagogical danger in the easy equation among
Greece, democracy and the West... Greek Philosophy (Albany: State
University of New York Press, 2001); Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean...
Women and the recomposition of labor forces: some...Joan Smith 1984
World Civilizations And History Of Human Development: 95.
Robert Holton, William Richard Nasson 2009 Graeco-Roman
Civilization Greek civilization as it emerged during the Hellenic era did
not have the enduring...In his studies of the Mediterranean, Fernand
Braudel portrayed the interaction of a plurality of civilizations within the
unity of the...
World History William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2015 From
Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise of modern civilization
in the West... gives less attention to the study of individual civilizations
and focuses instead on the big picture or, as the world historian
Fernand Braudel termed it...
World History, Volume I William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2008
For generations, historians in Europe and the United States pointed to the
rise of such civilizations as marking the origins of the modern world...
emergence of advanced societies in Egypt and Mesopotamia and then
proceeded to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire... of individual
civilizations and focuses instead on the big picture or, as the world
historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting...
World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2015 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise
of modern civilization in the West... gives less attention to the study of
individual civilizations and focuses instead on the big picture or, as the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it...
World History, Volume II: Since 1500 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2015 From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to the rise
of modern civilization in the West... gives less attention to the study of
individual civilizations and focuses instead on the big picture or, as the
world historian Fernand Braudel termed it...


Greek culture
A concise history of Greece. 2003
A History of the Archaic Greek World, ca. 1200-479 BCE Jonathan M.
Hall 2013 centuries, the last decades of the sixth century see a visible
convergence in material behavior between these culture areas. By
ca...Based on the assumption proposed most vociferously by Fernand
Braudel (1972) and developed further by...
A zone of engagement Perry Anderson 1992 The texts in this volume
offer critical assessments of a number of leading figures in contemporary
intellectual life, who are in different ways thinkers at the intersection of
history and politics.
Ad Hoc Urban Sprawl in the Mediterranean City: Dispersing...Vittorio
Gargiulo Morelli, Luca Salvati 2010 PART II CHAPTER 3 URBAN
Mediterranean?...Roman world in Lebanon, prehistory in Sardinia, Greek
cities in Sicily, Arab culture in Spain, Turkish Islam in Yugoslavia... open
to all the winds of culture and profit, that since centuries consume and
supervise the sea Fernand Braudel...
After Empires: European Integration, Decolonization, and... 190
Giuliano Garavini, Translated by Richard R. Nybakken, 2012 One
example of such cultural excavation linking past and future identities was
Fernand Braudel's 1977 study of the space...closer together in the
future: There is all the West on one side (the Greeks and the Latins), all
the Orient on the other.
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the... 1 Charles
Gates 2011 The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and
Egypt, Greece and Rome Charles Gates...Near East, Egypt, and the
Greek and Roman worlds, with a focus on their physical appearance, on
urban form, and on their cultural and historical contexts... Inspiration for
any student of the Mediterranean world comes from the great French
geographer and historian Fernand Braudel (190285).
Ancient History: Monuments and Documents 46 Charles W.
Hedrick, Jr. 2008 For a contrast between the climates of Greece and
China and the cultural significance of the difference, see John


Linton...The famous applications of the attitude to history are owed to

Fernand Braudel: see e.g. The Mediterranean and the...
Annales: Crit Assessmnts 109 Stuart Clark 1999 J. H. Hexter,
"Fernand Braudel and the Monde Braudellien" Journal of Modem
History 44 (1972), 529... voice of "mere" human culture until the birth of
Greek philosophy objectified Nature and culminated in the Platonic
reversal: after Plato...
Antiquity and modernity: a celebration of European history... 89
Nicholas Charles Pappas 2004 GREEK. CULTURAL. HISTORY.
Benjamin C. Sax, University of Kansas, USA From a number of
apparently independent...To Fernand Braudel, we owe the generally
accepted tripartite division of history into structural, conjunctural, and...
Archaeology and Cultural Mixture: Creolization, Hybridity... 255
W. Paul van Pelt, Philipp W. Stockhammer, Eleftheria Pappa 2013 An
Archaeology ofInteraction: Network Perspectives on Material Culture
and Society. Oxford: Oxford...A colonial middle ground: Greek, Etruscan
and local elites in the Bay of Naples... Fernand Braudel, the Annales,
and the Mediterranean.
Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory 21 A. Bernard Knapp
1992 Trevor-Roper, H. R. 1973 Fernand Braudel, the Annales, and the
Mediterranean... Vernant, J.-P. and P. Vidal-Naquet 1981 Tragedy and
Myth in Ancient Greece... Wallerstein, I. 1982 Fernand Braudel:
historien, l'homme de la conjoncture.
Art in the Era of Alexander the Great: Paradigms of... 4 Ada
Cohen 2010 We owe the concept of the longue dur ee to Fernand
Braudel and his famous 1958 essay, History and the Social...We can
view the ideas aboutanimals thatAristotle systematized, ideas that had
entered Greek culture much before the fourth...
Avotaynu 19 40 2003 The historian Fernand Braudel
describes it as a veritable "maritime empire." Collective Mentalities...All
the Jews of the Mediterranean, some of Greek culture, absorbed the same
Iberian tendencies from the Iberian immigrants. The same...
Balkan Transitions to Modernity and Nation-States: Through... Evguenia
Davidova 2012 Organization: Family-based Business and Partnerships
Fernand Braudel and many other scholars have discussed the
family...Iosipos Moisiodax and Greek Culture in the Eighteenth Century
(princeton: princeton University press, 1992), 110.


Braudel Revisited: 95 Teofilo F. Ruiz, Gabriel Piterberg,

Geoffrey Symcox 2010 2 Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, 2 vol., trans... Anatolia was
both Islamized and Turkified as well as the ways in which Turkish
occupiers were socialized by Byzantine (Greek) culture.
Brill's New Pauly: Oly-Rul 5. Manfred Landfester, Hubert
Cancik, Helmuth Schneider 2006...languages and four scripts. 1.a Cults
and Metalanguages The Greeks and Romans spread their culture across
western Europe...According to the well-known model of history by
Fernand Braudel, three parallel periods can be distinguished...
Cities of the Mediterranean: From the Ottomans to the... 230
Meltem Toksz, Biray Kolluoglu (Eds) 2014 See L. Spindler and G
Spindler, 'Male and female adaptations in culture change: Menomini', in
R. Hunt (ed), Personalities and...The Work of the Fernand Braudel
Center, Review x/1 (1986), pp.12136 18 The basic argument
underpinning this cultural approach is...20 Pachalis Kitromilides, 'Greek
irredentism in Asia Minor and Cyprus', Middle Eastern Studies xxvi/1,
1990, pp.317; Haris Exertzoglou...
Citt storiche, siti archeologici, musei. Strategie di... 50 Aa.Vv.,
Anna Lucia D'Agata, Luciano Cessari 2011 CNR research strategies for
cultural heritage Aa.Vv. Anna Lucia D'Agata...Fernand Braudel lo ha
visto come un'unit costituita da innumerevoli piccole terre, l'una diversa
dall'altra. Unit strutturale di fondo del...The Ancient Greeks thought of
the Mediterranean as an organic whole, with a life of its own. Fernand
Civilization and the Human Subject 5 John Mandalios 1999 13 In
other words, cultural borrowings obfuscate the moral boundaries that
circumscribe the identity of the Greek, European...Immanuel Wallerstein
and Fernand Braudel's respective works on civilization(s) and capitalism
represent prime...
Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation...Felipe
Fernandez-Armesto 2001 More, here are fascinating stories, brilliantly
told -of the voyages of Chinese admiral Chen Ho and Portuguese
commodore Vasco da Gama, of the Great Khan and the Great Zimbabwe.
Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the... 1 Michelle
Pace, Tobias Schumacher 2013 Fernand Braudel's seminal 1966 study
of the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World at the time of Philip


II of Spain is the chief...In classical times, Greek and Roman authors

were also greatly interested in what brought the peoples of the...
Cultural borrowings and ethnic appropriations in antiquity 240
Erich S. Gruen 2005 If the "Mediterranean is exchange," as Fernand
Braudel has said,8 western Sicily was the scene of a great
cultural...When he joined Greek Selinous in its war against the Elymians
of Egesta, he died in battle at the hands of Elymians and...
Cultural Hybridity Peter Burke 2013 In similar fashion, Adamantios
Korais (17481833), one of the leaders of the movement for Greek
independence...According to the French historian Fernand Braudel
(190285), for instance, it was necessary for a living culture to be able...
Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia 191 Thomas T. Allsen
2004 As Braudel points out, England emerged in the eighteenth century
as the premier political power but France retained and even extended its
cultural influence.6 This is true of Roman cultural reliance on the
Greeks and Achaemenid dependence on Mesopotamia... 6 Fernand
Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism, vol.
Demain, qui gouvernera le monde ?Jacques Attali 2011 Constructing
World Culture, INGOs since 1875, Stanford University Press, 1999.
BONIFACE...BRAUDEL Fernand, Charles Quint, tmoin de son
temps 15001558 , in crits sur l'Histoire, t. II, Flammarion...Playing
with Greece. Pierre de...
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 2 1992 "Disjuncture
and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy." Public
Culture..."Problems of Economic History of the Period of Ottoman
Domination in Greece." Trans... Review: Fernand Braudel Center 13.3
(Summer 1990): 329-61. . "Es Gibt...
Eating in Early Greek Practice and Representation 233 John Scott
Rundin 1994 Nevertheless, they do not completely undo the notion that
cultural forms are bounded by a material infrastructure... One is reminded
of Fernand Braudel's notion of the longue dure, the long time-span of
centuries or millennia, and the...
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient... 110
Charles Freeman 2014 Should the Mediterranean be seen as a unique
ecology that fostered distinctive cultures and civilizations that would
never...finest works of history of the twentieth century, Fernand
Braudel's The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in...


En leuk 2011
Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology 210 Alan
Barnard, Jonathan Spencer 1996 Southern Europe designates those areas
bordering on the Mediterranean Sea and their hinterlands Italy,
Greece...An early contribution to this endeavour was made by the social
historian Fernand Braudel ([1949] 1972) who, in the course of...
Engineers: A History of Engineering and Structural Design 20
Matthew Wells 2010 The travelogue of the Greek geographer Pausanius
records one shaft of oak remaining in the Temple of Hera, which had
been converted from wood to stone...The spread of Greek culture,
through trading and colonial expansion, westwards and 1.6 The Treasury
of Atrius, Mycenae, 2000 BC Pseudo-domes...Fernand Braudel
consciousness received enrichment in a different but maybe as important.
Essays on the Historical Geography of the Greek World in... 89
Basile G. Spirdonakis 1977 and almost imperceptibly from one culture
area to another, without shocking contrasts or sharp and abrupt changes in
local...Fernand Braudel, for example, in his masterful thesis on the
Mediterranean has not been able to define and delimit...
Fifty Key Thinkers on History Marnie Hughes-Warrington 2014 This
third edition has been updated throughout and features new entries on
Machiavelli, Ranajit Guha, William McNeil and Niall Ferguson.
French Literature: A Cultural History 6 Alison Finch 2010 ...
shifting the global cultural struggle from 'Europe' (Greece, and later
Rome) versus 'Asia' (Persia) to Christian Europe...In The Identity of
France (1986), the historian Fernand Braudel has declared: 'Yes, France
is certainly diverse, and that...
Greece, the New Europe, and the Changing International Order Harry J.
Psomiades, Stauros Thmadaks 1993 It can be demonstrated in general
that loss of cultural specifi City and homogenization in a globalizing
environment is...and 12See Perry Anderson, "Nation-States and National
Identity" (a review of Fernand Braudel's The Identity of France. Vol.
Handbook of Archaeological Theories 157 R. Alexander Bentley,
Herbert D. G. Maschner, Christopher Chippindale 2009 ... the work
which best exemplifies the movement appeared just after World War II,
Fernand Braudel's massive historical...and economy nourished a
regional version of High Classical Greek culture and political complexity
(Bintliff 1994, 1999).


Hellenization and Southern Phoenicia: Reconsidering the...2007 Let us

reconsider the definition offered at the outset of this section:
Hellenization is "the diffusion of [Greek] culture...Recently, several
scholars have re-focused on Fernand Braudel's idea of the
Mediterranean as an exchange network, with...
International Encyclopedia of Civil Society 307 Helmut K.
Anheier, Stefan Toepler 2009 Not being well endowed by nature, argued
Fernand Braudel (1992: 556), the wealth of the Middle East has been
historically...culture of knowledge that the ruling leaders laid the basis
for with increasing translations into Arabic from the Greek...
Introduction to Cultural Historical Sociology 313 Robert Peter
Siemens 1998 Fernand Braudel characterizes this third level as a
"twilight zone" accessible only to the initiated, an accumulation of...the
closing expression of the age of chivalry, and Aristophanes the closing
expression of the Greek philosophical epoche.
Italy: A Short History Harry Hearder 2001 Editions ofthe Greek and Latin
classics were not the only concern of theVenetian publishers... Fernand
Braudel,in oneofhis sweeping generalizations, makes the somewhat
preposterous statement thatthe Renaissance reached Venice only 'with the
endof if...In terms of cultural achievement, peace and prosperity, the
peak may be said to have been reached under the early Medici
intheperiod 1434 92.
Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry 19 24 2000 In
particular, it was the successor of Greek-Hellenistic civilization from the
time of the Abbasid dynasty and achieved rapid growth in terms of social
organization and cultural creativity. The achievements of ibn Sina...In
addition, if the Mediterranean world is considered as one integrated unit,
the category of "Mediterranean civilization" is important, as Fernand
Braudel argues. He refers to "Latin, Islam and...
Journal of Modern Hellenism 3 141 1986 Poetry as a
principal expression of Greek cultural life captures many of the relevant
dilemnas of identity. In fact, given conditions...18On comparative
contexts, see Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean World in the...
Landscape of the Mind: Human Evolution and the Archeology... John F.
Hoffecker 2010 For a recent discussion of the Hellenistic military
revolution, see S. Cuomo, Technology and Culture in Greek


and...Fernand Braudel discussed Alexandrian Egypt as an abortive

industrial revolution in The Perspective of the World, vol.
Life in Biblical Israel 7 Philip J. King, Lawrence E. Stager 2001
To be sure, political, military, and religious histories are not to be
gainsaid, what Fernand Braudel denigrated as "Thistoire...As the first
great cultural historian, Jacob Burckhardt, writing in the nineteenth
century about the Greeks, reminds us...
Literature and Culture in Late Byzantine ThesSalonica 12
Eugenia Russell 2013 In a literary context, Mazower's portrayal of the
Jewish culture of ThesSalonica is foretold by the author of
[1899, Words ofthe Prow],35 and [1897, The
Beggar],36 one might say by that forgotten mile Zola of Modern Greek
letters,37 Andreas...Quataert, 'Port-Cities in the Ottoman Empire: Some
Theoretical and Historical Perspectives', Review (Fernand Braudel
Center) 16.4...
MEDITERRANEAN PARADIGMS Irad Malkin 2013 In this book
Mediterranean paradigms are applied to the world of Classical Antiquity,
from Ancient Greece to the Roman Empire, offering original
perspectives with wide-ranging implications to how we view history in
Memory and the Mediterranean. Fernand Braudel 2011 Impressive in
scope and gracefully written, Memory and the Mediterranean is an
endlessly enriching work of history by a legend in the field. From the
Trade Paperback edition.
Modern Architecture and the Mediterranean: Vernacular... 16 JeanFrancois Lejeune, Michelangelo Sabatino 2009 5 See Fernand Braudel,
La Mditerrane et le Monde mditerranen l'poque de PhilippeII,
Paris, Armand Collin, 1949... rather the vernacular architecture, an
expression of constructive, repetitive, and choral techniques sustained by
a collective culture of living...To travel within the Mediterranean is to
encounter the Roman world in Lebanon, prehistory in Sardinia, the Greek
cities in Sicily, the Arab...
Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 6 466 1990 the general
situation of Greek historiography gives hope for the years to come...
Smyrna, 1819 (in Greek) (1981, second edition, 1986); Spyros
Asdrachas, Historical Research and Historic Culture: Realities...Studies


in History (in Greek) (1986, second edition, 1987); Ruggiero Romano,

Fernand Braudel (in Greek) (1986).
Moral Codes and Social Structure in Ancient Greece: A... 84
Joseph M. Bryant 1996 A Sociology of Greek Ethics From Homer to
the Epicureans and Stoics Joseph M. Bryant...Dark Age Greece, we relied
on the peasant-poet Hesiod to provide us with information on what
Fernand Braudel has termed "the groundfloor of history...
Nationalism and Archaeology in Europe 48 Margarita Di AzAndreu, Timothy Champion 2014
The creation of a public
archaeological service has come very late, the role of archaeology in
cultural life (exhibitions, novels, films) is limited...enjoyed a reputation
equivalent to that of Mortimer Wheeler or Glyn Daniel in Britain, let
alone that of Manolis Andronikos in Greece... in academic circles of Jules
Michelet, of Fustel de Coulanges, of Camille Jullian, of Marc Bloch,
indeed of Fernand Braudel.
New Ways of History: Developments in Historiography 204
Gelina Harlaftis, Kostas Sbonias, Nikos Karapidakis 2010 Here I cannot
resist paying homage to Fernand Braudel, who, half a century ago,
highlighted the importance of Jewish and Armenian...For competition
between the Greek and Jewish networks, there is an article by Evridiki
Sifneos, 'The Dark Side of the Moon', which...psycho-history, cultural
relativism, the theoretical schools of feminism, postmodernism, chaos
theory, micro-history, global history, 'total...
Paris: The Secret History Andrew Hussey 2013 Her thoughts were noted
in the chronicles of her home town, where she moaned loudly and long,
in Greek, about her exile...Fernand Braudel describes this century as the
era which marks the beginning of the 'rise of Europe' as a cultural and...
Perspectives on teaching innovations: world and global... 56
Robert Blackey 1999 This notion draws on the work of Fernand Braudel
(especially The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the...and
the dialogue between the Socratic (Greek philosophical) and the
Abrahamic (monotheistic) cultural traditions (the...
Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens 2005 Interestingly
enough, both authors do address this question of geographical and
cultural belonging in their fictions... In this respect, a parallel could be
drawn between the history of the Greeks, reclaiming their past, the
heritance of Ancient Greece, in the nineteenth...Fernand Braudel's


Greater Mediterranean, they use their fictions as a strategy to assert or,

rather, to reassert the idea of the sea, not as the...
Playing the Globe: Genre and Geography in English... 105 John
Gillies, Virginia Mason Vaughan 1998 They encouraged immigration
from Greece, the founding of new cities, and the growth of Greek culture
and institutions. Encyclopaedia...See Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II,
Postmodernism and History Willie Thompson 2004
In the
subsequentgeneration of Annalistes Fernand Braudel published his
classicwork onthe Mediterranean of the...in our culture and from the time
of the Greeks onwards, has generally been subject to the sanction of
historical 'science'...
Prose of the World: Modernism and the Banality of Empire 139
Saikat Majumdar 2013 Within the archive of Anglophone Indian national
allegories, this vision of history coincides with what Fernand Braudel
has identified as the history of the...Another influential Western theorist
of the private-public divide, Hannah Arendt, looks back to the Greek
polis instead of...the rise of mass culture in the twentieth century
essentially pushes the public sphere from the Kantian model of public
Regimes of Histori City: Presentism and Experiences of Time Fran ois
Hartog 2015 Fran ois Hartog explores crucial moments of change in
societys regimes of histori City or its way of relating to the past,
present, and future.
Regional Pathways to Complexity: Settlement and Land-use... P. A. J.
Attema, G.-J. L. M. Burgers, Martijn van Leusen 2010 Colonization,
Hellenization and Romanization It was (and sometimes still is) held that
the Greek and Roman cultures...inspired by the Annales historian
Fernand Braudel.37 Braudels theory regards historical change as being
articulated in...
Rick Steves' Greece: Athens & the Peloponnese 483 Rick Steves
2014 Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean in the Ancient World is
another marvelous overview. If you'd like a large-format book with many
illustrations, your best bet is The Cambridge Illustrated History of
Ancient Greece (Cartledge). For the...


Rituals of Death and Dying in Modern and Ancient Greece... 11

Evy Johanne Hland 2014 on death rituals in Greece, which started some
years after the publication of Danforth's book.The validity of...need to
come together.11 Influenced by the historian Fernand Braudel, Aris
analysed the cultural construction of the death rituals...
Routledge International Handbook of Food Studies Ken Albala 2013
Fernand Braudel (1980) On History. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
David Braund and John Wilkins (2000) Athenaeus and his World:
Reading Greek Culture in the Roman Empire. Exeter: University of
Exeter Press. Jean Anthelme...
Rural and Urban: Architecture Between Two Cultures. Andrew
Ballantyne 2009 For Greece, see A.M.Snodgrass, 'Archaeology and the
Study of the Greek City ', in Rich and WallaceHadrill, op. cit., pp... 40
See Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde mditerranen
l'poque de Philippe II, 2 vols (Paris: Colin...
Social Theory and Social History 55 Donald M. MacRaild, Avram
Taylor 2004 The first, the vogue for 'systemic' or 'total story', most
closely associated with Fernand Braudel, offers an opportunity to
consider...Since the Greeks, philosophers have sought to encapsulate the
entirety of human development, or its essential features...3. period was
with civilisations and cultures, and with the importance 55.
Sociological Abstracts 45, 1 5422Leo P. Chall 1997
review; 9710607 mental health/emotions/depressive disorders, women,
Brazil...Fernand Braudel's approach vs holistic perspective;
Bulgaria;...1905-1908, constitutionalism, ideology importance; religious
orthodoxy-nationalism correlation, Greece, historical overview;...
Straight Power Concepts in the Middle East: US Foreign... 12.
Gregory Harms 2010 into Rome and the surrounding territory, and
eventually grew into a culture referred to as Latin. Not moving into a
vacuum...As historian Fernand Braudel remarks, "Behind the Roman
facade Greek civilization lived on."3 The study of ancient...
The Ancient Mesopotamian City Marc Van De Mieroop 1997 Urban
history starts in Ancient Mesopotamia. In this volume Marc Van De
Mieroop examines the evolution of the very earliest cities which, for
millennia, inspired the rest of the Ancient world.


The Armies of Classical Greece xvi Everett L. Wheeler 2007

craftiness, with implications for the cultural context of stratagems, when
the now no longer fashionable fad for the history...1966 version of
Annaliste Fernand Braudel's La Mediterranee et la monde mediterraneen
a I'epoque de Philippe II, first...
The Beginnings of European Theorizing--reflexivity in the... Barry
Sandywell 1996 But there is a darker side to the civilizing process; by
identifying with Greek ways of thinking European culture has tended
to...Fernand Braudel, for example, has suggested a 'thought experiment'
designed to isolate the singular spirit of...
The bible in cultural context 210 Helena Pavlincov, Dalibor
Papouek, Masaryk University (Brno). 1994 As Fernand Braudel has so
eloquently argued, social and cultural periods of history, including
religious periods, do not...such cultural realities shared among Christians
as well as with their s ister pagan groups: Greek language.
The Complete Archaeology of Greece: From Hunter-Gatherers...John
Bintliff 2012 It appears that much of lowland Greece is an artifact,
since such signs of human activity are almost continuously encountered
between...the core is a period-based overview of material culture and
society, preceded by an introduction to the Greek landscape... journal
Annales (1929present, with various forms of title), most notably
Fernand Braudel and Le Roy Ladurie, developed an insightful model
The Cultural Context of Medieval Music 22 Nancy Van Deusen
2011 Silva, then, as a translation of the Greek term for chaos in Plato's
Timaeus, stood for material, both seen and unseen, without...The French
historian Fernand Braudel in his book The Identity of France mentions
these forests of medieval France...
The Enlightenment as Social Criticism: Iosipos Moisiodax... 184.
Paschalis M. Kitromilides 2014 In addition to this, Moisiodax, as a
representative of the phenomenon of cultural Hellenization, embodies
another hallmark of Balkan society and the place of Greek culture within
it. Fernand Braudel has reminded us that the Balkans formed...
The Essential World History William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel
2013 Cities appeared and became the focal point of cultural and
religious development... the emergence of advanced societies in Egypt


and Mesopotamia and then proceeded to Ancient Greece and the

Roman...the world historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting
world history as a river with no banks. xxi On the whole...
The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker,
Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 Cities appeared and became the focal point of
cultural and religious development... emergence of advanced societies in
Egypt and Mesopotamia and then proceeded to Ancient Greece and the
Roman...as the world historian Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting
world history as a river with no banks. xxi On the whole...
The Essential World History, Volume II: Since 1500 xvii William
J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2013 Cities appeared and became the
focal point of cultural and religious development... the emergence of
advanced societies in Egypt and Mesopotamia and then proceeded to
Ancient Greece and the Roman...the world historian Fernand Braudel
termed it, interpreting world history as a river with no banks. xvii On the
The Formation of Christendom Judith Herrin 1989 In a lucid history of
what used to be termed "the Dark Ages," Judith Herrin outlines the
origins of Europe from the end of late antiquity to the coronation of
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the... 278
Iain McGilchrist 2009 One has to accept that Greek, like many other
languages, began being written in the opposite direction, the one that
favours the right...that it may have been not just literacy, but the structure
of the Greek alphabet, which was responsible for the cognitive shifts of
Greek culture...'Writing is basically a technology,' wrote the great French
historian, Fernand Braudel, a way of committing things to memory
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age... Fernand
Braudel 1995 Fernand Braudel...the intermingling of Mediterranean
cultures, all the more rich in consequences since in this zone of
exchanges cultural groups were so...There was once a Greek civilization,
of which the substance at least has been saved.
The Mediterranean: Environment and Society 94 Russell King,
Lindsay Proudfoot, Bernard Smith 2014 Although Fernand Braudel
(1972, pp... By 1500 ad, the emergent hegemonic Ottoman state already
controlled mainland Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria, and over the


next...prolonged siege of Famagusta and Nicosia in 1573 (Braudel 1972,

p... These allowed the Russians unprecedented commercial access
Venetian Republic Hapsburg Empire [DAMASCUS BAGHDAD
ALEPPO and cultural.
The New Media Invasion: Digital Technologies and the World... John
David Ebert 2011 This study explores how Internet entities like Amazon,
YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, and Google, and gadgets such as digital
cameras, cell phones, video games, robots, drones, and all things
MacIntosh have affected everything from the book...
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History 479 Joel Mokyr
2003 The historiography of the Mediterranean has long been dominated
by the classic work of Fernand Braudel (1973), which brings...Rome
acquired its knowledge of Greek culture after the conquest not just of
Greece but of the Hellenistic world...
The Oxford History of Historical Writing: Volume 5... 335 Axel
Schneider, Daniel Woolf 2011 Their research experience extended to the
major European libraries and archives, and their cultural horizon was
European... For Momigliano, the end of the culturally long-dominant
presupposition of a particular tie between German and classical Greek
culture opened new...studies, initially mostly French (Marc Bloch,
Lucien Febvre, and Fernand Braudel, Jacques Le Goff, and the Annales
School, with...
The Place of the Mediterranean in Modern Israeli Identity 98
Alexandra Nocke 2009 Fernand Braudel examined the way cultural
possessions traveled in the region and emphasized the role of
anonymous...etymological lexicon The Lingua Franca in the Levant
Turkish Nautical Terms of Italian and Greek Origin (1958).
The Price of Freedom: A History of East Central Europe... 44 Piotr
Stefan Wandycz 2001 Fernand Braudel wrote about the long sixteenth
century that covered the two hundred years from the mid-1450s to
the...intellectual sphere the Renaissance understood as a rebirth of
cultural achievements of the Greek-Roman world...
The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World Lincoln Paine
2014 Lord Novgorod the Great: Essays in the History and Culture of a
Medieval City State. Columbus: Slavica, 1981... The Greeks Overseas:
Their Early Colonies and Trade. 4th ed. London: Thames...Uitgeverij
Verloren, 2006. Braudel, Fernand.


The Uniqueness of Western Civilization 12 Ricardo Duchesne

2011 ... relations (729).9 Less hesitant in its appreciation of human
progress was Fernand Braudel's A History of Civilizations...Braudel
viewed the world's civilizations as the history of continual and mutual
borrowing over many centuries, but he also...Since its origins in Greek
culture, the tendency of Western civilization, Braudel observed, has
been towards rationalism as well as greater freedom (23).
Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Early Modern...Maria Fusaro,
Mohamed-Salah Omri, Colin Heywood 2010 The book aims to open up
the subject to English-speaking readers, in particular to those interested in
maritime history; the history of the early modern world; and the
historiographical legacy of Fernand Braudel.
Trading Cultures: The Worlds of Western Merchants: Essays...Jeremy
Adelman, Stephen Aron 2001 16 Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, (New York, 1972),
1:103...similar methods of navigation on the part of Greek sea captains
were interpreted as something unique to the Greeks.
Venice: The Hinge of Europe, 1081-1797 William H. McNeill 2009
Concentrating on Venice as the hinge of European history in the late
medieval and early modern period, McNeill explores the technological,
economic, and political bases of Venetian power and wealth, and the City
s unique status at the...
War and Society in the Roman World 13 Dr John Rich, Dyson
Junior Research Fellow in Greek Culture Graham Shipley, Graham
Shipley 2002 Dr John Rich, Dyson Junior Research Fellow in Greek
Culture Graham Shipley, Graham Shipley...Thus Fernand Braudel on
the early modern period;1 but the same tensions were found in antiquity
and were often resolved more violently.
When the Gods Were Born: Greek Cosmogonies and the Near East
Carolina Lpez-Ruiz 2010 Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age
(1992), as well as with numerous articles, such as "Oriental and Greek
Mythology...up by the pioneering work of Fernand Braudel, La
Mediterranee et le monde mediterraneen a I'epoque de Philippe II...
World Civilizations And History Of Human Development: 95
Robert Holton, William Richard Nasson 2009 Roman civilization
emerged out of a long process by which Greek culture was reshaped into
a new form... In his studies of the Mediterranean, Fernand Braudel


portrayed the interaction of a plurality of civilizations within the unity of

World History to 1500: To 1500 William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel
2008 Cities appeared and became the focal point of cultural and
religious development... From Greece and Rome, the road led directly to
the rise of modern civilization in the West... of individual civilizations
and focuses instead on the big picture or, as the world historian
Fernand Braudel termed it, interpreting world history as...
World History William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel 2015 Cities
appeared and became the focal point of cultural and religious
development... began with a chapter or two on the emergence of
advanced societies in Egypt and Mesopotamia and then proceeded to
Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire... that gives less attention to the
study of individual civilizations and focuses instead on the big picture
or, as the world historian Fernand Braudel termed it...
World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2015 Cities appeared and became the focal point of cultural
and religious development... Courses on Western civilization
conventionally began with a chapter or two on the emergence of
advanced societies in Egypt and Mesopotamia and then proceeded to
Ancient Greece and the Roman...of individual civilizations and focuses
instead on the big picture or, as the world historian Fernand Braudel
termed it...
World History, Volume II: Since 1500 William J. Duiker, Jackson J.
Spielvogel 2015 Cities appeared and became the focal point of cultural
and religious development... Courses on Western civilization
conventionally began with a chapter or two on the emergence of
advanced societies in Egypt and Mesopotamia and then proceeded to
Ancient Greece and the Roman...of individual civilizations and focuses
instead on the big picture or, as the world historian Fernand Braudel
termed it...
55-56 12 Sad B. Himdah, Fud S arruf, Nabh Amn Fris
2008 Jakob Burckhardt developed his interpretation of Ancient Greek
cultural history {Griechische Kulturgeschichte) on precisely...Even more
problematic in defining culture is the role of the environment in the sense
in which Fernand Braudel has...


Hellenism, Hellenistic
A Companion to Archaeology 176 John Bintliff 2008 represents a
central aspect of Annaliste thought: structural history, as elaborated by
Fernand Braudel (1972; Bintliff 1991a...externally directed population
climax occurs during the Hellenistic era, from the late fourth to the
second centuries bc.
A Companion to Food in the Ancient World 138 John Wilkins,
Robin Nadeau 2015 The evolution that made of the hen the poultryyard
bird par excellence was complete by the end of the Hellenistic period...
Fernand Braudel (1980, 15963) once spoke of northwestern Europe as
a Europe of carnivores. part of this Europe...
A Greek Countryside: The Southern Argolid from Prehistory...Michael H.
Jameson, Curtis Neil Runnels, Tjeerd Hendrik Van Andel 1994
Untersuchungen zur hellenistischen Geschichte des 3. Jahrhunderts v.Chr.
Historia Einzelschriften, 20. Wiesbaden. Hennig, G., W... "Fernand
Braudel and the Monde Braudellien." Journal of Modern History 44:
480-539. Higgs, E. S., and C.
A Short History of the World 424 Geoffrey Blainey 2003 6
AMAZING SEA 69 Hugging the coast: Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the...834 Hellenistic influence: Claudio Vliz, The
New I/Vorld of the Gothic Fox: Culture and Economy in English and
Spanish America, University of...
A Small Greek World: Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean 21
Irad Malkin 2011 ... throughout centuries of Greek history, while
bringing to the foreground and shaping Hellenic identity in the process...
Fernand Braudel, the great Mediterranean historian, may have
overemphasized the determinism of Mediterranean...
Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives 283.
Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck 2009 apparatus used by humans over
a very long period of time, reaching perhaps as far back as the beginnings


of Neolithic (in terms of Fernand Braudel's longue dure). Having the

faculty of...That, however, had to wait for the Hellenistic times.
Archaeology in the Making: Conversations through a Discipline William
L Rathje, Michael Shanks, Christopher Witmore 2013 We read only
some Greek tragedies, because in the Hellenistic world the Alexandrians
selected only some tragedies... You know that the Ecole des Annales,
Lucien Febvre, Marc Bloch and Fernand Braudel (Revel and Wachtel
1996), were...
Art in the Era of Alexander the Great: Paradigms of... 4 Ada
Cohen 2010 We owe the concept of the longue dur ee to Fernand
Braudel and his famous 1958 essay, History and the Social...in the
Hellenistic period allowed for the possibility of animal logos,
culminating with Plutarch's second-century C.E. treatise on...
Atlas of Cities 246 Paul Knox 2014 Ageographitos Chora
[Geographically illiterate land]: Hellenic idols in the Epistemological
Reflections of European.... generale nel Mediterraneo e in Occidente alla
fine del Medioevo in Mlanges en l'honneur de Fernand Braudel.
Balkan Worlds: The First and Last Europe 394 Traian Stoianovich
2015 Un Voyageur tmoin des prix europens la fin du XVIe sicle,
in Mlanges en l'honneur de Fernand Braudel, Vol... organized by the
Hellenic Centre for European Studies (EKEM) and the Hellenic
Foundation for Defence and Foreign...
Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition 319.
Cedric J. Robinson 2005 Fernand Braudel, Capitalism and Material
Life, 14001800, Harper and Row, New York, 1973, pp. xiiiXV. 4. Karl
Marx, The German...Along with the Italic, the Hellenic, the Indian, the
University Press, Cambridge, 1945, pp. 5075. Notes.
Books on Turkey 122 2005 Jacques Reuel Fernand Braudel
Crusaders 1191-1374 Cass (2002) ISBN: 0714682446 Modern Library
(2001) Peter UJ. Edbury 18, ref...cm. , 241 pp. 21, ref: 21219 Homer's
Landscapes: Troy and Hellenistic Architectural Sculpture: Ithaca.
Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Adventurers, and...Nayan
Chanda 2008 Boorstin, Discoverers, 161. Sir William Tarn, Hellenistic
Civilisation (London: Edward Arnold, 1927), 2. 53. Pagden, Peoples and
Empires, 36. Mansfield, History of the Middle East, 1516. 55. Cook,
BriefHistory, 279. Fernand Braudel, A History...


Christian Community in History Volume 1: Historical... 143 Roger

D. Haight 2004 But this Jewish Christianity in its turn toward the empire
rapidly assumed Hellenistic and Roman forms... See the distinctions in
historical change, drawn by Fernand Braudel, as noted by Peter Burke,
History and Sociology (London: George...
Christian Community in History Volume 1: Historical... 143 Roger
Haight 2004 But this Jewish Christianity in its turn toward the empire
rapidly assumed Hellenistic and Roman forms... See the distinctions in
historical change, drawn by Fernand Braudel, as noted by Peter Burke,
History and Sociology (London: George...
Civilization and capitalism, 15th-18th century 3 543
Fernand Braudel 1985 Fernand Braudel...episode would of course take
us too far, through the extraordinary Hellenistic world resulting from
Alexander's conquests, in which territorial states like Egypt and Syria
replaced the earlier model, the Greek City -state.
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 Fernand Braudel. was long...Blithely disregarding
anachronism, they opened up the entire field of historical prospecting to
it, from Ancient Babylon to Hellenistic Greece, Ancient China, Rome,
the European Middle Ages, India. All the great...
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The... 472
Fernand Braudel 1992 Fernand Braudel. replaced cash with written
documents...The same devices were found in Greece and Hellenistic
Egypt, where Alexandria became 'the most popular centre of international
transit'. Rome was familiar with current accounts...
Civilizations and World Order: Geopolitics and Cultural... xii. Fred
Dallmayr, M. Akif Kayapnar, smail Yaylac 2014 ... Sumeric, the
Mayan, the Indic, the Hittite, the Syriac, the Hellenic, the Babylonic, the
Mexican, the Arabic, the Yucatec, the Spartan, and the Ottoman
civilizations... Fernand Braudel, A History of Civilizations (New York:
Penguin, 1993), 67.
Colonialism and Its Legacies 114 Jacob T. Levy 2011 Every
Hellenistic, or Eurocentric argument, such as Weber's, can be falsified if
we take 1492 as the ultimate date of comparison...A Theoretical
Introduction to 5,000 Years of World System History, Review (Fernand
Braudel Center) 13, no.


Davids Jerusalem: Between Memory and History 6 Daniel Pioske

2015 ... transitions into a study of a work composed in the late
Persian/early Hellenistic period (late 4th to 3rd centuries BCE)...be traced
in many ways to Fernand Braudel's groundbreaking The Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the...
Dictionary of European actors Elisabeth Lambert Abdelgawad, Hlne
Michel 2015 ... historians Jacques le Goff and Fernand Braudel, and the
second, which ended up receiving the support of the DG X...of
publication (1990), the book was violently criticised in Greece for
allegedly devoting too little space to the Hellenistic...
Dire Straits: The Perils of Writing the Early Modern... Elizabeth Jane
Bellamy 2013 The sea's most ambitious historian, Fernand Braudel, has
argued with simple but resonant eloquence that '[t]he best...coastal waters
of the Mediterranean.56 The Ancient Hellenic concept of the oikoumene,
conceived by Herodotus and later...
Early Modern Constructions of Europe: Literature, Culture...Florian
Klger, Gerd Bayer 2016 In respect to the Mediterranean region
Fernand Braudel has done groundbreaking work (2001, see also Seznec
1940). How interrelated were the cultures in this part of the world? How
'original' was the Hellenic civilization? How much did it...
Enargeia in Classical Antiquity and the Early Modern Age...Heinrich F.
Plett 2012 Veranschaulichung und Zitat: Die Wahrheit der Geschichte,
in: Fernand Braudel et al., Der Historiker als...Stertz, Stephen A.
Themistius: A Hellenic Philosopher-Statesman in the Christian Roman
Empire, ClassicalJournal 71/4 (1976)...
Encountering the Sacred: The Debate on Christian... 219 Brouria
Bitton-Ashkelony 2005 Hellenistic and Oriental Origins." In The
Byzantine Saint, ed.Hackel (q.v.), 25-33..Promoting...In Melanges en
I'honneur de Fernand Braudel, 189-206.Toulouse, 1973. Duval, N.
"Breves observations sur 1'usage des mensae...
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire xiv. Ga bor A goston, Bruce
Alan Masters 2010 Prior to Georgetown he worked as a research
associate at the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies,
Historical Systems and Civilizations at...Ali Yaycolu is a postdoctoral
fellow at Hellenic Studies, Princeton University.
Features of Common Sense Geography: Implicit Knowledge... Klaus
Geus, Martin Thiering 2014 Braudel 1982: Fernand Braudel, Civilt


materiale, economia e capitalismo (secoli XVXVIII), ital. transl., Torino

(orig... Clarke 1999: Katherine Clarke, Between Geography and History:
Hellenistic Constructions of the Roman World, Oxford.
Formations of European Modernity: A Historical and...Gerard Delanty
2013 The Roman Empire shifted the eastwardly Hellenic civilization
westwards, though much of presentday Northern Europe lay...In his
studiesofthe Mediterranean, Fernand Braudel portrayed the interaction
ofa plurality ofcivilizations within the...
French Historians 1900-2000: New Historical Writing in... 267
Philip Daileader, Philip Whalen 2010 ... and it is especially striking that
accolades came from prominent historians such as Fernand Braudel and
Emmanuel Le...in Hellenistic writings, with some attention to the
Hellenic foundations of Socrates and his intellectual descendants.
Globalistics and Globalization Studies: Big History &... 251
Leonid E. Grinin, Ilya V. Ilyin, Peter Herrmann ... numerous agrarian
empires gained power and achieved prosperity, such as the Hellenistic
world, the Roman Empire...1 The term introduced by Fernand Braudel
(1973) to denote the period from 1453 to about 1640, later caught up and
Globalization and Its Enemies 65 Daniel Cohen 2007 The idea of
a world economy came from Fernand Braudel and was reprised and
developed by Immanuel Wallerstein. Braudel explains that...So too was
Carthage in its heyday; or the Hellenic world; or even Rome....So was
China, which from...
God of Battles: Holy Wars of Christianity and Islam 134 Peter
Partner 1997 ranean, Fernand Braudel, called 'fraternization' was a fact
of Mediterranean life: Between the two enemy religions, it would...There
was also, especially in the Iberian peninsula, the Balkans and the
Hellenic-Turkish areas, parts of Syria and...
Governing the Gene: The Politics of Transgenic Agriculture... 52.
2009 been recognized as early as Hellenistic Alexandria. Yet knowledge
of this mechanistic form obviously...(Palo Alto, CA.: Academica Press,
2008) 233. 38 See generally Fernand Braudel, Afterthoughts on Material
Civilization and Capitalism...
Great Historians of the Modern Age: An International... 227.
Lucian Boia 1991 To accompany Braudel along the terrestrial and
maritime roads of the sixteenth century, that is, to pass from Philip the


Second's study at the Escorial to the Venetian...In 1976, a Fernand

Braudel Center was established at the State University of New York,
Binghamton... In the light of his research, he viewed Byzantine history as
"Roman in traditions, Hellenic in culture and oriental in government.
Handbook of Archaeological Theories 157 R. Alexander Bentley,
Herbert D. G. Maschner, Christopher Chippindale 2009 ... the work
which best exemplifies the movement appeared just after World War II,
Fernand Braudel's massive historical...violently confronted by a novel
replacement form of great Hellenistic kingdoms and the supranational
republican state of...
Hegel and the Third World: The Making of Eurocentrism in... Teshale
Tibebu 2011 Herein lies Hegel's Hellenic ideal (see Gray 1941). Hegel
identifies three...Like Fernand Braudel later, he sees history and
geography as intrinsically linked: history is the march of world spirit
within a defined geographical abode. There are...
Hellenistic Rhodes: Politics, Culture, and Society 55 Vincent
Gabrielsen 1999 PERAIA: Einige berlegungen zum Festlandbesitz
Griechischer Inselstaaten Peter Funke In einem Essay ber die
mediterrane Welt hat Fernand Braudel einmal geuert, da
scheinbar ein Paradox die geschichtlichen Anfange der...
Historical Information Science: An Emerging Unidiscipline 741
Lawrence J. McCrank 2001 F51 FERNAND BRAUDEL CENTER for
the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations. 1976-.
Newsletter... Berkeley, CA: Center for Hermeneutical Studies in
Hellenistic and Modern Culture; c1988. 84p. (Colloquy series).
Human Geography: A History for the Twenty-First Century 187
George Benko, Ulf Strohmayer 2014 ... 1995, 'Geography before
geography: pre-Hellenistic meteors and climates', in Benko, G. and
Strohmayer, U. (eds.)...look at the idiographic-nomothetic distinction in
the German social sciences', Revue of the Fernand Braudel Center, vol.
Identity and Everyday Life: Essays in the Study of... 160 Harris M.
Berger, Giovanna P. Del Negro 2004 Other influences on de Certeau
were Annal school thinkers such as Fernand Braudel, who argued that
the examination of...In Capitalism and Material Life: 1400 -1800 ([1967]
1973), for example, Braudel explores the historical transformation of
daily practices in...The latter groups differentiate themselves by


displaying the qualities of the legendary Hellenic heroes or manifesting

the Nietzchean ideal of...
International Congress on Learning and Education in the... 10 Ali
aksu, Ekmeleddin hsanolu 2001 The Composite Structure of the
Ottoman Legacy The History of Civilizations, as Fernand Braudel
points out, is a history of their...Having been united under the Assyrian
rule, the Near East entered the Hellenistic cultural milieu and began to...
Island Stories: Unravelling Britain 18. Raphael Samuel, Alison
Light, Gareth Stedman Jones 1999 ... on Aristophanes's comedy, The
Birds (414), Alexander to Actium: the Historical Evolution of the
Hellenistic Age, Berkeley...20, nos 1 and 2, Spring and Fall 1987.
includes a 'Selective Introduction to Herodotean Studies'; Fernand
Jerusalem in Bible and Archaeology: The First Temple Period Andrew G.
Vaughn, Ann E. Killebrew 2003 .. pre-Hellenistic settlements in
southwest Israel, which may allow the drawing of more detailed
settlement maps in the future.23...This essay applies an approach of
landscape archaeology, which works with Fernand Braudel's paradigm
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 24-25 64 1998
BRAUDEL, FERNAND. Civilization and Capitalism: 15th-18th
Century: The Perspective of the World. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1979. BRENNER, ROBERT. "Agrarian Class Structure and
Economic Development in Preindustrial...
Landscape of the Mind: Human Evolution and the Archeology... John F.
Hoffecker 2010 For a recent discussion of the Hellenistic military
revolution, see S. Cuomo, Technology and Culture in Greek
and...Fernand Braudel discussed Alexandrian Egypt as an abortive
industrial revolution in The Perspective of the World, vol.
Leading Sectors and World Powers: The Coevolution of... 122
George Modelski, William R. Thompson 1996 Some authors such as
Michael Rostovtsev claimed Hellenistic " City capitalism" to have
flourished in the Roman Empire of the second and third centuries. For
Fernand Braudel (1984, 620) capitalism has been potentially visible
since the "dawn...


Marc Bloch: A Life in History Carole Fink 1991 Traces the life of the
French-Jewish patriot who was a major participant in the French
Resistance during World War II
Masks and Mirrors: Generation X and the Chameleon Personality
Bernard Carl Rosen 2001 ... York: Ballantine Books, 1994), p. 13. 15.
Fernand Braudel, Civilization...See William W. Tarn, Helenistic
Civilization (London: E. Arnold, 1930), for a classic description of the
Hellenistic era. 19. Quoted in Joseph Epstein, Ambition (New...
Mediterranean Archaeology 11 271 1998 Of course it is as
difficult to separate Christianity in Syria-Palestine from the Hellenistic
and Aramaean cultural context as it...Such diversity and complexity may
not always be easily explained, to paraphrase Fernand Braudel writing
in another...
MEDITERRANEAN PARADIGMS Irad Malkin 2013 In this book
Mediterranean paradigms are applied to the world of Classical Antiquity,
from Ancient Greece to the Roman Empire, offering original
perspectives with wide-ranging implications to how we view history in
Mouseio Akropols: syntomos hodgos. 2009
Music in the Balkans 46 Jim Samson 2013 'Mountains come first'
is the apt quotation (from Fernand Braudel) that introduces the first
chapter of Mark Mazower's...referring to the Hellenic traditions of north
pindus, to the illyrian idioms of albania and the Dinaric alps, and to a
rather dif...
New Orleans in the Atlantic World: Between Land and Sea 75
William Boelhower 2013 Like Havana or Port-au-Prince, New Orleans is
within the orbit of a Hellenistic world that never touched the North
Atlantic... to Greater Louisiana and its articulations with the Atlantic
World is suggested by Fernand Braudel's magisterial study...
On History 195 Fernand Braudel 1982 Fernand Braudel. Next
stage: each civilization progresses only insofar as it is...This, or
approximately this, was the end of the Greco-Roman civilization which
Toynbee authoritatively calls Hellenic. In the Roman example, we have a
plan, the...
Orthodox Christianity in 21st Century Greece: The Role of... ix.
Professor Vasilios N Makrides, Professor Victor Roudometof 2013 ...


Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation of European and Foreign Policy

(ELIAMEP) in Athens (from September 2004 until present)... and in the
European University Institute (Law Dept. in January-February 2009 as
Fernand Braudel Fellow).
Paliochora on Kythera: Survey and Interpretation: Studies... 3
Gillian Ince, Andrew Ballantyne 2007 Kythera is part of the Hellenic arc
which is in turn part of the Alpine-Himalayan range... The Hellenic arc 9
P.L. Lazarides, AD 20 (1965), pp... Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Transl.
Paradise Lost: Reflections on the Struggle for... 225 Cristoffel A.
O. van Nieuwenhuijze 1997 ... tradition, including the Greek-Hellenistic
source material, not as go-betweens but of their own accord and for their
own purposes.17 Secondly, the unhampered yet eclectic nature of the
operation, notably. " Fernand Braudel, La Mediterranee...
Program of the Annual Meeting American Historical...American
Historical Association ... Business Enterprise, 1930-1939 $17 95 paper,
History of the American Cinema Fernand Braudel The
Mediterranean...Society & Culture Peter Green, Editor Hellenistic
History and Culture $17.95 paper, Hellenistic Culture & Society Erich...
Reconstructing Architecture: Critical Discourses and... 123
Thomas A. Dutton, Lian Hurst Mann 1996 ... for making a significant
impact on the production of the built environment, because, to paraphrase
Fernand Braudel...of ecology.14 Although the practice of architecture in
Hellenistic times was demonstrably attentive to solar orientation...
Representations of the "Other/S" in the Mediterranean... 45 Nedret
Kuran Burolu, Susan Gilson Miller 2004 The Mediterranean
chronotopos is characterized by the "superposing" (Fernand Braudel,
1995) and "postposing" of the...as a superposition over the Late Antique
and Hellenistic culture; the Early Byzantine literature is a part of a
larger whole;...
Romanticism and Colonialism: Writing and Empire, 1780-1830 Timothy
Fulford, Peter J. Kitson 2005 _]amaica is never quite as solidly 'there' as
the Hellenic or English pastoral loci amoeni with which the literature
strives to...Along with beef, cakes and tarts, the English 23 Fernand
Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, tr.
Rome, the Greek World, and the East 1 235 Fergus Millar,
Hannah Cotton, Guy MacLean Rogers 2002 ... Mediterranean, remains


the last part of Michael Rostovtzeff 's Social and Economic History of the
Hellenistic World... H. Hexter, "Fernand Braudel and the Monde
Braudellien," in his On Historians (1979), 61-145, see now S. Kinser...
Sense and Sensitivity: Essays on Reading the Bible in... 210 Philip
R. Davies, Alastair G. Hunter 2002 Braudel, in typically eloquent style,
deals with this in the preface to his magisterial work on the
Mediterranean: We must learn...back to the asylum, I might be able to
chat with Fernand Braudel, one of my intellectual heroes and one of the
giants of History. For Dever (2001: 102) to claim that revisionist datings
of biblical texts to the Persian or Hellenistic periods renders the Hebrew
Bible a ' pious fiction,...
SOMA 2005: Proceedings of the IX Symposium on... 316 Oliva
Menozzi, Marialuigia Di Marzio, Domenico Fossataro 2008
CARTLEDGE, P. and A. SPAWFORTH (1989) Hellenistic and Roman
Sparta: A Tale of Two Cities. London and New York. CIANCIO
ROSSETTO...The Geohistorical Structuralism of Fernand Braudel.
American Historical Review 86/1, 63-105.
Texas Monthly . 1987 125 15, . 2 22.95
$16.50 5736 From Alexander To Cleopatra: The Hellenistic World, by
Michael Grant. The people, politics and creations of an age. $19.95
$13.95...I), by Fernand Braudel. Socioeconomics. $31. 95, $15.50 3996.
Jesus Through the...
The Ancient Economy 48 Walter Scheidel, Sitta von Reden 2012
The Hellenistic and Roman Greek World, which, unfortunately, is on the
whole less studied than classical Greece (and above all Athens), must
occupy a central position in those comparisons, since it...Fernand
Braudel once said: 48 After Finley.
The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models 244 Joseph Gilbert
Manning, Ian Morris 2007 "Fernand Braudel, l'antiquite et 1'histoire
ancienne." Quademi di storia 24: 5-21. Andreau, J., and F. Hartog, eds.
1987-89. "La cite...Hellenistic Economies. London. Ault, B. 1999.
"Koprones and oil presses at Halieis: Interactions of town and...
The Collapse of Ancient Rome. Nunziante Mastrolia 2015 68, Bari:
Lateza. As Braudel writes Augustus, as the Hellenistic kings, is a
"savior prince", Fernand Braudel (2010), Memorie del Mediterraneo,
p.373, Milan: Bompiani. [128] Gibbon (n.2) vol.1 p. 67 [129] Ammiano
Marcellino (2007) Le storie...


The contracts in the triptychs found in Transylvania and... 15

Elemr Play, Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1980 According to the
data and estimates of Frederic C. Lane.34 regarded by Fernand Braudel
too as a starting-point,3 5 completed by Eliahu Ashtor's further
contributions,36 at the close of the 15th century and at the very beginning
of the 16th...
The Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Renewal of Critical... 25
Gerard Delanty 2009 The Roman Empire, while expanding in many
directions from Rome after the Punic Wars and the conquest of the
Hellenic territories, was in its time a world empire. In his studies of the
Mediterranean, Fernand Braudel portrayed the interaction...
The Determinants of Economic Growth 200 Maaike S.
Oosterbaan, Thijs de Ruyter van Steveninck, Nico van der Windt 2012
These include Hellenistic Alexandria, medieval China, and various places
in Europe in the high Middle Ages. An especially disturbing case,
discussed by the French historian Fernand Braudel (1979), is Milan and
the region of Lombardy in the...
The Esoteric Codex: The Alchemists 68 Ervin Reffner Fernand
Braudel; translated by Richard Mayne. (1995). A History of
Civilizations. New York, N.Y.: Penguin. ISBN 0-14-012489-6...The
Hellenistic Philosophers. Vol 1: Translations of the principal sources with
philosophical commentary.
The Evolution of Inequality: War, State Survival, and... 4 Manus I.
Midlarsky 1999 No less a personage than Fernand Braudel expresses
wonderment at the inequality relations he observes... William McNeill,
for example, observes in connection with the Hellenistic world that
"obscure economic factors apparently favored...
The Forgotten Revolution: How Science Was Born in 300 BC... Lucio
Russo, Silvio (translator) Levy 2013
[Braudel] Fernand Braudel,
Civilization and capitalism, 15th-18th century, vol. I: The structures of
everyday life: the limits of the...VII: The Hellenistic monarchies and the
rise of Rome, and vol. VIII: Rome and the Mediterranean, 218133
The Formation of Christendom Judith Herrin 1989 In a lucid history of
what used to be termed "the Dark Ages," Judith Herrin outlines the
origins of Europe from the end of late antiquity to the coronation of


The Global Cities Reader Neil Brenner, Roger Keil 2006 So too was
Carthage in its heyday; or the Hellenic world; or even Rome; so too was
Islam after its lightning triumphs. In the ninth century, the Norman
venture on the outer...speaking, in exceptional circumstances. For
The Globalization of Knowledge in History 31 Jrgen Renn 2012
... a continuous accumulation of scientific knowledge beyond local
networks, such as Hellenistic society, was prevented by...Comparing the
China Sea with Fernand Braudel's narrative of Mediterrane, Wang
Gungwu argues that the China...
The Hellenistic West 9. Jonathan R. W. Prag, Josephine Crawley
Quinn 2013 By contrast, Fernand Braudel, notwithstanding his assertion
of the unity of the Mediterranean region, set out 'the narrow seas, home of
history' early in his work, and in particular urged very strongly the idea of
a sharp geographical EastWest...
The Jewish Revolt Against Rome: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Mladen
Popovi? 2011 became the mantra of the Annales school, founded in Paris
by Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch, later led by Fernand Braudel... and
M. I. Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic
World (3 vols.; Oxford: Clarendon, 1941).
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions... 175
Alain Bresson 2015 In Classical and Hellenistic Greece, houses grew
larger and were better equipped, and the quantity of goods
available...Fernand Braudel wrote a classical account of the importance
of fish, especially herring, for the peoples of northern...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age...
1Fernand Braudel 1995 "Braudels Mediterranean is a tour de force,
one of the classics of this century's historical writing."--Charles Tilly,
author of "As Sociology Meets History"
The Mediterranean in the Ancient World. Fernand Braudel 2002
Fernand Braudel. Hellenistic. civilization. as. a. whole. In the preceding
pages, I have given prominence to science, which was an essential feature
of Hellenistic civilization. But its other features interest us too, for many
reasons, among them...
The Middle Ages: One Or Many? 3 Louis Roberts 1994 ... Le
Goff acknowledges the impact on his continued development as a
historian of both Fernand Braudel (who taught him to...Le Goff had


subscribed to the traditional humanistic concept of Renaissance as a time

of return to Hellenic ideas.
The Myth of the Welfare State 240 Jack D. Douglas 1989 M.
Rostovtzeff, The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World
(London: Oxford University Press, 1941), vol. 1, p. 415. 2... Fernand
Braudel, The Structures of Everyday Life (New York: Harper and Row,
1979). On the crucial...
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia 970 1994 Lycia
and Cilicia Aspera during the Hellenistic Period (1961), contains an
introductory historical chapter, based on both the Greek...A very wideranging study of the whole Mediterranean area in the 16th century is
The New Encyclopdia Britannica: Macropdia 970
Encyclopaedia Britannica, inc 1993 Lycia and Cilicio spera during the
Hellenistic Period ( 1 96 1 ), contains an introductory historical chapter,
based on both the Greek...A very wide-ranging study of the whole
Mediterranean area in the 16th century is FERNAND BRAUDEL La...
The New Geography: How the Digital Revolution Is Reshaping... Joel
Kotkin 2002 Return to text. 10. Michael Grant, From Alexander to
Cleopatra: The Hellenistic World (New York: Scribners, 1982), p. xiv.
Return to text. 11. Fernand Braudel, The Perspective of the World, vol.
3: Civilization and Capitalism 15th18th Century...
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History 479 Joel Mokyr
2003 The historiography of the Mediterranean has long been dominated
by the classic work of Fernand Braudel (1973), which brings...Rome
acquired its knowledge of Greek culture after the conquest not just of
Greece but of the Hellenistic world...
The Prospect of Global History 4 James Belich, John Darwin,
Margret Frenz 2016
Hellenic and Mongol worlds survived the
fragmentation of the relevant empires. Europe was not a sub-global...1
Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in
the Age of Philip II, 3 vols. trans. Sin Reynolds (Berkeley...
The Red Sea: In Search of Lost Space 7. Alexis Wick 2016 ...
usually under the broad label of the new thalassology, an appealing
combination of classical, Hellenic authority and...is it made clear what
constitutes the old thalassology, although the short discussion of Fernand
Braudel Introduction 7.


The Zen of International Relations 152 S. Chan, P. Mandaville

2016 Fernand Braudel, A History of Civilizations (Harmondsworth:
Penguin Books, 1995), p... The configuration of Hellenic civilisation's
social history after its `breakdown' the leading minority in society comes
to depend more and more on force...
Things:: Religion and the Question of Materiality 426 Dick
Houtman, Birgit Meyer 2012 See esp. his reference to Fernand
Braudel's tripartite rhythm of historical time . event, conjuncture and
longue dure,...A Response to Bruce Longenecker, Journalfor the Study
ofJudaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 31...
Venetian Renaissance Fortifications in the Mediterranean: 8
Dragos Cosmescu 2015 ... influential French postwar school of history,
with Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World
in...is exemplified by the teams around Amalia Tsitouri at the Hellenic
Ministry of Culture, or Michalis Andrianakis in Crete.
Waging War Without Warriors?: The Changing Culture of... 41
Christopher Coker 2002 But there was nothing Hellenistic about the
organization and deployment of Hannibal's army except its reliance on
maneuver. It was the...In Fernand Braudel's words, the City 's
destruction represented "the final silencing of a very special voice.
Whose Historical Jesus? 137 William E. Arnal, Michel Desjardins
2010 ... regional differences seriously in terms of history and the varying
degrees of Hellenistic influence... Fernand Braudel's work, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, is
one of the most impressive examples of...
World Civilizations And History Of Human Development: 95
Robert Holton, William Richard Nasson 2009 Graeco-Roman
Civilization Greek civilization as it emerged during the Hellenic era did
not have the enduring...In his studies of the Mediterranean, Fernand
Braudel portrayed the interaction of a plurality of civilizations within the
unity of the...
Writing the History of Mathematics: Its Historical Development. Joseph
W. Dauben, Christoph J. Scriba 2002 In the tradition pioneered by Paul
Tannery at the turn of the century, Itard worked on Hellenistic
mathematics and on...a Center for Research on the History of Science
and Technology was created by Fernand Braudel (19021985) at the...


A Companion to Archaeology 176 John Bintliff 2008 represents a
central aspect of Annaliste thought: structural history, as elaborated by
Fernand Braudel (1972; Bintliff 1991a...and Macedonia, in the north of
Greece, where an aggressive externally directed population climax
occurs during the...
A Companion to Archaic Greece Kurt A. Raaflaub, Hans van Wees 2012
... of the Levant through the mountain forests of Macedonia and the
Apennines to the significant forests of southern Spain... However, the
land also supported a sedentary existence even in upland areas; Fernand
Braudel, who knew and...
A History of Civilizations 43 Fernand Braudel 1995 Fernand
Braudel. degree, to use the...Two centuries later, the immense structure
built by the Achaemenides dynasty fell to the onslaught of the Greeks
and Macedonians under Alexander the Great (33623 BC). Their
victory was even more...
A history of the Jewish community in Istanbul: the... 224 Mnn
Rzen 2002 ... Jews in the Caravan Routes and the Silver Mines of
Macedonia: The Communities of Serres and Siderokapisi in
the..."International Competition and Domestic Cloth in the Ottoman
Empire 1 500-1 600," Review, Fernand Braudel Center...
A study in Balkan civilization 24 Traian Stoianovich 1967 ... more
frequently than at the folk level, but in either case we confront what
Fernand Braudel aptly calls la longue durie...fair degree of assurance: a
central folk culture-Starfcevo- in what is today Serbia, Macedonia, and
western Bulgaria;...
Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army Donald
W. Engels 1980 Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on
Ancient Macedonia. Thessalonike, 1973Bossert, Helmut Th. Journ. of the
Turkish Hist. Soc. 14 (1950) 661666. Braudel, Fernand. The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in...
Alexander the Great in His World 159 Carol G. Thomas 2008 In
his broad retrospective Memory and the Mediterranean, Fernand
Braudel wrote of Alexander's mistake, namely leading his troops
eastward rather than toward...The choice offoe and the Macedonian
success both deserve consideration.


Alexander the Great: Coinage, Finances, and Policy 257 Georges

Le Rider 2007 But another factor may have intervened: after Darius III
died in 330, the Macedonian sovereign became the Great King and might
have thought...Fernand Braudel in Memory and the Mediterranean has a
chapter entided "Alexander's Mistake.
An Anthropology of Marxism 39 Cedric J. Robinson 2001
According to Fernand Braudel, the European world-economy began at
the two poles: Italy and the Low Countries... Greek propertied classes,
first with the Macedonian and later their Roman overlords.41 Later, as
documented in Roman Law...
An Economic History of Nineteenth-Century Europe... 18 Ivan
Berend, Tibor Ivn Berend 2013 After the Treaty of San Stefano (March
1878), Great Bulgaria included Macedonia, but the territory was reduced
to half the...on our comparative concept in the Melanges en l'honneur de
Fernand Braudel in 1973 (Berend and Ranki, 1973).
Anthems and the Making of Nation States: Identity and... Aleksandar
Pavkovi, Christopher Kelen 2015 'Fernand Braudel and National
Identity' in The Zones of Engagement (London, Verso) 25179 Andonov,
Stojan (2001). 'Prigodno obrakanje...Available at (accessed 19 March
2011) Blic (2008). 'Komisija za himnu...
ANTIQUITY 796 1994 In FYR Macedonia, sentiments are being
mobilized that are recognizably similar to those integral to the making of
national collectivities in other parts of the world. It is their...Fernand
Braudel and national identity, in A zone of engagement.
Archaeology Under Fire: Nationalism, Politics and Heritage...Lynn
Meskell 2002 ... 60n Boustany, Hares 153 BP 191 Braudel, Fernand:
The Identity of France 71 Britain: assumes rule of Palestine 181;...105n;
Council of Ministers 98; and Macedonian territory 69; Ministry of
Culture 96,102; Ministry of Public Education 94;...
Art in the Era of Alexander the Great: Paradigms of... 4 Ada
Cohen 2010
Furthermore, in Alexander's reign the sphere of
Macedonian influence spread far beyond Greece to include vast regions
in...We owe the concept of the longue dur ee to Fernand Braudel and his
famous 1958 essay, History and the Social...
Balcanica 38 307. 2008 ... Serbian family in the village of
Graeshnitsa near the City of Bitolj in Southern Serbia, present-day Bitola


in the FYR of Macedonia... He was inspired by the work of Fernand

Braudel, and he expressed his dedication to this school of history by...
Balkan Studies: 40 74 1999 ... however modestly,
Obradovic initiated in the Balkans a process of "inflation verbale", which
Fernand Braudel has...In pre1821 Macedonian Kozani, for example, the
presumed members of a Greek "philosophical society" showed their...
Balkan Worlds: The First and Last Europe 321 Traian Stoianovich
2015 ... social scientists, and culturologists, especially for open or covert
critics of Fernand Braudel's geohistory and material...Upon meeting his
first Serbs from Serbia in 1913 with the Serbian army in Macedonia, he
conceded that many of the...
Bandits. Eric Hobsbawm 2010 ... Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro,
Ottoman Empire ballads, xi, 160, 195; haiduk, 77, 79, 82, 84, 85, 86 bank
robberies, 1778...8, in Eritrea, 1, 2; in Peru, 110 68, 70; Brantme,
Pierre, Vie de dames galantes,153 11, 26 Braudel, Fernand...
Before the Nation: Muslim-Christian Coexistence and Its... 207
Nicholas Doumanis 2013
Bowman, Glen, 'OrthodoxMuslim
Interactions at Mixed Shrines in Macedonia', in Chris Hann and Hermann
Goltz, (eds), Eastern Christians in...Braudel, Fernand, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean [World in theAge rfPhilip II, vol.
Between East and West: The Balkan and Mediterranean... 64
Traian Stoianovich 1992 My heaviest debt is to Fernand Braudel, who
introduced me to the historical science of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes
Etudes and his own revolutionary conceptions of history. Without
Braudels inspiration, the present study would be almost...
Bhudh-sk 286 2005 Se me vienen a la mente los extraordinarios
libros de Fernand Braudel sobre la Historia del Mediterrneo, sobre Las
Ruedas del Comercio, o sobre Civilizacin y...Quiso el destino que all
conociera a Filipo, el rey de Macedonia.
Bright Balkan Morning: Romani Lives and the Power of Music... Charles
Keil, Dick Blau, Angeliki Keil 2002 4 Braudel, Fernand, 291 11. 9, 294
n. 49, 298 n. 8 breaking dishes, 44-45, 79 Breton musical traditions, 3031 Brown, Keith, 301 n. 14 Bulgarians, 136-3-, 290 n. 1, 299 n. 17 See
also Slavophone residents of Cireek Macedonia Bulgarian...
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this


book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands
and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well
Conquering Balkan Orthodox Merchant 234 Traian Stoianovich
1960 ... the Greek, Vlach, and Macedo-Slav muleteer and forwarding
agent of Epirus, Thessaly, and Macedonia, the Serbian...on a preliminary
manuscript of this work and to Professor Fernand Braudel for
introducing me to the historical science of...
Conversion to Islam in the Balkans: Kisve Bahas petitions... Anton
Minkov 2004 15 See, for example, Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philipp II (London...with
Special Reference to Macedonia, in Ottoman Rule in Middle Europe
and Balkan in the 16th and 17th Centuries...
Dismembering the State: The Death of Yugoslavia and why it... P. H.
Liotta 2001 Review of the Fernand Braudel Center (Fall 1996): 103130. Franck, Thomas M. "Tribe, Nation, World...Gall, Carlotta. "In
Macedonia: Many Fear Where They're Going, as Well as Where They've
Been." New York Times, 1 April 1999a, All. .
Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity, 1800-2000 40
Stefano Bianchini 2015 Mlanges en honneur de Fernand Braudel,
col... name, legally granted to Muslim peasants in Thrace, Macedonia
and Bosnia-Herzegovina during Ottoman expansion (up until Suleiman
the Magnificent), and sufficient to maintain a family.
Epirus Vetus: the archaeology of a late antique province 265.
William Bowden 2003 'Fernand Braudel and the Monde Braudelian',
Journal of Modern History 44, 480-39. Hobhouse, J.CH., 1813. A Journey
through...Travels in the Ionian Islands, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia etc.
During the Years 1812 and 1813 (London).
Essays on the Historical Geography of the Greek World in... 89
Basile G. Spirdonakis 1977 Fernand Braudel, for example, in his
masterful thesis on the Mediterranean has not been able to define and
delimit...future of Macedonia was hotly contested to the Turks by
Bulgarians, Serbs, and Greeks, did not fail to recognize that the "Old...
Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans: Nationalism and the...Cathie Carmichael
2003 Annales historian Fernand Braudel was acutely aware of the
problems associated withl'histoire evnmentielle (the...the South East of


Europe will nowbe relatively peaceful for many yearsto come, withthe
probable exceptionof Macedonia.
Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia 2 1423 Bernard A.
Cook 2001 See Macedonia Forty-Fivers...109-110 Bidault, Georges,
and, 123-124 Blum, Leon, and, 130-131 Bonnet, Henri, and, 135-136
Bourdieu, Pierre, and, 146-147 Braudel, Fernand, and, 151 Cassin,
Rene, and, 180-181 Castoriadis, Cornelius...
Europe, the Mediterranean, Russia: perception of strategies 90
Nikolaj A. Kovalaskij 1998 It is significant that it was particularly
Fernand Braudel, a world famous expert on the History of the
Mediterranean region, who discovered "the resistance factor of cultures"
which "re-appear trying hard...B.C., Greco-Macedonians in the 4th c.
Explaining Yugoslavia 446 John B. Allcock 2000 Paris: Editions
La Decouverte. Bourchier, J. (1910), "Macedonia" in Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 11th edn, vol... Braudel, Fernand (1972), The Mediterranean
and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, rev. edn. London:
Collins, 2 vols.
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in... 31
Anastasia N. Karakasidou 2009 Passages to Nationhood in Greek
Macedonia, 1870-1990 Anastasia N. Karakasidou...Fernand Braudel I
first went to Assiros in early July 1988, when the village's ripe golden
fields of wheat were being harvested and trucks heavily ladened...
Genocide in the Age of the Nation State: Volume 2: The... 418
Mark Levene 2005 Brailsford, H. N., Macedonia, its Races and their
Future (London: Methuen, 1906). Braude, Benjamin, and Lewis,
Bernard...Braudel, Fernand, The Mediterranean World in the Age
ofPhilip II, trans. Sian Reynolds (London: Fontana/Collins...
Greece 111 Thanos Verems, Mrkos Dragomis 1998 306
Reassessing ninety years of Greek historiography on the 'Struggle for
Macedonia 1904-1908'. Basil C... Review (Fernand Braudel Center),
vol. 16 (1993), p... 308 Steam over Macedonia: socio-economic change
and the railway factor.
Greece: A Short History of a Long Story, 7,000 BCE to the...Carol G.
Thomas 2014 cedars ofthe Levant throughthe mountainforests of
Macedonia and the Apennines to thesignificant forests of southern
Spain...Fernand Braudel, a French scholarwho knewand understoodthe
Mediterranean as wellas any personcan, painted a...


Historia, ciencia social: La duracin, el espacio y el... 243 Pierre

Chaunu 1986 Desde ese mismo lugar, y gracias a la conquista turca, lleg
a Asia Menor y Macedonia en el siglo XVI. Asimismo, desde la regin
valenciana...con la amenaza de la malaria, mal controlada. Los
arrozales, pone de relieve Fernand Braudel.
Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1450-1914 Eric H. Boehm
1994 Review (Fernand Braudel Center) 1993...Traces the Macedonian
Society from its creation in 1871 to its abolition by the Ottoman
authorities in 1877, emphasizing its origins in opposition to Greek
propaganda, its work in spreading national...
History in Exile: Memory and Identity at the Borders of... 292
Pamela Ballinger 2003 Braudel, Fernand. 1972a. The Mediterranean
and the...Child-Grandfathers: The Politics of Memory and Experience of
Forced Migration in Macedonia, 1948-1998 Donald W. Treadgold Paper
Series 37. Seattle: University of Washington.
Integration and identity: challenges to Europe and Israel... 90
Shlomo Avineri, Werner Weidenfeld, Bertalsmann Siftung (Gtersloh,
Germany). 1999 The unity of the Mediterranean area is also the startingpoint for Fernand Braudel and Henri Pirenne... War, the Peloponnesian
War, the Macedonian Wars and the Punic Wars which were succeeded by
the struggle between east and west...
International Encyclopedia of Military History James C. Bradford 2004
In other regions, for example, Macedonia and Tuscany, yields remained
stagnant and there was no real surplus. Creating a surplus by force or by
taxes often led to...BIBLIOGRAPHY Braudel, Fernand. Capitalism and
Material Life, 1400-1800.
Its end point was the conquest of Alexander (332 BC), since the arrival
of the Macedonians marked the end of Egypt's...set of routes': the titles
of the chapters in which Fernand Braudel sets out his vision of 'planet
Mediterranean' are, in reality...
Jonathan Burton 2005 Master H. B., Gentleman, from England by the
way of Venice, into Dalmatia, Sclavonia, Bosnia, Hungary, Macedonia,
Thessaly, Thrace, Rhodes and Egypt unto Gran Cairo: With Particular
Observations Concerning the...Braudel, Fernand.
Kaufleute, Seefahrer und Piraten im Mittelmeerraum der... 524
Desanka Schwara, Luise Mller, Marcel Gosteli 2011 Brailsford, Henri
Noel: Macedonia... Braudel, Fernand, Ruggiero Romano: Navires et


marchandises l'entre du port de Livourne (15471611)... Braudel,

Fernand: Das Mittelmeer und die mediterrane Welt in der Epoche
Philipps II. 3 Bde.
La croce e la mezzaluna: Lepanto 7 ottobre 1571: quando... Arrigo
Petacco 2005 ... 163, 172 Bragadin, Marcantonio, 120, 136-137, 139144, 146, 161-163 Braudel, Fernand, 105, 189 Calabrese,
Moretto...Ribera, Perfan de Aldobrandino, Pietro, 125 Alessandro
Magno, re di Macedonia, 8 Alfieri, Lorenzo, 148 Al, Pasci...
La Lettre Spharade 20-31 47 2005 Macedonian and
English 2005 The Jewish Community of Macedonia, Skopje... In this
case, an ethnic East was created, based not on cardinal points, but on
traditions just as Fernand Braudel invented the notion of vertical north
to name the...
L'andrografo (1782) 297 Restif de La Bretonne, Ginevra Conti
Odorisio 1782 Alessandro III Magno, re di Macedonia, 257. Almras
Henri, 76. Amyot Jacques, 115 n. 12. Anania, 262. Andilly (d1) Arnauld,
115...Boudard, 63. BoujatEdme, 61. Bourgeois Rose, 65. Braudel
Fernand, 167 n. 35. Brissot Jean-Paul, 48 n. 192.
L'enigma di Alessandro: incontri fra culture e progresso... 59
Franco Ferrarotti 2000 ... orgogliosa, e alla merc dei romani quel re che
discendeva da Filippo e da Alessandro: coloro che avevano fatto della
Macedonia il pi grande impero del mondo... Non il Fernand
Braudel di // Mediterraneo all'epoca di Filippo II.
Macedonia: A Nation at a Crossroads: Sam Vaknin 2009 Biblioraphy
Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in
the Age of Philip II, 2 vol. (197273; originally published in French, 2nd
rev. ed., 1966) Stanford J. Shaw and E.K. Shaw, History of the Ottoman
Empire and...
Macedonia: the politics of identity and difference 138 Jane K.
Cowan 2000 'Shadow Genealogies: Memory and identity in the lives of
Turkishspeakers in Macedonia'. Ph.D. dissertation: School of
International Service, American University. Anderson, Perry. 1992.
'Fernand Braudel and National Identity', in Azone of...
Maritime Networks in the Mycenaean World 334 Thomas F.
Tartaron 2013 ... 93, 94, 106 Bosporus, 96, 136 Bourdieu, Pierre, 123,
128-129 Boyce, Joseph, 248 Braudel, Fernand, 203 breakwaters, 4...221,


235, 240 ceramic petrography, 34, 200 ChalandrianiKastri (Syros), 86,

87 Chalkidiki peninsula (Macedonia)...
Medieval French Alexander, The 281 Donald Maddox, Sara
Sturm-Maddox 2012 4 Braudel, Fernand, 179 Briant, Pierre, 16n. 41,
70n. 2 bribery, 129, 134 bribes, 9, 136, 137, 138...Il Libro del Cortegiano,
178, 182, 188, 191n. 28 Cato, 169 Caulus of Macedonia, 127, 131, 132
Cedron valley, 30 Cerquiglini, Bernard, 260...
Mediterranean Crossings: The Politics of an Interrupted... 24 Iain
Chambers 2008 ... in the extensions of Alexander's empire from
Macedonia and Egypt to the Hindu Kush, or in the thirteenth-century
"world...Here, seeking to "map" what Fernand Braudel referred to as a
"global" Mediterranean on a series of charts that reveal...
Mediterranean Quarterly: A Journal of Global Issues 106 1994
With this, the author joins Fernand Braudel in treating the
Mediterranean, for somewhat different reasons, as "a world in itself... Its
metaphor, says Fox, is Macedonia, with its rich mixture of peoples; the
Italian and French words for a Robert J.
Memorie del mediterraneo Fernand Braudel, Roselyne Ayala 2012 "La
testimonianza pi bella sullimmenso passato del Mediterraneo quella
che fornisce il mare stesso.
Music in the Balkans 46 Jim Samson 2013 'Mountains come first'
is the apt quotation (from Fernand Braudel) that introduces the first
chapter of Mark Mazower's...be monophonic, heterophonic or
polyphonic.39 in certain areas (parts of western Macedonia in Greece,
for example), the...
Mutual perceptions in the Mediterranean: unity and diversity 2
Antonio Marquina Barrio 1998 ... Mediterranean none of these conflicts
has been 2 Fernand Braudel: The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean
World...former Yugoslavia: in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia,
Macedonia; between Greece and Turkey, Macedonia and...
New Perspectives on Turkey 14-17 133. 1996 The Annales
school of Fernand Braudel also has been a pioneering force in clarifying
the local workings of the larger Ottoman economy. Bruce McGowan, in
his seminal work on Macedonia, presents a detailed case study refuting


Normative Power Europe Meets Israel: Perceptions and Realities Sharon

Pardo 2015 Norm-Maker and Norm-Taker: Exploring the Normative
Influence of the EU in Macedonia. European Foreign Affairs Review
10, no. 2 (2005): 25778. Blan...Braudel, Fernand. On History. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1980. Brecher...
On History Fernand Braudel 1982 An eminent French historian
analyzes the study of history and the nature of time
Orthodox Christianity in 21st Century Greece: The Role of... ix
Professor Vasilios N Makrides, Professor Victor Roudometof 2013 ...
Slavic and Oriental Studies in Macedonia University of Thessaloniki
(from October 2005 until present), and Senior Research...and in the
European University Institute (Law Dept. in January-February 2009 as
Fernand Braudel Fellow).
Osmanische Herrschaft und Modernisierung im Irak 718 2012
Braudel, Fernand: Das Mittelmeer und die mediterrane Welt in der
Epoche Philipps II... British Documents on the History ofthe
Macedonian People. Ed. Hristo Andonov-Poljanski, vol. 1 (1797-1839),
Skopje: The Archives of Macedonia, 1968.
Out of Italy, 1450-1650 241 Fernand Braudel 1991 Fernand
Braudel. OF ITALY Lugano, 93. Lulli (Giambattista), 155, 157. Luther
(Martin), 98, 198. Luynes (Due de), 151. Luzzatto (Gino), 60. Lyon, 66,
74, 109, 121, 146. Lyon (Fairs of), 60, 68, 74. Macedonia, 24.
Machiavelli (Nicola), 15, 118...
Political Philosophy: Fact, Fiction, and Vision 425 Mario Bunge
2011 ... 75 Alexander of Macedonia, 366 Amazon forest, 327 Anastas,
Paul T., 283 Andersen, Robert, 60 Anderson, Arthur S....355 Boudon,
Raymond, 17, 281 Brandt, Richard B., 338 Braudel, Fernand, 65, 306,
360 Braun, Johann, 253 Brecher...
Reconstructing the Balkans: a geography of the new... 96 Derek R.
Hall, Darrick R. Danta 1996 As such, political definition of Macedonian
identity is bound for a reassessment with the ongoing spread of one
overarching, homogenising Western way of life...Gounaris, B., 1993a,
Salonica, Fernand Braudel Center Review, 16, 499-518.
Religious Minorities, Nation States, and Security: Five... 149
Mario Apostolov 2001 .. Jovan Cvijic, has argued that the Serbian nation
should assimilate the "undecided" groups in Bosnia, Macedonia and


Kosovo...Evolving Communal Identities Fernand Braudel (1966) points

to continuity and transformation of civilisational...
Representations of the "Other/S" in the Mediterranean... 44
Nedret Kuran Burolu, Susan Gilson Miller 2004 of the Hellenistic
culture and the Alexandrianism in the period of ascent of Macedonia of
Antiquity; the orientalization of the...The Mediterranean chronotopos is
characterized by the "superposing" (Fernand Braudel, 44 KATICA
Rome and the Nomads: The Pontic-Danubian Realm in Antiquity Roger
Batty 2007 Nevertheless, the Macedonian valleys and the shores of the
Black Sea as far as the Danube delta all fall basically under such a...See
also Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World
in the Age of Philip II (2nd edn.
Sammlung: 65 C. Max Kortepeter 1991 ... the political and
economic stability of the Macedonian, Roman and Byzantine Empires of
Classical and Medieval times... following the publication of Fernand
Braudel's 'The writer wishes to acknowlege the grant-in-aid for the
completion of...
Seafaring in Ancient Egypt x David Fabre 2004
Shatterzone of Empires: Coexistence and Violence in the... 510
Omer Bartov, Eric D. Weitz 2013 ... 384, 395n47 Braudel, Fernand, 258
Brecher, Rosa: testimony of, 406 Breshko-Breshkovskaia, Ekaterina, 454
Breslau...See also Balkan Wars; Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, inquiry into Balkan Wars of; Macedonia, Balkan...
State Identities and the Homogenisation of Peoples 313 Heather
Rae 2002 Braudel, Fernand, The Mediterranean, vol. 2, London:
Collins, 1973. Breuilly, John, Nationalism and the State, 2nd edn,
University of Chicago Press, 1993. Brown, K. S., 'In the Realm of the
Double-Headed Eagle: Parapolitics in Macedonia...
The archaeology of value: essays on prestige and the... 62
Douglass Whitfield Bailey, Steve Mills 1998 This branch of economy,
dominant in the Balkans and the Mediterranean (Braudel 1990: 85-102)
from prehistory to the present left indelible marks in the culture...A well
known speech quoted by Arrian which Alexander the Great delivered to
the Macedonians...both the archaeological implications of 'long-term
history' as proposed by Fernand Braudel and the Annales
historiographical school as well as...


The Balkan Wars 282 Andre Gerolymatos 2008 Braudel,

Fernand. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of
Philip II. 2 vols. Translated by...The Greek Struggle in Macedonia,
18971913. Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1993. . The
Unification of Greece...
The Birth of the Despot: Venice and the Sublime Porte 117
Lucette Valensi, Arthur Denner 2008 ... king of Macedonia, 38, 46, 84
Ali, Mustafa, 82-84 Ali Bey, 18 Anderson, Perry, 57-58, 61 AnquetilDuperron, Abraham, 3-4...Ottavio, 17 Bonrizzo, Luigi, 14 Botero,
Giovanni, 12, 57, 94-96 Boulanger, Nicolas-Antoine, 3 Braudel,
Fernand, 69...
The Cambridge History of Turkey 35 Kate Fleet, Suraiya N.
Faroqhi, Reat Kasaba 2006 In addition, it is little known today that in
the early twentieth century the Greeks were far from forming a majority
in Macedonia and Thrace. Jovan Cvijic's ethnic map...36 Fernand
Braudel, Sozialgeschichte des 15.-18.Jahrhunderts (Munich...
The Creation of the Roman Frontier 4 Stephen L. Dyson 2014 As
any reader of Fernand Braudel's The Mediterranean will know, it is
difficult to separate developments in one section of the Mediterranean
from those in another. Republican frontiers in Macedonia, Thrace,
Anatolia, Syria, and North Africa all...
The Journal of economic history 20 234
The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a... 255 Loring
M. Danforth 1997 Blagoev, Spiridon 1986 Colonization of the Border
Territories of Aegean Macedonia, 19471965. Review. 30:183-97...
Braudel, Fernand 1972 The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World
in the Age of Philip II. New York: Harper and...
The Making of Urban Europe, 1000-1994 viii Paul M.
HOHENBERG, Lynn Hollen Lees, Paul M Hohenberg 2009 Be aware
that the particular urban histories of Finland and Macedonia, Andalusia
and the Ukraine are largely ignored... we have been greatly influenced by
the French historical school, notably by Fernand Braudel and his
colleagues at the...
The Materiality of Color: The Production, Circulation, and... 215
Andrea Feeser, Maureen Daly Goggin, Beth Fowkes Tobin 2012 Edward
Brown, A brief account of some travels in Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria,
Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli


(London: T.R. for...Fernand Braudel, Civilisation and Capitalism 15th

18th Century, vol. 1, The...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age... 1
Fernand Braudel 1995 "Braudels Mediterranean is a tour de force, one
of the classics of this century's historical writing."--Charles Tilly, author
of "As Sociology Meets History"
The Mediterranean in the Ancient World Fernand Braudel 2002
Fernand Braudel. Pericles (the Athenian) 268, 272, 274, 275-7, 287,
295-7 Persephone (the goddess) 141 Perses (brother of Hesion) 248
Perseus, king of Macedonia 317, 322 Persia see Iran (Persia) Persian
Gulf 16 Persius Flaccus 349...
The Mediterranean: Environment and Society 94 Russell King,
Lindsay Proudfoot, Bernard Smith 2014 Although Fernand Braudel
(1972, pp... By 1500 ad, the emergent hegemonic Ottoman state already
controlled mainland Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria, and over
the...prolonged siege of Famagusta and Nicosia in 1573 (Braudel 1972,
The Origins of Israeli Mythology: Neither Canaanites Nor... 182
David Ohana 2012 ... the Peloponnesian War, the Macedonian Wars,
and the Punic Wars were succeeded by the struggle between
East...when the idea of a separate Jewish nationality was I Fernand
Braudel, La Me'diterrane'e et le monde me'diterrane'en a...
The Past in Question: Modern Macedonia and the... 277 Keith
Brown 2003 Modern Macedonia and the Uncertainties of Nation Keith
Brown...Die Makedonische Frage: Ihre Entstehung und Entwicklung bis
1908 (The Macedonian Question: Its Origin and Development
Until..."Fernand Braudel and National Identity.
The Peasantries of Europe: From the Fourteenth to the... 273 Tom
Scott 1998 A little east of the Vardar and Morava valleys, which form a
north-south axis through Macedonia connecting the Pannonian...the
plains seem to have presented actually more problems than the hills and
mountains, as Fernand Braudel was to...
The Politics of Nation-Building: Making Co-Nationals... 222
Harris Mylonas 2013
Borders and Orders in Europe: Limits of
Nationand State-Building in Estonia, Macedonia and Moldova, Journal
of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 18(4): 51-74. Bieber,
Florian. 2000. Muslim...Braudel, Fernand. 1980. On History...


The Wars of the Balkan Peninsula: Their Medieval Origins 4.

Alexandru Madgearu, Martin Gordon 2008 A disciple of Fernand
Braudel, Stoianovich gives a comprehensive view of the Balkan world,
which takes into account...the Former Yugoslavian Republic of
Macedonia (FYROM), Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey (the
European part).
This "vertical north," as Fernand Braudel dubbed the Dinaric range,
confined Mediterranean political influence to the coast...reach into
Slovenia and the Balkan range into Macedonia, it is the Dinaric chain
and its periphery that predominates.
Traffic and Turning: Islam and English Drama, 1579-1624 297
Transilvania mea: Istorii, metalitati, identitati Sorin Mitu 2012 119
Concept pentru care vezi lucrrile lui Fernand Braudel: crits sur
l'histoire, Flammarion, Paris, 1969; Timpul lumii, vol... 120131, apud
Richard Clogg, The Vlachs of Macedonia: Some british perspectives,
n volumul AngloRomanian...
Turkey and the European Union: 2004 and Beyond 275 Armand
Clesse 2004 f that history: Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia,
Macedonia, Croatia, and Ukraine. Alas, most of that...E.L. Jones, citing
L. S. Stavrianos (1966) and Fernand Braudel (1972), writes: The
Ottomans came like liberators to the Balkans.
Unterwegs: Reiseerfahrung zwischen Heimat und Fremde in...Desanka
Schwara 2007 Brailsford, Henri Noel: Macedonia. Its Races and Their
Future. London 1906. Brandes, Stanley H.: Migration, Kinship and
Community. New York 1975. Braudel, Fernand u.a.: Die Welt des
Mittelmeeres. Zur Geschichte und Geographie...
Urban World History: An Economic and Geographical Perspective LucNormand Tellier 2009 How could Alexander imagine that, 175 years
later, Rome was to conquer his own kingdom of Macedonia when Rome
was still to take 73 more...Fernand Braudel, La Mediterranee et le
monde me'diterranen a l'poque de Philippe II, Vol.
Wages and Currency: Global Comparisons from Antiquity to...Jan
Lucassen 2007 ... 312-314, 336-337, 344 Akita, Japanese clan 124
Alauddin Khalji, Delhi sultan 314 Alexander, king of Macedonia
25...108, 364, 409 Bowany Deen, Indian digger 374 Braat,B.Jzn. 188
Braudel, Fernand 32 Brewer, Nathaniel 402 Biicher...


Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country 11 John R.

Sovereignty, Selfdetermination... 115 Raju G. C. Thomas 2003 Macedonians refer
to Pomaks derogatorily as torbeshi Muslim Macedonian Slavs. 72.
Country Reports on...Fernand Braudel, On History, translated by Sarah
Mathews, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1980, 177. 202;
, 1700-1821: ... Tzelina
Charlaut, 2013


1492, l'expulsion des juifs d'Espagne 85 Centre d'tudes juives de

Paris-Sorbonne 1996 ... ou avait-il dj communment inclus le tissage
proprement dit, comme c'est de toute vidence le cas en
Macdoine ?...the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1650: A Stdy in
Undevelopment , Review, Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton, N. Y.,
Acta geographica 14 1988 Toutefois ces socits ont pu toutes
les poques donner naissance des empires: Macdonien, romain,
byzantin...Fernand Braudel, dans sa thse clbre La Mditerrane et le
monde mditerranen l'poque de Philippe II (4), a bien...
Alexandre le Grand: monnaie, finances et politique 360 Georges
Le Rider 2003 ... 97 ; passe en Asie, 98 ; devient le tuteur des deux rois,
98. Appuie-pied: 1' de Zeus Tarse et en Macdoine, 26...Braudel
(Fernand): l'erreur d'Alexandre selon, 341. Byblos: alexandres attribus
, 187. Canope: situation de


Annales de gographie 75 128 1966 destins du monde '*

collection dirige par Fernand BRAUDEL, professeur ou Collge de
France LES SLAVES...Polonais, Tchques et Slovaques, Serbes, Croates
et Slovnes, Bulgare-Macdoniens), depuis le VIIIe sicle jusqu' nos
Annales de l'Universit de Paris 36 267 1966 ... dirige par
Fernand Braudel, professeur au Collge de France, 69 F. Depuis le vin*
sicle jusqu' nos jours, l'histoire des...Polonais, Tchques et Slovaques,
Serbes, Croates et Slovnes, Bulgaro-Macdoniens) est mouvemente,
Annales historiques de la Rvolution franaise Albert Mathiez, Georges
Lefebvre 2008 Seignobos enseignait ses tudiants (le jeune Fernand
Braudel tait parmi eux) de se mfier des statistiques...mais d'une faon
si mlange que la Table ressemble de la Macdoine de lgumes ou la
fameuse encyclopdie chinoise.
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapentinensis de...1990 ... du
travail, le critre le plus simple crit Fernand Braudel , sinon le
meilleur, le plus immdiatement accessible en tout cas...trafic du coton
Macdonien et alimentaient l'industrie textile de l'Europe centrale
jusqu'aux annes 1820.
Annales 21 236 1966 ce destins du monde Collection
fonde par Lucien Febvre et dirige par Fernand Braudel Nouveaut:
Roger Portai j...Polonais, Tchques et Slovaques, Serbes, Croates et
Slovnes, Bulgaro-Macdoniens) depuis le VIII* sicle i jusqu'...
Annales 36 267 Universit de Paris 1966 ... dirige par
Fernand Braudel, professeur au Collge de France, 69 F. Depuis le vin*
sicle jusqu' nos jours, l'histoire des...Tchques et Slovaques, Serbes,
Croates et Slovnes, Bulgaro-Macdoniens) est mouvemente, souvent
Antimanuel de sociologie: politique et modernit 217 Claude
Fouquet 2002 ... 99 Alexandre le Grand 356-323 roi de Macdoine ,4 1,7
1,1 91 Almodovar Pedro 1950 cinaste espagnol, 144 Antonins...170
Braudel Fernand 1902-1985 historien franais,35,135 Broglie Charles
comte de 1719-1781 diplomate franais...
Ashghl wa-ayym 69-70 138 2002 Comme l'crit
Fernand Braudel dans Mmoires de la Mditerrane1 , L'homme est
en train d'y devenir le " connaisseur...des archologues, les tells d'Asie,


les magoulas de Thessalonie, les toumbas de Macdoine, les hyiik de

Athna 3-4 28 Collectif, 1997 Les units politiques
durables n'ont-elles pas t forges par le continent: Macdoine, Castille,
Pimont, le-de-France ?...voquant les civilisations qui se partagent
l'espace mditerranen, Fernand Braudel note lucidement: Ne seraitce...
Atlas de l'islam radical 20
Between East and West: Material Culture and Mentalites... 101
Traian Stoianovich 1995 Sur le culte du chevalier Thrace en Bulgarie, en
Macdoine, en Serbie, en Vovodine, en Transylvanie et chez les
Roumains, voir Milenko...22733; Fernand Braudel, Civilisation
matrielle, conomie et capitalisme, XVeXVIIIe sicle, 3 vol.
Bulletin analytique de documentation politique, conomique...1987
FAUGERES, L. Entre ressources et risques: le dveloppement de la
Macdoine occidentale grecque . Annales de...Review Fernand
Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and
Civilizations 10 (4), print.
Civilisations et socits 26 89 Maurice Lombard 1971 ... de
l'Orient par les rois de Macdoine (Alexandre ne faisant que raliser et
amplifier les projets de son pre, Philippe) ?...l'histoire du xvie sicle,
influence dgage par les travaux d'Earl Hamilton 1 et les synthses de
Fernand Braudel 2 ?
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this
book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands
and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well
Contributions L'histoire conomique Et Sociale de... 351 mer
Ltf Barkan, Paul mile Dumont, Jean-Louis Bacqu-Grammont 1983 ...
conomie-monde, crit Fernand Braudel, est un embotement, une
juxtaposition de zones lies ensemble, mais des...des manufactures
drapires du Languedoc, des productions cotonnires de Smyrne, de la
Syrie, de la Macdoine et...
Critique: revue gnrale des publications franaises et... 1952 L'Histoire,
crit Fernand Braudel, s'offre nous comme une srie de crises entre


lesquelles se marquent des paliers, des...Le premier renversement au

bnfice de l'Occident est le fait d'Alexandre de Macdoine, l'hellnisme
Documents d'actualit internationale 5, 1-12 72 2003
... ensuite, pour prouver, lorsque c'est ncessaire, notre volont de mener
une opration de maintien de la paix sur un thtre extrieur, en
Macdoine puis, par exemple, en Bosnie... La Mditerrane, crivait
Fernand Braudel, c'est .
Essays on the Historical Geography of the Greek World in... 159
Basile G. Spirdonakis 1977 Braudel, Fernand, La Mditerrane et le
monde mediterranen Vpoque de Philippe II, en 2 vol., 2e dition,
Paris, Armand Colin, 1966. Cvuic, Jovan, Remarques sur /' ethnographie
de la Macdoine, 2e dition, Paris, 1907. Cvuic, Jovan...
Etude de synthse (tomes I-IV) 1-4 80 Milan Gurinov,
Boris Petkovski 2002 Dans l'art Macdonien sont apparus le mouvement
hippie et la culture rock; le dveloppement en commun de l'art...Aprs
avoir fait appel aux ides de Fernand Braudel, il explique le sens du
"dialogue mditerranen" dans la science...
tudes d'conomie mdivale: Monnaie et histoire... 89 Maurice
Lombard 1971 ... de l'Orient par les rois de Macdoine (Alexandre ne
faisant que raliser et amplifier les projets de son pre,
Philippe) ?...l'histoire du xvie sicle, influence dgage par les travaux
d'Earl Hamilton 1 et les synthses de Fernand Braudel 2 ?
Franais, Islam, Europe au XXIe sicle: cohsion sociale... 31
Charles Clarac 1999 Les Grecs et les Macdoniens d'Alexandre le Grand
vont le dtruire et l'occuper (-334 -331)... des institutions, des
habitudes, des rituels, des faons anciennes de croire et de vivre, comme
l'crit Fernand Braudel, qui poursuit: l'Islam est...
Histoire, science sociale: 166 Pierre Chaunu 1974 D'Egypte il
gagne, aprs la conqute turque de l'Egypte au xvi* sicle, l'Asie Mineure
et la Macdoine. Depuis le...L'aire o le mas est possible et reprsent
est de beaucoup la plus (58) Fernand BRAUDEL, La Mditerrane..., t.
I, p. 61.
Historische Anthropologie im sdstlichen Europa: eine... 266
Karl Kaser, Siegfried Gruber, Robert Pichler 2003 Ancel, Jacques: La
Macedoine, son evolution contemporaine, Paris 1930. Bendix, Reinhard:
Knige oder...Braudel, Fernand: La Mediterrannee et le monde


mediterranneen l'epoque de Philippe II, Paris 1982. Castellan, Georges:

Index Islamicus 17 257 1993
Introduction l'histoire urbaine de la Syrie Ottomane... 19 Antoine
Abdel Nour 1982 COLLECTIF, Mlanges en l'honneur de Fernand
Braudel, t. 1; Histoire conomique du monde...JOUGUET (Pierre),
L'imprialisme Macdonien et V hellnisation de l'Orient, Paris, 1972.
LAVEDAN (Pierre), Histoire de l'urbanisme...
La Caravane maritime: Marins europens et marchands... 19
Daniel Panzac 2004 De 1350 1512, les Ottomans, par la conqute de
l'Anatolie, de la Macdoine et de la Grce pninsulaire...selon
l'expression de Fernand Braudel, c'est--dire un morceau de la plante
conomiquement autonome, capable pour...
La gographie 69-76 14 1987 Toutefois ces socits ont pu
toutes les poques donner naissance des empires: Macdonien,
romain, byzantin...Fernand Braudel, dans sa thse clbre La
Mditerrane et le monde mditerranen l'poque de Philippe II (4), a
La marine de guerre antique Alain Guillerm 1993 J.-C. (Philippe V de
Macdoine), la chute de Carthage, puis Mithridate, Cloptre et Octave
Auguste... En lve inspir de Fernand Braudel, l'auteur nous fait
respirer l'air vif et pre des violences de l'Homme antique en qute
d'horizon infini.
La Mditerrane et le monde mditeranen l'poque de...Fernand
Braudel 1966 Fernand Braudel. mentaires les unes des autres1... Par
contre, ds qu'un Mditerranen quitte son pays, il se lamente et
s'inquite: ainsi les soldats d'Alexandre quand le Macdonien dpasse la
Syrie 1. A. Siegfried, op. cit., p. 148, 326. 2.
La peinture murale dans le monde orthodoxe aprs la chute... Miltiadis K.
Garidis 1989 Il me semble mme que certains de ces nobles et vques en
Bulgarie occidentale et en Macdoine, sont lis par des formes de
dpendance fodale envers l'autorit suprme...Ces peintres sans grande
(593) Voir dans Fernand BRAUDEL.
La pense technique dans l'uvre de Victor Hugo: le... 5 David
Charles (matre de confrences.) 1997 ... un remorqueur antrieur de deux
mille six cents ans au bateau vapeur, et le laboureur Macdonien qui a


dcouvert la premire mine d'or dans le mont Pange (... 453), qui fait
Fernand Braudel la suggestion de cet change, en 1932.
La Quinzaine littraire 753-775 22 1999 ... et trois millions
de grenades circulrent dans le pays, alimentant un trafic de plus vers le
Kosovo et la Macdoine. Il est ...du sentiment national, et partant de
l'Etat, en utilisant des rflexions de Fernand Braudel, tires de son
ouvrage: La...
La vie rurale, vue par un gographe 112 Daniel Faucher 1962 On
sait ce qu'est devenue la Macdoine aprs la chute de l'empire
d'Alexandre, ce qu'ont t les Marais Pontins la...(24) Les meilleures
indications sur ce sujet semblent avoir t apportes par Fernand
BRAUDEL, La Mditerrane et le...
Le Consulat de France Tunis aux XVII et XVIII sicles...
Genevive Goussaud-Falgas 2014 ... Nicolas Branger dans Voyage
sieur Paul Lucas dans la Grce, l'Asie Mineure, la Macdoine
l'Afrique, tome II, p... les introductions des 10 volumes publis par
Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde mditerranen 16.


Le coup d'tat invisible 31Jean-Claude Barreau 1998 Fernand

Braudel, le grand historien de la Mditerrane, m'a appris qu'un regard
exerc distingue encore les frontires du...A l'ouest de la frontire,
Slovnes et Croates, catholiques et latins ; l'est, Serbes et Macdoniens,
orthodoxes (ou...
Le gouvernement des enfants 169 Marie-Hlne Bourcier, Gilbert
Wasserman 2007 ... et autres minorits (Armniens, Grecs, Serbes,
Macdoniens, Russes, Roumains) qui entretenaient entre elles des
liens...un pouvoir fort, la Pax turcica, une paix la romaine qui faisait
l'admiration de l'Occident-, selon Fernand Braudel.
Le Modle italien 241 Fernand Braudel 1989 Fernand Braudel.
ITALIEN Londres, 16, 34, 44, 85, 146, 201, 203, 221... Lyon (foires de),
60, 68, 71. Macdoine, 24. Machiavel (Nicolas), 15, 117, 118, 136.
Machuca (Pedro), 88 Madre, 70. Maderno (Carlo), 170. Madras, 1 15.
Madrid, 170...
Le nouvel observateur 322-337; 20 114 1971
Permettre au lecteur d'tre au courant de l'histoire en train de se faire ",
extraits de la prface de Fernand BRAUDEL... Sans dirigisme La
Macdoine tait encore Byzantine que les provinces ctires et les
provinces du nord s'taient depuis...


Le Point 563-575 87 1983 ... inventrent cette histoire

non vnementielle o les historiens franais, de Gaston Roupnel
Fernand Braudel...n'est pas indigne du Ren Grousset de Bilan de
l'Histoire , et quelle fiction galera jamais l'aventure du Macdonien ?
Le Temps des migrations blanches: Migrer en Occident... 217
Philippe Rygiel 2007 Komlosy (Andra), Single Market Formation and
Labor Migration in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1918 , in Review
ofthe Fernand Braudel Center, vol... Lafazani (Peyr) et Myridis
(Myron), L'installation des Grecs du Pont en Macdoine.
Les courtisans juifs des sultans marocains: hommes... 23 Nicole S.
Serfaty 1999 Devenu roi en 305, ce souverain Macdonien (367-283 av.
J.-C.) conquit la Palestine, la Syrie...Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane
et le monde mditerranen l'poque de Philippe H, Paris, 1966, tome 2,
p. 540. 1. Trad. Rgis Blachre, op.
Les Europens 165 Hlne Ahrweiler, Maurice Aymard 2000
D'abord la gographie, ou plutt ce que Fernand Braudel commena par
appeler la gohistoire, avant d'abandonner ce...Les plus importantes, la
Thrace et la Macdoine, conduisaient aux deux capitales de la pninsule,
Constantinople et...
Les mmoires de la Mditrrane: prhistoire et antiquit 277.
Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 1998 prhistoire et
antiquit Fernand Braudel, Jean Guilaine, Pierre Rouillard Roselyne de
Ayala, Paule Braudel...La Macdoine, la Thrace, le royaume du Pont, le
royaume du Bosphore, la Bithynie toute cette marge septentrionale
L'Eube la fin du XVe sicle: conomie et population... 157
Evangelia Balta 1989 L. Barkan, "Les mouvements des prix en Turquie
entre 1490 et 1655", dans Mlanges l'honneur de Fernand Braudel, I,
Toulouse...Dans le registre TT 7 (1478-1479) qui concerne la Macdoine
orientale le prix fiscal du bl est de 5 aspres.
L'express international 2826-2843 13 2005 Il ne s'agit pas
l d'une ville construite la hte, analyse Fernand Braudel dans Les
Mmoires de la Mditerrane, mais d'une...Une quinzaine d'empereurs
sont d'origine armnienne, de mme qu'une fameuse dynastie, les
L'Histoire 245-249 71 2000 ... Macdoine, aprs la
Premire Guerre mondiale, dans une rgion turque l'poque: les


officiers s'intressaient ...Une passion qui le conduira publier,

l'initiative de Fernand Braudel, une tude magistrale, sans cesse
Livres hebdo 347-350 232 1999 (Pluriel) Recueil de
contributions sur les grandes lignes de l'oeuvre de Fernand Braudel (la
Mditerrane...III. en coul. (Poche couleur) Roi de Macdoine (336-323)
Alexandre fut la tte d'un immense empire qui s'tendit jusqu' LTndus.
Livret 4 121 Ecole pratique des hautes tudes (France).
Section des sciences historiques et philologiques 1994 ... t illustrs par
l'exemple des ossements incinrs de Vergina et l'identification du
traumatisme de Philippe de Macdoine... Lors des Journes Fernand
Braudel Chteauvallon, il est intervenu par un expos sur l'homme
biologique en...
L'Union europenne et ses espaces de proximit: Entre... 200 2007
A cet gard, selon Fernand Braudel, Elle constitue mille choses la
fois... Les cinq Balkans occidentaux: Croatie, Bosnie-Herzgovine,
Serbie Montngro, Macdoine et Albanie sont galement inscrits dans
une perspective d'intgration...
National Union Catalog: A Cumulative Author List...1970 [Traduction
indite de I'Histoire d'Alexandne 1e Macdonien, la vie, les guerres et la
mort dudit. Paris, Club des libraires de France [1962,... Prf. de Fernand
Braudel. Paris, M. Rivire, 1962. 391 p. 23 cm. (Bibliothque...
Nouvelle alternative: Revue annuelle 68-71 182 2006 En
Grce, comme nous Pavons vu, les Aroumains sont censs escendre des
Macdoniens de l'antiquit et...privilgiant la longue dure comme
Fernand Braudel, avec une interrogation de philosophie politique
habermas sienne ...
On History. Fernand Braudel 1982 An eminent French historian
analyzes the study of history and the nature of time
Osmanl Devleti'nde yabanc sermaye: 1854-1914 230. V. Necla
Geyikda 2008 Braudel, Fernand, The Wheels of Commerce,
Civilization ci' Capitalism 15*-18"' Century, Cilt 2, Franszcadan eviren:
S... Chradame, Andr, La Question d'Orient, la Macdoine, le Chemin
de Fer de Bagdad, Librairie Plon, Paris, 1903.
Ouest-Est: dynamiques centre-priphrie entre les deux... 22 Judit
Maar, Julia Nyikos, Patrick Renaud 2013 6 Fernand Braudel, op. cit., 7


Alain Reynaud, Socit, espace et justice, Paris, P.U.F., 1981... de

rvoltes contre les Turcs qui jalonnent le XIXe sicle et qui concernent
des pays aussi varis que la Grce, la Macdoine ou encore la Bulgarie.
parmi les populations de mme ethnie: Macdoniens pendant la guerre
civile grecque, Pachtounes en Afghanistan...de l'historien Fernand
Braudel, comme Rotterdam, Istanbul ou Kuala Lumpur, et accompagnent
l'panouissement de...
Pour accompagner les migrations en Mditerrane 8 Catherine
Wihtol de Wenden 2013 'ans son ouvrage sur La Mditerrane et le
monde mditerranen l'poque de Philippe II, Fernand Braudel 1
crit...et dans leurs propres pays, sans compter les multiples controverses
de voisinage (Macdoine, Chypre, Sahara occidental).
Prfaces 17-19 125. 1990 Br. 320 F Synthse sur une cit
de Macdoine centrale, qui se fonde en particulier sur l'exploitation de
documents pigraphiques indits: les dcrets de Paramonos et d'Alktas
Prend en compte les donnes...00319 BRAUDEL Fernand.
Qui est qui en France 11 329. Jacques Lafitte, Stephen
Taylor 1969 Sous le signe de Monte-Cristo (1968), Macdoine (1971);
interprte la tlvision /es Frres Karamazov (1969), la Fleur (1970),
etc... Hommes du monde, Ferdinand ou l'enfant du dimanche. Un livre....
BRAUDEL (Fernand, Paul).
Recherches sur l'histoire sociale de la Grce du nord: le... 48
Alexandros Dagkas, Association Pierre Belon 2003 Ds le dbut du 17e
sicle, la plante tait cultive, en Macdoine orientale et en Thrace
occidentale, Yenidje (prs de...Cf. FERNAND Braudel, Civilisation
matrielle et capitalisme (15e-18e sicles), tome 1, Armand Colin, Paris
1967, pp.
Reconstructing the Balkans: a geography of the new... 96 Derek R.
Hall, Darrick R. Danta 1996 195-204. Center for Macedonians Abroad
and Society for Macedonian Studies, 1991, Macedonia: history and
politics, Ekdouki Athinon, Athens... Gounaris, B., 1993a, Salonica,
Fernand Braudel Center Review, 16, 499-518. Gounaris, B.
Servios Bibliogrficos da Livraria Portugal 506-541 lii
Livraria Portugal. Servios Bibliogrficos 1985 ... RACIN tude sur le
grand pote Macdonien du XX* sicle prpare par le professeur
Aleksandar Spasov (Coll... Por Fernand Braudel Paris, 1986



Gauthereau Paris...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age... 1.
Fernand Braudel 1995 "Braudels Mediterranean is a tour de force, one
of the classics of this century's historical writing."--Charles Tilly, author
of "As Sociology Meets History"
The Peasantries of Europe: From the Fourteenth to the... 273 Tom
Scott 1998 A little east of the Vardar and Morava valleys, which form a
north-south axis through Macedonia connecting the Pannonian...the
plains seem to have presented actually more problems than the hills and
mountains, as Fernand Braudel was to...
Un Moyen Age grec: Byzance, 9e-15e sicle 390 velyne
Patlagean 2007 Fernand Braudel plaait au seuil de la Mditerrane
moderne un tat territorial qu'il distinguait de l'tat national, encore
venir16. L'tat mdival, dont la version...Du Caucase et de la haute
Syrie la Macdoine, 390 Un Moyen ge grec.
Una leccin de historia de Fernand Braudel: 39 1986 Polybe a
dit: Sans la matrise des mers, Rome n'aurait jamais conquis Carthage,
la Macdoine, ni vaincu les Sleucides, les hritiers d'Alexandre. On
peut ajouter qu'elle n'aurait jamais conquis non plus l'Egypte des Lagides
: ...Gilbert
Dagron 2000

A Cypriot village of late antiquity: Kalavasos-Kopetra in... 255
Marcus Louis Rautman, L. Benson 2003 Strabo's celebration of the new
Roman province was reiterated by later authors like Eustathius of
Thessaloniki, who calls...Gertwagen 1995; Roberts 2000. illustrates
Fernand Braudel's (1972: 149-51) observation that Mediterranean
AIESEE Bulletin 10 27 1972 ... on observe les attractions
rciproques: la mer attire les montagnards vers la cte, Fernand Braudel
l' montr pour...d'une tude globale de la diaspora des marchands et
notamment des marchands raguisains Thessalonique...


An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire Halil Inalcik,

Donald Quataert 1997
... Studies Byzantinoslavica Balkan Studies
(Thessaloniki) Belgelerle Turk Tarihi Dergisi (Istanbul) Berichte iiber
Handel...Melanges en I'honneur de Fernand Braudel, I II, Toulouse
1973 Hatt-i Hiimayun, BBA Haus-Hof und Staatsarchiv...
Analele tiinifice ale Universitii "Al. I. Cuza" din... 1992 C. E. Black,
op.cit., p.7. 5. Ibidem, p. 68-69. 6. Fernand Braudel, La dynamique du
capitalisme, Paris, Flammarion, 1980, p. 50-65... Symposium. L't.poque
Phanariote, 21-25 octobre. A la memoire du Clobule Tsourkas,
Thessaloniki, 1974. p.
Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "A.D. Xenopol." 31 672
1994 LAZAROU, Achille G., L'Aroumain et ses rapports avec le grec.
Institute for Balkan Studies, 206, Thessaloniki, 1986, 311 p... dc
Fernand Braudel, Paris, Arthaud-Flammarion, 1986. 255 p. (Lucian
Nastas) . XXIV/2 (1987), p. 709 1010 I EMNY...
Art and Society of Bulgaria in the Turkish Period: A... 386
MacHiel Kiel 1985 ... Athanas 323, 330, 333 Branicevo 66 Brankoveanu
116 Brankovic, George, despot of Serbia 70 Braudel, Fernand
352...converts church in Thessaloniki 173 Chalkis66, 154 , conquest
of 169 Chalkokondylas 37, 45 Chartres, cathedral of...
Balkan Studies: 36 379 1995 2. See Gilles Veinstein (ed.),
Salonique. 1850-1918. La "ville des Juifs"et le riveil des Balkans (Paris,
1992); Basil C. Gounaris, "Salonica", Review. Fernand Braudel Center
16/4 (fall 1993). 499-518. 3. Three topics in particular are revealing of...
Belleten 220 944 Trk Tarih Kurumu 1994 Revievv
(Fernand Braudel Center) XVI, 2 (1993). J.A. Re1lly: From Workshops
to Smtatshops: Damascus TtxtUes and t/u...TarbzLXI, 1 (1991).
Tebliler Dergisi LVI, 2387-2392 (1993)Tel Aviv XX, 1(1993).
Thessaloniki 3 (1992). Toyo Bunko...
Between East and West: The Balkan and Mediterranean Worlds. Traian
Stoianovich 1992 Malowist, Marian. "Le Commerce du Levant avec
l'Europe de l'Est au XVIe siecle," in Melanges en I'honneur de Fernand
Braudel, I. Histoire economique du monde mediterraneen 1450-1650.
Toulouse: Edouard Privat, 1973, pp. 349-57.
Bulletin 10-11 27 Association internationale d'tudes du
Sud-Est europen 1972 ... on observe les attractions rciproques: la mer
attire les montagnards vers la cte, Fernand Braudel l' montr


pour...des marchands et notamment des marchands raguisains

Thessalonique, puis en Bulgarie, puis Belgrade, et enfin au...
Cities and the rise of states in Europe, A.D. 1000 to 1800 Charles Tilly,
Willem Pieter Blockmans 1994 Fernand Braudel, Civilization and
Capitalism, 15th-18th Century, trans. from the French by Sian Reynolds,
3 vols... World History," in Meletemata ste mneme Basileiou Laourda:
Essays in Memory of Basil Laourdas (Thessaloniki, 1 97 5 ), pp.
Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century: The wheels...Fernand
Braudel 1982 'The intricacy of detail and boldness of hypothesis in this
book are indisputable, and if one is to do more than skim it, it demands
and repays enormous attention...The lavish illustrations are superbly well
Conservation as Cultural Survival: Proceedings of Seminar... 23
1980 ... Population Pressure in Rural Anatolia: 14501600 (London, 1972).
I Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in
the...Institute for Balkan Studies (Thessaloniki. 1967). Traian
Stoianovich, "The Conquering Balkan...
Contributions une histoire du catholicisme: Papaut... 388
Nicolas Champ, Claire Laux, Jean-Pierre Moisset 2013 ... des duchs
Grecs d'Athnes et de Nopatrie (au sud de Thessalonique) entre 1302 et
1390, de la Sardaigne (1323)...Fernand BRAUDEL, La Mditerrane et
le monde mditerranen a l 'poque de Philippe 11, Paris, A. Colin, 1966
Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe 2 381 Robert
Muchembled, William Monter 2006 Hellenism and the First Gree/c War
ofLiheration (1821-1830): Continuity and Change Thessaloniki, 1976),
pp. 59-77 Geirnaert, N., 'Universitas...expansion of Amsterdam (c.
1540'1609)', Review: Ajournal of the Fernand Braudel Center 26/3...
Destruction et reconstruction des villes: 39 Martin Krner,
International Commission for the History of Towns 1999 Siehe auch das
Griechische Pendant dazu von Basil Papazachos und Catherine
Papazachou, The Earthquakes of Greece, Thessaloniki 1997. 28
Terremoti e civilt...29 Fernand Braudel, Civilisation materielle,
iconomie et capitalisme...
Diasporic sephardic identities: a transnational poetics of... 195
Monique Rodrigues Balbuena 2003 Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 1997. Braudel, Fernand. The Identity of France (2


vols.)... York: Columbia University Press, 2003, pp.122-123. (ed.). Voices

from Jewish Salonika. Jerusalem & Thessaloniki: Misgav Yerushalaim/
Die Bulgaren und Europa von der nationalen Wiedergeburt...Harald
Heppner, Rumiana Preshlenova 1999 ... um den Ausdruck von Fernand
Braudel zu gebrauchen, gehrten zu den ltesten und wichtigsten
Mechanismen des kulturellen Austausches. Bereits im 17.
Jahrhundert...In: Balkan Studies 14/2, Thessaloniki 1973, 313. 5 Ebenda,
East European Quarterly 13 312 1979 I (Sympleroma)
(Thessaloniki, 1973), 279-310. 21... with the Ecole Pratique des Hautes
Etudes in Paris, with the famous French journal Annates: Economies,
Soci/tes, Civilisations, and with the work of the French historian
Fernand Braudel.
Economies mditerranennes: quilibres et... 1 203 1985 ...
vicissitudes du systme dromocratique ottoman maritime, je me reporte
la pense matresse de Fernand Braudel... Geography of the Greek
World in the Balkans during the Turkokratia, Thessaloniki, Institute for
Balkan Studies, 1977, p.
Empires and Peninsulas: Southeastern Europe Between... 221
Plamen Mitev 2010 Thessaloniki 1948, p. 36, with my gratitude to
Gerasim Petrinski for...21 Brigandage and banditry have been a constant
companion to different societies throughout the ages (Fernand Braudel.
Sredi^emno more i sredi^emnomorskiyat syyat...
Enlightenment and Revolution 382 Paschalis M. Kitromilides
2013 ... 14531821: Esquisse d'une histoire des courants ide'ologiques
au sein du peuple grec asservi Thessaloniki, 1982)...Compare Fernand
Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean I/Vorld in the Age
ofPhilip II (New York, 1972)...
Essays on the Historical Geography of the Greek World in... 56
Basile G. Spirdonakis 1977 vol. ll: Turkokratia, 1453-1669),
Thessaloniki, 1964, p. 4. This volume is now available in English
translation, made by Ian and...discussion of this in A.E. Vacalopoulos,
'Iaroola, vol. II, pp. 10-26. For the Bulgarian case see Fernand Braudel.
Eupsychia: mlanges offerts Hlne Ahrweiler Hlne Ahrweiler,
Michel Balard 1998 Philadelphie et Thessalonique au dbut du XIVe
sicle: propos de Jean Monomaque, Philadelphie et autres tudes...Une


leon d'histoire de Fernand Braudel: Chateauvallon, Journes Fernand

Braudel, 18, 19 et 20 octobre 1985.
Ewig ein Fremder im fremden Lande: Ludwig Ross (1806-1859)... Ina E.
Minner 2006 Mit Beitrgen von Fernand Braudel, Natalie Zemon Davis,
Luden Febvre, Carlo Ginzburg, Jacques Le Goff, Reinhart...Die Haltung
sterreichs zu den Ereignissen und der Politik in Griechenland in den
Jahren 1843-1862 (Thessaloniki, 1989)...
Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in... Anastasia N.
Karakasidou 2009 Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, No. in,
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, pp. 29-40. [in Greek]
Beli...Braudel, Fernand. 1966... Macedonia: Ethnological statistics of
the Thessaloniki and Monastir Vilayets. Athens, [in Greek]...
Fleuves, rivires et canaux dans l'Europe occidentale et... 339
Association interuniversitaire de l'Est. Congrs, Pierre Racine 1997 Ce
propos attachant du pote grec Antipater de Thessalonique, admirateur
de la force de l'eau entranant le moulin, est rapprocher de celui de
Fernand Braudel quand il nous dit qu'il suffit d' un peu d'eau et (que)
tout s 'anime au coeur...
Geschichte der Welt 1350-1750: Weltreiche und Weltmeere Akira Iriye,
Jrgen Osterhammel, Wolfgang Reinhard 2014
AMaritime Republic,
Baltimore, MD 1973, S.246; Braudel, Das Mittelmeer, Bd.3, S. 258281;
Niccol Capponi, Victory of the West. The Story...Merchants in
theOttoman Empire, S.8195; Katerina Papakonstantinou, The
PondikasMerchant Family from Thessaloniki, ca... 156 Fernand
Braudel, Sozialgeschichte des 15.18.
Greece 111 Thanos Verems, Mrkos Dragomis 1998 Review
(Fernand Braudel Center), vol. 16 (1993), p. 499-518. Provides a
synopsis of Salonica's (Thessaloniki's) demographic, social, and
commercial development from 1830 to 1912. The author argues that the
integration of the City 's local...
Historical contributions: 12 285 1993 Jahrhundert. U:
Balkan Studies 29,2, Thessaloniki, 1988., 239-264; Idem: Von der
Gleiehzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen...A o kapitalistikoj europskoj
ekonomiji vidi kapitalno djelo: Fernand Braudel, Strukture
svakidanjice.: 1. Mogue i...
Hommes et ides du Sud-Est europen l'aube de l'ge moderne Andrei
Pippidi 1968 ... connait le cas d'un Turc qui possdait la ferme de la taxe


sur le vin perue dans la communaut juive de Thessalonique 20... Un

rapide coup d'oeil sur sa carrire, avec la principale bibliographie y jointe,
est donne par Fernand Braudel...
Interdependence of Archives: Proceedings of the Twenty... 330
1995 ... il a distingu trois groupes: musulmans, non-musulmans et juifs;
Suivant Fernand Braudel, O. L. Barkan admet pour le XVI s...
spcifiprocs-verbaux du cadi afin qu'elle puisse tre prise en
considration Thessaloniki 1994 86 XXX CITRA.
Jews, Turks, Ottomans: A Shared History, Fifteenth Through... Avigdor
Levy 2002 ... Cloth in the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1650, A Study in
Undevelopment," Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center!...T
F Carney (Thessaloniki: Institute of Balkan Studies, 1972), 76-78 and
88-90; Halil Sahillioglu, "Yeniceri cuhasi ve II.
Journal of Medieval Military History 8 87 Clifford J.
Rogers, John France, Kelly DeVries 2010 104, 48588); Fernand
Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of
Philip II, trans. Sin Reynolds, 2...15057; John H. Pryor, Introduction:
Modelling Bohemond's march to Thessaloniki, in Logistics, p. 19;
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 8 42 1981 Phthiotis,
Katerini, and Thessaloniki, provided the suitable combination of summer
and winter pastures for the flocks of...Cf. Fernand Braudel, The
Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II,
trans, from the French by...
Jdischer Almanach...des Leo Baeck Instituts 1995 63 Leo
Baeck Institute 2003 Der franzsische Historiker Fernand Braudel
erlutert in seinem groen Mittelmeer-Buch, da die massive
und...kosmopolitischen Hafenstdte von Barcelona, Genua, Venedig,
Livorno und Marseille bis Thessaloniki, Alexandria und Istanbul.
La cultura Judeo-Espaola del norte de Marruecos 304 Tamar
Alexander-Frizer, Yaakov Bentolila, Merkaz Mosheh Dav id Gaon leTarbut ha-Ladino 2008 Publicaciones recientes: "The Mediterranean Idea:
Braudel"...Publicaciones recientes: The Jews of Thessaloniki, 18561919: A Unique Community, Themelio, Atenas 2001 (recibi el...
La Mediterranee et le monde Mediterraneen a lepoque...Fernand
Braudel 1949 Fernand Braudel...le vtement un peu ample des villes


puissantes: l'Aragon lato sensu est la mise en oeuvre du dynamisme de

Barcelone ; l'Empire d'Orient, assez exactement, la double banlieue de
Constantinople et. de Thessalonique.
La plante ocane 2ed.: Prcis de gographie maritime 407 Andr
Louchet 2014 ... Gibraltar-Suez, il permet de rpartir les marchandises
gnrales par feeder depuis Athnes jusque vers Thessalonique et la mer
Noire, jusque vers Damiette, et jusqu' Odessa et mme Aqaba...
Fernand BRAUDEL, La Mditerrane.
La plante ocane: Prcis de gographie maritime Andr Louchet 2009
... il permetderpartir les marchandises gnrales parfeeder depuis
Athnes jusque vers Thessalonique et la mer Noire, jusque vers
Damiette, et jusqu' Odessa et mme Aqaba... Fernand BRAUDEL, La
Mditerrane Document 18.3.
Landscape, ethnoscape 374 International Association for PeopleEnvironment Studies. Conference 1992 Vers le milieu de notre sicle
cependant, l'cole historique franaise se constitue autour de l'idecl, due
Fernand Braudel, qu'il n'y a d'histoire que globale. La division
classique des domaines de l'histoire en histoire politique...
Le Livre et l'historien: tudes offertes en l'honneur du...Frdric Barbier
1997 Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane et le monde mditerranen
l'poque de Philippe 11, Paris, 1985, p... Les Juifs constituaient alors la
majorit de la population dans la ville de Thessalonique (2 642 foyers sur
un ensemble de 4 863)...
Le Modle italien 243 Fernand Braudel 1989 Fernand
Braudel. ITALIEN Sacchi (Andrea), 167. Sadeler (Raphal), 94. Sahara,
28, 70. Sahel, 117. SaintAmand, 161...Thessalonique, 24. Tibre, 166.
Tibur, 91. Tiepolo (Giambattista), 178 Tiferna (Gregorio), 50. Tintoret
(Jacopo Robusti, dit...
Le nouvel observateur 322-337; 20 114 1971
Permettre au lecteur d'tre au courant de l'histoire en train de se faire ",
extraits de la prface de Fernand BRAUDEL... et la longue chevelure,
tels qu'on les rencontre aujourd'hui encore dans les rues de Smyrne et de
Thessalonique !
Les quipements du pouvoir: villes, territoires et... 91 1973
L'conomie internationale, soutient Braudel, est une: ds le XVIe sicle,
peut-tre avant, se dessinent les rythmes d'une Weltwirtschaft 2...
Fernand Braudel, La Mditerrane . . ., t... en oeuvre du dynamisme de


Barcelone, l'Empire d'Orient, assez exactement, la double banlieue de

Constantinople et de Thessalonique.
Les mmoires de la Mditrrane: prhistoire et antiquit 391
Fernand Braudel, Roselyne de Ayala, Paule Braudel 1998 prhistoire et
antiquit Fernand Braudel, Jean Guilaine, Pierre Rouillard Roselyne de
Ayala, Paule Braudel. Suez (Egypte), 45. Sumer (Msopotamie),
Sumriens (les), 36,.. Suppiluijuma II (roi hittite), 177.
l'expulsion 1492, des juifs d'Espagne 85 Centre d'tudes juives de
Paris-Sorbonne 1996 Cf. J. Nehama, Histoire des Isralites de Salonique,
5 vol., Thessalonique, 1935-1978 ; L S. Emmanuel, Histoire des...in the
Ottoman Empire, 1500-1650: A Stdy in Undevelopment , Review,
Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton, N. Y., D...
Literature and Culture in Late Byzantine ThesSalonica 12.
Eugenia Russell 2013 ... Creating Borders in the City of Thessaloniki
(18001912)'.34 The force and urgency of the scholarly debate evident
in...'Port-Cities in the Ottoman Empire: Some Theoretical and Historical
Perspectives', Review (Fernand Braudel Center)...
Mlanges en l'honneur de Fernand Braudel: histoire... 341
Fernand Braudel 1973 histoire conomique du monde mditerranen,
1450-1650 Fernand Braudel...Constantinople y figure comme ville
chrtienne, la date post quem ne peut tre que 1430, l'anne de la chute de
Thessalonique, prsente comme ville turque.
Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts fr soziale Bewegungen Fikret Adanr 2005
A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economics,
Historical Systems and Civilisations 1/ 34...Vasiles Demetriades:
Topografia tes Thessalonikes kata ten epoche tes Tourkokratias 14301912, Thessaloniki 1983; Klaus...
Montaigne: espace, voyage, criture: actes du Congrs... 118 Zo
Samaras 1995 actes du Congrs international de Thessalonique, 23-25
septembre 1992 Zo Samaras...2 Fernand Braudel cite des exemples de
ces rglements dans la ville de Marseille (1566) et en plusieurs villes de
l'Espagne et de l'Italie dans La...
On History. Fernand Braudel 1982 An eminent French historian
analyzes the study of history and the nature of time
Oriente moderno 25 i 2006 ... Ottoman expansion since the
days of Fernand Braudel, Magalhzes Godinho and Cengiz Orhonlu, and


further studies...Ginio bases his research on the sicil registers of the seriat
court in Thessaloniki which present the local narrative (p.
Orthodox Christianity in 21st Century Greece: The Role of... ix
Professor Vasilios N Makrides, Professor Victor Roudometof 2013 ...
Slavic and Oriental Studies in Macedonia University of Thessaloniki
(from October 2005 until present), and Senior Research...and in the
European University Institute (Law Dept. in January-February 2009 as
Fernand Braudel Fellow).
Peste al confine: l'epidemia di Messina del 1743 60. Giuseppe
Restifo 1984 .. Geography of the Greek World in the Balkans during the
Turkokratia, Thessaloniki, Institute for Balkan Studies, 1977, pp...
Goubert, Pierre, Nel Beauvaisis: problemi demografici del XVII secolo,
in Braudel, Fernand (a cura di), Problemi 60.
Pierre d'Aubusson: le bouclier de la chrtient 245 Gilles
Rossignol 1991 Les juifs apporteront de surcrot l'imprimerie, comme
l'explique Fernand Braudel, ajoutant que la diversit de leurs...est
considrable: au XVIe sicle, ils reprsenteront par exemple soixante
pour cent de la population de Thessalonique.
Ports maritimes et ports fluviaux au moyen ge: XXXVe... 128
Socit des historiens mdivistes de l'enseignement suprieur public.
Congrs 2005 Celle-ci connut la fin du Moyen ge un essor
exceptionnel qui, selon Fernand Braudel, la projeta au rang des plus
puissantes marines mditerranennes au...Ville ancienne et port de
Dubrovnik Le port de Thessalonique 128 Nenad.
Proceedings of the International Rangeland Congress: Andr Gaston 1991
Mediterranean rangelands Fernand Braudel, certainly our century's
greatest social geographer, in his monumental work on the Mediterranean
Basin (1977) considers that the...Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle
University, Thessaloniki. Greece.
Recherches 13-16 91 1973 L'conomie internationale,
soutient Braudel, est une: ds le XVle sicle, peut-tre avant, se
dessinent les rythmes d'une Weltwirtschaft 2... Fernand Braudel, La
Mditerrane . . ., t... en oeuvre du dynamisme de Barcelone, l'Empire
d'Orient, assez exactement, la double banlieue de Constantinople et de
Reconstructing the Balkans: a geography of the new... 96 Derek R.
Hall, Darrick R. Danta 1996 Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki,


pp... Gounaris, B., 1993a, Salonica, Fernand Braudel Center Review,

16, 499-518... I., 1992, Modern and contemporary Macedonia: historyeconomy-societycivilization, Paratiritis, Thessaloniki.
Revista de istorie 32, 10-12 2429. 1979 ... Bucureti,
Bucureti, 1978, 224 p. (FI. Constantinlu ) 7 1389 BRAUDEL,
FERNAND, Ecrils sur...Potrivit cu Izvoare necunoscute noi i alte
elemente arhivistice (In lb. greac), Thessaloniki, 1976, 305 p. (Nestor
Camartano) 9 1814 VANKU...
Revue d'tudes palestiniennes: revue trimestrielle publie...1992
Fernand Braudel va jusqu' proclamer que Venise et les autres
vaisseaux et marchands d'Italie roccupent pour la...Grecs et d'Asie
Mineure tels que Lattaqui, Antioche, Adana, Andrinople, Thessalonique,
Thbes, Athnes, Corinthe...
Romania Arabica: 145 Jens Ldtke, Reinhold Kontzi 1996
Andrioti, N.P. (1967): 'E'uuokoyuco leiuco tfig xotvfig Neoekknvucfig,
Thessaloniki. Aquilina, Joseph (1969): Nomi maltesi di...Portrait of a
Sea, London. Braudel , Fernand ( * 1973 ): The Mediterranean 145
Mediterranean Influences in Maltese.
Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday Lia Yoka, Gregory
Paschalidis 2015 All that is still lacking. What the text says calls for
discussion, addition and extension".
Stadtzerstrung und Wiederaufbau: Schlussbericht 128 Martin
Krner, Niklaus Bartlome 2000 Also cf. its Greek corresponding piece
by Basil Papazachos und Catherine Papazachou, The Earthquakes of
Greece, Thessaloniki 1997... 19 Fernand Braudel, Civilisation
materielle, economie et capitalisme, xv'-xviu' siecle. T 1: Les...
Sdosteuropa-Jahrbuch 60 1998 Die Muslime waren unter den
neun Grndern der Anwaltskammer von Thessaloniki im Jahre 1879 nur
mit zwei und unter...A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the
Study of Economics, Historical Systems and Civilisations , XVl/4, Fall...
Tentaia lui homo-europaeus: geneza spiritului modern n...Victor
Neumann 1991 Jhd, ergrnden so jene von Fernand Braudel, Pierre
Chaunu, Lucien Febvre', Ortega y Gasset, Ernst Robert Curtius... die die
hier ansssigen Juden initierten in Zusammenarbeit mit jenen aus
Konstantinopel, Adrianopol, Thessaloniki, aber...


The Balkan Wars 282 Andre Gerolymatos 2008 Braudel,

Fernand. The Mediterranean and the...Victims at Sarajevo: The Romance
and Tragedy ofFranz Ferdinand and Sophie. London: Harvill Press, 1984.
Casavetti...Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1993.. The
Unification of...
The Epic Cinema of Kumar Shahani 272 Laleen Jayamanne 2014
Braudel, Fernand. Civilization and Capitalism: 15th18th Century. New
York: Harper and Row, 1982... Thessaloniki: Organization for the
Cultural Capital of Europe, 1997. Cook, Pam. Baz Luhrmann. London:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
The Imperial Ottoman Bank in Salonica: the first 25 years... 38
John Karatzoglou 2003 Braudel, Fernand. 1980. On History. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press. Brown...Trapezites kai trapezes sti
Thessaloniki (Bankers and Banks in Salonica), private edition. Inalcik,
Halil, Donald Quataert, Suraiya Faroqhi, Bruce McGowan...
The Jewish communities of southeastern Europe: from the... Ianns K.
Chasits, Hidryma Meletn Chersonsou tou Haimou (Thessalonik,
Greece) 1997 Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th
century, London 1985, vol. n, p... major role played by Thessaloniki's
Jewish community in regulating the issues connected with textile
production may be compared with the regulatory...
The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age... 1.
Fernand Braudel 1995 "Braudels Mediterranean is a tour de force, one
of the classics of this century's historical writing."--Charles Tilly, author
of "As Sociology Meets History"
The Necessary Nation 230 Gregory Jusdanis 2001 Braudel,
Fernand. [1946] 1973. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World
in the Age of Philip II. Vol. 2... Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan
Studies. Cameron, Averil. 1993. The Mediterranean World in Late
Antiquity, A.D. 3 95 600.
The Ottoman Empire and the World Around It 233 Suraiya
Faroqhi 2006 Braudel, Fernand (1st edition in 1 vol., 1949, 2nd edition,
1966). La Mediterranee et le...A lexandre Mavrocordato, le Grand
Drogman, son activite diplomatique (1673-1709) (Thessaloniki: Institute
for Balkan Studies). (Important monograph...
The Sephardim in the Ottoman Empire 131 Avigdor Levy 1992 2,
pp. 249-50. 88. Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism: 15th18th


Century, Volume...Joseph Nehama, Histoire des Israelites de Salonique

(vols... 6-7, Thessalonique: Communaut Israelite de Thessalonique,
1978), vol. 4, p. 57. 94.
The Temptation of Homo Europaeus 255 Victor Neumann 1993 F.
Braudel, op.ciL 19 V. Eskenasy, op, ciL, doc. 5, p. 6. 20 Ibidem. 21
Ibidem, doc. 5, p. 6. During the time of Louis I, the zealous king who
wished to...Fernand Braudel, op... See also Jose Nehama, Histoire des
Israelits de Salonique, vol.
The Traditions of Invention: Romanian Ethnic and Social... 269
Alex Drace-Francis 2013 Braudel, Fernand 'Histoire et sciences
sociales: La longue dure', Annales...Ariadna Les Acadmies princires
de Bucharest et deJassy. Thessaloniki, cncea, Paraschiva, 'situaia
rnimii din secolul al XiX-lea reflectat n. 1974.1787.
The Via Egnatia under Ottoman rule (1380-1699): Halcyon... 99
Elisavet A. Zachariadou 1996 .. the Ottoman Empire 1500-1650. A study
in underdevelopment, Review of the Fernand Braudel Center, 2 (1979),
437-451... ve Kentliler, (Istanbul 1993) p. 2, 5; G. VEINSTEIN, Sur la
draperie Juive de Salonique (XVIe-XVne siecles), ROMM...
The Whispers of Cities: Information Flows in Istanbul... 177 JohnPaul A. Ghobrial 2014 ... nication dans la Republique des lettres.
Amsterdam: APA-Holland Universit, 1994. Braudel, Fernand...
Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1970. Carriere, Charles.
IVe'gociants marseillais au XVIII siecle: Contribution a l 'e'tude des...
Third Conference of the Rectors of Universities of Balkan... 19
1986 Thessaloniki, November 26-30, 1986. The Balkan nations share a
lot of common features. We all inhabit this peninsula which has been and
will continue to be, of great political and cultural importance. The French
historian Fernand Braudel...
Through the Roadblocks: Exhibition Catalogue 155 George
Alexander, Helene Black, Antonis Danos, Denise Robinson 2015
Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century: The
Perspective of the World ...it was after their...London, Cinesonika in
Canada, The Little Land Fish in Istanbul, Breaking Walls in Thessaloniki
[2010], Vidoeholica in Varna...
Toplum ve bilim 43-47 35 1988 47; Fernand Braudel, La
Medlterranee et le monde mediterraneen a l'epoque de Philippe ll, Paris:


A. Colin, 2. ed. 1966, 1. 1, s.318. Ancak Traian...History of Macedonia,

1354-1833. Thessaloniki: lnstitute for Balkan Studies 1973, s. 387-425...
Tourkia kai Valkania: historiko dokimio 259 Knstantinos P.
Kyrrs 1986 historiko dokimio Knstantinos P. Kyrrs. BRAUDEL,
FERNAND. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age
of Philip Il. Volumes I-Il, Translated from the French by Sian Reynolds,
FontanaCollins, London, I976. 00. I -642.
Una leccin de historia de Fernand Braudel: 57 1986
BRAUDEL. Il n'y a que les Italiens et nous pour dire la vrit...
AHRWEILER. Eustache de Thessalonique dit qu'aucun chiffre
pouvait mesurer l'arrive des Croiss ! Mais nous savons autre chose
je parle de la seconde...


Unutulmu bir cemaat: Manisa Yahudileri 35 Feridun Mustafa

Emecen 1997 H. Lowry, "Portrait of a City: The Population and
Topography of Ottoman Selanik, Thessaloniki, in the year
1478"...Empire 1500-1650: A Study in Undevelopment", Review of the
Fernand Braudel Center, II (1979), 437-451. alan veba da...
Venise 91 Fernand Braudel 1997 Fernand Braudel. Aux pages
pTeudentes: Sur la...Le Turc ouvre la danse en occupant Otrante en 1480,
il avait auparavant chass le Vnitien de Thessalonique, de Ngrepont,
de l'le d'Eube, de Malvoisie. Le duel est alors engag entre...
Widerstand und Kollaboration in Albanien 1939-1944 287 Hubert
Neuwirth 2008 Thessaloniki 1968. BLAKE, M., Economic conditions in
Albania. Washington 1923. BOELCKE, Willi A... BRAUDEL, Fernand,
Sozialgeschichte des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Der Handel. Mnchen
1986. BROSZAT, Martin, Albanische Milizen...
Zeitschrift fr Kulturaustausch 50 110 2000 gessenen
Menschen aus dem Inneren bedeuten Dubrovnik und Thessaloniki seit
jeher auch den Zugang zu guten...Und sich selbst wiederzugewinnen im
Sinne des Historikers Fernand Braudel: Als ein Europa zur Levante hin
und zum...
Zentralitt und Religion: zur Formierung urbaner Zentren...Hubert
Cancik, Alfred Schfer, Wolfgang Spickermann 2006 Tauromenium 20
Thessaloniki 84, 134-135 Galeriusbogen 84 Timgad (Algerien) 201
Tomis 137 Trier 138 Tyrus 132...Karl 33 Balbus 17 Blussus 172 Bona
Mens 136 Bowersock, Glen 97 Braudel, Fernand 34, 35 Brent, Allan
118 Caesar...


, 1700-1821: ...Tzelina
Charlaut, 2013

Adamantios Korais, 89
Alexander, 6, 27, 87, 91, 102, 103,
105, 107, 110, 113, 115, 116,
120, 121, 123, 124, 127, 142,
Alexandre, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,
134, 136
alphabets grec, 50, 63
Ancient, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 16, 19, 21,
22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33,
34, 36, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 58,
73, 75, 81, 82, 86, 87, 90, 93,
94, 95, 101, 110, 112, 115, 124,

Antiquity, 6, 28, 32, 78, 87, 123,

127, 147
Apostolos Euangelou Vakalopoulos, 27
Archaeology, 4, 6, 17, 19, 25, 33,
34, 41, 43, 73, 83, 86, 87, 93,
95, 96, 101, 107, 114, 116
Archaic Ages, 24, 25
Aristophanes, 91, 107
Aron, Raymond, 22, 42
Asia Minor, 78, 88
Athenian, 9, 125
Athens, 5, 7, 11, 16, 21, 22, 31, 42,
74, 75, 94, 108, 110, 136, 140
Balkan, 5, 7, 9, 14, 22, 26, 29, 34,
59, 60, 73, 88, 96, 102, 115,

116, 117, 118, 124, 126, 137,
138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145,
146, 147, 148
Boeotia, 4, 33
Byzance, 40, 49, 55, 59, 68, 72,
Byzantine, 47, 60, 82, 84, 88, 92,
104, 105, 109, 123, 143
Byzantium, 12, 16, 47, 60, 73, 79,
Capital, 47, 61, 146
Capitalism, 8, 12, 15, 32, 35, 48,
61, 74, 75, 79, 80, 83, 89, 102,
103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 113,
117, 120, 125, 130, 135, 138,
146, 147, 148
Capitalisme, 47, 61
Century, 7, 8, 20, 21, 31, 32, 35,
41, 45, 46, 48, 61, 75, 82, 88,
103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 113,
115, 117, 122, 125, 130, 135,
138, 144, 146, 147, 148
Civilization, 8, 24, 31, 35, 45, 48,
61, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 83,
84, 85, 88, 89, 98, 103, 105,
107, 109, 111, 113, 114, 117,
130, 135, 138, 146, 147, 148
Classical Antiquity, 16, 40, 92, 104,
Claude Levi-Strauss, 4, 33
Constantinople, 9, 13, 29, 31, 65,
133, 142, 143
Crte, 51, 56, 65
Crusades, 16
Cyprus, 76, 88
Danforth's, 23, 42, 95
Diamandouros, 24
mile Zola, 92
empire of Alexander, 12
Fernand Braudel, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,
90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116,

117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122,

123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128,
129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134,
135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140,
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146,
147, 148, 149
FERNAND BRAUDEL, 84, 106, 111,
112, 113
Finley, 23, 24, 25, 42, 43, 64, 110
French, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 18, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29,
30, 33, 34, 37, 41, 50, 58, 63,
71, 73, 74, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83,
84, 87, 89, 90, 96, 97, 98, 105,
107, 111, 113, 119, 121, 122,
125, 135, 138, 139, 142, 144,
geography, 4, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22,
31, 33, 38, 45, 106, 123, 136,
Grce, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 45, 54, 56, 61, 62, 63, 64,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 131, 132,
135, 136
grecque, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
71, 129, 135
grecques, 55, 56, 58, 62, 63, 66,
68, 71
grecs, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 58, 59,
63, 65, 67, 72, 138, 145
Grecs, 40, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54,
55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65,
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 131, 133
Greece, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38,
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
57, 58, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87,
89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
98,100, 103, 104, 108, 110,
112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119,
122, 124, 125, 126, 139, 141,
144, 145, 146
Greek, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 42,
43, 44, 45, 46, 57, 59, 72, 73,
74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89,

90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 107, 108,
109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115,
116, 117, 118, 119, 124, 130,
139, 140, 144, 146
Greek civilization, 28, 29, 30, 72,
73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83,
84, 85, 95, 97, 114
Greek culture, 26, 86, 87, 90, 91,
94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 113
Greek History, 5
Greek mathematics, 9
Greek Mythology, 33, 99
Greeks, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23,
25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 37,
45, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 83,
84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95,
98, 99, 115, 118, 124
Griechische, 100
Hellenic, 12, 17, 85, 101, 102, 103,
104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 141
Hellenistic, 17, 24, 29, 42, 77, 78,
91, 92, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
111, 112, 113, 114, 123
Hellenization, 14, 22, 26, 38, 91, 94,
Histoire, 10, 12, 27, 35, 36, 38, 39,
46, 50, 51, 55, 56, 60, 64, 68,
69, 70, 75, 89, 102, 130, 131,
133, 134, 138, 143, 147
historians, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 27,
29, 30, 31, 37, 42, 81, 85, 104,
historiographie, 64
Historiography, 5, 19, 31, 44, 93
History, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21,
23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44,
45, 46, 51, 56, 58, 59, 64, 65,
69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87,
89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
98,99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111,
112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
125, 126, 127, 135, 136, 137,
138, 139, 141, 144, 146, 147,
Homer, 19, 27, 29, 93, 102

influence, 21, 40, 51, 52, 54, 64,

65, 67, 82, 89, 101, 114, 116,
126, 130, 131
Kitromilides, 26, 82, 88, 96, 140
Lingua Franca, 98
linguistique, 50, 63
Macdoine, 128, 129, 130, 131,
132, 133, 134, 135, 136
Macedonia, 12, 22, 30, 44, 83, 97,
114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119,
120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
126, 127, 136, 140, 144, 145,
Macedonian, 115, 116, 119, 120,
123, 125, 126, 127, 136, 140
Macedonians, 115, 118, 120, 124,
127, 136
macdonien, 128, 130, 131, 132,
133, 136
Macdonien, 132, 133, 134
Machiavelli, 12, 76, 90, 123
Manolis Andronikos, 19, 41, 93
Manos Charitatos, 21
Mark Mazower's, 108, 122
Mediterranean, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11,
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
46, 56, 57, 59, 60, 69, 70, 72,
73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88,
89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98,
99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 107,
108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113,
114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120,
121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142,
145, 146, 147, 148
Mediterranean World, 5, 6, 9, 11, 17,
18, 23, 24, 29, 32, 34, 36, 44,
46, 57, 59, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76,
79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 90,
92, 93, 94, 97, 99, 103, 108,
112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119,
121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 136,
138, 141, 142, 146, 147, 148
Moisiodax, 26, 82, 88, 96
mont Pange, 132
Mycenaeans, 70
Nietzsche, 79
Ottoman Empire, 7, 8, 11, 30, 50, 74,
75, 76, 77, 78, 84, 85, 92, 104,

115, 117, 121, 128, 137, 141,
143, 147
Pricls, 64
Persians, 14, 15, 76
Philip ii, 9
Philipe II, 74
Philippe, 6, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27,
28, 32, 33, 34, 37, 40, 43, 44,
46, 47, 48, 50, 54, 55, 63, 64,
67, 69, 81, 95, 96, 99, 127, 128,
130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,
139, 142, 148
Pierre Vidal-Naquet, 9, 54
Plato, 6, 10, 19, 87, 96
Platon, 49, 51, 62, 65
Platonic, 6, 87
Plutarch, 102
polis, 7, 16, 22, 49, 74, 80, 94
Polis, 31
Political Economy, 13, 37, 79
Robert D. Kaplan, 18
Roman Empire, 16, 40, 72, 76, 81,
85, 92, 95, 100, 104, 105, 107,
108, 110

Romans, 7, 11, 14, 15, 20, 26, 74,

76, 88
Rome, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 23, 26,
27, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 43, 44,
45, 46, 47, 49, 58, 60, 74, 75,
76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86,
90, 95, 98, 100, 103, 105, 109,
110, 111, 112, 113, 123, 127,
Salonika, 9, 29, 139
Salonique, 137, 143, 147
Serres, 115
Siderokapisi, 115
Smyrna, 9, 29, 32, 46, 93
Thanos Verems, 13, 119, 141
Thessalonie, 129
Thessalonike, 115
Thessaloniki, 122, 124, 137, 138,
139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145,
146, 147, 148, 149
Thessalonique, 137, 138, 140,
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147,
Thrace, 56, 118, 120, 124, 125,
133, 134, 136
Toynbee, 11, 108

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