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Praveen R 1403019

Best Leader That I Admire The Most

Participative Leader
In the age were people are clueless of their aspirations and their choices they need to
pursue to make their aspirations a reality. The leader that made me to dream big and
motivated me whenever I felt it was impossible for me to achieve is Mr. Isaac Prince
Jeffrey, my ex-boss and very close friend.
Jeff currently AVP, Citi Bank is the one of the youngest VPs in Citi Bank. How did he
achieve this milestone at a young age of 31. The following are the characters that Jeff
believed that a prospective leader should have while growing in his/her career. Not only
believing but also acting to the principles by letter and spirit came easy for Jeff. His
sheer presence, charisma and believes motivated others. The following are some
leadership qualities that Jeff had that made others around him that he had the
leadership material.

Focus Being an Information security leader he always has a vision of future

technologies, he was key in driving the information security best practices in Williams
Lea which he was focused on. centralizing the internal audit efforts of the organization
in India. It was always challenging to convince a Britisher who was his boss to set up a
centralized internal audit division in India.

Confidence Jeff was always confident personality who knew the outcomes of
his tasks as he always did his homework right. Management appreciated his confidence
and respected for his subject matter on international Bids, compliance engagements,
enterprise risk management.

Praveen R 1403019

Integrity During one of the encounter were he had to investigate a compliance

breach in our client who was into banking industry. Jeff showed utmost honesty and
integrity by investigating the cases/security incidents fairly without showing any partiality
to any party in the investigation.

Inspiration He would always allow others to work in their style but he would
inspire them with his previous experiences in earlier organizations. Which would push
any listener of his conversation to next mile. He always would help people to learn new
things which they could improve on. He motivated me to take risks which helped me to
cope with the pressure in office and at IIM.

Passion He is, was and will be always passionate of becoming an Information

Security Leader which he feels passionate about. Many in his team would appreciate
the passion he shows for Information security. Apart from Information Security many
around him would agree his versatile interest an passion with other areas of business.

Communication Being in a risk and compliance leader role the need for
communicating effectively is a mandatory need. Jeff always has way to marriage
compliance with the business need which was much appreciated by the business

Praveen R 1403019

Best Manager That I Admire The Most

Problem Solving Manager

I met Uma Thomas, Senior Vice President, Hexaware Technologies during a
organization restructuring. While Umas boss Ashok Harris was a strategist Uma was an
implementer. A strong business woman by nature she goes with the number say along
with a business rational.
A very good observer she could interpolate the inner attitude of her subordinates and
map them to correct requirement were the incumbent could shine the most and motivate
them from there. Coming from a quality background Uma has industry Knowledge (IT
services). As a quality manager of the organization she would always makes a relevant
and realistic comparison of quality in the industry and where Hexaware stands. The
team members under her lookup to her quantitative ability to solve problems by
managing management issues tactfully.
As a subordinate to her I admire the way she delegates the tasks to her reportees she
understands the business need with the capability of the incumbent to complete the
tasks on time.

Praveen R 1403019

As manager of the internal audit staff she mediates among the senior leadership and
business leaders to bring in necessary controls on governance and management. Uma
is a very good at delegating tasks and getting things done from her subordinates within
the deadline.

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