Law Olympiad 6

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1) Who is the killer
2) What is ur justification
The story is as follows:
Galvin and Bryan are two average men in their 30s that just
so happened to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Or so it seemed.
On the 10th of June 2016 as Galvin and Bryan were
having an unusually competitive game of pool in the local
club in kuching, the bartender noticed something a little out
of the ordinary; the club was unusually empty, as though
people thought it was closed. But he thought nothing of it as
he assumed today was a slow day, there was still one other
person who just strolled in so it wasnt all that bad. The man
seemed shorted than Galvin and Bryan, relatively in shape
and he was wearing a baseball cap with the Arsenal football
club badge on it, nothing unusual here. However, as the
bartender looked closer he noticed tears streaming down the
cheeks of the mysterious figure accompanied by his grim
Just as he was about to offer the sad looking figure a
drink on the house to brighten his day, the man with his face
obscured by his cap popped a few caps into Galvin and
Bryan from a silence pistol. The first few bullets fired didnt
kill the pool playing duo but were aimed at their kneecaps as
well as the elbows, the following shots were fired and the
screams of pain became louder, this was accompanied by
the final two shots straight into their necks, the mysterious
man looked on with a blank expression as Galvin and Bryan
gurgled on their own blood. He then turned to the Bartender
and casually said dont worry, you wont be an accomplice
for not killing me with the shotgun you keep under that

counter of yours. You saw nothing mister Kenny. And just

like that he walked out of the club through the north exit
after casually dropping the empty magazine of his pistol into
the nearest trash can.
Mister Kenny called the police immediately after he left.
They were on the scene almost instantaneously; officer
Hobbs, captain of the law enforcement patrol stationed in Sri
Aman was the man to investigate this mystery. His team of
investigators then examined the bodies and reported back to
him saying sir the cause of death was a large bullet hole in
the neck that ruptured the trachea, but that was clearly
AFTER he shot these met once in each elbow and knee, it
seemed as though this perpetrator wanted to seriously
immobilize his victims for life but changed his mind at the
very end. We also found a Glock 17 C silenced pistol
engraved with the symbols @# !@on its barrel outside of
the north exit of the club with an empty mag in the same
trashcan, this pistol is military grade sir how did a normal
person get this?
Officer Walter needed a list of suspects to go on so he
decided to squeeze as much information out of the
bartender. These were his statements
I saw the guy pull out his pistol but I couldnt do anything
about it as I feared hed kill me as well, he was small about
your height officer Walter but very intimidating.
He fired all his bullets, but half of them hit the wall behind
the men instead of the actual target.
Galvin and Bryan usually come in to the club with a third
member of the group, but they usually only pay attention to
each other the third guy is usually just ignored. Sometimes
they just come in without him.

He knew I had a shotgun under my counter so he

mustve come here often. Because I only told 5 customers
about my defense firearm.
He was also aware of the secret exit I had installed incase
I am in need of a quick getaway, I know this because when I
game chase to get a closer look at his face he was gone.
Right before he left he muttered something in Chinese. I
could barely make it out but I think it was I already paid for
their table uncle.
Officer Walter can now narrow it down to 3 remaining
suspects who are
a. Azreye Zein, friend of Galvin but not so Bryan and who is
often seen together with the two people in the club. Fan of
b. Abel Lao, a man with great physical presence and
someone who doesnt appreciate not being appreciated, nor
does he take very fondly to disrespect. Often seen playing
pool with Galvin and Bryan along with a few other friends of
his, very close friend of Mister Kenny.
c. Mattias Ling, friend of Galvin and Bryan. A man who fits
the physical traits of the killer, avid football fan and also not
fond of being disregarded or ignored.

Officer Walter set off to bring in the suspects for questioning;

the first suspect who will be questioned in their home was
Mattias Ling.

Hello Mister Ling very sorry to be bothering you in your

house like this but do you mind if we came in to as you a few
questions about the late Galvin and Bryan, firstly can you tell

us where were you and what were you doing at 10:00p.m.

10th June.
oh, I heard about Galvin and Bryan from someone, umm
lets see. 10th June was a Friday right? I recall being at home
having myself a great game of Dota 2 as usual as well as
thinking about the Argentina versus Chile game which was
football fan I see? Do you happen to own an Arsenal football
club cap?
oh yeah I do, I bought one because it burns better than
wood for my barbeque what with all their dreams of winning
the league in ashes it makes great charcoal I know Galvin
and Bryan hate the club as well haha I would totally wear it
in front of them just to piss them off even more.
HOW DARE YOU talk like that about Arsenal??? What does
your team have ah? Team full of one season wonders,
traitors and Spanish bulldo *sigh* anyways, this isnt our
topic of discussion, I want to know do you have any ties with
the military or any way of attaining military equipment?
uhh I have no ties of the sort but if I ever wanted any
military grade stuff I can always just contact Abel, his dad is
a retired veteran
hmm I see, thank you Mister Mattias.
Officer Walter when straight to Abels apartment for the next
session of questioning.
hello Mister Lao I have been meaning to ask you a few
questions regarding your affiliation with Galvin and Bryan,
the first question being
Before officer Walter could finish Abel interrupts him.

oh those two pieces of trash, never liked them. The only

reason I actually hang out with them is because they used to
be friends of my brother Wally Lao. I am actually perfectly
alright with them gone lah, doesnt effect me, and I have two
less things on my mind. They were always so annoying,
asking for law lectures or business-econs lectures, and
NEVER thanking me, ungrateful pricks. Even when I agree to
play pool with them they just ignore me and disregard my
presence. Hate them to the core lah.
hmm I see, you arent too fond of those two. Can you tell
me where you were at ju..
Abel interrupts again.
thats a nice gun you have holstered officer. MP 443,
military grade, extended magazine of 20 rounds, much like
most other military grade pistols, what is a cop doing with a
gun like that?
I spent 1 year in the military after which I decided to
become a cop, I am the captain of my patrol. One of my
greatest feats was enacting the national store-defense policy
where every store or business has to have at least one of the
listed firearms for self-defense purposes; I have no problem
with bragging about this, I guess you could say I earned it. I
even have all my weapons engraved with my initials. One
last question mister Lao, do you like football?
oh hell no, I dont understand the sport 44 legs on a pitch
trying to nets some balls??? What the hell is going on lah?
Once my brother bought me a red cap with a cannon on it
said it was his favorite team, I wore it on ONE occasion, ONE.
Never found the need to wear it ever again.
I see, thank you Abel no more questions.

The next person on the list was Azreye Zein.

hello mister Zein I was looking to ask you a few questions,

firstly what were you doing at 10:00p.m. on the 10th of
oh I was driving back home after my buka puasa dinner,
almost reaching. The place was reallllllly far away, and even
though I reeeeeaaallly dont like to fast I have to because of
10:00p.m. and you were driving home from a far place,
almost reaching your house? That seems like a really fast
dinner you had, why were you on your way so early?
oh because there was this person at the dinner at
apparently thought it would be funny to equate me to Bryan,
you know the Bryan that is now dead, yeah that guy. Hate
that guy so much la, give me a chance and I would have
taken him out myself.
I have a feeling you COULD have just done that.
Hey! I told you I wasnt anywhere close to those guys, I am
starting to get suspicious of you officer, you cant just BARGE
into my house and accuse me of murder. I dont even know
why you are here. You are stationed in SRI AMAN a whole
200kilometres from us and you got ASSIGNED to this job? I
have a right to request you to leave my house.
thank you Azreye, I shall leave you in peace.

As officer Walter walked back into his car he found a

football cap stained with splotches of brown..
Abel did it.
Abel is one of the few people Kenny told about the shotgun. He was a close friend of

Kenny and knew about the secret exit. The appearances described by Kenny fits how
Abel looks like. Abel also mentioned he has an Arsenal cap that he wore for one
occasion. Abel killed the two by getting a military grade weapon from his dad. He killed
those two because he felt unappreciated and left out.

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