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MAMMA MIA the film


Donna, an independent, single mother, who owns a small hotel on an idyllic Greek
island, is about to let go of Sophie, the spirited daughter she's raised alone. Donna
has invited her two best friends to the wedding of his daughter, Rosie, a practical
woman and logic, and Tanya, rich and divorced. Both are former members of his
former band, Donna and the Dynamos. For its part, Sophie has secretly invited
three guests.

Determined to find a father for her down the

aisle, she brings back three men who visited
the island paradise 20 years ago. During the
film, find new loves and old romances will be
rekindled on this lush island full of

Donna, una mare independent i soltera, propietària d'un petit hotel en una idíl·lica
illa grega, està a punt de deixar que marxi Sophie, la filla a la qual ha criat sola.
Donna ha convidat les seves dues millors amigues al casament de la seva filla,
Rosie, una dona pràctica i lògica, i Tanya, rica i divorciada. Totes dos són ex
membres de la seva antiga banda, Donna and the Dynamos. Per la seva banda,
Sophie també ha fet tres invitacions molt especials.

Decidida a trobar un pare per a ella pel passadís, convida a tres homes que van
visitar la paradisíaca illa fa 20 anys. Durant la pel·lícula, trobar nous amors i
romanços es revifaran vells en aquesta illa plena de possibilitats.


Meryl Streep  Donna Sheridan is Sophie's mother, owner of the hotel Villa
Donna, and wife of Sam at the end. She is also Rosie and Tanya's friend

Pierce Brosnan  Sam Charmichael is Sophie's possible father, husband to Donna,

and an American architect.


Colin Firth  Harry Bright is Sophie's possible father and a British banker.

Stellan Skarsgard  Bill Anderson is Sophie's possible father, a Swedish sailor

and travel writer.

Julie Walters  Rosie Mulligan is one of Donna's former bandmates in Donna and
The Dynamos an unmarried fun-loving author.

Dominic Cooper  Sky is Sophie's fiancé, designing a website for the hotel.

Amanda Seyfried  Sophie Sheridan is Donna's daughter and Sky's fiancée.

Christine Baranski  Tanya Wilkinson is the other of Donna's former bandmates

and a rich, three-time divorcée.

Ashley Lilley and Rachel McDowall  Ali and Lisa are close friends of Sophie and
her bridesmaids.


Chance: oportunitat

Mood: preparat

Low: sota

Groom: nuvi

Jive: passar-ho bé

Wasting: perdre

Teasing: burles

Wild: silvestre

Bandmates: companyes de la banda (grup de música).

Bridesmaid: dama d’honor

Maybe: potser

Swedish sailor: Mariner suec


Former: ex

Unmarried: solter

Fun-loving: amant de la diversió

Donna spies them and is dumbfounded to find herself facing three former lovers she could
never forget ("Mamma Mia").

Sophie finds the men aboard Bill's yacht, and they sail around Kalokairi ("Our Last Summer")
and tell stories of Donna as a carefree girl.

While her girlfriends dance with the men ("Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man after
Midnight)"), Sophie learns from Bill that Donna received the money to invest in her villa from
his great aunt Sofia. Sophie guesses she must be her namesake and Bill is her father. She asks
him to give her away and to keep their secret from Donna until the wedding.

On a Greek island called Kalokairi, 20-year-old bride-to-be Sophie Sheridan (Amanda Seyfried)
posts three wedding invitations ("I Have A Dream") to three different men. From across the
globe, the men set off for the wedding.


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