Delhi Private School - Sharjah LET'S RECAP - (APRIL-JUNE 2014-15) English - Grade - 3

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Dear children, this worksheet has been prepared to help you revise and
remember all the topics in English that you have learnt this term. Try
and do the exercises one at a time and at your leisure. Try to do them on
your own without help. Ask Mum or Dad to check them for you and
reward you with a
for every correct exercise. See how many
you collect. Turn your Summer Holidays into an enjoyable learning
experience. Come back enriched!

Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

It was the last day of school. The whole class was both excited and sad.
The class was going on an excursion to the Underwater World at
Sentosa. They were looking forward to discover all the
wonderful marine life there, and picnic they were planning
to have at Siloso Beach after that. But what made them
sad was the fact that their favourite teacher, Mrs. Tan was
leaving them. She had been teaching them for over 30
years and it was time for her to retire .They knew that they
would miss her a lot. They decided to make her last day a special one. A
farewell party had been planned for her months ahead and they even got
her a farewell gift. The class hoped that she would remember them as
much as they would remember her.
1. Tick the correct answer
1. The children were going to ______ for picnic
a) Underwater World

b) Jumeirah beach
c) Siloso beach
2. Mrs. Tan taught in school for _______
a)12 years
b) 30 years
c) 35 years
3. The class was going for an excursion to ________
a) Australia
b) Japan
c) Sentosa
4. It was the ____ day of the school.
a) last
b) first
c) second
2. Find out from the highlighted words in the passage above:
1. antonym of happy _________
2. rhyming word of wife _______
3. Write True and False in the brackets given below
1. Children were very excited because Mrs. Tan was leaving. (

2. Mrs Tan was teaching for 30 years. (

3. The class hoped that Mrs. Tan would forget them as they would forget
her. (
4. The class had organized a farewell party for their favourite teacher.
5. The children were going for excursions to Siloso Beach. (

6. The class had got a farewell gift for their favourite

teacher. (

Q1. Punctuate the following sentences.

1. he plays basketball in the evening
2. abu dhabi is the capital of uae
3. did she go to school today
4. ahmad has a smart pair of shoes
5. can you give me that book
6. sabiha lives in sharjah
7. we have a holiday on friday
8. i am going to the safa park
9. she has a camel called simmi
10. when did the bell ring

Q2. The forms of some of the nouns in the following sentences are wrong.
Write the correct form in the blank spaces. One has been done for you.
1. The hen laid two egg.
2. Ali and Abu went up the hills.
3. The queen put her crowns on her head.
4. Sameer wore a pair of white sock.
5. The baker gave me three bun.
6. There are two flower pot on the window sill.
7. I wrote in a book with a pencils.
8. I have one pet dogs and two rabbit.
9. Ahmad gave me one books.
10. Sara put both bag on the table.


Q3. Underline the nouns in the following sentences and complete the following
1. Raheem picked up the book.
2. I must go to school on Sunday.
3. Sofia saw some fish in the pond.
4. The deer ran away.
5. The box is on the shelf.
6. Our vacation begins this Thursday.
7. I gave Sameer a chocolate.
8. Nuha has a dog called Fluffy.
9. The rose is a beautiful flower.
10.We saw the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
Common Noun

Proper Noun

Q4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.


The river flows _______________ the bridge. (across, under)

The horse jumped _____________ the fence. (over, behind)
The child hid ______________ the door. (behind, after)
Put a full stop ______________ the sentence. ( behind, after)
Sara is waiting ____________ the corner of the street. (in, at)
Put the vase full of flowers ______________ the table. (on, at)
There is some milk _____________ the jug. (in, on)
Kamila pressed the flower ________________ the pages of her book. (between,

9. There is a sweet shop _____________ the street. (on, at)
10. All the swimmers dived ____________ the pool. (in, into)
Q 5. Fill in the blanks with the opposite of the word given in the brackets :
1. That book is so _______________. (thick)
2. Uncle Wasil is ______________. (old)
3. All my answers were _______________. (correct)
4. I love to drink ________ (cold) milk.

5. They enjoyed the _____________ (short) ride.

Last Friday your mummy went shopping. She decided to take you along. Write a
paragraph of about 10 12 lines on it. You can take the help of the following

Which mall did you visit?

Where is it?
How did you go?
What did you buy?
What did you eat?
Did you enjoy yourself?
What did you like the most?
A day out with Mum





Dear parents,
After the successful completion of this Assignment, kindly
fill the Certificate below. Ask your child to stick it in his
/her notebook so that I know that he/she has done this
exercise independently.

ently, with complete diligence and sincerity. She/ He is being awarde

Parents signature

Teachers signature


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