August 23 Email Release Part I

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UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2016-16007 Doc No. 005979740 Date: 08/21/2018 From: Verveer, Melanne § = ee “‘Huma@dlintonemelicom' . Sauject: Re Cgi Categories: Red Category | thought we agreed alot of prep needed to be done before twas dropped as a track and I'm not sure they/re there. Let ‘me talk to Ed and Penny, — Original Message — ‘From: Huma Abedin {} ‘Set: Monday, July 23, 2012 01:23 PM ‘To: Verveer, Melanne S ‘Subject: FW: Cai : is this what you understood? ‘basically Jus listened to abigall and leymah. they are going to come back with a clearer proposal for what they want. ‘and }told them hr role ategi hidnt even been discussed yet which happens to be true. From: Ed Hughes 86 ‘Sent: Monday, uff 23; ‘To: Hums Abedin; Penny Abeywardena ‘Cc: Elsa Palanza ‘Subject: RE: Cg ‘Huma, Not sure as to Penny's ability to reply in advance of your cal, but CGI has maintained track/working group dedicated to ‘the Issue of gris and women over the course of this year. Penny has conducted dozens of calls and in-person meetings with the group since March, That said, we don’t want to treat the isue of gs and women asa thoed/stand alone topic {st the Annus! Meeting n September, but rather Integrate R across mutiple sessions and sues et the meeting, Heving ‘and want to incorporate the issue throughout the meeting for greater promotion. Melenne was at CG's planniag retreat {a February when/where this approach was discussed and endorsed by our advisors so t'm surprised if there fs woy Confusion on this point. Please let us know if you have any ether questions. Thanks, ed -—Original Message— From: Huma Abedin (] Sent: Monday, July 23, 2032 10:30 AM ‘To: Penny Abeywarderia; Ed Hughes Ce: Elsa Palanza Subject: Re: Cgl UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16007 Doc No. C05879740 Date: 06/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F:2015-16007 Doc No, CO5979740 Date: 08/21/2016 Sorry to interrupt vacation. | wish | could delay her but the problem Is she keen emailing hre directly and ix quite aroous to talk so don’t think | ‘can push her an entire week. It talk t0-her and hear her out today. if there's anything | should know in advance that ‘can emai, would be great, ‘Algo, was taking to hrc about the note in your memo about integrating womens issues throughout the week. Metanne ‘thought you were keeping a separate womens track? Any clarity on that would be great. Thx BS Apologies for the delay in response, t'm currently on vacation in the UK: Thanks for sharing Abby's email below. It ‘would be ideal to connect re. her history at OG! and If possible, join the call Unfortunately min transit most ofthe day. ‘Woud t be possible to reschedule the call for next week? ('m back inthe office on the Sist. ‘Thanks, Penny Fram: Huma Abedin [Hume @clintonemalLcom) Sent Sunday, uly 2, 2012 4:54 PM “To: Ed Hughes ‘Ce: Penny Abeywardens; Elsa Palenza 5 ‘Subject: Re: Ci ‘Wouid LOVE to have Penny join. do want us to be searuless in that regard. do think we should coordinate beforehand ‘because | am telking to her as 2 follow up to an email she sent to hre about a different, new approach, m sending the ‘tent below. Dear Secretary Clinton, ‘We have ettended the Clinton Global Intiative now for » few years and feel i is an Important gathering of same of the 4 know thatthe staff at CGI is hoping to do a plenary with you this year on Design and Urbanization and while this may 'be worthwhile, we are wondering f you would consider Joining with us to make a counter proposal fora different Dlenary that would be much more mesningful. : ‘There isa grest deal of energy at O61 about women, but generally this energy is confined to issue areas that are, for want of a better phrase, "safe." What is more, we have found there to bea distin lack af support for any and all iscussion of Women’s Rights specifically. it would be amazing ff we could bring a plenary to this years's conference. ‘with you and Leymah and some ather high profile people (Zainab Sabi Iam sure would be glad to doit, as would Ashley udd and/or Ben Affleck, either of whom would be great) to talk about why none of this talk wil get us anywhere unless ‘we tatk about Women's Rights. This fs just a loose ideo, stil in formation, but is thls something you might be wilting to support us in trying? With Resepct, ‘Abigal Disney Leymsh Gbowee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16007 Doc No. CO5979740 Date: 06/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16007 Doc No. C05978740 Date: 08/21/2016 —— Original Message — 7 From: €d Hughes (> » BE ‘Sent: Sunday, uly 22, 2012 02:05 PM ‘To: Huma Abedin ‘Ce: Penny Abeywardena Elsa Palanzh Penny and Elsa, Pease see the note below from Huma (Ce'd) re: 8 folow-up call which she Is expecting from Abigail Disney tomorrow. ‘Welcome your gutance on the stotus of plans forthe topic. Huma - For background, Penny has been working with Abigall for years fe: heninvalvement with Ct. Therefore, would it ‘minke sense to include Penny in any communication to demonstrate the transparency of our discussions? | defer to your preference. ‘Thanks, Ed (On dul 22, 2032, at 12:43 AM, "Huma Abedin" wrote: '>Hey. tooping back to emall| sent afew weeks ago about cel womens panel and abigaldsney. She wants to tak to me ‘tomorrow and | want to be prepared for what she's going to throw at me. Who can | talk to at ogi who manages the ‘womens piece? : UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of State Case No, F-2015-16007 Doc No. C05879740 Date: 06/21/2016 For her book tomorrow. Dinner at her house, eaten Do So ty oe neal i y; June 11, 49 ‘Te: Abedin, Huma ‘Subject: Fw: ‘tached Is Is of attendees for tomorrow night’ Cinton Foundation dinner ‘Let me know if you need anything else for UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doe No, (06035306 Date: 06/24/2016 IED U: . No, 7 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Corot 2018-00874 Doc No. 06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 Joyce Aboussie ‘Presideat and Owner of Aboussie & Associates, a ing fm seeving Fortune $00 pee as of Ab strategic consulting firm serving US Secretary of State from 1996 to 2001. In 2009, Secretary Albright and Sandy Berger merged 0 2001. , forces forming the Albright Stonebridge Group. . Elizabeth Bagley ‘She currently serves as Special Advisar for Secretary Initiatives at the State Department and was ‘US Ambassador to Portugal from 1994-1997, Naney Bard and Don Baer Nancy Bard is of counsel to the law fitm of Hartis, Wiltshire & Grannis. Don Beer is Worldwide Vive: of strategic Burson-Marsteller and Chairman of the Lynne and Leonard “Len” Barrack Len isthe senior and founding partner of Barrack, Rodos & Bacine, a Jaw firm that specializes in Titigating securities and antitrust class action cases. Lynne also works at Barrack, Rodos & Bancine. Gail Bassin and Jerri Shaw Gail and Jerri are co-CEOs of JBS International, a women-owned business thet offers a broad and diverse set of mansgement and informaticin technology (IT) services to public- and private- ‘sector clients. Gail isa third-generation Washingtonian who grew up in Montgomery County, ‘When Jerr started her career in the early 1970s, she began her work inthe goverment ‘contracting field, when only 2 percent of consultants in the private and public sectors were ‘women, , ‘Susan and Sandy Berger ‘After leaving the Clinton administration, where Sandy served as National Security Advisor from ~ 1997 to 2001, he becarhe chairman of Stonebridge International, an international advisory firm = he co-founded in 2001. Stonebridge merged with the Albright group in 2009. Janet and James “Jim” Blanchard jim is e partner at DLA Piper U.S. He served as the United States Ambassador to Canada under President Clinton from 1993 to 1996, After serving in the United States House of Representatives from 1975 to 1983, he was elected as the 45th Governor of Michigan in 1982, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00874 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-00374 Doc No. C06036308 Date: 06/24/2016, Tract Otey Blunt Traci is Senior Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs at Robert L. Johnson She served as a Deputy Communications Director for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Crandall and Erskine Bowles Crantall is Chairman of the Springs Industries In, After retiring from the UNC system in 2010, Erskine was appointed in to co-chair President Barack Obania's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform with Alan K. Simpson. On September 7, 2011, Peeebook announced {batt had named Erskine to its board, Erskine also served as Chie of Staff fr President Clinton 1994 to 1995, Seca ag Oa McGowan ‘Susan is a. Director inthe legislative affairs prctice of The Glover Park Group. From 1993 to 1998, she served at the White House as Deputy Assistant to President Clinton andi D : : Aun and Don Brown . Am served 0s chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission during the Clinton administration, She joined the Dramaworts board, a non-profit theater company in South Florida. Don has been areal estate attomey, investor, and developer in Washington for more than 50 years, and he was a founder ofthe law firm of Brown, Gildenhorn & Jacobs as well es the ‘JBG Real Estate Companies, Kelly Craighead Kolly is president and director of the Alliance, tip of busis sec en Scar Cis en ie advising both the President and First Lady. Jerry Crawford . deny isa lawyer, Democratic strategist and fundraiser, and menaging owner ofthe Iowa Energy basketball team. He co-owned Paddy O'Prado, the retired thoroughbred that finished third in eet year's Kentucky Derby, Bill Daley Bill served for one year as Chief of Staff for President Obama, retiring in January 2012, He served as Secretary of Commerce under President Clinton from Jamuary 1997 ~ July 2000, ‘Beth and Ron Dozoretz Beth is Director of the Art in Embassies Program at the State Department. She was the first proman to serve as finance chair of the Democratic National Commitice in 1999, Ron is the founder and CEO of FHC Health Systems and Chairman of Value Options. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00874 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. 06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 Jay Duan Jay served as Associate Director for Public Lisison in the Clinton White House. During the f re-election campaign, he served as Regional Finance Director and later operated the southern political desk. Jay Dunn was Nationel Finance Director at the DNC in the 2004 eyele. Joan and Mark Erwin Mak is the President of Erwin Capital, Inc, a family-owned investment company located in Charlotte, North Carolina. He served as the United States Ambassador 10 the Republic of Mauritius, the Repablic of the Seychelles and the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros from 1999-2001. He and his wife, Joan, maintain a residence in Cherlotte, North Carolina. Samia and Hoda Farouki . ‘Samia isthe Founder and CEO of HAlFinance Corporation, a global investment company. She is in building democracies, and CEO of several inajor corporations specializing in international finance, trade, contracting, logistics, and procurement. Dianne Feinstein and Richard “Dick” Blam ‘Senator Dianne Feinstein is the senior Senator from California, serving since 1992. Dick is the ‘Chairman and President of Blum Capi |, an equity investment management firm, Ed Gabriel and Buffy Lenihan ‘Ed Gabriel is the former U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, and, since 2002, President and Chief Executive Officer of a Washington, D.C.-based strategic business counseling ‘company, The Gabriel Company, LLC, Patti and Gordon Giffin ~ Gordon Griffin was the Ambassador of the United States to Canada from 1997 to 2001 under President Clinton, Prior to his pppointmeat, Giffin practiced law es a senior partner in the firm of Long, Aldridge & Norman (now McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP). He has since retumed to McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP and heads the firm's Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs department. ‘Jamie Gorelick and Richard Waldhorn ‘Jamie is «litigator at Wilmer Hale LLC. She was Deputy Attomey General of the United ‘States during the Clinton administration, Richard, chair of the Department of Medicine, has seaved on the Georgetown faculty since 1981. He has lectured and published extensively in his, ‘area of expertise—the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders. Gabriel Guerre-Mondragon Gabriel served as Ambassador to Chile from 1994-1998. Presently, he heads an international consulting firm based in New York to advise US companies on business practices in Latin American and the Caribbean. He introduced Pedro Torres and his family to the Clinton Foundation. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2016-00374 Doc No. 06035308 Date; 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F:2016-00374 Doc No. C08035308 Date: 06/24/2016 ‘Laura Hartigan ‘Laura was the Political Advisor end Government Relations Specialist fr the Chief Executive Officer atthe Democratic National Committe. Prior to her work with the DNC, she was a board ‘member atthe Saban Capita! Group Inc. and the National Finence Director forthe Clinton-Gore campaign, ‘Jeffrey Hirschberg Jefirey joined Kalorama Partners in May 2004. Prior to joining Kalorama, he directed the Corporate Responsibility Practice of Howrey Simon Amold é White, His daughter, Reche] Hirmehberg Light, served onthe Host Commie ofthe Apri 2012 Milesinn Wetec en, Jeanette Hyde Jeanette Hyde sérved as Ambassador to Berbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries under President Clinton. After serving as Ambessador, she co-founded two banks in Raleigh, ‘North Carolina: Triangle Bank and North State Bank. Mindy and Jay Jacobs . Since becoming Chairman of the Nassau County Democratic Committee in 2001, Jay Jacobs has overseen the election ofthe frst Democrat in over 30 years as County Executive, the frst Democratic Comptroller, District Attomey and County Assessor, He recently concluded his term as New York State Democratic Chair. He and his wife Mindy operate Timberlake Camps. Joe! Johnson . ~ Joel is a Managing Director with The Glover Pak Group. Prior to joining The Glover Paric Group, he founded The Harbour Group in 2001, Washington public relations firm, and worked ‘88 President Clinton's Senior Advisor for Policy and Communications, ‘Ann and Tim ‘Timm is senior vice president of Governinent Opéretions for The Boeing Company, the world’s Jeading serospace company. He is a member of the company’s Executive Council, He served in the Clinton Administration as special assistant to the President and staff director for White House Christopher Korge Chris is a founder and partner in the law firm of Korge & Korge and is the Chairman and the Managing Partner of Landko Development, a diversified real estate development company in Gent Vins 4 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 08/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 Cynthia and Ira Leesfield ‘Trais founder and managing partner of Leesfield & Partners, P.A., with offices in Miami, Key ‘West, South Beach and Central Florida. He and Cynthia hosted a Clinton Foundation diner at ‘their home last December, Jacob "Jack" Lew + Jack is the current White House Chief of Staff. Previously, he was the Director of the Office of ‘Management and Budget in the Clinton Administration from 1998 to 2001, and later the Obama Administration from 2010 to 2012, (Cynthia and Jerry Lundergan Jerzy is the former Chairman of the Kentucky Democratic Party, Jemy and his wife Cynthia’s ‘daughter Alison was recently elected as Kentucky Secretary of State, Ashok and Amrita Mabbubani After two decades of running a successful small business in the US, Amrita and Ashok ‘Mahbubani set up the EKTA Foundation in 2007 with the simple purpose of giving beck and are ‘active members of the CHinton Giobal Initiative, Dorothy and Terry McAuliffe Tetry serves as Chairman of Green Tech Automotive, which manufactures electric and hybrid vehicles. From 2001 to 2005 Terry served as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. April McCisin-Delaney and John Delaney John is the Democratic candidate for Maryland's 6° district. Before running for Congress, John founded two New York Stock Exchange listed companies, each in. ‘county Maryland. John and his wife April met as law stidents at Georgetown. They have four daughters. ‘Donna and Thomas F, "Mack" McLarty III ‘Donna has made her impact with Vital Voices Global Partnership. After serving as White House Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton, Mack founded McLarty Associates, a Washington- ‘based consulting company, as well as Chief Executive Officer of the McLarty Companies. ‘Minyon Moore ‘Minyon Moore is a founder of America Coming Together, a liberal political action group, and ‘heads Dewey Square Group's state and local practice. She was formerly Chief Operating Officer of the DNC, and before thet, Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison, and Director of White House Political A flhirs under President Clinton. ‘Michael and Noemi Neidorff ‘Michael is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Centene Corporation, a health ‘care firm dedicated to expanding health insurance coverage. They were introduced to the (Clinton Foundation by Joyce Aboussie. UNCLASSIFIED ‘U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depattment of State Case No, F-2018-00374 Doc No. CO6035308 Date: 08/24/2016 ‘Franco Nuschese Franco is the principal owner of Café Milano in Washington, D.C., president of Capital Wines, ‘LLC, an importer of fine Italian wines, and President of Embassy Row, a catering company servicing a discerning clientele: He donated the catering for the earlier cocktail reception at the Ralian Embassy. Sara and Peter O'Keefe Peter is a partner at Capital Management International, an investment company focusing on biomass energy. From 1996 to 1998, Peter served on The White House staff end spearheaded the Administration's efforts to coordinate with the business community to pass key sections of the Amy Kletnick Amy is currently Chief of Staff at Brian Snyder Investing LLC. ‘Recep Ozkan Recep Ozkan is the former President of the NY Turkish Cultural Center and Chairman of _Everglobe Partners LLC, an energy company. ‘Gokhan Oxkole Gokhan Ozkok operates a consulting firm in New York for Turkish and American businessmen. ‘He is also the founder and President of the Turkish American Business Improvement and ‘Leon Panetta ‘Secretary Panctta is the 23" and curresit United States Secretary of Defense, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama since 2011. Prior to taking office, be served as. ‘Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Secretary Panetta also served as the Chief of Staff for President Clinton from 1994 to 1997, ‘Carol Pensky . (Carol is a self-described philanthropist, activist and homemaker. Vietor Pinchuk \Vietor is one of Ukraine’s most successful businessmen, whose role in civic, intemational affairs ‘and charitable organizations has made him a leader in Ukraine's growing interaction with Europe and the world. ‘Heather and Tony Podesta Heather is the senior partner of the lobbying firm Heather Podesta + Partners. Prior to this, she ‘worked as « congressional aide to Representatives Robert Matsui (D) and Eari Pomeroy (D). Heather is married to Tony Podesta, a lobbyist and founder of the Podesta Group. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. CO6035308 Date: 08/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 08/24/2016 Joba Podesta Until the end of October 2011, John served a3 the President of the Center for America Progress. (CAP). He continues to serve 2s Chair and Counselor. John served as co-chair of President Obama’s transition team, and prior to founding the Center, he served as White House Chief of ‘Staff to President Clinton from 1998 to 2001. ‘Susanna and Jack Quina Jack is the co-founder and chairman of Quinn Gillespie & Associates and serves as the firm's ‘chief strategist. He served as Couzie! to the President Clinton from November 1995 to February 1997. At the time of Jack’s appointment by President Clinton, he was Vice President Gore's Chief-of-Staff and Counselor, a position he undertook in June 1993, Susanna and Jack recently welcomed the birth of their son Jackson in April 2012, * ‘Wayne Rogers ‘Wayne has been Chairman and CEO of Green Energy Acquisition Corp., since its inception in ‘November 2007, He has over 27 years experience in the renewable energy business in the United States and around the world. Israel Roizman ‘Israel is the President and CEO of Roizman Development Inc, based in Philadelphia, PA. Doug Schoen Doug is an American political analyst, pollster, author, and commentator. He isa political analyst for Fox News. He partnered with political strategist Mark Penn and Michee] Berland in the firm of Penn, Schoen & Berland. Cassandra and Bridgette Josette Slater . Cassandra was appointed by President Clinton in 1994 as senior adviser to the Social Security Commissioner. Her husband Rodney served as Secretary of Transportation during the Clinton, Administration ~ he is unable to attend tonight ashe is traveling overseas. Cassandra and Rodney Ihave one daughter Bridgette, : Brian Snyder ‘Brian is 2 principle at HIBJ Investments. He is focused on the family’s philanthropic giving. Richard Sulivan Richard Sullivan is a partner with Capitol Counsel LLC. Richard splits his time between North Carolina and Washington, DC. From 1994-1996, Richard served as the National Finance Director for the Democratic National Committee, Cecilia and Pedro Torres Pedro Torres Ciliberto is a generous supporter of the Clinton Foundation. He and wife Cecilia served as Vice Chairs of A Decade of Difference in Los Angeles in October 2011, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. CO6035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 (Christine Varney . Clseie Vamey i parte fn Coens Litigation Depatnent end neces th Cai of he Firm's antitrust practice, She elso served as Assistant Artomey General and beaded the Justice Department's Antitrust Division from 2009 to 201 1, and as Commissioner of the FTC from 1994 Kevin Vamey ‘Christine’s brother Kevia'is Vice President and Chief of Staff at the Export-Import Bank of the United States, Before investment banking, he served in the White House as the deputy chief of staff of the National Economic Council for the national economic advisor to President Clinton, Christie Viluack Former First Lady of lowa ftom 1999 until 2007 and the 2012 Democratic candidate for U.S. ‘House of Representatives for Iowa's 4* congressional district. ‘Diana and Mallory Walker Mallory recently retired as chairman of Welker & Dunlop, one of the leading commercial real estate finance companies in country, His wife Diana was ine magazine's White House ‘photogmpher for twenty years, capturing virtually every move of Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton. Diana has been recognized by the World Press, the White House News Photographers ‘Association and the National Press Photographers Association, Ellen and Don Walker Don is President of the Harry Walker Agency. He joined the Agency in 1972, working alongside ‘his father and founder Harry Walker, and became Agency President in 1985. Ellen is Managing Director of the Hany Walker Agency. Maureen White Maureen is currently the Senior Advisor on Humanitarian lees in the Office ofthe Special i President Campaign, (Chair of the Democratic Netional Committee from 2001-2006. In the Clinton she represented the US Government at the United Nations Children’s Fund from 1997-2001. Steve Wozencraft and John Evans Steve is CEO of John O'Donnell Associates and has spent the lat 25 years of hs professional career working with NGOs and non-profits. He has been e member of The Clinton Global Initiative since its inception in 2005, John is Chairman and CEO of Evans Telesommunications Co, and the co-founder and former Chairman of C-SPAN. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2016-00374 Doc No. C06035308 Date: 06/24/2016 UNCLASSIFIED 11S, enaimant ot state Cate No: F2U1510267 Doe No, COBATH Cate: Ode iabn6 a eae Be Fuchs, 3 i Sulliven, Jacob) Bee soa Eateporioe: Rad Celeginy Ag yu rai nb, We ronan ear ewe hh encore dite te an event | nl Karhritea, Saphir of tie: Seeertty een praeiahoaoecet ee ena ton eae een te cer an iat meohereheae pF eee era Wikdeais: fete ven gusta. ky cil erbeday. Hi Thee wits ptéoflous fae ret nih ‘pd enews Fegananeva.tony news pipAide 713. ‘Hato: /, Karima UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2015-18287 Doc No. GO6971731 Date: 4721/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Gase No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. CO5S71889 Date: 06/23/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05071889 Date: 05/28/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department: RELEASE IN PART 86) ‘May 1, 2012 ‘President William J. ‘Sent via exnalt: of Siate Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, 05971892 Date: 05/23/2018 IMack metarry 1 wamecrem ne. ‘But the porpose of my outreach tiny concerns a different pat ofthe world: Russia. Aayou know, Russia willbe t0 the World Trade Organization this nummer, which will eaable all other WTO} to take advantage of lowered terifs to ‘Roseia's market. me / #ela wi rows US breed etc yep mcr bg colleagne Ambassador Rick Bart omer, i's stPloflited wound. Brent Scoweroft has George H.W. Bosh about she possbiliy of 4 Joita Bosh-Clinan make the case for semoving this Colé War-ora legilation mtn bk, Prien Bash i ect, bt wan be sr that 0 ‘000. soeras to me, strong ‘support fer wade ‘the fact the WTO came into junder your presidency, and the way you helped to aber in a new era of velalons, that this would be a fling and ‘opie for you to And > Your jolnt statement on the ‘aatier would carry’ Hight and influence on both aldes of the aisle, ‘Pletse don’t hesitate to Jet me fenow If you need any additional inférmetion o ‘background material as you this request, ‘Ma, President, thank you Tor yor consideration of this matter, I think it it a ‘timely and important one or I wertd not have reached out to you. = UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05971892 Date: 05/23/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. COS871907 Date: 07/21/2016 From: REI Wills, Chery © Soe EEEREWPART) OO susan To: * “John Podesta’; ‘Bruce Lindsey’ seotece ree TT Categories: Red Category : : rom: Suanon, Sy mato ‘Sent: Friday, Ap 27, 2012 2 ‘To: Mills, Cheryl D- ‘Subject: follow up 7 Chery, Sally Susman Executive Vice President Policy, External Affairs and Communications Phser tne. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-18287 Doc No. COS871907 Bata: 07/21/2016 / C05960799%ED US. Department of State Case No. F-2015-04828 Doc No. CO5960700 Date: 0471812018 Pro a * Ye (ees thane) * Suber fe: Decor | oot ‘day, November 23, 2012 5407 A wit r the fllerin between trips wasn't adaing up. Also, From: Reines, Pipe 1. Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 09:47 AM ‘Ta: Vatmoro, Lone 3 Subject: Re: December ves : . We outlined that for her as a key opportunity She balked But quite péasibly the reason why ur tists afrcal data reuest sot means theyre colng hotels.” — From: Valmoro, Lona 3 Son: Fede, November 23, 2012 08:34 aM Rees, Pile Does se usually share wrth PA before checking wath Huma? From: Reines, PallppeT j UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-20%5-04828 Doc No. COSE80789 Date: 04/19/2018 €C05960799ED US. Department of State Case No, F:2015-04628 ‘Doc No. 05960799 Date: 04/19/2018 ‘Sent: Figey, November 23, 2032 09:27 WA nt ny os ts ‘Subject: Dcerber The stops in December willbe broken up into 2 wips- EUR stops on Dec 21 end NEA stops on Dec 30-14, The new itinerary for both trips is below, All future anole ih Ce to avoid confusion, scrir fut as been adced tothe front end ofthis trip an willbe treated a6 a RON. Plense ‘send fiscal data for that stop when available. EUR Dec 2, depart AFB: ert Ceech Republic Bed ae pe mt Pie ia Dec 3, depast Prague mid-day ert Brussels, RON Dec 4, RON Brussels Dec 5, depert Brussels time TBD ett Dublin, RON Des 6, RON Dublin Des 7, depart Dublin in morning ert Belfast, day stop i Dec 7; depart Belfast mid-day ert AFB ‘NEA Dec 10; depart AFB in evening ert Marrakech Dec 11. arrive Marrakech in morning, RON depart Dec 13, depart Tunis in afternoon ext Abu Dhabi, RON Dec 14, depart Abu Dhabi time TBD ert AAFB Please let me know if you'have any questions. Thanks! Please use the following fiscal data: 19-3401 130003-1022310084-100100- 1310-2120 not to exeed $5,000 for oficial UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment of State Case No. 2015-04628 oe No, COSEEOTE® Date, o4ng/2018 €059607997ED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-04628 Doc No. CO5960799 Data: 04/19/2016 ‘expenses in Brussels” 19-3401 130003-102231009S-100100-1310-2120 not to exceed $5,500 for official ‘expenses in Dublin 19-3401130003- 10223 10096-100100-1310-2120 not to exceed $2,000 for official ‘expenses in Marrakech _, 19-3401130003-1022310097-100100-1310-2120 not to exceed $1,000 for oficial ‘experises in Tunis . 19-3401 130003-1022310098-100100-13 10-2120 not to exceed $3,500 for official ‘expenses in Abu Dhabi . |f you have any questions or concerns, plesse don't hesitate to contact me. Horace/Vania, ‘We are working on the Secretary's upcoming travel requesting fiscal data to cove the flowing tops Please noe that Os tp may be one engi orto sna trips, pending some decisions from host governments and $ staff. | ‘CONFIRMED STOPS: 5 Brussels for NATO Summit, Dec 3-5 ‘Abu Dhabi for Forum for the Future, Dec 13-14 ‘TENTATIVE STOPS: - ‘Pragut as a RON - could be added after Belfast. If this becomes one big trip, other stops may be added ‘Theresa Hunter Department of Sate Executive Office of the Secretary Office 202-667-7457 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2018.04628 Doc No. C0S960799 Date: 04/19/2016 C05960799IED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-04628 Doc No, C0s80790 Date: 04/19/2018 . 88 Cell. . : . ‘ c. ¢ . os For more information ontop guidance forthe Secretary's overseas trips, gon: ‘bitpeL/ state shu /EXTRAVEL/Papes/defaultnspx . For more information on the Executive Office of the Secretary, including trvel and ‘budget, human resources, general services, security and eecure communications, goto: UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F:2015-04828 Doe No. CO5860796 Date: canner2016 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No, F:2014-18823 Doc No. 005807009 Date: 00/14/2015 ified By DAS, AIGIS, DOB on O7/3072016 oe ‘CONFIDENTIAL ~ Reason: 14(8), 1.40 sE IN PART | Ean From: Cheryl Seat: uray fy 1, 2012520 Pa To: ‘Amitabh Desai’ ‘Subject: FW: President Clinton's Vieitto Rwanda ‘Attachments: ‘Rwanda: Background and Talking Points for Preskent C8inton Aral ‘See below and attached points which | requested for WIC as a result of this email. bial . ° AUTHORITY: ‘Barbara Nielsen, Senior] ‘Sens Wiednesiny, Jy 11, 2012 6:54 PM Tos: Mis, Cheryl D ‘Subject: President Ginton’s Visit to Rwanda Cheryl: ‘one at embassy Kigali wants to interfere with this trip, but | and the ambassador believe that t would be Useful for Presifent Clinton in his private conversations with Kagame to quietly encourage him to defuse ‘tensions with the DRC, encourage a meeting between Kabila and Kagame and urge that that Rwanda ‘terminate any indirect or indirect support to ORC rebels. ean and a [Beper Hfyou think President Clinton Is inclined to do this. | wanted to follow up on our conversation about President Clinton's trip to Rwanda on July 18-19. te Let me know whether you want any talking points or a briefing paper for the President. Even if | President Clinton does not want to raise the issue, he might want a background paper justin case Kagarne or, ‘one of his senior staff brings it up. Let me know. Johnnle 1 1 cba UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. C05807909 Date: 09/1: | Attachment to C05807909 UNCLASSIFIED Vs appar en ‘Case Na. F-2044-18823. Hoe Ne, Co5078896 Date: 05/06/2076 = Chery Attached a promised is spme spine Mehul atu tex Prolet EGinton. sts ot ito See escort Sacretan’s etter Yo Presider Kegan ind Ws and ther” ‘a Depaninént press statement sor om Tera, (Rew oun ana ton lle UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F:2014-13823 Doc No, 05979336 Date: 05/08/2016 Attachment to C058079336 [which is an attachment to C0507909] UNGLASSIFIED U.S. Departinent of Stale Case Ne. 72014-18809 Doc io. CObBIESSe Date: HerOG/2016 2364, Pret, PHU, 606, 0, MOPS, Ri 6s MESSAGE FROM | SEGREYARY CLINTON TO PRESIDENT KAGAIRE (S/ES 20214424) UNGLAS:STATE 067642 Eo lemewa Bee a ree raat sone es 2011) > 4. aaa es foc = er oe an se a iors 2. BEGIN Text: ‘Dear Mr, President: | would tke to tke this ib renew opportunity: ur DRC ‘the UN peacekeeping operation, even as they counter the UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Gase No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. COS879339 Date: 05/06/2016 UNCLASSIFIED US, Doparimantet Stata Case jVe.F:2n14AS8%3 Doc io, ooésrete De, osGa2018 tpopeation betwoen the ORGAN F Arnbaseedor Batre 9: abou the cri in eater picked Renncamue see Beet, ‘Singerety yours, regional ‘Hilary Rodham Clinton ‘END TEXT. ‘CUNTON: ‘Signature: CLINTON Drafted By: AFIC:SBASTIEN ~ O7H02/2012, 202-647-3130 tearvd By: D(B)-CNEVILLE O(N):KVIGNARAJAH Pe aries SOPOGHVONBEREN USUNMW:CGRAFF GCJ:ACAVE J:BDOHERTY DRL:HBONACQUIST S/GWLJBIGIO L:MBANOS S/ES-CR:FTADLE S/ES: TALLEGRA ‘SIES-O: AVEPREK Approved By: APSICARSON. UNCLASSIFIED US. Depariniont of State Case No. F-2014-13328 Doc No. 605979399 Date: 05/06/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariniént of State Case No; F-2014-19802 Doe No, 605978899 Date: 05/06/2018 tote Se ee ey ang Rie surtaanat nine LONDON. BARS, AMEMBABSY AoUmie; THE RAGUE, AMEUBASSY une enti vo to eo USWIESION Roum ‘Digeomination Rule: Fase neo, ics Oa, th pe pin, ee Arn .Ans UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No, CD5979339 Date: 05/06/2016 Attachment to C058079336 [which is an attachment to C0507909] UNGLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13823 Doe No, COSe7ee, ‘Date: 05/08/2018 ‘Background on Carrent Rwanda/DROTemions Reisinns beeen the Demteiie Reco of le Cea ERS eden hve supporting 3 aiitiny: among Congolese sdidiers. RSE WAY iat reat a Congolese general orienes by the peel Siegel Court, began in Match 2012 i cca Rint pany armed group célled B (National Terth Doran the Paps) See mars epee py ali eae pa eo the Congolese army through an agreénient signed on March 23, 2009. inthe years their 2009 forees maintitied a” a ee tee tony om te opal enon optsizes —- , fetes cde Sei na yee ce Sr, integration accord that they claimed the DRC failed t honor. ‘Ntaganda and M23’s other senior officers are alleged to have perpetrated extensive ‘human rights abuses in the last few years, including most recently the forced . recruitment of men and children. While M23 and Congolese army forces had fought to a standstill in « relatively small area near the DRC-Rwands-Uganda border, M23 forces recently broke out of their salient and captured several key Congolese towns between July 6 and 8 in a show of strength. UN peacekeepers UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-18323 Doc No. C05979348 Date: 05/06/2016 ‘UNGLASSIFIED U.S, Départment of State Case No, F2b1a-13829 ‘Doe No: COSb7ES46. Date: 05/05/2016 request and expressing deep in hy Srey and Sly 11 conversition with wandan + Rovanda a song | Temnants ‘genocidal Rwandan mifitins, but We have séen 40 Corroboration of this, Ababe on July 11-12 to discuss possible arrangements for third-party monitoring of ‘the DRC-Rwanda border and joint operations against M23 and other armed groups. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2014-19328 Doc No, C05979346 Date:'05/08/2018 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No, F:2014:13323 Dec No. COS879648 Date: 06/06/2046 Drafted: — AF/C Adam Keith . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-13323 Doc No. CO5979348 Date: 05/06/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2014-14544 ‘Doc No. C05809036 Date: 01/15/2016 ‘Seer, Robin W ‘Sent: Mon Mar 14 09:92:02 2011 Subject: Blue Ocean Harvest Inc. ear Ambassador Merten, ~ ’ short note to thank ou and We. Hoyt very much forthe vahable tne dete isp ray ‘xing our meeting at your ofc, and fr the interest Gemonsrated i We matiers Gscsxd. Our cents flow up discussions wth the relevant suhorties ae advancing postively, Mer two pecs Mil os ce nek wa ance an be plas to dere noencas wh var oe ste ert ys dosnt Seeman FFnally, esse thank Mrs. Goetz on our behalf for her assistance through the vst process. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-14544 Doc No. 005909036 Date: 01/15/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Site Case No, F:2018-16287 Doc No. C05972128 Date: 07/21/2016 j SO From ‘Leura Graham 86 Sent Mondoy, March 14 2011 640 AM Te: Mil, Chery! oe Cotegories: Red Category . “ 1 A farther reaction from Henry test night on: ‘and GV role, Cs Gn ‘Henry last night on some history ° i * SChletet Stato Presson Ctinton ‘The Ginton Foundation 85 W 125th 81, NY, NY 10027, « 1779 phone 212. ug ‘Plense consider the environment betoe printing tis e-mail Had to go to AA Haiti Director for the story, since none of my Airport Authority (AN) contacts seemed to know anything. Bottom line: No such project. As you may know, AA financed the PAP Airport repairs a year ago, to be repaid from normal ‘irport fees and charges due to AAN, Subsequently, AA proposed to AAN and GOH a project = much less than $400M, though -- for demolition of damaged airport terminal and reconstruction of new, larger, more modern-one, to be financed under an arrangement to be negotiated with AAN/GOH. Preliminery plans were submitted at the time to AAN, to MTPTC (AAN's ministry-in-charge) i and to PM. No reaction, one way or the other, from anybody. ‘The matter may have come to the attention of the press as a result of its mention at the reception thrown by AA last week for the 40th anniversary of its operations in Haiti, : AA Director will be sending me the plans, av. . ° 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment Of State Case No, F-2015-16287 Doe No. C05872128 Date: 0772/2016 ‘55 W {25th St NY, NY.10027 312.048.1778 phone Please consider the environment before printing this e-mait UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No, F:2016-16267 Doe No, C05972128 Date: 0721/2016 _ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972083 Date: 07/21/2016 err) From: Sent: ‘Thundoy, August 18 2011331 PM * ; To: Terry Krinvic; Laura Graham Mills, Cheryl 0; Doug Band ! Subject: Ree UNGA and Halk Categories: Red Category "ts not a stop by. BC is moderating it w Martelly and announcing the PIAB which Denis also sts on. j Sent via BlackBeny by AT&T From: Terry Krinvic| Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 14: To: vit fs Cheryl Mills; Doug Band - Correction: ‘Make CGI Halti Action Network stop by Wednesday September 21 between sometime between S 7pm, ‘Sent: 2011 2:51 PM Tor Chery Mis; Doug Band - PC CGi told me they are holding time on Tuesday, September 20" For WAC to stop by the Haitian Adion Network 'm also now sorting {ime th) forthe Hal Key players meeting per COM below | have to work on this PIAB mig, Ihave nothing to give CGI wéek. Can we do Oct 6? ae = From: law , Tecney ns tuo Gator : Terry Kein; ; Doug Band + PC ‘Subject: Re: UNGA and Halt os Can u give'me a date for CG1 workshop and PAIB launch? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: "Mille, Chend D? ; Date: Thu, 2011 07:38:10 -0400" UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F.2015-16287 Doc No. C05972083 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05872083 Date: 07/21/2016 Do we have a date for our workshop w MM - that we need nail down first. We wil also launch the PAIB that day. | understand from Greg we are still awaiting a date. Pls confirm that first. CDM. I spoke to him and his folks and they want to do the meeting. | Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T | From: "Mills, Cheryl D" Date: Wed, 17 2011 18:45:39 -0400 To: Terry Kris ; Doug Band + 5 Laura (Ce: Adams, Thomas C; Doug Band ‘Subject: UNGA and Ht {have not yet heard back fom President Martelly or his team regarding UNGA and we are coming up an what Would be + the 30 day notification should we proceed with the event. Right row, our folks are tentatively ating 19 September in a) forthe event on the theory tha this best day for ‘WAC; the alternative is 23 Sept. . _ Can you advise on WAC avalabity given CGI UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05972083 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-18287 Doc No, C05972102 Date: 07/21/2018 ‘From: sLEASE IN PART | Laura Graham| Sent; BE. Wednesday, Ter. Mil, Chery Subject, Fw. Categories: Red Category = Original Message — From: Laura Graham ‘To: Hannah Richer - PC Sent: Wed May 11 10:26:08 2011 Hannah-For BC, Me President, . ‘Regarding the article on the USAID agriculture project from yesterday. Chery! advises that It was a project thet preceded the HHRC and sok doesn't requle registration (most donors dont register pre-existing project. We are sil having to encourage some donors to register new projects) however the US has been and continues to register al new projects and chenges to exstng projects as required by IHRC. According to our projects team, they have one ofthe better track records in registration. Chery! will have them. to best of thelr staff resource abllity- start repstering all pre-existing ‘projects to ensure they go above and beyond what the IHRC requires. Thx ig UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Depariment of Stale Case No, F:2015-16287 Doc No. CO5872102 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Cese No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C0S872115 Date: 07/21/2016 IN PART] from: To: Mills, Cheryl O; Laura Graham, & (ei, Carieene (HAITUDIRY: Chan. Anthony (HATT/OIR) Subject: ‘Rez am talking to Carfeene who has been here in OC all week; Categories: Red Category: Apologies on the attendee list. Long day, tots of meetings. On the clarification of employees and secondment And the willingness to extend these 2 individuals to October, that is excellent news. As Carleene's team probably {old her, we expressed our desire that all of the OTI should end and IHRC, now able to assume direct payroll, should dé so as these OTT contracts end. in further discussions on HR needs her in the day, ve believe keeping the 2 sector ‘essential and OT! continuation may be the only ‘option given their compensation paciages exceed IHRC guidelines. We will finish the of the OTT * employees over the next few days and come back to you on whether we want to extend! as ‘well as our decisions on the others, who wil either be absorbed by [HRC or will have ier OTT eontrasis end as scheduled. Thanks Ig . Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: “Mills, Chen D® Wed, 13 Apr 2011 13:53:38 -0400 Ce: Dei, Carlene Chan, Anthony (HAITI/DIR) > _ ‘Subject: j am talking to Carlene who has been here in DC all week; * aura . ‘1am copying Carleene so she can correct anything regarding our conversation we just hed, 1. She was notin meeting this week ~ Shirley, Tony and Nicole were = not her; 2, She did get a brief on the meeting: 3. Carleene sald we could continue the wo sector lead secondees we have been supporting (Housing/Heatth) until October should we determine to do so; ° ‘4. Carlene also confirmed that these two secondees are USAIO contractees/employees afd as such they are Property defined as secondments to the INRC; they are ot employees of the IHRC nor defined as such, Best, dm UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972115 Date: 07/21/2016 ee eeees—es UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, CO5872116 Date: 07/21/2016 From: ‘Amitabh Desa Sent: ‘Tuesday, April 12, 2011 318 PM To: ‘Abedin, Huma; Mis, Chery! D ce Laura Graham Categories: Red Category (Wes meeting with UNSG Ban yesterday evening ocused on Hl Ban did't ae US funding fr UN, any Middle East issues, At the end of the meeting, WJC asked about fapan, and in his response Ban aoted thet 42% af South Korea's ‘energy comes from nuclear and that In his view cuclear will remain an essential part ofthe wortd's energy mi. Cheryl, on Mulet’s replacement, Ban ralsed the issue the meeting and seid Mulet i leaving in May and that + CARICOM has advanced 2 candidate (he cn’t mention 2 name) and Ban also said that he hasn'treceived aay other ~ suggestions from anyone. Ban sald he wants someone fram the region. WAC seid it's important to choose someone from the region, but didit mention any names nor did he express an opinion about the unnamed CARICOM suggestion. Hope this heips, Ari UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972116 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05872120 Date: 07/21/2016 Stee ‘Tuesday, Merch , Mills, Cheryl D 4 Red Category ‘These 2 days haven't been successful, m starting o pull down our suppon. | will prob leave earty and at this point not sure of wjc attendance next week'at board meeting. ’m meeting w a few donors tomorrow and thurs tho may modify + ‘thursday schedule to wednesday so 1 can leave earllr-not much point in staylng to be hones at this point. laura Graham . : Chief Operating Officer, {&.Chief of Staff to Presideni Cinton The Glinton Foundstion cary '55.W 125th St, NY, NY 10027 212-348-1779 phone 2 fox i , * " a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972120 Date: 07/21/2016 from: Mean tA — — . 86 Sent: Monday, March 3 2011 SST Tor Mls, Cheryt D; Wernhokz, Jean-Louis Fs "categories: . Red Category Laura Grahom Chief Operating Officer & Chief of Staff to President Clinton, The Cinton Foundation '55.W 125th St, WY, NY 10027 212-348-1779 phone 212-248-9855 fax ‘Please consider the environment before printing this e-mal -— Original Message —-" . " . ‘5S W 225th St. NY, NY 10027 . 212-348-1779 phone A 212-348-9855 fax 3 ‘ tof —————} - Please consider the environment before printing this e-mait UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972123 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doe No, CO5872146 Date: 07/21/2016 fom: Geseor Paar] Wednectay Poa OR, a Te: Mit, Chen 0; Laszayeh, dane Sabject: Re Cotogories: Red Category The special session which wil the cancidates are alo belng invited to share iaput and hear a presentation from us. $09 chairs meet privately before hand and then special session which will be abt 3 hours. Public event Laure Graham” : Chief Operating Officer & Chief of staff to President Clinton “The Clinton Foundation 5$.W 125th St, NY, NY 10027 212-348-1779 phone 232-348-9855 fax ‘gral aura} B Please consider the environment before printing this e-mall 7 Original Message ~~ . From: Mills, Cheryl D To: Laure Graham; Laszezych, Joanne Sent: Wee Feb 09 07:38:54 2011 ‘Subject: RE: Which ofthese meeting are you anticpaing ining other n? orga sage ee ‘Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 7:00AM ‘To: Mills, Cheryl D; Laszezych, Joanne “Subject: Re: ‘PM will be with us all day in meetings so 15 may not work for you. Agree on BC and energy stuff "Not specified by time or order but would do following meetings: Co-chair Meeting w Mania’ (commission) ~Co-char Mesting w Martell (commision) ~Co-chak meeting: operational ‘and strategic commission ~Co-char + ED meeting {commission} -Ioforma-specal commission session w presentations ‘by CoM, M Jean ~Co-chatr Pic Event (commission progress) : : | also think and JMB and BC agre) that BC should do separate meetings w MM and MM for his wider halt role so we : ‘would schedule those 2s wel So those would be anytime we woulde't be occupying the PM. aura Graham (Chief Operating Officer & Chief of Staff to President Ciinton ‘The Ciinton Foundation UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972146 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C0S872148 Date: 07/21/2016 55 225th, NY 20027 2 ——) Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail Original Message ——- From: Mills, Cheryl D Sent wea Ton oes song ameNEMeNte gee . Sent: Wed Feb 09 06:52:00 2011 Subject: RE: x ‘will figure out my travel - essentially need to go energy meetings with Bellerive and company tget NPark and energy ontrack Whats WAC sked in Halti-it may be good to have Nm validate some of this and also to get his head around energy Information -- sa would want to send him some materials. dn —Driginal Message—- rom: Laura Graham (ma Sent: Wednesday, February . . To: Mil, Chery! 0; Lastcaych, Joanne, Subject: Re: Will check bc mot sure of pane size but we can abways take u of course. Leave early tyes am ike 6am and then return late that night. : laura Graham Chief Operating Officer & Chief of Staff to President Clinton The Cinton Foudation . ‘55 W 125th St, NY, NY 10027 . 242-348-1779 phone 212-348-9855 | “a Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail ~~ Original Message ——! From Mis, Cheryl jure Graham; Lesrcaych, Joanne cLaszczychi@state gov> Sent: Wes Feb 09 06:18:13 2021 Subject: Re: | may go to ny tues and fly down w/ him - how mony seats do you have and when is he coming back? ——~ Original Message — ‘ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. CO5872148 Date: 07/21/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment of Stale Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. COS872146 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Laura Graham| To: Laszeaych; Joanne; Mills, Chery Sent: Wed Feb 09 05:09:00 2011 Subject: ‘Meeting ppd til 28. Email from gy forthcoming sb not yet public. This was after meeting w PM and lest night, 8C wil stil be here 25 for commission related meetings, some of which board or thelr designees will be invited to, laura Graham - . (Chief Operating Officer & Chief of Staff to President cinton ‘The Clinton Foundation ‘55 W 125th St, NY, NY'10027, 212-348-1779 phone 212-348-9855 fix un ‘lease consider the environment before printing this e-mail UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Osparmment of State Case No. F-2015-18287 Doc No. COS872146 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Cese No. F-2015-18287 Doc No. CO5972148 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Rel ‘(aura Graham «| Sr -RESEWPIRT est snl © 7 ‘urgett, David W.: Mills, Chen D ‘Michelle Gham Barretta; Warnhos, Jean-Louis Lasaceych, Joame; Conte, Garry, “Weymouth. F. Clare Subjects RE: Ratings on two proposals (Cotegories: Red Category Below find my revised rankings. The #s correspond to the category #'s on your chart, ‘Thanks, LO- Deloitte . 1.Outsianding . , . =— 4.Good S.Good + 6.Outsranding Pwo LOutsanding , * 2.0utstanding 3.Outstanding 4.Good- S.Good+ 6.Good Leura Granam Chief Operating Officer & Chiet of Stat to President Clinton ‘The Clinton Foundetion . 56 W 125th St, NY, NY 10027 212-348-1779 phone 212-348,0856 tox Plaase consider the environment betore printing this e-mail From: Burgett, fate Sent: Monday, February 07, 201i 1048 AR Tor (aura Mis, \Groham; Mis, Chery! . SE, Michelle Graham Barretta; Warhol, Jean Louis; Lasatzych, Joanne; Canile, Garey: Weymouth, T. Clark ‘Subject: Ratings on two proposals : UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972148 Date: 0721/2016 Se UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Cate No, F-2015-16287 Doc No. C0S972148 Date: 07/21/2016 PwC.) If you would Iike me to email ‘back your original rating sheets for. these offerors Teale ee do that as weil. - Cheryl/JL: Notwithstanding potential Fecusal, it fs important for the IHRC to have an accurate record. For that reason, I can't just take your initial Proposal ratings and report them as if ‘they were the final ones, . Ouistariding wo i ' UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Deparimentof State Case No. F-2016-16287 Doc No. €08972148 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. 2018-16287 Doc No, COS872148 Date: 0772172016 Burgett seem Ea David w. Penner w TREO aa ‘Presse cose te econemat before ply Das mad teh Dros tee nas it ) i Wl uy and any atacheanss ae canter, , i } § fo Hu 2 i! i al s a i Bo Y i 8 i : fj | i i | Pog hf di . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16267 Doc No. C0S971924 Date: 07/21/2016 from: (RELEASE PART EQ tau BS “Sent: ‘Wednesday, Apa1O4, 2012 531 PM To: Mil, Chery D; Laura Graham ‘Subject: Re; ‘Categories: Red Category ‘OMG 1 was so00 nervous. !don' get nervous in meetings w HoS but {was Hterally shaking to meet Brian Wingate was the consular oficial and he was great, 86 ! Ts coeed FRY a T So ak you oe our whl Tear aga TOU gi Tey wea Job and Nove you eternally for R. Noxo ——-Original Message—~- From: Cheryl Mills: Good tuckttt t —Ciiginat ~ From: Sgn a cneSABy, F To: Mils, Chery! 0 Subject: Had good talk w Merten. He added some additional perspective. Now heading to final visa Interview! i'm a wreck! Will sever tater, Sent via BlackBerry by ATAT Sent via BlackBerry by ATRT UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16267 Doc No. C05971824 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16267 Doc No, CO5971931. Date: 07/21/2016 From: its, CheryiD Sent: ch 32, 2012 250 AY Te: (REE Pan {_______]Sulven,s8cob J Abedin, Huma. Subject: Re: Kony Categories: Red Category ‘Thx ‘Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 05:1 ‘To: ils, Chon Dy Suhen, Daca, Abed, Hume ‘Subject: Kony Just FY! below Is seatte times anicie reporting WC's comments about Kony campaign: ‘Shannon Newberry 2: Crp tinassion; Valerie Alexander, Mat Mcxeona Present Cnton; Arab Dest Angel Ueno; Elzabeth Bi; Sot: tava 3017:12:94 2012 ial, . « “ae the Seat nes story that ame out ofthe higher ed conference callon Wednesday. twa ight he Kony ceferences, Thanks, Shannon UW student to make case for Haiti project at Clinton seminar . " Several Washington students wil be in the nation's capitol this week for a conference that encourages college students to find ways to solve the world's problems. 8y Katherine Long + Sotto Times righer-ecucaton reporter ‘For mare than two years now, 22-yeor old Anallesse Isherwood has been making regutar visits to Hali — bringing ‘Sehoo! supplies to students, teaching adults about cholera and saerching for a way to create patient medical records that could be used by intermittent traveling ccs. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18287 Doc No. C0S971831 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stste Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05871931 Date: 07/21/2016 ‘This week, though, shé is going in a diferent direction; to Washington, D.C., where she is one of three college ‘students from this state taking pan in the Cfinion GiobatIntiauve University. The three-day seminr’s designed to help college students think about how they might solve the warla's most complex problems, {fe the ft year of the meeting, which minors the Clinton GiobalInative, an international meeting held eech September in New York City and founded by forme: President Clinton. The September mesing brings werkdleadeis together to work an the world's problems, {na ngws confererice conducted by phone this week, Cinton described how the student meeting fs designed to be similar to the September meeting. More than 1,000 students wil ating from al 0 states and 7 countries and hear frm speakers such ws former Secreary of State Madeteiné Aig, Twitter coounder Bie Stone and The Daly Shows Jon Stewart. ‘They'll also get 2 chance to network, organize and work together on projects of their own choosing, "Students are ‘more connected oniine than ever before,” Clinton said, “i's obvious they need to be organized on the ground.” ‘Anolive of Moses Lek, Isherwood — who Is a first-year medical student in the University of Weshington’s Spokane ‘rogram — Is working on her medicat-records idea to help clinic workers in Halt keep better rack of patients’ heath History. She started the week in New York City, meeting with nonproft-heath organizations that work in Hal, and bans to network with other studénts and health-care workers atthe Cinton event. ‘She first visited Heili with a nonprofit group in December 2008, when she was @ Wester Weshington University undergraduate and curious fo learn more about the living conditions of people in developing nations. ‘Two weeks after she left Hii, in January 2010, the county was devastated by a catastrophic earthquake that killed ‘some of the people she had met on her trp. ‘Since then, she has returned five more times as a volunteer — rising money wit help from her church, her nora Roly Ci focal hyakan ee an ay Each contest $0 she wad money om ‘hor own saviigs for the last trip, in December, “Wyou truly believe in-what youre doing; you make Ithappen and are wiling to s2crfice fori.” she said. ‘She's gotten thousands of dofters in donations from Moses Lake residents in particular, rom middle-school students whose classrooms she has visited o tell about her tips to Hal * Getting students to care about poor children In @ country more than 3,000 mies away was achallenge, she seid. ‘She brought photos of her trips and pictures of specific students in need, In response, the students have given her money to buy school supplies, toys and other items. ‘The Clinton conference is atse focused on finding ways to get young people engaged in long-term, global problems. it comes just weeks after a YouTube video about the crimes of African warlord Joseph Kony went ‘ston socal media — an example of how socal mata can be weed to gohante pac] etiiem, ‘eepecially among young people. Clinton was enthusiastic about the wave of interest in the Ugandan human-rights issues that Kony2012 unleashed, despite questions raised about whether ail ofthe information was accurate, "ink wae area! plus thot it wes made, that teame out,” sald Cfinton, who noted thatthe video was viewed by miflions of people and sparked discussions about human-rights abuses in Uganda. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-201-16287 Doc No. C05971831 Date; 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment of State Cate No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C0S871931 Date: 07/21/2016 "The Kony video “also opens up, to young people who sew I the chance figure out what they could bhalp people," Clinton sald, . ‘The video told some of the story through the eyes of @ young Ugandan boy whose brother was kiled by Kony ‘soldiers. in one sense, “it's very cimilar to what | do," Isherwood said. " play on the kids‘ hearts, yes. But all for 2 - ‘900d reason: “Despite ther young age, theyre capsbe of ricking a difference.” Isherwood said ofthe middle-school students the ‘has met wih. “fm realy setting inom up tor a long-term perspective change. if you can ste it ata young age, you can make a true difference in changing someone's life,” Katherine Long: 206-464-2219 or klong On Twitter @katherinelong. ‘Shannon Newberry Dep ecief Commmeatons ‘Gireon eset iin 1301 Avene on Avaseas 970 Poa . ‘ Ne fon or 1008 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stats Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. 60971901 Date: 0772172016 Frome: Mite, her 0 fee ‘Thursday, February 2, 2012 823 PM Subject: Fw: Mayor Bloomberg going to Vietnam Categories: Red Cotegory Connected her to kurt and oe "Som: pai, , ~ 8 To: bis, Cheryl D ‘Subject: Mayor Bloomberg going to Vietnam . Mayor Bloomberg is going to be in Vietnam on March 23. His Foundstion has been funding a major program there with the WHO since 2007 around road sefety ~saving lives by increasing helmet use ond decreasing ‘drinking and driving. He would lke to have a dinner/lunch/meeting with the Prime Minister while he is there ‘to discuss the program. 1s there someone at State who help facitate a connection? Thank yout UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of Stato Case No, F:2015-18287 Doc No. COS871973 Date: o7rawa016 — ——— Se UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-18287 Doc No. COSST197S Date: 07/21/2016 —_ OO From Mil, Chen Sent: ad INPART 2012 420M Ta: BE Subject: ‘Re: Mayor Bloomberg going to Vietnam Categories: ed Category x0 ? z 2 g 3. i 3, = i i a g ‘you when i'm in OC —very excited to catch up in ‘Yo: “Pally, Maura” “Campbell Kuct Mi ‘Subject: RE: Mayor Bloomberg going to Vietnam Conneing you wth Kurt ad Joe who can diec you to right person (or address themselves) cim . Mayor Bloombergis going to be in Vietnam on March 23. His Foundation has been funding @ major program ‘there with the WHO since 2007 around oad safety —saving lives by increasing helmet use ad. ~ Grinking and driving, He would like to have a dinner/lunch/meeting with the Prime Minister while he is there to discuss the program. Is there someone at State who help facilitate @ connection? Thank you! 1 ‘uy contin crore you ttt a ede egos, ‘isons msuage rived oa ie nomad dpe soo 0 Bo arena cep Ji ew ary rein bt ry Untemnanan oni apt Sexmad ord ay stains a anety proses Pon ae ‘eas ne nad erence ety cen by UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Departnion of State Case No. 2015-16287 Doc No, 605571975 Date: O72 12016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No, 05971875 Date: 07/21/2016 npg w esa oe dete 70 messags ont yearned or oo tytn De yo ° UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-201S-16287 Doc No. C05971975 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No. COS871978 Date: 07/21/2016 Se na—cecrcrcO OOO From: Mills, CheyiD * Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 932 AM To: “Maura Pally: Samuelson, Heather F; “Hyde, Dans’ Subject: BW: A secret history of the 2008 campaign Categories: Red Category From: Tolv, Nore F : ‘Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 9:26 AM ‘To: Mills, Cheryl D- ‘Subject: A secret history of the 2008 campaign BEN SMITH, "A seeret history of the 2008 campaign” - JefT Berman , the chief delegate counter for ‘Obama for America, has written “The Magic Number,” « memoir “self-published by Berman and available on ‘Amazon as of Thursday, Rich in procedural detail, the book will be a textbook for the mall cadre of mechanics who steer the arcane process of delegate selection. jut ‘The Magic Number,’ which is also available from Bames & Noble, is also a kind of secret history of the Obama campaign and an antidote to the sweeping. narratives that suggest Obama was the inevitable product of historical forees. Berman's account is the tale ofthe Title things that could have gone wrong but didnt, and the small but crucial victories tat, taken together, won the White House. The low-profile Berman, whose formal campaign title was national delegate director, was ‘known for his obsessive attention to detail and preparation.” hitpy/bitjv/xRa3AB $9.99 for Kindle ntpif/ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stata Case No, F-2016-16287 Doc No. C05971878 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. €05971997 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Deparment of State Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972003 Date: 07/21/2018 frome GREASENPART) a caten ‘Saturday, February 21, 2012 21:46 AM ‘Mills, Chery! Sao ‘Doug wants me and you to cll C today soon Bc he woud have o lave and suggest 2 meeting tay btw 2 of them be we coming to city. Can eran his thoughts further. Cotogories: Redcotegory UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05072003 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16287 Doc No. C0S972013 Date: 07/21/2016 Sruce Lindsey ]OF ityou're not at house let me know andl conference Rr i From my UNCLASSIFIED US, Départment of Siate Case No. F-2015-18287 Doc No. C05972013 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Site ‘Case No, F-2018-16287 Doc No. COBS72028 Date: 07/21/2016 Chery D February 01, 2012 9:59 AM sphanie Strett’ Re: py Red Category Calling now -—-Original Messagon=- From: Stephanie Streett [mattto[ . BG Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:48 AM ° . ‘To: Mils, Chery! D Subject: What would be 3 good time for me to cil and update you on LR alrport name change isue? $88 “ ‘Stephanie §. Streett ‘501 748.0420 phone 501 375.0512 fax UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05972028 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, CO5972034 Date: 07/21/2016 OO Mills, Chery 0 = =) aaliliall eee Lascyc ome Categories: Red Category For call ist Original Message —* rom: Stephanie Streett mailto! ~ ‘Sent: Sunday, tanuary 29, 2012 0832 PM ‘To: Mls, Cheri D . Subject: Re: ‘Sounds good around ai! day Stephanie S, Streett . 8 oo Executive Director Wiliam J, Clinton Fouindation 1200 resident Clinton Avenue Lite Rock, AR 72201 502 748.0620 phone 501 375 0512 fax . ‘On dan 29, 2012, at 7:52 PM, "Mls, Chery! 0" wrote > He didn't - will cal you tomorrow to lear more $ (> om Original Message -—— > Fm: Stephani stret imaito[ + > Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 08:15 PM 3 Ter Mile, CherviD > Soieet > Did Bruce visit w you yet about LA Birport renaming. Want to make sure he does this week or! can ill you in. Best SSS > Stephanie S. Streett > Esceutwe Drewor > Wil. lator Foundation > 1200 President Clinton Avenue > Little Rock, AR 72201 > 501 743 0420 phone > 501 375 0512 fax » Ondan 28, 2012, at 7:11 PM, "Mills, Cheryl D” wrote: >> Thank yout UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05872034 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972034 Date: 07/21/2018 > >> —~ Original Message -— >> From: Stephanie Streett Imalitof—_—__ >> Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 06:46 PM >>To: Mills, Chery >> Cc: Bruce Undsey { pate ted ‘>> Subject: Re: David ia Arkansas > Ofcourse we wovkilove tol il give him ang. Hope to ste yourtometie oon.’ >> Best * >> Stephanie . >> 1200 President Clinton Avenue >> Little Rock, AR 72202, >> SO 748 0420 phone >> 503 375 0522 fox y : s >» 3 >> Onan 29, 2032, at 4:47 PM, “Mills, Cheryl D* wrote: >> ‘>>> David Is coming to tle Rock tonight for work. >>> Ifyou all have time, can he get 2 tour ofthe library tomorrow towards the end ofthe day? poe ‘i >>> And If Bruce you are ngped | am sure he has no evening plans. >> 23> Mis email fe[—__ pd is cet >>> Thanks s0 mamuch, pees peo cdm UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No, C05972034 Dete: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18287 Doe No. COSS72036 Date: o7re 1/2016 eT es EO eee From: Mills, Chery - ‘Sent: 2 29, 2012 8:52 PM + i ill Categories: Red Category He didnt - wil al you tomorrow to learn more ~~ Originat Message — From: Stephanie Street [malta 3 - Sent: Sunday, tanaary 28, 2012 0835 PMT Yo: Mills, Chery . . Subject: 21d Brace wisi w you yet about LR almport renaming. Went tc make sure he does this week orn fil ou in, Best $$$ Stephanie S.Streatt Executive Director William J. Clinton Foundation : 1200 President Clinton Avenue . Uttie Rock, AR 72201 ‘501 748 0620 phone 501 375.0522 fax On Jan 29, 2012, at 7:14 PM, “Mts, Cheryl D” wrote: > Thank your >< Original Message ~~ 2 fom Stephanie Set ait —————————} +> Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 06:46 PM >To: Mills, Cheryl O 2 Slee ne ee ae a tale Nand > > Subject: Re: David in Arkansas > Of course we would love toll gve hiv a ving. Hope to see you sometime soon, > Best - > Stephanie . “> Stephanie S. Streett > Executive Director = > William J. Clinton Foundation’ > 1200 President Clinton Averwe > Ute Rock, AR 72201. . . > 501 748 0420 phone > 502 375 0542 fax a UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No. COS972008 Date: o7/212018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16267 Doc No. C05972038 Date: 07/21/2016 7 nan 29, 2012, at 4:47 PM, “Mis, Chery D" wrote: 22 Deion to te Rok toh far wn : >> fyouall have tine, cane get stor ofthe leary tomorrow towards the end of the day? > 37 An race you are inspite am sre he has ro evening plans >» 2 >> His emails a . Be >» >> Thanks so mmuch, . >» >> cam "UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department af State Case No, F-2018-16287 Doc No. C05972036 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Osperiment of State Case No. F-2016-16287 Doc No. C05972044 Date: 07/21/2016 frome yeaa] Mita, Chery © January 29, 2012 &:12 PM Sent: - ing Te: ce Subject: ‘Re: David in Arkansas Categories: Red Category ‘Thank youl ~—- Original Message ——-- Frome Stephanie Strett jmaitol ‘Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 06:46 PM To: Mills, Chery! D Of course we would love to! Ii give him a ring. Hope to see you sometime soon. Best Stephanie ‘Stephanie S. Streett Executive Director Wiliam J. Clinton Foundation 1200 President Clinton Avenue ttle Rock, AR 72201 '501 748 0420 phone 501 375 0512 fax Co On ian 29, 2012, at 4:47 PM, *Mils, Chery" Davi is coming tote Rock tonight for work. * Syouall have ime, ane get a tourof the Ieary tomorow toward the end ofthe dy? > snd if Bruce you are nspced am sure he has no evening lens. 2 is matsp at J} sD > tanks so,mmuch. - > >Cém UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of State Case No, F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972044 Date: 07/21/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED US, Deparment of State Case No. F-2015-18287 Doc No. COSO72055 Date: 6772112018 Chery! D Se 2 == ‘0 ———— 6 Reeds rl Catagories: Red Category Youge mo yest thankyou Will connect you on nextt email From: Bruce tindsey [> Sem: Sunday January 35, 2012 739 PM Teh, Cen ein Sees. arcana: ole and would love to have diner wth hm. Perhaps Stephanie woul ke to joln us. == Origine! Message —— From: Mits, Cher! ewllscO@ state gov> ‘To: Stephanie Street: Bruce Undsey Sent: Sun Jon 29 17:46:45 2012 Subject: avidin Arkansas David is coming to tle Rock tonight for work. ‘you all have tine, can he get tour ofthe rary tomorrow towards the end ofthe day? ‘Andi Bruce you se inspired am sre he has no evening plans. seman cet : ‘Thanks so much, . , com UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depariment of Stele Case No, F-2015-16267 Doc No, C05972055 Dale: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C05972051 Date: 07/21/2016 from ENPART] Ani eas) . Sent: Tuesday, Januaty 7 * Te: (Caros Rafal Urquila Bonilla ce Male, Chery D Subject: . RE: folowing up on € Sshador hed . ear Carlos, thanks for your note yesterday. Copied is Cheryl Mills, chief of staf for Secretary Ctnton. Cheryils best placed to provide guidance regarding Secretary Clinton's avaiabilty to See the First Lady. Sincerely, Ami UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2018-16287 Doc No, C05972061 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No, COS¥72069 Date: 07/21/2016 Fe 1 OR (RELEASE IN BART Bah Chiry D : , ‘Sent Jaraspry 13, 2012 11:47 AM % ‘To: ‘Stephanie Streett’s Marshail, Capricia P Subject: RE: Death of Ed Fry 213.12 _ Categories: Red Category Wwindo . From: Stephanie Steet (melto:ssieett@dintonfoundaton org] . ‘Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 10:26 AM ‘Yo: Marshall, Capricia P; D Son cate at F¥i, please see the sad news below. HRC will want to be aware. WIC spoke with him earlier this week. Thanks. sss . * To: Dbeon, Ly . ‘Subject: Pd: Death of Ed Fry 1.13.12 Our beloved Ed Fry passed away peacefully this moming in Florida. | will send detals of ‘Srrangements for a memorial service as they become available. Lynda + “UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Depanmont of State Case No. F:2015-16287 Doe No, 05972069 Oats: 07/21/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, 06005009 Date: 07/21/2016 trom a Marca Sent ‘Tuesdy, October 06, 2008 11:56 AM ‘Abedin, Hume Subject: RE:Titanie Categories: Blue Category Sounds good ~—Original message-—— From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Tuesday, October 06,2009 11:56AM ~ . To: Hanley, Monica R Subject: Fw: Titanic 3 z ‘430 declan call ‘445 trip meeting ‘545 shamila (can u tell her) fm sure we'll end up doing bdb this afternoon, , Subject: Re: Titanle: Can we do.430 . ‘Then we will do staf trip mtg right after and can have your Input. —~ Original From: Decian Kelty ‘To: Abedin, Huma; > Sent: Tue Oct 06 12:25:26 2009 ny Subject: Re: Tanke . (Corte do 2, Sorry. 1am out of pocket now until about 4.30 or so... Anjiime ater that let me know what works... Tks. = Original Message + From: Abedin, Huma ‘To: Sullivan, Jacob ; Declan Kelly Sent: Tue Oet 06 11:17:48 2009 : Subject: Re: Titanic - 2 Original Message -— . From: Sullivan, Jac ~ To: ‘Declan Kelly’ in, Huma . 86 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doe No. CD6005009 Date: 07/21/2016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005008 Date: 07/21/2016 Sent: Tue Oct 06 11:17:23 2008 x ‘Subject: RE: Thane doesn't work for Huma ~ so let's try for something this afternoon. Huma what works best? Original See al . Tuesday, 7 Joke and tare planning to talk around 11.15 if thet works for you... : : —~ Original Message —- ‘From: Abedin, Huma> ‘To: Dectan Kell; Suitlvan, Jacob J ‘Sent: Tue Oct 06 21:00:30 2009 + Subject: RE: Tianle ‘Shout we talt today? ‘We are moving in the right direction but maybe 2 quick touch base call? : Original From: Declan’ ‘Sent: Saturday, October G3, 2008 1:54 PM To: Sullvan, Jacob J; Abedia, Huma Subject: Re: Titanic ‘Should we three have 8 quick 10 min catch up call sometime today or tororrow to nail averything down?. Am getting {ots of schedule questions from the business people coming on the trip who want to know exact details to be able to finalize schedules etc. The good news Is that the (olks who are.coming are senior so turnout willbe strong... ‘Am avaliable whenever works for you guys..tks Original Message — . ‘rain: Lakndhtr, Kamala $ (Belfast) ; Declan Kely;Rolond, Kevin S (Belfast) Sent: Sat Oct 03 13:23:34 2008 Subject: FW: Titanic " ake, Huma, and Decian: As you know, we have been working with Queen's University on hesting the economic event. ‘Yes, we have gone pretty far so It would be difficult to change the venue completely. (The Queen's Vice Chancellor ‘Peter Gregson offered us the moon yesterday ~ inctuding having 2 speech for 700-3,000 and the roundtable event and use of the Great Hallas 2 reception area before the speech. We will walk him back to a smaller event Monday morning.) ‘And on substance ~ | think Queen's hightights education, research and new technologies, and economic ‘Commercializtion of reséarch results. The executive director of the NI Tourism Board met with us yesterday along with, Invest NI folks to press for the Titanic Signature Project to be a center plece of the economle event in some way. lasked ‘them what role US. investors or companies were playing in the Titank Signature Project and there wasn't clear ‘answer. (The invest Ni folks actully joked that ink was that the-Titanle was on Its way to America.) also asked ebout UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. CO8005008 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-18313 Doc No. CO6005009 Date: 07/21/2016 the visual message of the event ~ to be honest tis actually a big det construction site, (Our orginal suggestion on ‘Thankc Quarter was the Science Park venue.) {actually think the dig has begun so i truly sa tig hole. 1 Butall that sald the drive times are short in Belfast and it would be possible to go to the Quarter on the way out of town * ‘orn fora quick event thats desired. | would suggest we walt and see what happens with he schedule overall before ‘making » decison. Kamala ——Original Message—- rom: Abedin, Huma | Sent: Satundey, October 03, 2009 5:57 9M o: Sulvan Jacob J; ‘declan kelly, } takhhir, Kamae‘ (Beles); Roland, Kevin (Befost) Subject: Re: Titanle ‘We had talked sbout this and liked the idea. Problem Ik that we are getting crunched for timein belfast now. Gut if we ‘can make as one event, with roundtable nearby. Have you guys gone pretty for In your discustons with queens univ? 1 =~ Originst Message —" From: Sullivan, . . oS a Kara (ees Roland, evn ‘ (Belfast); Abedin, a SentsSat Oct 03 12:20:48 2009 Subject: Re: Thane ‘Could we do the econ event nearby and this as part? =~ Original Messape == From: Dectan Kelty : To: Lakhdhir, i Sullivan, Jacob J; Abedin, Huma. Sent: Sat Oct 03 12:10:56 2008 ‘Subject: Fw: Titanlc ‘Anather one to add to our list for consideraticn. ~~ Original Message —~ From: Kelly, Tor deckel ‘Sent: Sot Oct OS TT Subject: Fue Titanic ‘From: Niall Gibbons . To: Be Sent: Fa F Subject: Titanic Hello Declan, UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06005009 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Casa No, F-2018-16313 Doc No. C06005009 Date: 07/21/2016 E-mail: ngibbons@ ‘ —* Tourism Iceland Limited is» Company Umited by-Guarantee without a Share Capital, Registered in Ireland No. 336370, Bishop's Square, Redmand's Hill, Dublin 2 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2018-16313 Doc No. CO6005009 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED US. Deparment of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, CD6005009 Date: 07/21/2016 ‘was nice'to see you at the Global Econoinie Forum and sorry we didn't get a chance to have a chat. io he Secretary of ate vig ela th month and have been csely wring nthe Tours fenton an island basis for the last? years. One of the mast significant infrastructure projects for Northern Ireland Is the Titanic Signature project which is due to ‘have the sod turned on 12 October and will cost approximately €100m. The Northern ireland Tourist Board have been wondering if there was any possibility that Hilary would be available for a 30 minute ‘sod-tuming’ engagement in East ‘Belfast which would give significant International exposure to this project which is to be completed by 2012 for the ‘centenary celebration, : CJ 2 86 ‘My mabite Is fm sure you are exceptionally busy and no doubt there are significant protocol issues ‘surrounding these things but the Titanic has the capacity to bbe a great ail island project and ithought it was worth: considering. ‘Niall Gibbons FCA Chief Executive Tourism ireland sth Floor UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06005009 Dale: 07/21/2016 MNULASSIFIELS U.S, UGPANIMEN Of State UAse NO, 12075-76008 Doc No. GO6002904 Daite: 06/06/2018 Sent: ‘ae ah 35,200 7 qpewrer) = IN PART Te: ‘Sullivan, Jacobs 18536 ‘categories: Blue Cotegary - ‘Can you take care-of this through tish channels with Dens or should 1agk Hime te adress? . UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Dos No, C06002904 Date: 06/06/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, C06005019 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Mills, Cheryl D. ‘Sent: ‘Tuesday, March 15, 2011 6:43 PM To: ‘Abedin, Huma ee a ern) Categories: ‘ue Category Huma See below ‘Can you address for Dectan and get him in? Original : 7 ’ From: Decan tat ® BE ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 3:47 PM To: Malls, Chery! D . - so Subject: . Hithere, Looking forward to seeing you Thurs, (sos JAlTadvice and help appreciated. 1's scheduled for 1120 in Rooseveli Room, Donlons hosting and the President Is supposed to come In half way through. Tks UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06005019 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2016-16313 Doc No, CO6005021 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Mills, Chery D Sent: Sunday, To declan kel ‘Sullivan, taco’ J | Subject: Re: Cetegories: UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Caso No. F-2015-16313 Doe No, C06005021 Date: 07/21/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. C0S00S023 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Mil, Cheryl D nT Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2009 5:58.AM : To: ‘Abedin, Huma ‘Sent; Sat Oct 1001:62:04 2009 ‘Subject: Re: ‘Thank you. Much appreciated. Decan ~~ Original Message — From: Mills, Chery! D To: Dacian ely ‘ Cc: Mills, Cheryl D ; Sullivan, Jacob J Sent Fi'0et09 2:17:38 2009 : _ Subject: ‘They ere expecting you in dublin - they have those mieetings they will sk you to join. Safe travels. . Cd Original Message — i 8 Tom cree ‘Sent: Fri Oct 09 19:14:26 2009 Subject: Chery, Good to talk yesterday. Leaving for Oublin now. When you get 2 chance fet me know the outcome of your discussions ‘and whether | should attend the meetings on Sunday in Dublin. If 30 lust need to connect with the team to get the Dublin schedule etc, 051 don't have itat the moment. Thanks again forthe help and support elther way, it's much appreciated, especially given a that you have going on. Deca UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. 606005023 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of Stste Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO8008025 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Mis, Cheng gpEsemrar Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2008 251 PM To: Sulvan, Jacob J . ‘Subject: RE Two as Categories: Bue Category | did and voll ~ to the effect intended. * Original Message — ‘From: Sullivan, Jacob 3 - Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:48 PM To: Mis, Chery! D . Subject: Re: Two qs id you rewrite my paragraph? :) ~~ Orginal Message — . , : From: Mills, | 1D fete bed 7 ee Ce: Sullivan, Jacol Sent: Tue Sep 22 14:36:59 2009 ‘ ‘Subject: FW: Two as Doug ‘Can you have someorie take care to have Jake there -scrollto Dectan’s note below. : Jake is handling ireland (as well asthe rest ofthe world) for HAC and traveled recently with Declan to No/lre so now they are all cannishi * > x0 dm From: Sulivan, aco) x ‘ Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2008 11:25 AM ‘To: Mills, Cheryl D Subject: Fw: Two as {fm going to try to goto this. Can you do me a favor and drop a fine to WAC foks to see Wokay to go? Subject Re: Two qs : UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-16313 Doc No. CO6005025 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, CO6005025 Date: 07/21/2016 2. He has asked fort because he sys there ls confident! securty info she needs. am talking to him when he lands this afternoon If you want me to communicate anything. 2. Event is 2t $6 tomorrow: There ia green room pre bret with WIC at 4.30, Would be great if you were there. =~ Original Message —- . Feom: Sliven, Jacob J Sent: Wed Sep 09 15:44:36 2009 : Subject: HICheryl, Hope alt is well. f you have five minutes to chat anytime today I'd appreciate It. | spoke with eke on Sunday and just ‘wanted to catch up to see where things stand at present. Many thanks. Declan UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, 06005028 Date: 07/21/2016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2016-16313 Doc No. COSC05033. Date: o72u2016 i From: ‘Samuelson, Heather F seve Tag ch 344 ‘Tor Mills, Cheryt 0 . ce TaWy, Nor F Subject: RE: Declan Kelly. { spoke with Declan again today and continue to prod Jim to call him back on the ethics part. Original Message—— ‘From: Mills, Chery! D ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 3:21 PM i To: Samueison, Heather F . Sent: Tuesdey, March 28, 2011 2:14 PM . To: Mill, Chery! 0 . CeToW,NoreF ° : ‘Subject: RE: Dectan Kelly ; { drafted the attached, ‘narrowed his responsibilities to internal work with and the department. ‘Let me know your thoughts on this. " i 'f you approve, will send to sim for ethics and Pat Carter for processing. Thx . ' Origins! Message— . From: Mils, Chery D Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:59 AM. ‘Yo: Samueison, Heather # Suject: RE: Declan Kelly [Me's going to serve as an expert on Northern tretand — what more Is there that le needed? ‘don't have such a position ‘description and welcome your help if we need ta do one for that. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16813 Dec No. (C08005083 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stete Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No, 008005033 Date: 07/21/2016 dm -=~Original Message-—— From: Samuelson, Heather F ‘Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:54 AM To: Mills, Cheryl D Subject: RE: Dectan Kelly | spe with i abot on hour ogo ~ he aid het cal Decon this morning to stlghten cu the confusion ster Declan spoke with im's stall. : EUA/EX ison standby to change the action after Jim and Declan speak, Jon asked if you had @ position description for Dectan's new role, Original Message~— ‘From: Mills, CherytO- Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2013 10:50 AM ‘To: Samuelson, Heather F Subject: FW: Declan Kelly Original From: Dectan Kelly | 86 Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2013 9:46 AN To: Mills, Cheryl D ‘Subject: Re: Decion Kelly Morning Haven't heard so Far, Wil call Heather today. Ths.. = Original Message From: Mls, Chen cisco @sategov> . ‘or Decian kelly ! ‘Sent: Sat Mar 26 08:02:27 2011. ‘Subject: Fs Declan Kelly 7 From: Mills, Cheryl D ‘Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 22:13 PM ‘To: Samuelson, Heather F ‘Ce: Gelber, Ethan M; Toiv, Nora F; Thessin, James H ‘Subject: RE: Decian Kelly Heather/tim: UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005033 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16813 Doc No. CO600S033 Date: 07/21/2016 est to make sure you both have the seme information - Declan Is going to-be departing from hs status of Economic Envoy of treland to become an unpaid expert wha is avallale to provide advice to Sand the bulling on Northern lreland, ‘He will at best be a 60 day a year SGE if that, (Cen we step through the appropriate processes to effect this change as of 2 Apri 202) : 1 Prete know i tee nyicg ee youre best dm From: Samuelson, HeatherE ‘Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 11:33'4M To: Mills, Chery! O Ce: Gelber, Ethah M; Tol, Nora F Subject: Declan Kelly | want to make sure everyone is on thé same page on this one According to L/Ethics, Defan stated that you and he agreed that he would continue sending as Econamc Envoy of lreland, and transition into a “gratuitous services agreement” where bbe would continue to aid the department an these {issues but not as a government. . {sthat accurate? Iso, we will work with Jim Thessh's team and HR to make ths transtion accordingly. Thx UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06005033 Date: o7es2016 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06005044 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Abedin, Huma Sent: ‘Tuesday, December 01, 2009 11:38 AM 5 To: ‘Sullivan, Jacob 3 ce Valmoro, Lona J . Subject: FW: Secretary of State ‘Attachments: Loretta letter to Sec of Stateipg Categories: Blue Category . Jake - since this is your peeps, want to bring you in the top We are gonns recommend hrc do this, she is being honored ‘You agree? —Originat a From: Declan Sent: Tuesday, Oecember 03, 2009 11:15 AM To: Abedin, Huma . Sublect: Fw: Secretary of State. Hi, ‘This is the invite for the March 16 American ireland Fund dinner, Let me know if you think it's doable. They need to get ‘he invites out in next week or so because over 1200 people show up and there's 2 long lead tine etc... ‘As discussed, schedule permitting ! would lke to have a lunchtime event on the same day with HRC as guest speaker etc. This would bean west Norther reland evant with about 300 peopl for lunch. As agreed we can dscuss that after the tum of the year once calendars become clearer. we could tock down the American ireland Fund event for now that would be great. i'm trying to turn March 16 Into ‘Northern Ireland day In OC effectively and wrap It into the economic mission etc which she established in appoiating men. : ‘Thanks for all and any help. Declan Original Message — Be From: Neran McLoughlin ¢ To: Declan Kelly : . ‘Sent: Tue Det 01 09:38:37 2009, Subject: Secretary of State Dear Declan, Lapras you mating coma wit te Setar fate nthe ot Leta natin oro the honoree at our National Gata in DC on March 16th (copy attached). Given her long-standing involvement in the struggle for peace in Northern ireland and her curent commitment 10 promoting Northern ireland’s economy, we can think of no more fitting person to recognize. We would ike to use the ‘occasion to focus on Northera ireland as an investment location, in cooperatioh with yourself and invest NI, and to. Promote the Secretary of State's priority of delivering 2 peace dividend. " UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Depariment of Stato Case No. F-2016-16313 Doc No, CO60050%6 Date: 077212016 . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No. C06006044 Date: 07/21/2016 {would be enormously helpful to us were we to recele a response from the Secretary of State's office, This would ‘enable us to begin marketing the event and to recruit major supporters, Ordinarily, this process would be well underway at this time, ‘gain, !am immensely grateful to you personaityfor your support end advocacy. 1am avaliable to you or anybody in the ‘Secretary of State's office at any point to progréss this imitation at any time. Kind Regards, ‘The American freland Fund 345 Park Avenue, 17th Floor . + ‘New York, NY 10154 1 86 212689 3336 wan, * UNCLASSIFIED USS. Depertmant of Slate Case No, F-2015-10813 oc No, (06005044 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005045 Date: 07/21/2016 (BB 1 Anenean tecnasio Fux 45 Fark Ane : . 47" Flour . New York, Rew York verse + stay gt00 . © 292.689.3530 (Ms. Hillary R. Clinton ‘Secretary of State ’ , newyork thd ig Dept of state . Swe wir 201 C Street ww . Memawenociesne TE MTART ER Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Dear Madame Secretary, ‘May | begin by congratulating you on your visit to Northefn ireland in which | was privileged to ‘participate. The vist occurred ata critical time in the North when encouragement and support was $0 badly needed. You provided both with great authority and style and undoubtedly have gen a great boost to HethernWretond, Rest asured that ny collegues wi do all we canto suport allot your ‘wark the¢e. - Given your longstanding commitment to lreland and Norther treland, we would be delighted if you . would agree to be te honoree at our National Gala on March 16°2010, This is our mala platform which is attended by leading members of Congress, the Taoiseach and key decision makers In Northern. Iweland. tts Supported by our major donors Inthe US and Ireland, Wwe would very much welcome the opportunity to recognize your extraordinary love lor lelond and your ‘determination to see Ireland achieve her potential~ North and South. We will use the occasion to ‘celebrate the leadership of women, ‘would bea care pwvitege for us, and our supporters, if you would say yes. We do hope o be ina Position 1 publicly recogriee your great achievements and contribution to eland on arch 16" ies regards. Yours Lo rennan CTaCan Chairman ‘The American teland Fund . = Ss UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc'No. CO6005045 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Deparment of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Ove No. CO8005048 Date: 07/21/2018 —_— From: Becan a 86. Sent: ‘Tuesday, 7 > To ‘Samuelson, Heather F; Mills, Cheryl D Seblect! bs . ‘Attachments: 4.262011 Letter to Secretary Clinton Categories: Bive Cetegory Cheryi/Hesther, Attached is my letter of resignation eliective May &th,| —— BS ‘Thanks forall your help, Decian Original Message —- From: Sue Bloomberg To: Declan Kelly Sent: Tue Apr 26 16:58:09 2011 Subject: . Sue Bloomberg Executive Assistant to Declan Kelly Office: 1 Mobite _ eo 7 whe Be Go n'éir an t-idh teat! . UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No, C06005046 Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005048 Date: 07/21/2016 DeciaN KELLy 36 Apa zo . (RELEASE PRT oe ‘The Honorable Hillery Rodham Clinton Secretary of Sue. ~ United States Department of Srate azor C Street NW Washington, DC 2010 Dear Secretary Clinton: am writing to inform you of my decision to resign as US Economic Envoy to Northeen Ireland effective May Gth. Tt has been 1 grest honar to serve my country in this portion for ‘the last 20 months, and given the progress of our mission I feel now is en appropriate time for me to step down to pursue other interest, will continue to de what I can in a private capacity to support Northern Irelind including, fer example, continuing to support the U.S, ~ NI Mentorship Program that lestablished in ‘conjunction with The American Ireland Fund and other : : Tam very grateful co have bed the opportunity to strve #1 Economy Envoy and co have worked with ruch talented cotleagues in the Department of State. Thank you for affording, ime that opportunity, Please know thet Iam always available to assist you in any way possible. Thank you again for alf of your support. : Sincerely Declan Kelly |. 27 North Moore Strect, Apl. 7C » New York, New York 10012 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No, 06005148 Date; 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16008 Doc No. C06007673 Date: 08/01/2016 a From: + Declan Kelly { 7) ‘Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 11:11 AM ‘Te: . Mie Cros dce RELEASE IN, PARTS Categories: Blue Category Chery, * Great meeting you yesterday. | enjoyed the conversation and am looking forward very much to ‘working with you. The security interview went fine, | believe. | owe them some more information they will get over the weekend. : Separately I Have attached a biofo—_—~—=«d as promised. Talk to you soon, Thanks again, Best wishes,” . Declan . UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No, C06007673 Date: 08/01/2016 oS UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stale Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. C06008080 Date: 07/21/2016 From: Declan key, Sd Sent: Friday, June 05, 2008 11:1, AM To: Milt, | 1D - Attachments: . ee Categories: Blue Category Great meeting you yesterday. | the conversation and am looking forward very much to working with your Stoves - Separately { have attached vitor] as promised. 86 "Talk to you soon. Thanks again, . Best wishes, Declan . : UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doe No. 606005060 Date: 07/21/2016 L UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-16313 Doc No, CO8005084 Date: 07/21/2016 ELEASE IN PART] From: Mills, Chery! D Sent: Monday, May 09,2012 721 AM To: Lakhdhir, Kamala S (Belfast) ce ‘Declan Kelly: Hammer, Michael A: Sulliva, Jacob J; Reines, Philippe t Samuekon, ‘Heather F; Kennedy, Patrick F ‘Subject: Draft Documents Related to Declan Kelly's Resignation - FOR ACTION WEDNESDAY ‘Attachments: ‘DK Comms Plan 05-06-11 xlsx 2011-05-06 § Statement on Decian Kelly Resignation dors 2011-05-06 OX Draft Press Poms 05-06-2011. docx Categories: Blue Category, ‘AttachmentsCiassifieation: UNCLASSIRED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED SensitivityCode: Sensitive Kamale ‘Attached are revised version of the points and the statement. ‘We willl issue the statement on Wednesday mid-day. BS Please coordinate rectly with Mike Hemmer f you have any further questions or concerns, All the best. dm, -—Original Message — From: Lakbidhir, Kamala $ (Belfast) Sent: Friday, May 06,2012 9:54 AM To: Mils, Cheryl Ce:'Declan Kelly ‘Subject: (S8U} Draft Documents Related to Decan Kelly's Resignation BS ‘Thank you. * Kamala UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. COB005084 Dete: 0772172016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of Stats Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. COB00S064 Date: 67/21/2016 Kamala Lakai, ' US. Consul Generat Oanesforts House 223 Stranmilis Road Belfast BTS SGR Phone; +44-78-9038-6177 Visit our Consulate Facebook: Find us on Facebook . seu ‘This emallis UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2015:16813 Doe No, COS0050E4 Date; o7res2016 eS Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No, COSI0S066 Date: 0772112016 DRAFT - May 6, 2011 ‘ (RELEASE PART 8D Secretary Clinton's Statement: Resignation of Economic Envoy for Northern Ireland Declan Kelly ‘| as | UNCLASSIFIED US, Department of State UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. 608005066 Date: 0721/2016 eS UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of Stale Case No, F:2018-16913 Doc No. (C08006087 Date: 07/21/2016 DRAFT-May9,2011 : QELEASE WART EQ ‘Press Points UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department ot State Case No. F:2015-16313 Doc No. CO8005087 Date: 9772172018 a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stele Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc Ne. CO6005067 Date; 07/21/2016 "BS UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 Doc No, C08005087 Date: 07/21/2016 a UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Site Casa No. F-2015-16318 Doc No. GORSOES Date o7rsre016 From: Abedin Huma, : & Sahay Gey = seen Subject: + Ret 7 Categorie: the caeg . We are s0 excited! And so gied you are doing it. tock forward to warn with youl = Original Message ~- : fomgiin ey - Bs To: Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Sat Sep 12.08:04:37 2009 ‘Subject: roar ne Nt nieinna apanan i re Hope to see you soa Dedan UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stato Case No. F-2018-16319 De No, Cosoasoas Date: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. COBO0SIE2 Date: 07/21/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 1007 PM feeteIse WPA) To: ‘’ Subject Fw. ~ Categories: Blue Category Sent: Sat Sep 12 08:00:15 2009 Subject: Huma, Hope alls well Justa short note to ask you to convey my persona thanks to the Secretary forall she dito make ‘yesterday's appointment possible. 'm looking forward tothe challenge and appreciate her confidence and support ‘greatly. Hope to see you both soon, Thanks, . Declan UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18313 ‘Doc No. CO6005082 Dele: 07/21/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06007869 Date: 08101/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma Semtz Sunday, Octobe 11,2009 738 AM To: Mil, Pomel G Inert, Suzanne M 5 Subject: fw: Running Order for Sundey Dinner [RELEASE IN PART B9 Categories: Blue Category ‘Could | get this printed? =~ Original | Fee Oana} 85 foment : ‘Sent: Sun Oct 11 05:42:08 2009 Subject: Fw: Running Order for Sunday Dinner Here you go... ~~~ Original Message -~- From: Declan Kelly , Steven Sullivan; ‘' Cc: ‘LakhdhiskS@state gov' ; 'WikleP' ‘Sent: Sun Oct 12:05:26: 2009 * ‘Subject: Re: Running Order for Sunday Dinner > ‘This rnning order is fine. Thanks.. Original Message —- From: Steve Sullivan. ‘To: Roland, Kevin S (Belfast) ; Declan Kelly Ce: Lakh, Kamala S (Belfast}; Wikle, Paule (London) Sent: Sat Oct 10 17:13:12 2009 Subject: RE: Running Order for Sunday Dinner ? Dedlsn, ~ Attached isthe running order for dinner. tis essentially the same as whet Keyin provided but with more detail. Once ‘You sign off wil forward to INI for thei agreement. Fromm: Roland, Kevin § (Belfast) {maitio:Rolandks2@state gov] Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 1:08 PM To: Declan Kelly; Steven Sulvan Cc: Lakhdhi, KemalaS (Belfast); Wikle, Paul (London) UNCLASSIFIED, U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No, CO6007869 Date: 08/01/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. COS007868 Date: 08/01/2016 Subject: Running Order for Sunday Dinner Decian/Steve, Here's a brief stab at 2 running order for the Sunday dinner. Flesh It out as needed and we'll get IW! to agree, Ibe out of pocket for 8 few hours doing some non-vsit-elated diplomacy on behalf of UncleSam but wil checkin tater. 3 For the Dinner: 19:30 i Drinks reception and informal introductions of Northern ireland and US working group members (as:40 ‘Artival of Minister Foster) 19:55, . ' Proceed to Dinner; guests are seated 20:00 2002 UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06007869 Date: 08/01/2016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06007869 Date: 08/01/2016 “Minister Foster welcomes U.S. and NI delegations, hands floor to DK. Envoy Kelly provides Opening and welcome, quickly recaps CGI New York, and cutlines his ambitions for the working {roup In supporting his role as Envoy 20:05 20:05 Kelly asks Minister Foster to provide brief overview of WI ‘Overview of Nt by Minister Foster and INI, to include strategic sectors 20:20 (First course of dinner served) Kelly asks Jim Quinn of Tiffany & Co to outtine 2 multinational corp’s decision tree when seeking global expansion 20,30 {Main Course Served) UNCLASSIFIED USS. Deparment of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. CO6007869 Date: 08/01/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06007869 Date: 0801/2016 2050 Kelly asks INI (Jeremy?) total on NI guest (tbe possibly exiting inestor suchas Bombardier) to discuss Investor experience here. Kel (or remy) wns conversation ta innovation, and asks Richard Hogg fom Limavady Gea Company (wind energy) {and Steve Orr from the Science Park to talk about emerging Industries. Kelly calls for an open discussion on next steps, leading with a question on what immediate opportunities for linkages ends ® 21:30 (Coffee and Dessert Served) 21:30 Kelly sums up olscussions thus far and sets agenda for Mondsy Working Group at Qutens, which wil include ‘oth time and jroject commitments by members. 21:45 Dinner concludes UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F:2015-16008 Doc No. CO6007869 Date: 08/01/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06006627 Date: 08/01/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma . ‘ Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 235 PM. To: Sula, Jacob J, Subject: Re: Owen Paterson Schedule - Revision Cotegories: Blue Category {defer to u on all this stuff. Sut cid has done stu like this before so figured there was something going én.. ‘Sent: Fri Oct 15 14:32:54 2010 ‘Subject: FW: Owen Paterson Schedule - Revision ‘Whoops -- just catching up. ~~Original < From: Declan Xe . . 86 Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 12:43 PM To: Abedin, Huma . Cc: Sullivan, Jacob 5 Subject: RE: Owen Peterson Schedule - Revision Roger. Co) BS Thanks Original Message—- From: Abedin, Huma {mailto:AbedinH Sent: Friday, October 25, 2010 12:41 PAM | . 3s Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 . Abedin, Huma : Sullivan, Jacob) 7 | Subject: FW: Owen Paterson Schedule - Revision UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Cese No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06006627 Date: 08/01/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18008 Doc No. C06006627 Date: 08/01/2016 Below are some ofthe sues.wefaceif[__komes bt... Original Message-— From: Lakhahir, Kamala (Beast) [mailto:Lakhdhicks] Sent: Friday, October 18, 2010 5:36 AM ‘Tor Dectan Kelly; Cormack, Maureen € Subject: RE: Owen Paterson Schedule - Revision | know that you all know this but to point out some of the problems: 85 Kamala sBu * ‘This email ls UNCLASSIFIED. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. 606006627 Date: 08/01/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2016-16008 Doc No. C06008890 Date: 0801/2016 ———— From: ‘Abedin, Huma Sent: ‘Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:38 PM te ‘erz@eonensont "ELBE PARTER Subject: Fac Categories: Blue Category ‘What should tell him? Original — From: Dectan Keli ‘To: Sullivan, Jacob J; Abedin, Huma Sent: Thu Oct 14 17:42:04 2010 Subject: * Shaun Woodward just called to say that he had received a communication through Sidney thit the Secretary wants him to come to the conference next week. Before | put that in motion, given the reaction it will get fram Owen Paterson and. ‘the folks in. Northern Ireland | wanted to ask you to check whether or not it's accurate. Let me know as soon as you can please. Thanks ’ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06006630° Date: 08/01/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma: ‘Sent: ‘Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:39 PM . ‘To: ‘declan, sullivan, Jacob J Subject: Re: . Categories: Bue Cétegory . (RELEASE INPARTES ‘Checking and will get back to you. UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. CO6006832 Date: 08/01/2016 From: ‘Abedin, Huma To: ‘Subject: Re: nme us cotegary ‘Sun Mer 20 21:02:12 2012 Re: (830 res at Minetta Tavern ‘you guys get there before us for any reason the reservation |s under Vaughan Tredwell | explain when ‘ee vou! =~ Original Message —, & From: Abedin, Huma To: Decan Kelly ‘Sent: Fri Mar 18 22:51:35 2011 Subject: Re: Perfect a . “See you sunday! : + Original Message From: Decian Kelly To: Abedin, Huma Sent: Fri Mar 18 20:27:15 2012 Subject: Re: No broblem. Of course | won't kil yout. Totaly understand ofcourse. Fri Mar 18 18:53:31 2011, Subject: Dow Kitt ME Fra Me President is sending her to pars tonite which means Icant do set dnneri {W€3.2 Libya summit so cant skip any any way you can do Sunday dinner? $0 3050 sorry UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F:2015-16008 Do No, C08008845 Date: 08/01/2016 nee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. CO6006845 Date: 09/01/2016 -—~Originat Me . From: Decian Kelly Be Sent: Friday, March 18, 2013 1:21 AM To: Abedin, Huma Subject: Re: | ~~ Original Message ~~, From: Abedin, Huma ‘To: Declan Kelly ‘Sent: Fri Mar 18 10:22:55 2012 Subject: RE: ‘Why aren’t you coming to hre meeting with robinson/meguiness? Original Message— From: Dectan a = —_—7 Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 201 637 PM ‘To: Abedin, Hume . Subject: Re: Thanks ~~ Original Message — From: Abedin, Huma To: Declan Kelly Sent: Wed Mar 16 18:31:20 2011, Subject: Re: Confirmed for both of you. — orga Le ‘To: Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Wed Mar 16 12:48:09'2011 ‘Subject; Re: hana Ora itesge—- From: Abedin, Huma To: Declan Kelly ‘Sent: Wed Mar 16 12:33:42 2011 ‘Subject: Re: Think ‘we willbe ok on manifest with both you and kamala Walting for them to confirm a From: Dacian Kelly| To: Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Tue Mar 15 19:36:40 2011, UNCLASSIFIED US. Departinent of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. CO6006845 Date. 08/01/2016 _-_l SS UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No.F-2015-18008 Doc No. C06006845 Date: 0801/2016 ‘Subject: Re: Thank Definitely - let's meet. Origins! Message — From: Abedin, Huma To: Declan Kebiy Subject: ‘onit Didn't even know about that meeting. ‘We are around this weekend, would be great to make lunch or dinner plan, Sent: Tue Mar 15 18:50:38 2011, Subject: {ts the 1120 meeting at roosevelt Room between Donilon and his team and Robinson, Mcguinness and the NI delegation. Last year the Secretary and! attended as you know, alongwith Consul General Kamala Laid. Sofar they have not agreed to Kamla or me attending because bigger numbers of WH people are planing to go. ‘gsi, 1am nat bothered ether way 1 be honest, but t looks embarrassing since we ae te only people they see from ‘one end ofthe year to the other ‘Also - are you guys in NY this weekend? --~ Original Message —- From: Abedin, Huma To: Declan Kelly . ' Sent: Tue Mar 15 18:46:52 20321 Subject: Hey chery forwarded me your emails about white house mtgs. Can you gve me more info on which mtgs? And who it ‘being excluded? | know there are a few. ' ' UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stato Case No. F:2015-16008 Doc No. COB008845 Date: 08/01/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-18287 Doc No, COS871821 Date: 07/21/2016 eT i ——_ ‘hy A Tem is Can; ara rahe Categories: Red Cetegory ‘They are trying for 8 compromise and 'm trying to help push btw GC and LL. Thoughts? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T . Original Message--—- From: "Mills, Ciryl O* eMllscD@state gov> ‘Subject: People "ve been speaking to that lean name. Most wor't want ther names used, But wantedto give YoU a sense of the variety of people. ‘Most discusions have been in ast 2 days In person. A few on my trip of 2 woeks ago. A few by phone-bbm-tet last week: Security guards, drivers, hotel staff, small art shop owners | know well, + *man on the street* reaction. ‘Additionally[ }spoke to following this week and sore ofthe sourcing come from them. They all say sarne thing: JBene via BiackBerry by ATET UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of Stata Case No. F-2015-16287 Doc No. C0S971921 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No; F-2015-16008 Doc No. 608002834 Date: 07/01/2018 From: Laktidhir, Kamala S (Belfast) Sent: Monday, May 08,2021 737 AM Te: Mit, Cheot D ce “Declan Kelys Hammer, Michetl A: Sulvan Jacob Relnes,Pippe Samuelson, Heather F Kevady, Prick F . Subject: ‘RE: Draft Documents Related to Declan Kelys Resignation - FOR ACTION WEDNESDAY Categories: ‘ive category ‘SenshivityCode: Sensitive RELEASE iN PART BS ‘Thank you very much, $e begun implementing our communications plan- reaching out to the offices of Peter Robinson and Martin MeSuinness. Kamala sau 7 ‘This email is UNCLASSIFIED ~---Original Message--—- ‘From: Mills, Cheryl D ‘Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 12:21 PM ‘To: Lakhahie, Kamala S (Beast) . Ge: "Declan Kelly’; Hammer, Michael A; Sulliven, Jacob J; Reines, Philippe t: Samuelson, Heather F; Kennedy, Patrick F ‘Subject: Draft Documents Related to Decian Kelly's Resignation - FOR ACTION WEDNESDAY . Kamais ‘Attached are revised version of the points and the statement. We will issue the statement on Wednesday mid-day. ‘Note the changes in the points which | iow are for you but we will use as well (note reference to future of envoy Position). . Plesse coordinate directly with Mike Hammer if you have any further questions of concerns, All the best. cm Original Message—- From Lakhdhir, Kerala § (Belfast) Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 9:54AM To: Mils, Cheryl D Ce: Declan kelly’ ‘Subject: (SBU) Draft Documents Related to Declan Kelly’s Resignation. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06002834 Date: 07/01/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C0002824 Date: 07/01/2016 Dear Cheryl: Please find attached a draft Secretary's statement on Declan’s resignation. Also attached is 2 ‘communications plan that we have put together in coordination with Decian on outreach tothe Northern irelarid ‘Government, business leaders, and media as well as draft press points/messages that we would all use. Declan asked thet | provide these to you directly. The time line that we used forthe commurications plan woul be adjusted based on the planned day of the S announcement, As ! know Decian has informed yau, Norther Ireland's election took place yesterday and the ballots are only being counted today. We do not expect final tallies for the Assembly unl tonight or over the weekend. . Thank you: seu ‘This email is UNCLASSIFIED. ‘UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C060026%4 Date: 07/01/2016 VIULASSIFIEY U:d. UEPARMENt OF STALE Lase NO. t-ZUTD-I8UU8 DDeNo, ©08002901 Date: 06/06/2016 Mis, Chey D Faia Sai eet tre, ds Res Pte Subject: FW: (S8U) Draft Documents Related to Dacian Kelly's Rexighation. Categories: ‘Biue Category ee ‘Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ‘aGLEASE INTL ‘SenaitivityCode: Sensitive ea FYI +----Ordginel Mestiygo-—--— From ‘alte Kamala S (Belfast) sents en le oer 8 2B 16:38 Ay “Declio rely" Es SBU) Draft Pocus Matis ‘to Declan Kelly's fectinittos 3 in that SS wetiern Ireland overment, Danese and see ae as aeecrioe an the Thank you, Kenala sev Thhs email 4s UNCLASSIFIED : ai " from: Mills, cheryl D ‘Sent: Friday, nay 86, 2031 3:28 PM To: Labtehiny Kemata’s (0etFest) cent Subject: RE: (SBU) Draft Documents Related to Declan Kelly's Resignation Kamala Just to be clesr - we are still anticipating notice of this for Monday (ie, not today 6 may)? FraazOriginal Message From: Lakhdhir, (Belfast) Sent: Friday, hay ent 9:54 AM « or Mills, theryl 8 cz "Declan Kel ‘Subject: 00) Draft Documents Related to Declan Kelly's Resignation Dear Cheryl: Please find attached a draft Secretary's statement on Declan's resignation. Also attached is 8 communications plan that ne have put together in ‘coordination with Declan on outreach to the tlorthern Ireland government, business leaders, ‘and media es well as draft press points/messages that we would ell use. Declan asked that I provide these to you directly, The tine Line that ue used for the ‘communications plan would be adjusted based on the planned day of the S announcenent. As T UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06002901 Date: 06/06/2018 VIVLNOSIIEW U.5. Lepanment oF >iate Vase NO. t-ZU1D-1SUU8 DOC No. CO6002901 Date: 06/06/2016 know Declan has informed paiva Worthen Ireland's election took place ballots gre only being touited ‘Tonight, or over the weekend. sou ‘This email is UNCLASSIFIED today, te 0 not expect Final tallies for Uwe Asvesly, until UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No. C06002801 Date: 06/06/2016 Sent: = . Se fe EERTART RE ‘Categories: . | have been hounding our ethics ofice with clear deadline of by friday you must be cleared to go, Will edvise where they stend this arti when t hear, . con . — Dri! Message — ‘HiCheryl, ° . ‘Hope ait is well. f you have five thinutes to chat anytime today I'd appreciste ht, | spoke with Jake on Sunday and Just wanted to catch up to: see where things stand at presesit. Many thanks. Declen UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Deparment of State Case No. F-2015-16008 Doc No, 606002013 Date; 06/08/2016 UNLARSDIFIEL U.S, UePANMEN OF StATe A88 NO, ++2015-15008 Doc No, C06002915 Date: 06/06/2016 From: Mills, Cheryl D ~ Moneity, Alrust 31, 2009 $50 AM , be te “doug, JBamutson, Heather F Toy Nora F; Suliven, Jecob ; ‘Subject: Peron cee RELEASE NPAT Be ‘Categories: Bhib Category ‘We typically do an Internal snnounicerertt first -| will ask my team to draft arid send to you thisam ; ‘deckelyi aie —_—___ ‘Ok. Let me know If you have a few minutes to discuss...Thanks. — Original Message —- From: Mills, Cheryl D Original Message — From: Abedin, Huma wursday, December 06, 2012 12:51 PM =~ Original Message —~ From: Balderston, Kris M ‘Sent; Thursday, December 06, 2032 12:48 PM ‘To: Abedin, Huma Subject: Re: Tonight { wl go over early. think a good day today. Just to verify 1am manifested for the Dublin elfost fight tmrw? = Original Message ~~ From: Abedin, Huma ‘Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 12:45 PM UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005090 Date: 07/21/2016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doe ‘No. C06005080 Date: 07/21/2018 Subject: Tonight , Mey guys not sure how much ofthe press you are folowing, but he has to see the russlans about syria. Heading to ‘meeting shortly, Please start without her and she'll get there as soon 2s she can. “To: Balderstan, Kris M; Bagley, Elizabeth F; ee | [declan | Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 23:08 AM ' $Mleveryone - wanted to fllow up on plan for drinks/dinner on the 6th Ii Dubin. Thanks to ohn and Declan, we have a ‘erervation at Restaurant 41 at the Residence Club. Tentstivey planning for 6:30/7pm. Carole wal send updates on {iming, She will also send logistical info on what to do when you arrive at DCU. ‘See you thursday! . . UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005080 Date: o7r2112016 eee UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Ove No, CO6005084 Date: 07/21/2016 Just adding Nall and Brian to the email, Looking forward to seeing everyone. Kris, ~~ Originat Message —- From: Abedin Huma ‘Sent: Friday, November 30, 2022 11:13 AM a i beth F; ee ‘Melanne $ ' Cc: Velmoro, tona J; Adter, Caroline E; Hanley, Monica R ‘Subject: Our Trip {H Everyone - know we've allbe exchanging emals about HRC‘ trip to Dublin and Belfast nex week so 'm sending you details for the visit and if you have any questions please let me know. Hillary Is excited many of you are coming and hopes to see as much of you as possible, Dubin December Sth: ‘We artve late that night and are staying at the Merrion, i December 6th: . . ‘ he spends mast ofthe morning at an OSCE ministers meeting. And much ofthe afternoon in bilateral meetings with the Taolseach, the President ete, ‘something. Maybe we can. gather for rinks/dinner and HRC can come jln fo as long as she can? Either way, doubt we wil lock anything for afew days but please know she dots hope to se you that night! Belfast : December 7th: UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doe No. COS00504 Dale: o7e12016 ee UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F:2016-16313 Doc No, 606005084 Date: 07/21/2016 ‘She will meet with cM leaders in the morning. {pm ireland Fund Lunch at the Belfast Titanic nd of course all of you'are already on that lit as wel Tou wil get more detallad logistical information form Carone Adler ws we get close. Pleas share this info with Brion ‘0nd Niall 25 well. Look forward to seeing ailaf you: . ° UNCLASSIFIED U.S, Deparment of Stato Case No. F-2015-18313 ‘Doc No, COB005094 Date: 07/21/2016 From: ‘Balderston, Kis M ‘Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 248 PM To | Abedin, Huma: Sullivan, Jacob J; Haclaworth, Jason K B6 Subject: ‘Re: Bereavement notice Minkters Office Categories: Blue Category . ' a — Origine! Message — « ! From: Declan Kelly) To: Balderston, Kris M; Abedin, Huma; Sullvan, Jecob J; Hackworth, Jason K Sent: Fri Oct 29 11:18:23 2010 Subject: Re: Hereavement notice, Minister'sOffice Thisissuch terrilenaws; SSCS a ee =~ Original Message — * Frome Balderston; Kris M ; Sullivan, Jacob J " Sent: Fel Oct 29 11:16:37 2030 ‘Subject: Fw: Bereavement notice, Minister's Office uma ~$ asked about her condtion lst week a the mtg w the deputy minster and Ambassador Colts. ' — From: Orla . To: Balderston, Kris M ' Seat: FriOct 29 11:98:08 2010 . : Subject: Bereavement notice, Minister's Office ’ eis ‘We spoke this isthe very sat! news, Orta UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F:2015-16313 Doc No. CO8005086 Date: 07/21/2018 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005086 Date: 07/21/2016 Colteagues will wish to be aware ofthe very sad news that kina Marti, the Minister's youngest daughter, passed away ‘Peacefully in Great Ormonde Street Haspital, london, this afternoon. . ‘The Minister, Mrs Martin and immediate family were at her bedside This e-mails prvleged and confidential” ‘you are not the intended recipient please delete the message and notify the sender. ‘Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author. 7 ‘Tis email was scanned by Ironport and has been certified virus free with the pattern file curently In use. ‘This however cannot guarantee that it does not contain malicious content. Tebhair aire: ‘Than r-phost seo foo phribhéid agus feol rin, ora tusa an duine a bh beartaithe leis an teachaireacht seo 2 tl, scros le do toll agus cui an seohdkr ar an eoles, \s els an ddar amhsin aon dearcal nétueirimla tiitear. . ‘Scanadh an r-phost seo le Ironport agus delmhnfodh go ralbh s¢ saar6 vioras lls an bpatrinchomhad atd in dssid faot bth, : z ‘NI die a réthd lle seo ech nach bhfull dbhar mailseach ann, UNCLASSIFIED US, Departmeni of State Case No, F-2015-16313 Doc No. CO6005096 Date: 07/21/2016:

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