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Speaking about Dipa Karmakar, who came fourth, Abhinav Bindra explains how

its impressive that Karmakar even came fourth. Or if any of the Indian athletes
even qualify. onsider the following:
First, Dipa Karmakars physiotherapist was not able to travel with her. And was
only rushed to Rio after she made the finals, contrary to what Goel has claimed
Second, Indias chief medical officer at the Olympics, is a radiologist called
Pawandeep Tony Singh. He knows nothing about sports medicine. When athletes
went to him, his solution for all pains was Combiflam. That he was having a gala
time at the Games has been reported by all athletes Ive spoken with hanging
out by the pool, drinking from 3 pm. Tony Singh is the son of Tarlochan Singh,
who is the Vice President of the Indian Olympic Association.
Third, the IOA has taken a huge delegation of state Olympic office bearers to
get votes in future. They were all flown business class, while the athletes
were flown in economy. Despite accreditation being limited, it is being given to
officials rather than the support staff of the athletes.

Four, the IOA president, Narayana Ramachandran has not met the athletes even
once, till the writing of this article.

The lead-up to the Games was a shambles with the appointment of Sachin
Tendulkar, Salman Khan, A R Rahman and Bindra as ambassadors. Except for
the last, the other choices were puzzling. Why appoint a cricketer as a brand
ambassador to the Olympics? It did give Tendulkar a chance to hang out with
his friends Mukesh Ambanis family. The less said about Nita Ambani being
Indias only International Olympic representative, the better.
Interestingly, the United States of America which has led the medals tally for
years has no Minister for Sport. Since these days its cool to be following
the American way, perhaps Prime Minister Narendra Modi will take a cue from
good friend Barack and abolish the post and the apparatus which goes along
with it. It may well lead us to surprise ourselves in Tokyo.

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