WBL Co-Op Handbook Current

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Breckenridge High School

Work-Based Learning

Cooperative Education Defined

Cooperative Education is a program for students to receive on-the-job training through an
agreement between the student, the school, and community employers. Students take required academic
courses to fulfill graduation requirements but may earn elective credits for learning experiences obtained
through employment. Students have a class related to the work experience and are released from the
regular school schedule in order to fulfill employment obligations.

Work-Based Learning (WBL) Defined

Similar to Cooperative Education, Work-Based Learning gives students an opportunity to earn
school credit for work experiences during the school day. An agreement is signed between the student,
school, and employer. All academic requirements must be met. However, student enrollment in a class
related to the job is not required. Students are released from regular school schedule in order to fulfill
employment obligations. We call it Co-op at Breckenridge, but in reality, students are in a work-based
learning situation because of the related class.

Only seniors (Juniors under special circumstances) are eligible to enroll in either Co-op or workbased learning. Students must be in good standing academically (2.0 GPA) and have a satisfactory
attendance record (anyone who has exceeded the attendance policy in previous high school years or
who has lost credit in classes because of absenteeism is not eligible for this program).
This course earns one credit toward graduation.
Ideally, students should have jobs that are related to their long-term occupational goals and
career pathway. However, any meaningful employment will be given consideration for a WBL
placement. For true learning and training to occur, the employer is expected to provide learning
opportunities on the job and to continually expand the tasks expected of the student employee.
A minimum average of 20 hours per week of employment are required of student learners
earning two high school credits per year and 10 hours are required of those students who are enrolled in
WBL earning one high school credit per year. Minors can only work 24 hours max in any week with
any school hours.

Credits earned toward graduation through Cooperative Education/Work-Based Learning are
elective and do not replace credits for any required courses. One-half credit per class hour worked may
be earned during each semester with the maximum number of credits per year not exceeding two (2) for

Breckenridge High School WBL Handbook Edited 8/23/16

Requirements for Earning Credit

Students enrolled in work-based learning are required to be employed in either a paid or
voluntary position for a minimum of 10 hours for one high school credit or 20 hours per week for two
credits. A Training Agreement between the school, the student, (parent/guardian if the student is under
18 years old), and the employer outlines job duties, legal working hours, salary, and length of job.
Student attendance at school and on the job is monitored through a Weekly Time Sheet. The time sheet
must be verified and signed by the supervisor of the student and must be on file with the WBL
coordinator for each week in order to comply with state law. Student employees will be evaluated by
their supervisors for each marking period and the evaluation will be sent to the coordinator. Students
receive a grade based on the following criteria:

On-the-job evaluations conducted during the grading period

Completion of on-the-job activities (Time Sheet)
Adherence to policies, rules, and regulations (required. docs.)
Completion of a work journal completed on Moodle 3 times per week

Job Placement
The WBL Coordinator will assist students in obtaining jobs that qualify for the program and
publicize jobs in the daily school bulletin as they become available. However, the ultimate responsibility
for obtaining meaningful job placement belongs to the student. Each job site must be approved as a safe
working environment and provide the school with Liability and Workmens Compensation Insurance
numbers. Job placements MUST BE approved by the coordinator after an on-site visit to the
prospective employer. Employment by the immediate family is not allowed (i.e. parents).

Enrolling in WBL
All students who want to participate in the Co-op or Work-Based Learning programs of
Breckenridge High School should confer with the coordinator. If all academic and attendance
requirements are met, the student will be approved and will receive a Training Agreement. This must be
completed during the first week of the semester in which enrollment takes place. The Training
Agreement covers the entire school year but may be issued for one semester if scheduling conflicts
occur. This arrangement must be acceptable by the employer.

Miscellaneous Information
1. The Cooperative/Work-Based Learning Education Training Agreement replaces the work
permit for students age 17 and under.
2. Students enrolled in either program prior to their 18th birthday are limited to a total of 24
hours max in any week with any school hours.
3. The school may withhold credit for unsatisfactory work performance, poor job attendance,
poor school attendance, unauthorized job changes, discharge for cause or failure to fulfill
other listed responsibilities (i.e., failure to submit proper documents).
Breckenridge High School WBL Handbook Edited 8/23/16

4. Students who are scheduled for early release or late arrival in order to work must leave the
school campus during released time. If this is not possible, arrangements must be made with
the high school principal.

Employers Responsibilities
Employers who agree to hire a WBL student also accept the following responsibilities.
1. To provide the student learner with a minimum average of 10 or 20 hours of training/work
per week based on the number of hours enrolled.
2. To include on-the-job training plans, tasks, and activities that are of educational and
vocational value.
3. To complete a Training Agreement and adhere to all items stipulated by the contract.
4. To sign a Weekly Time Sheet for verification of hours worked by the student each month.
5. To complete a progress report for the student in each marking period, indicating the trainees
progress on the job. The progress report is essential in determining the credit earned for the
WBL work experience, and should also guide the student in improving weaknesses.
6. To conform to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including safety and
non-discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, or handicap.
6. To not interrupt the Training Agreement without consulting the WBL coordinator or
another school representative (i.e., principal or guidance counselor) in the coordinators
8. To maintain flexible scheduling when needed by the student for the purpose of taking
mandated state tests such as MEAP or semester exams. Parent/teacher conferences and
teacher in-service days may also require changes in the school day that will affect the hours a
student employee is available.

Responsibilities of the Word-Based Learning Student

Time spent at the workplace by the student is regarded as time spent in school and therefore,
earns school credit. The student must fulfill the employment obligation satisfactorily in accordance with
the laws of the state of Michigan and those set down by the Breckenridge Board of Education.
1. Students must maintain passing grades in all school classes, and exemplify good citizenship,
attendance and punctuality.
2. Students will arrange their schedules, especially those involved in athletics and extra-curricular
activities in order to have adequate time for study and rest. A school/work program requires
health and energy.
Breckenridge High School WBL Handbook Edited 8/23/16

3. Students must inform the WBL coordinator if the job interferes with school or health.
4. Students will consult with the coordinator before quitting or changing jobs.
5. Students will comply with reasonable requests of the employer and follow directions as closely
as possible. By hiring you, the employer has agreed to share in your education.
6. Student attendance at school and work must be standard procedure.
7. Students must notify their employer if illness or emergency prevents work attendance.
8. Students must communicate regularly with the coordinator. Miss Landiss email is
dmlandis@breckhuskies.org. Miss Landis' classroom website is missdawnlandis.weebly.com.
You will find all pertinent documents like extra time sheets here.
9. Students must complete three journal entries weekly in Moodle at breckenridge.glk12.org.
These must be completed by Friday at 11:55 p.m. of the week they are due.
10. Students will be expected to complete a resume that includes their WBL experience. This will
be due at the beginning of the 4th marking period.
11. Students must submit all reports on time and keep files up-to-date for school auditing purposes.
12. Students must rearrange their work schedule when conflicts with required school events occur
for MEAP testing, exams, parent/teacher conferences, or in-service days. Students who are
absent from school under these conditions because they are at work will receive an Unexcused
school absence for that day.
13. When school is canceled or delayed because of fog or snow, students are expected to fulfill their
commitment to work unless is it not safe to do so or the employer has told you not to report for
14. Students will honor their employers at the Honor's Night Assembly in May. Your attendance is
required at Honor's Night for this as you will come up on stage and be recognized as a co-op
student and then present your employer with a plaque honoring their commitment to the
One of the primary objectives of the Cooperative education/work-based learning program is to help
students become productive employees. Accepting responsibilities and handling working relationships
in a mature manner are essential to the programs success. Students must, therefore, fulfill the above
responsibilities if they are to earn credit for this experience.

Rules for Work-Based Learning Students

1. WBL students must have attained adequate credits toward graduation when selecting work
experience as part of their educational process. This includes 12 at the start of the junior year
and 20 at the start of the senior year.
Breckenridge High School WBL Handbook Edited 8/23/16

2. WBL students must have a completed training agreement between the school, the employer, the
student (and parent/guardian for those who are not 18 years of age) in order to participate in this
program and receive credit.
3. WBL students who are absent from school must also be absent from work on that day.
4. WBL students who skip school or have excessive tardies will be subject to removal from the
5. WBL students who will be absent from work are responsible for informing the employer
about the absence.
6. WBL students must provide their own transportation to and from the work site.
7. If problems arise at work, the student should notify the coordinator immediately.
8. WBL students MUST inform the coordinator before quitting or changing jobs. This voids the
Training Agreement.
9. WBL students must attend scheduled meetings with the coordinator.
10. WBL students must leave the school building during the hours they are scheduled for the work
site even if their work hours on that day do not coincide with the school hours.
11. WBL students must conduct themselves in an adult manner, both in school and on the job.
WBL students are taking advantage of adult privileges, and therefore, must accept adult
12. WBL students must complete and turn in all school assignments on time regardless of their work
13. WBL is an elective course. It is also a privilege. If the students attitude does not conform with
the expectations of this program, he/she should look into other options.
15. WBL students will receive a letter grade each nine weeks. No incompletes are given. All
required assignments and paperwork must be turned in to the coordinator.
16. WBL students enrolling in two or four hours of WBL must complete the predetermined hours in
order to meet credit requirements for graduation. This is an all or nothing grade.
17. You will receive one grade for WBL on your transcript no matter how many hours you co-op.

Breckenridge High School WBL Handbook Edited 8/23/16

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