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Fiji Hub Achievement Report

March 2016
Objective: First Aid Support
Building and Maintaining Close Relationships with Project Communities through Administering
First Aid to Moturiki District in the Wake of TC Winston

Figure 1 GVI Caqalai staff administering First Aid to Yanuca villagers.

GVI staff from our Caqalai base in partnership with the Moturiki District Nurse were able to provide
first aid care to the victims of TC Winston within the Moturiki District and conducted First Aid
training in the two schools of Moturiki. This collaborative approach saw the set up of First Aid
Stations in the various affected villages.
The first workshop was conducted at Uluibau Primary School on the 9th of March for the teachers
with a First Aid Station set up for the students. In total, 13 students with minor cuts, primarily
injuries to feet caused by debris after TC Winston.
Afterwards GVI staff then went onto conduct similar workshops and first aid stations in Uluibau,
Daku, Naicabecabe as well as Yanuca, villages that bore the brunt of TC Winstons wrath.

The first aid station was well received given the number of attendants (65% in Uluibau, 46% in Daku,
50% in Naicabecabe and 65% in Yanuca) which also gave the District Nurse a chance to identify more
serious cases which would need regular monitoring. The first aid station provided first aid for minor

Figure 2 The Moturiki District Nurse accompanied GVI staff setting up First Aid Stations for the affected communities.

cuts and redressed wounds. On the other hand, we were also there to lend an ear as most of the
victims just wanted to talk about their experiences during the Cyclone and GVI was only too happy
to play that friend role. As quoted by the nurse The villagers welcomed us with open arms and
beaming smiles. The message was clear that they were very happy that we were there to help.
The pre-valance of skin diseases was noticed in toddlers hence the nurse requested GVI's assistance
in providing the following medical supplies which GVI happily obliged. In addition, GVI also visited
the village nurse and restocked basic first aid supplies as well as hand sanitizers.
Conducting these First Aid workshops and Stations not only strengthened the link between GVI and
Moturiki communities but it also created new ones. For instance, the Moturiki District Nurse, after
delivering the workshops with GVI then requested if GVI could potentially deliver workshops on
Emergency First Responder with an emphasis on drowning victims to the communities given the high
incidence of drowning victims within these coastal localities.

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