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INEW Newsletter No.

4 September 2015
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina

Institutions located in Africa, South America and Asia joined INEW
Several institutions have joined INEW since its foundation and during the last months we have received three renown
organizations located in different continents: Africa, South America and Asia, namely: West-East Foundation, University
of Los Lagos and Viet Giao Vocational College.
Accordingly, there are more than 20 organizations that, committed for decades to education for work, are joined through
the network with the purpose of collaborating in the social and labor inclusion process of communities at global level.

Africa, Morocco.
West-East Foundation
The West-East Foundation, located in
Morocco, is an organization that supports
the most socially disadvantaged African
population of the region by offering
learning and recreational activities. It joined INEW with the purpose of continuing working for them but now from the perspective of an international organization. It joined INEW on June 25 by
means of a membership agreement executed by Yasmina Filali and INEW authorities, Vctor Santa Mara and Gustavo

South America, Chile.

University of Los Lagos.
It is a pioneer institution in the continuous
education of workers that operates in four
cities of Chile.
The cooperation agreement between the
organizations was executed on June 30 by its principal, Oscar Garrido lvarez
and the authorities of the Networks Organizing Committee, Vctor Santa Mara
and Gustavo lvarez.

Asia, Vietnam.
Viet Giao Vocational College
Viet Giao is school aimed at providing its
students with the tools to be innovative and
competitive in the areas of tourism, hotel
and restaurant management, among others.
Viet Giao Vocational College joined INEW on August 4, 2015 by means of an
agreement executed by its representative, Tran Phuong and INEW representatives.

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