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Pacing Guide

Week 2 September 6th- 9th (No school Monday- Labor Day)

Read 30 minutes each day: a novel of your choice with the goal of completion. (When
finished complete an AR quiz if available)
Read: Rope Burn
Complete: Think Critically
Read: Tree Houses for Everyone.
Complete: Comparing Texts
Complete: Wordly Wise pgs. 1-7 Lesson 1
Complete: Grammar Practice Book pgs. 1-4 Lesson 1
Optional Practice: Wordly Wise pgs. 8-11
Study: Spelling words from Wordly Wise pgs 1-2
Take: Spelling test at the end of the week and turn in on following Tuesday.
Math: Place Value
1. Teach: Lesson 1.1 in Student Book using
Teachers Edition
2. Complete: Guided Practice pgs. 6-13 *optionalOdds only. (Guide your student through this
section. Correcting and helping them as you
go. They are not meant to do this alone)
3. Complete: Lets Practice pgs. 14 (Allow your
student to do this section completely
independent. When completed, please grade.
Use as an assessment, dont be afraid to go back and re-teach. Re-Teach
resources available on my website.)
Complete: Practice book pgs. 1-6 (Allow your student to do independently for practice)
1. Teach: Lesson 1.2 in Student Book using Teachers Edition
2. Complete: Guided Practice pgs. 16-18 *optional- Odds only. (Guide your
student through this section. They are not meant to do this alone)
3. Complete: Lets Practice pgs. 19 (Allow your student to do this section
completely independent. When completed, please grade. Use as an
assessment, dont be afraid to go back and re-teach. Re-Teach resources
available on my website.)
Complete: Practice book pgs. 7-10(Allow your student to do independently for practice)

This week in science we will conduct the egg drop. Remember the egg drop contraption
made in week one is due Tuesday 9/7. We will continue to explore engineering as we
think of ways to improve our egg contraptions.
Together we will teach writing using the curriculum 6 Trait Writing. This curriculum is
25 weeks of daily mini lessons divided into 5 focused traits of writing: Ideas,
Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Voice.
Tuesdays I will teach day 1
Wednesday you will teach day 2
Thursday I will teach day 4 and 5
Fridays student will complete a writing prompt at home that will go with the
weeks lesson.
In addition I will be working on one of the following essays each learning period:
personal narrative, opinion essay, or persuasive, Informative essay.
Please check your students homework folder for weekly writing assignments on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can access the Teachers edition to this curriculum on my
website under parent resources.
All weekly work must be turned in the following Tuesday, Language Arts, Math,
Students first and last name in their handwriting, along with the date, and grade
(when applicable) must be on all assignments turned in.
Egg Drop Due Tuesday 9/7

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