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Dear Parent or Guardian,

Im very glad to have your child in my class. I anticipate a productive & fun year. Please fill out the
following, as well as discussing classroom expectations and procedures (found in the syllabus brochure),
and have your child return this to me in class by tomorrow. Please note: students will be encouraged to
use technology in the classroom, including but not limited to: texting, internet access, and application
downloads. Thank you, and I look forward to working with you to make your child successful in math.
Amy Park

Guardian 1

Guardian 2


Name: ____________________________

Relationship to student: ________________

Relationship to student: ________________

Cell or Home Phone: __________________

Cell or Home Phone: __________________

Work Phone: ________________________

Work Phone: _______________________

Email: ____________________________

Email: ____________________________

____ (Initial) Mrs. Park has my permission to communicate with me via e-mail concerning my childs
grades, behavior, and progress at any time during the 2016-2017 school year.
I have read the syllabus and will contact you if I have any questions.
(parent signature)
(student signature)
I am proud of my child because:
Please indicate anything else I should know about your child:

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