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Session 2:
Reporting by ear
Structuring stories
Scriptwriting basics

Scriptwriting Basics
Say your sentences out loud.

Scriptwriting Basics
Say your sentences out loud.
Dont use words you wouldnt

otherwise use.

Scriptwriting Basics
Say your sentences out loud.
Dont use words you wouldnt

otherwise use.

Dont use syntax that doesnt occur


Scriptwriting Basics
Avoid generalities and platitudes.
Dont use long formal titles.
Dont use awkward phrases.
Avoid needless repetition of words.

Scriptwriting Basics
Avoid generalities and platitudes.
Dont use long formal titles.
Dont use awkward phrases.
Avoid needless repetition of words.
Dont use too many stats or names.

Scriptwriting Basics
Avoid generalities and platitudes.
Dont use long formal titles.
Dont use awkward phrases.
Avoid needless repetition of words.
Dont use too many stats or names.
Avoid jargon and acronyms.

Audio Ethics
During the Interview:
Its not ok to tell someone what to say.

Audio Ethics
During the Interview:
Its not ok to tell someone what to say.
Get permission from the interviewee.

Audio Ethics
At the Editing Suite:
Rule #1: Never change the meaning of what the

interviewee said.

Audio Ethics
Rule #1: Never change the meaning of what the

interviewee said.

Um, cut out ums and ers though

Audio Ethics
Rule #1: Never change the meaning of what the

interviewee said.

Um, cut out ums and ers though

And its ok to cut out extra words

Audio Ethics
Rule #1: Never change the meaning of what the

interviewee said.

Um, cut out ums and ers though

And its ok to cut out extra words
Re-ordering is usually ok

Audio Ethics
It's okay, even recommended, that you will cut

out extraneous words.

Before editing: "I think that, you know, that, the

university should lower tuition fees."
After editing: "The university should lower tuition

Audio Ethics
Sound effects? Mostly no.

Special effects, including sound effects, should

be used with particular care in the presentation
of journalistic material. On the rare occasions
when they are used, rigorous judgment must be
applied to ensure that they do not distort reality
or have the effect of producing editorial
-- The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's

Guide to Journalistic Standards and Practices

Audio Ethics
Using fake sound in radio may be harder to

detect, but it is the equivalent of manipulating




Five-Shot Method
Extreme closeup of detail of action

Five-Shot Method
Extreme closeup of detail of action
Closeup on face of person doing action

Five-Shot Method
Extreme closeup of detail of action
Closeup on face of person doing action
Medium shot, face and action together

Five-Shot Method
Extreme closeup of detail of action
Closeup on face of person doing action
Medium shot, face and action together
Overshouldershot of action (from point of view

of person doing the action)

Five-Shot Method
Extreme closeup of detail of action
Closeup on face of person doing action
Medium shot, face and action together
Overshouldershot of action (from point of view

of person doing the action)

Bonus angle (artsy shot low angle, high angle,


Kitchen Example

Sequence Example

Editing: Wrong Way

More on Sequences

Incorporating Sequences

180-Degree Rule

Editing: Wrong Way

Sequence shoot. Break up into teams of 2
(not same groups as before). Students will
shoot a sequence using wide, medium, and
tight shots (bring at least 4 different shots).
Shoot no more than 3 minutes of tape. Bring
back and show to Jeff (no need to post
footage to blog).

Capturing a Sense of Place

Importance of Location
Sometimes that means going along with

someone as they demonstrate something.

The Sounds of Silence

The Sounds of Silence

Be aware of whether the background environment
will add to the scene or be too loud.

Key Elements

Ambient Sound

Audio Postcard
The audio postcard is a short format, but a

meaty one. Through an elegant layering of

voices and ambient and natural sound, the
postcard allows audio documentary to do what
it does best: place the listener smack in the
middle of the sights, sounds, smells, and mood of
a place or an event.
-- Jennifer Deer, Radio Producer

Audio Postcard Example

Audio Postcard Example

Inclass group assignment:
* Divide into groups of two.
* Take the next 30 minutes to find a scene or
distinct place and collect sounds that capture it.
* Post to class blog. Title the blog post: Your
Names Ambient Sounds

Story Shapes

Story Structure

Story Structure
Building Blocks of a Story
The anecdote sequence of actions
The hook (bait) Raise and answer questions
Moment of reflection point of the story

Working in the same groups you had earlier,
write and record a narration introducing the
earlier interview assignment.

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