Moon of Delight

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Bran and Bryn and the Moon of Delight

Bran and Bryn awoke with a start to the crash of thunder and the flash of lightning. It was
nearing the end of Monsoon in their little corner of the world, which meant the rains were heavy
and the storms loud. Between the sounds of drums from the sky, they could hear the chirping of
crickets in the grass around their home. It wasnt raining, but the sweet smell of damp earth filled
their noses.
Im scared, Bran. Bryn whispered, holding her stuffed kitty close to her chest.
There isnt anything to be scared of, Bryn. Remember what Mummy always says? Its just
our ancestors dancing and drumming around a fire in the sky, calling to the rain to give the Earth
something to drink.
But its loud! She cried. Bran crawled in beside her and hugged her.
Dont worry. It wont hurt you. Just think about them dancing. Do you want to get up and
dance with them? Bran asked, and Bryn nodded. He helped her off the bed and held her hand as
they stomped and danced around the bedroom, giggling and jumping and skipping. Finally, after
many minutes of excited movement, Bran and Bryn fell onto their beds and snuggled into their
Goodnight Bran. Bryn whispered, eyes closed.
Goodnight Bryn.
In the morning, Bran and Bryn sat at the kitchen table eating their breakfast. They looked
at the door as their parents entered from the garden carrying a bundle of flowers.
What are those? Bryn asked through a mouthful of oatmeal.
Well, these big ones are Sunflowers. These golden-orange ones are Calendula. And these,
their mum lowered the bunch and pointed to a golden flower with red and pink at the base of the
petals, are Hibiscus.
They are pretty! Bryn exclaimed. What are they for?
We are having a party tonight for our circle. It is the Full Moon, and it is a night for
celebrating! Their mum laughed, placing the bunch of flowers into a vase. She put them on the
table between the children. Now, why dont you two go gather some herbs from the shed? Heres
a list of what I need, and when you come home Ill have some Moon cookies for you!
The children giggled with glee as they put their shoes on and ran out the door into the
garden. Bran unfolded the list as Bryn ran off in front of him to the herb shed at the edge of the
What do we need first? She called. Bran caught up with her and looked at the top of the
Echinacea. Bran answered. Its got pink flowers that droop.
Bryn climbed onto a stool and rested on her knees, looking at the bundles of dried herbs
hanging from the ceiling. She found one that had pretty pink petals. Found it!
Okay, next we need Chamomile. It has yellow petals.

Bryn found that one easier and pulled it down from the hook. Check.
The last one is going to be in the pots over here. Ill get it.
What is it? Bryn asked, looking over his shoulder.
Rue. Bran answered. He grabbed a small bag and spooned some of the dried herb into it,
tying it shut. Done. Now, lets go get some cookies!
The whole day was spent cleaning the house and gathering items for their parents circle
meeting that night. They werent allowed at the Full Moon circles because it was a time for the
adults to talk about deep things and confusing topics. So, when the sun set behind the forest and
their parents friends arrived at the door, Bran and Bryn went to their room. They played until
the moon was high in the sky and they couldnt stop yawning. Sleep found them quickly as they
snuggled in their beds.
A few hours after they fell asleep, something outside woke Bran up.
Bryn! Bran whispered, poking his sister in the arm. Bryn, wake up!
What? She asked, rubbing her eyes. Bran raced to the window and waved his hand for her
to follow. She stumbled from the bed and yawned. At the window, Bran looked out and pointed at
the forest beyond their yard. A single lantern light flickered behind the trees, like a beacon. Bryn
opened her eyes wide. Who is out there? Its late and theres a storm. Dont they know they could
get sick?
I dont know, but we could go find out. Bran whispered. He pulled his cloak on over his
pyjamas. Are you coming?
But Bran, it might rain and then we would be stuck in the forest all night and mummy and
daddy would be worried. She cried. Bran shook his head and went to the bedroom door.
Im going, with or without you. There is someone out there, and I want to know why.
Fine. Bryn fastened her cloak around her shoulders and pulled the hood over her head.
But if it rains and I get sick, Im going to sneeze all over you and cough in your soup.
Deal. Bran laughed.
The crickets sang and the clouds over head moved with the wind. They drew their cloaks
tighter around them, so that the Wind would not steal them. Tucked tightly in Bryns bag was her
stuffed kitty, along for the adventure. Bran had remember to grab his walking stick, which his
mum had stripped and smoothedshe was planning on putting markings on it of his favourite
things, but she hadnt gotten around to it yet.
There! Theres the lantern! Bran whispered in excitement. Bryn strained her eyes to see
the bobbing light in the distance, darting to and fro between the trees. Her brother took off
running, and she struggled to follow close behindshe did not realize that her little stuffed kitty
fell out of her bag and onto the damp ground.
The floating light led the children to a large tree. It was well over 50 feet high! As Bran
neared the tree, he noticed that the bark had square cracks and thick ridges, and it was a dark
grey-brown colour. The lowest branches of the tree were well above the childrens heads, but
Bryn noticed that the leaveswhich werent really leaves, but more like needleswere covered in
a thick white wax.

I think this is a cedar tree. Bran whispered, looking at his sister. He looked around the
trunk of tree and gasped. Around the other side, at the base of the tree, a young woman knelt on
the wet ground. A lantern sat next to her, the candlelight still flickering.
Uhm, excuse me? Bran called, nervous. The woman lowered her hood and looked at the
Oh, I did not see you there. Are you here to honour your ancestors too? She asked. It is a
time for appreciation, you knowyou should always show your appreciation for others, no
matter the day; but today is a special day.
No, we came out here because of your lantern. Bran explained.
Why is today special? Bryn asked, peeking over her brothers shoulder.
Why, today is the Full Moon! Every August, on the night of the Full Moon, people gather
to show their appreciation for those around them, and for their good health.
What about the sick people? Bryn questioned, taking a step around Bran.
Well, they ask for good health, sweet pea. And they still show their appreciation for their
friends and family. The woman answered, giving the children a warm smile. She stood from the
ground and reached into her pocket, pulling out two small stones.
Whats your name? Bran asked. He watched her with curiosity.
My name is Persephone, and I am going home tonight. She responded. She reached out
her hand and showed the children two brown and gold stones. These are Tigers Eye stones, they
will help to protect your health in the coming Winter months.
Thank you. Bran said quietly.
Where is home? Bryn asked Persephone.
Oh, it is far from here. I have quite the journey ahead of me. But here, take this as well.
Persephone bent and grabbed the lantern handing it to Bryn. I wont need it any more.
Thanks, Persephone. Bryn raised the lantern and lit the area around them with the
flickering candle light.
Oh, Bryn, I believe you lost something very important to you on your way out here. You
may want to search for her near the tree line. Persephone said as she turned around and walked
off into the forest. Bryn thought for a moment then checked her bag. Her little kitty was gone!
Bran, Kitty is gone! She cried to her brother. He hugged her.
Lets head home, well find her. He said. They headed away from the giant tree to the
edge of the forest. Bryn watched the ground, moving the lantern back and forth, looking for her
kitty. In the distance, she saw a white patch on the ground and ran to it. On the ground sat her
kitty, its white and gold and black fur stained from the dirt. She grabbed the stuffed animal from
the ground and clutched her close to her chest.
Bran led his sister and her kitty home and tucked her into bed. He put the two stones on
their altar, right between their beds, and blew out the candle in the lantern. He looked outside, up
to the sky, and saw the round body of the Full Moon hanging over the forest.
Dear Full Moon, thank you for my health and my sisters health; thank you for mummy
and daddys health. Please help old Mr Granger get better, he has been sick for a long time. And

help Mema feel better, she hasnt visited in awhile and we miss her. Thank you for watching over
us every night when we sleep. Amen.
Bran climbed into his bed and drew his blanket up to his chin. He took a deep breath and
closed his eyes, promptly falling asleep.

The Moon of DelightAugust


Childrens Cloak Colours: yellow/gold
Plant: rosemary
Trees: hazel, alder, cedar
Flowers: Hibiscus, Sunflower & Calendula
Herbs: chamomile, Echinacea, and rue
Deity: Persephone
Animals: Falcon
Stones: Tigers Eye
Element/Location: Fire
Gifts from the Deities: a polished tigers eye stone for each child and her lantern

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