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Summer in Forensic Science

Sierra Brothwell
Community Engagement Center

Project Summary
I spent the summer interning at the Utah State
Forensic Laboratory. The lab is located in Salt Lake
City, Utah. Throughout the internship I had multiple
duties within the lab. Some of the most important
and informational duty included being able to test
reagents that are used almost every day to detect
uncontrolled substances.
Not only did I test the reagents and perform other
sectorial jobs; I also was able to collect and add paint
samples to the national paint database.

Project Highlights
I believe that the best part of my project was the
knowledge and the connections that I was able to
make with the people that I was working with.

This is a well plate. Within a well plate is where I

performed the reagent tests for the different controlled
substances. Many of the controlled substances that the lab
test is LSD, Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, and etc.

I was able to learn more about the criminal

justice process and what would be required
to continue to pursue my dreams of one day
working for the FBI.
The connections I made I feel are priceless.
Throughout the entire internship I was
offered three jobs and a mentor that I can
contact at any time to get a letter of

This demonstrated to me that my educational pursuits

are in the right direction and with allow me to use the
skills that I acquired to one day be able to work in a
forensic science lab.

From My Journal
No matter who you are, and no matter what you
do; forensic science will be there to find out the

South Bountiful Auto is where we took approximately

70 paint samples from cars no older than 2010. Once the
samples were collected in coin envelopes we sent them
to be analyzed by the national paint database.

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