June 2016

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June 2016


Fleischmanns First
Monthly Meeting Highlights
June 2016

The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Yvonne Reuter at 9:30am
Nominations for Fleischmanns First Officers and
Leadership Committee were announced as follows:
President, Winifred Zubin,
Vice President , Yvonne Reuter
Treasurer, TBN
Secretary, Irene Vazquez and Isabel

Memorial Day
Maple Princesses

Leadership Committee, Rob Alverson, Carol

Birnbaum, Paula DeSimone, Peg Ellsworth,
Kathy Green, Don Kearny, Carol OBeirne,
Michelle Sidrane, Irene Vazquez and Isabel

Please attend the July 9th meeting and vote.

Memorial Day report; in general vendors were

pleased, may have been fewer people this year
as compared to other years. Ideas were generated for changes for next year such as a later
start or a having it on a Sunday. 22 membership renewals, 5 new memberships were obtained and several T shirts and cookbooks were
Carol Birnbaum reported on the new pollinating corner of the Community Garden.
Carol OBeirne reported on Scenic Byway activities as well as the East Branch Access Project

Meeting was adjourned at 11am.

Next Fleischmanns First Monthly meeting is
Saturday, July 9th at 9:30 at LaCabana.

New Pollinating Garden at the

Fleischmanns Community Garden
In a matter of a few hours, Kathy and Doug Green built
the new corner pollinating garden last week. Spearheaded by Carol Birnbaum, the new
feature to the Fleischmanns Community
Garden, is in need of flowering plants
that will attract bees for pollination. A
few plants have already been planted
as shown in the accompanying photos.
Please consider donating a flowering
plant or two so that the garden will help to restore the
bee population. If you dont have plants but are able to
make a donation, please do. In either case please contact Carol Birnbaum at 254-5616.
Photos Inside

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Fleischmanns Red Letter Names from
the Greater Fleischmanns Museum of Memories
Alfredo Santos
Forty years ago, Fleischmanns was home to an at-the-time struggling artist,
who subsequently gained considerable fame.
In the early 1970's, Alfredo
Santos came to Fleischmanns and lived here for about a decade. His large
studio was a hang-out for fans of the counter-culture and visitors came from
far away to see him and his work. It was only after his time here that he became known for his master work, a series of murals on the cafeteria walls in
San Quentin prison, done when he was incarcerated there in the early 1960's
on drug charges.
Zoom Gallery, and its earlier incarnation Art, Etc. held several exhibits of his
work in the past decade. Santos was present for the first opening, in 2007. A
later exhibit, in 2011, also gained considerable notice.
Santos died in San Diego in 2015, but is fondly remembered by many here in Fleischmanns for his
irreverent art, and for calling our Village home for over a decade.

Pollinating Garden

Great Catskills BBQ Seeking Volunteers

Lisa VanSteenburg is the volunteer coordinator for the August 27th FAB sponsored BBQ event taking place in Fleischmanns. This is a Kansas City BBQ sanctioned event and the only one in the
Catskills. An expectation for a large
attendance and many BBQ competitors is high. Lisa is looking for volunteers to perform the following jobs
throughout specific times of the day:
Eight greeters shifts 10:00 -1:00 and
1:00- 4:00, three for food turn in the tent (teams turn in
their entries and are repackaged for the judges) 11:002:30, four at the beer tasting tent (collecting entry fee,
checking ids and stamping hands and handing out tasting
glasses and wrist bands) 11:45 4:00, six for the judges
tent table captains- 11:30 2:30; six car parkers 9:30
1:00 and 1:00-4:00, four for security 9:30 1:00 and 1:004:00 and four EMTs 9:30 1:00 and 1:00-4:00. Call Lisa at

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Memorial Day Street Fair Hailed a Success!

The sun was shining; the sky was that wonderful color blue for which we always hope. The temperature,
however, was unseasonably high. Despite the heat, over 40 vendors and Main Street business enjoyed a brisk
business day. A highlight of the afternoon was the annual drive up Main Street of a vintage car carrying the
Maple Princess. The bounce house was a clear success with the under ten crowd. And all of the visitors to
Main Street enjoyed the music of Blues Maneuver who played from 10am until 4pm. As you will see from the
photos, a great time was had by all.

Your Ideas for Land Use in the Village is Wanted

Two highly visible and prominent pieces of property
have undergone buyouts through FEMA and are now
owned by Delaware County. The buildings have been
torn down and the property leveled. Unfortunately the
former A H Todd building, most recently the VW parts
property, which many remember from its day as a car Leveling of former VW Parts
dealership and car repair business could not be saved
under the terms of the buyout. The former Baily property off Depot Street was seeded for grass which is already

Former VW Parts Property

The Village leadership is seeking ideas from Village residents about how the newly cleared land could be used
Bailey property
for the benefit of the community. Visitors entering the
Village from the east will easily view the form VW Parts
property on the corner of Main Street and Wagner Avenue, and those entering on Depot Street see the former
Bailey Furniture Factory property. There are strict land
use regulations for these properties such as no permanent structures. Some have suggested a park, a dog run
etc. What are your ideas? Send them to Mayor Kearny/
Village of Fleischmanns.
Former Bailey property

Page 4 - FLEISCHMANNS FLYER - June 2016

June/July/August Calendar
Fleischmanns Events ~ Save the Date!
June 23rd

Thursday, Fleischmanns Alliance for Business meeting, Skene Memorial

Library, 5:30pm

July 4th

Happy Fourth of July

July 9th

Saturday, Fleischmanns First Monthly Meeting, La Cabana, 9:30am

July 13th

Monday, Village Board Meeting, Skene Memorial Library, 6:00pm

July 22nd

Thursday, Fleischmanns Alliance for Business, 5:30 pm, Skene Memorial


Aug. 5th

Fleischmanns Flyer
Rob Alverson
Paula DeSimone
John Duda
Jeanne Malaxos
Michelle Sidrane

Saturday, Fleischmanns First Monthly Meeting, La Cabana, 9:30am

The Village Planning Board Meeting, as needed, (1st Tuesday) @ 5:30 pm, Skene Library
Zoning Board Meeting, as needed, (3rd Thursday) @ 6:30 pm, Skene Library
Check with Village Clerk regarding meeting statuses & agendas.
For Village info, please contact the Village Clerk, Lorraine DeMarfio @ 845 254 5514
To have your activity posted here, please contact the Fleischmann's Flyer

If you have something youd like to submit to be included in the

Fleischmanns Flyer please write to:
fleischmannsfirst@gmail.com or
PO Box 111, Fleischmanns, NY 12430

Printing and distribution of the Fleischmanns Flyer is

made possible in part by grants from A. Lindsay and
Olive B. O'Connor Foundation and The Pasternak
Family Foundation.

MARK Project
PO Box 516
Arkville, NY 12406

Fleischmanns First


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