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Name: _Nicholas Ciambrone_____________________________________ Block: ___1___

_______Atmosphere Introduction___________ Reflection

What was the
assignment about?

What did you learn

during the

Choose one (1) or two

(2) IB Learner
Profile(s) and describe
how you displayed
these during the

In this assignment, I read

about the composition and
structure of the
atmosphere. There was a
part about the water cycle
too. I also read about
Energy transfer and winds
in the atmosphere.

I learned that Nitrogen is the

most abundant gas in the
atmosphere, making up 78% of
it. Oxygen makes up 21%.
There are 4 layers of
atmosphere, the troposphere,
stratosphere, mesosphere and
exosphere. Energy is
transferred as heat through
convection (like an oven),
conduction (like a stove) and
radiation (like the sun). These
all effect winds and cause the
Coriolis effect.

Inquirers: As I did the

assignment I got curious and
wanted to learn more. So at
healthy kids I went outside and
Googled information about the
atmosphere. It was cool because
I was outside in the atmosphere
and felt the air fill my lungs as I
read about it.
Principled: During the
assignment I was going to look
off of Ms. Phillips paper to copy
answers but I turned my body
the other way so I wouldnt. I
knew if I did this it would be
cheating and I dont want to be
a cheater.

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