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MAY 9TH, 2014


I. Introduction.................................................................................................................................3
II. Statement of Users.....................................................................................................................3
III. Statement of Needs...................................................................................................................4
IV. Software Requirements.............................................................................................................5
V. Hardware Requirements.............................................................................................................6
VI. Education Resolution................................................................................................................6
VII. Change Management...............................................................................................................6
VIII. Budget.....................................................................................................................................7
IX. Recap.........................................................................................................................................8
X. Conclusion..................................................................................................................................8

Caitlin Corbett
LIS 5063
Final Assignment
I. Introduction:
Mid-West Energy Consulting faces a set of very specific, but fixable issues. These include
separate systems for each team member which has overburdened the secretary, and an overall
lack of operational consistency. While the company is successful and the team members each
have a strong grasp on their individual functions, the enterprise requires more structured and
consistent HR approaches and a more cohesive use of computer and Internet technology in order
to maximize their efficiency.
II. Statement of Users

Who: The focus of this proposal include primarily the co-owners Thomas Henderson and
Kevin Jennings, main office secretary Janet, and probable new partner Chris Smith. Parttime land man John is factored into software usage.

What: The consulting firm requires consistency and methods of sharing resources,
communication, and overall HR functions.

When: Solutions to the identified problems will be open to immediate implementation.

The proposals are largely web-based, and the software needed for Janet's HR functions is
readily acquired and installed.

Where: The major changes will be seen in the main office, where Janet will utilize new
software for her HR needs. The ways in which the team members communicate with one
another will be mostly Internet-based, and can thusly be accessed from anywhere with a
Web connection. It will be truly mobile technology.

Why: These proposed changes will work to improve company consistency and
cohesiveness to a significant extent. Lack of consistent approach leads to ineffectiveness
and error. Such solutions will also help to reassure and ease interpersonal tensions
(particularly about office methodology) within the small organization.

How: This is the focus of our proposal. Our solutions involve Internet-based
collaboration and training tools, and new office management software.

III. Statement of Needs:

Scheduling: Currently Janet is the one who keeps everyone's calendar in order, but it is
difficult for the two co-owners and eventual third partner to collaborate. They require a
centralized calendar that is visible to all company members at any given time, regardless
of location.

Accounting: Janet currently utilizes spreadsheets for accounting purposes, but she has
vested interest in consolidating her HR functions and modernizing them. Separate
spreadsheets and payroll need to be managed by a single new system.

Communication: By default, the team members are usually in different places at any
given time. Bearing in mind their overall consistency needs, they require a more constant,
regular, and reliable method of communication. Phone is an option to retain, but it should
not be the only option that is consistently used.

Information search/storage: A centralized information database. It would be a place

where a new partner, like Chris, could access the existing knowledge-bank and learn
about company processes and case studies more efficiently.

Security: Of course security of records and communication is important as well,

especially as they seek to transition to a fully automated system for their company.

Education: With the implementation of a new system, training and education will be
necessary in some form. Janet will naturally need the most training on the HR software
and related Internet tools. All company members will need an introduction and training in
the new system's components.

IV. Software Requirements:

Scheduling: Google Calendar is a free, easy to use option for the company - especially
since it does not have many members. Syncing schedules/calendars is easy to do, and is
widely compatible across devices. To derive maximum use and benefit from the Google
Calendar, however, a Gmail account will be a necessity.

Accounting: Quickbooks software package is the best fit for needs current and predicted,
as it encompasses payroll, invoices, expenses, sales, reports, and customer information.
Janet, the secretary, will be the main user of the software, but the centralized nature will
make her job easier to perform.

Communication: Skype is an internationally acclaimed app used for communication in

text, voice, and video. Dropbox (for business) would provide an efficient and reliable
way of sharing documents.

Information search/storage: This need would be fulfilled by both Quickbooks

(organization of customer information), and Dropbox (document storage and sharing).

Security: Since the company would be moving to a fully automated system, protection of
the data files would be necessary. There are several premium grade security software
suites that we can recommend to the company at a later date.

Education: Training in various degrees and forms is available for the software we have

V. Hardware Requirements:

The hardware and system specifications required for the recommended software are not
excessively demanding. Quickbooks needs the following, which the team already has in
place: Windows OS; At least an Intel processor, Core 2 Duo required; minimum 2 GB
of RAM, 4 GB of RAM recommended; minimum 250 MB available disk space
(additional space required for data files); CD/DVD drive (or Internet connection) for
installation; product must be registered.

The remaining recommendations are Web-based, and require reliable connection to the
Internet. This is something the team also already has and utilizes in separate capacities,
with 4G on their mobile devices (phones and laptops).

VI. Education Resolution:

Education/training should accompany the new software implementation. The specific

recommendation items exist with their own training/assistance resources, but further
learning tools are available through membership.

Janet will receive training on the Quickbooks software, giving her the ability to manage
the core HR functions for the company. All can receive training, if necessary, for the
Web-based tools.

VII. Change Management:

Because the company seeks consolidation of individual functions, they will need to learn
to use the new software and adapt their habits to include more regular use of Web-based
tools. Janet will need to learn how to manage the company database on Quickbooks;
Thomas, Kevin, and Chris will need to streamline their use of the Web-based tools like
Google Calendar and Skype for better communication and coordination.

Security issues they face are general. Janet will oversee most of the information via her
Quickbooks software, which will be protected additionally by antivirus and firewall
programs installed on the company machines. The security of cloud-based document
storage (as in through a Dropbox account) will be managed remotely, through the host
site - though of course we strongly recommend that team members take additional small
steps to increase security, like the use of very strong passwords.

Related to security issues, team members need to decide which information is freely
available to all company employees (and customers), and what is kept restricted to certain
persons. This might be referred to as their "information policy".

VIII. Budget:

Our recommendations represent the best budget outcome for a company this size and for
their time management concerns. The HR software covers most of their needs outright,
and additional needs are met by the Web-based solutions. There is an initial, single
investment in the software, then training if it is necessary. The company may choose to
purchase a subscription to (specially priced for small businesses), and have
access to an impressive array of computer training modules if they feel that the resources
accompanying the specific software and Web tools are insufficient. Utilizing a free (and
robust) calendar tool, and purchasing subscriptions with Dropbox and Skype will provide
constant connection and access, and will streamline company functions.

Implementation time is projected to be minimal to average. The software requires

purchasing and installation. As all team members are familiar with computers, it will
simply be a matter of introduction to software and Web tools, and practice and reshaping
of habits.

IX. Recap:

Software: Quickbooks 2014 (desktop) - approx. $250; Google Calendar: $0; Dropbox for
business: Dropbox for business - $15/user/month; Skype Premium - $9.99/month.

Hardware: The companys existing computers are up to standard for the

recommendations we are making. Team members may wish to invest in faster Internet
speed and improved connectivity, but we do not consider hardware to be a primary
consideration at present.

Education: - Premium $375/year for each user, but will negotiate price
with small businesses.

Budget: With five people being considered in this calculation (which does not include a
Lynda membership, and with Janet as sole user of Quickbooks), the total for a system
overhaul and efficiency boost would be about $1300 for the first year (taking into account
the purchase of Quickbooks), and $1020 for successive years. If Mid-West opts for a
Lynda premium membership plan, the pricing would increase. Based upon our research
and recommendations, we do not think Lynda is absolutely critical now - it might play a
role in future development projects.

X. Conclusion:

The issues facing Mid-West are common ones. They mainly require structure and
streamlining to promote efficiency. The company has shown itself to be profitable. But in
the interests of maximizing potential and return, the company needs to invest in itself
further. This brief highlights what comprises that investment, as we see it.


Quickbooks by Intuit -

Skype Premium -

Dropbox for Business -

Google Calendar - -

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