Leveling Guide by Jiggajacks (KR Release Version) : Important Notes

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Leveling Guide by JiggaJacks (KR Release version)

Last updated: March 20, 2016

I choose Klaipeda first since I was familiar with that area to class advance. I also chose it
because I rather do the class advancement when its translated (installed the translation
patch) instead of guessing what I have to do in the Orsha region.

Important notes

This game has a ton of quest that you should do because youre rewarded with EXP

Make sure you do all the quest and maps around your level.

Always go back and forth from Klaipeda and Orsha region to make sure you dont
do any of the maps while being 10+ levels above the maps level.

In my honest opinion, its always good to stay at the very least 10 +/- levels.
Preferably try to stay within 5 +/- levels if you can.

If you start to fall behind in levels from the maps level, then use some EXP cards to
catch up.

You do not have to save EXP cards if you dont want to. Its just best to save them
when you dont need to use them. I didnt do much grinding at all and got to level

Make sure you also party match (2nd option when talking to dungeon tower thingy)
when doing dungeon runs. You gain additional bonus EXP from party matching.

Lastly, this guide will be a bit sloppy but I will try to clean it up as much as possible in
the near future.

Best way to stay on track would be to follow this list of quest (Credits to Riunia):
You could also look at this to help as well (Credits to deadmaus30):
Recently updated: You should explore all the maps to 100% because Lena/Rena in Klaipeda
gives you EXP cards depending on which map you explore. You also gain EXP cards from
killing an X amount of monsters. Here's a spreadsheet that someone made (Credits
to Disckzee):

Level 1~15

Do all the maps up to Miners Village from Klaipeda region.

Job Advance / Class Advancement

Go to Orsha and do all the maps up to your current level. (optional)

Level 15~50

Do all the maps from Klaipeda.

Do all the maps from Orsha.

If you start at Klaipeda, you could start heading over to Orsha after you finish Tenet
Garden. You can skip straight to the Lvl 29 Map area in Orsha to begin the story
quest there. You can't do the same if you start at Orsha and try to skip some maps in
Klaipeda. You'll have to start the main quest from the very beginning if you switch
over to Klaipeda after starting in Orsha.

If youre behind, use the Lvl 1~2 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 1~2 cards by Lvl

Use some Lvl 3 EXP cards if needed.

You will hit an EXP reset at Lvl 46.

You could save some Lvl 3 EXP cards by grinding a bit if you want to. I suggest this
in case you might not find a party for the Lvl 50 dungeon.

Alternative grind spots: Tenet Garden(Map Lvl 35 so grind anywhere between

25~45), Tenet Chapel B1(Map Lvl 40 so between 30~50), Tenet Chapel 2F(Map Lvl
48 so between 38~58)

Level 50~60

Do the Lvl 50 dungeon. (Found in Tenet Garden)

Queue up and do all 5 runs and you should hit at least Lvl 60.

Level 60~90

Do the Lvl 50 dungeon. (Probably up to Lvl 70 if you want)

Do all the maps from Klaipeda.

Do all the maps from Orsha.

If youre behind, use Lvl 3 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 3 cards by Lvl 90.

Use some Lvl 4 EXP cards if needed.

You will hit an EXP reset at Lvl 86.

Alternative grind spots: Royal Mausoleum Constructors' Church(Map Lvl 73~84 so

between 63~94), Carlyle's Mausoleum(Map Lvl 74 so between 64~84)

Level 90~100

Do the Lvl 90 dungeon. (Found in Zachariel Crossroads)

Queue up and do all 5 runs and you should hit at least Lvl 100.

Level 100

Congrats you can now do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons, party quest, and daily

Make sure to do these every day when possible.

The Lvl 100 mission dungeons are separate from the other dungeons so feel free to
do all 5 runs every day from both kinds of dungeons.

The Lvl 100 mission dungeons, party quest, and daily repeatables are found
in Fedimian inside the post room on the left side of town.

Always do the level (90, 115, 130, 145, 175, and 190) dungeons first before the
mission dungeons as the mission dungeons scales with your level.

Everyone does the Siaulai mission so stick with that only. Its short and has 4 bosses.

Level 100~115

Do the Lvl 90 dungeon. (Probably up to Lvl 110 if you want)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the maps from Klaipeda. (Lvl 107 map last one)

Do all the maps from Orsha. (Lvl 113 map last one)

Do all the maps from Fedimian.

If youre behind, use Lvl 4 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 4 cards by Lvl 115.

Use some Lvl 5 EXP cards if needed.

Level 115~130

Do the Lvl 115 dungeon. (Found in Fedimian Suburbs)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the maps from Fedimian.

If youre behind, use Lvl 5 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 5 cards by Lvl 130.

Use some Lvl 6 EXP cards if needed.

Alternative grind spots: Starving Demon's Way(Map Lvl 121 so between 111~131),
Mage Tower 5F(Map Lvl 126 so between 116~136)

Level 130~145

Do the Lvl 130 dungeon. (Found in Forest of Prayers)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the maps from Fedimian.

If youre behind, use Lvl 6 EXP cards. You should use all Lvl 6 cards by Lvl 145.


You will hit an EXP reset at Lvl 136.

Level 145~160

Do the Lvl 145 dungeon. (Found in Forest of Prayers)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the maps from Fedimian.

Alternative grind spots: Demon Prison District 1(Map Lvl 151 so between 141~161),
Demon Prison District 2(Map Lvl 154 so between 144~164), Dina Bee Farm(Map Lvl
160 so between 150~170)

DO NOT USE LVL 7~8 CARDS YET! Grind until Lvl 160~165 range.

Level 160~175

You can choose to use your EXP cards anywhere from 160~165. (I used them at

Use all of your Lvl 7 EXP cards.

Do all the maps from Fedimian.

Use as much of your Lvl 8 EXP cards until Lvl 175.

Reason we do this is because the Lvl 160 dungeon sucks and doesnt give good
enough exp.

Theres also no other good grinding spots except Dina Bee Farm. Lvl 170~175 is a
pain in the ass if you dont have any cards left since Bee Farm will give you less exp
for being 10+ levels above the monsters.

You could grind at Bee Farm if you dont want to save your cards, but I think its
better to milk the Lvl 145 dungeon as much as possible. You should also grind now
so you can start gaining some silver for better equips and/or premium token.

Level 175~190

Congrats! You made it past that annoying wall of grinding! Welcome to another wall
of grinding!

Do the Lvl 175 dungeon. (Found in Nuoridin Fall)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the maps from Fedimian.

Use all of your Lvl 8 EXP cards.

Use some Lvl 9 EXP cards if needed.

Your goal is to reach 186 for the EXP reset. Once you hit that, you will fly to Lvl 190

Level 190~217

Do the Lvl 190 dungeon. (Found in Fedimian Suburbs)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the maps from Fedimian.

You should use all your Lvl 9 EXP cards by 217.

Like Derf said, you could also use all your Lvl 9 EXP cards and Lvl 10 EXP cards at
Lvl 203 and reach Lvl 217.

Alternative grind spots: Inner Enceinte District(Map Lvl 196 so between 186~206),
Vedas Plateau(Map Lvl 208 so between 198~218), Mesafasla(Map Lvl 212 so
between 202~222)

Level 217~240

Do the Lvl 217 dungeon. (Found in Inner Enceinte District)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the quest that are slowly being added to the game. Latest map with quests
ends at Lvl 232 map.

You should use all your Lvl 10 EXP cards by 240.

You should try to save some Lvl 11 EXP cards because there aren't many grind
spots past this point.

Alternative grind spots: Alemeth Forest(Map Lvl 220 so between 210~230), Vera
Cost(Map Lvl 226 so between 216~236), Evacuation Residential District(Map Lvl 238
so between 228~248)

Level 240~?

Do the Lvl 240 dungeon. (Found in Inner Enceinte District)

Do the Lvl 100 mission dungeons.

Do all the quest that are slowly being added to the game.

You should use Lvl 11 EXP cards at 250 or higher.

Alternative grind spots: Storage(Map Lvl 262 so between 252~272) I will update later
in the future.

Sumber : https://www.reddit.com/r/treeofsavior/comments/45xa7j/leveling_guide_for_ktos/

Klaipeda Route:

Lv1 West Siauliai Woods: PATK+2

Lv6 East Siauliai Woods: MATK+2
Lv12 Miners Village: PDEF+1
Lv16 Crystal Mine 1F: MDEF+1
Lv20 Crystal Mine 2F: HP+45
Lv22 Crystal Mine 3F: SP+18
Lv26 Srautas Gorge: HP REC+5
Lv29 Gele Plateau: SP REC+3
Lv32 Nefritas Cliff: MAMP+2
Lv35 Tenet Garden: PATK+2
Lv40 Tenet Church B1: SP+18
Lv44 Tenet Church 1F: HP REC+5
Lv46 Veja Ravine: MATK+2
Lv48 tenet Church 2F: SP REC+3
Lv49 Vieta Gorge: PDEF+1
Lv52 Cobalt Forest: MDEF+1
Lv55 Septyni Glen: HP+45
Lv58 Gate Route: ACC+1
Lv61 Sirdgela Forest: EVA+1
Lv64 Kvailas Forest: CRATE+1
Lv67 Akmens Ridge: MATK+2
Lv73 Rukas Plateau: SP REC+3958
Lv76 Kings Plateau: ACC+11.0k
Lv78 Royal Mausoleum Constructors Chapel: SP+18
Lv78 Zachariel Crossroads: EVA+16
Lv81 Royal Mausoleum 1F: CRATE+1
Lv84 Royal Mausoleum 2F: CATK+1
Lv86 Myrkiti Farm: MATK+2
Lv87 Royal Mausoleum 3F: CRES+1
Lv89 Aqueduct Bridge Area: PDEF+1
Lv90 Royal Mausoleum 4F: STA+17
Lv92 Tenants Farm: MDEF+1
Lv93 Royal Mausoleum 5F: MAMP+2
Lv96 Stele Road: HP+45
Lv99 Goddess Ancient Garden: SP+18
Lv102 Crystal Mine Lot 2 1F: ACC+1
Lv103 Escanciu Village: HP REC+5
Lv106 Crystal Mine Lot 2 2F: EVA+1
Lv106 Entrance of Kateen Forest: CRATE+1
Lv107 Fedimian Suburbs: SP REC+3
Lv109 Owl Burial Ground: CATK+1
Lv112 Poslinkis Forest: CRES+1
Lv113 Mage Tower 1F: MAMP+2

Lv114 Saknis Plains: STA+1

Lv116 Mage Tower 2F: PATK+2
Lv119 Mage Tower 3F: MATK+2
Lv120 Dvasia Peak: HP+45
Lv123 Sunset Flag Forest: SP+18
Lv123 Mage Tower 4F: PDEF+1
Lv126 Mage Tower 5F: MDEF+1
Lv151 Demon Prison District 1: MDEF+1
Lv154 Demon Prison District 2: HP+45
Lv157 Demon Prison District 3: SP+18
Lv160 Demon Prison District 4: HP REC+5
Lv163 Demon Prison district 5: SP REC+3

Orsha Route:

Lv1 Lemprasa Pond: HP+45

Lv8 Woods of the Linked bridges: MATK+2
Lv12 Paupys Crossing: PDEF+1
Lv25 Ashaq Underground Prison 3F: SP+18
Lv29 Koru Jungle: SP+18
Lv32 Knidos Jungle: SP REC+3
Lv36 Dadan Jungle: MATK+2
Lv39 Nevellet Quarry 1F: PATK+2
Lv43 Nevellet Quarry 2F:HP REC+5
Lv45 Novaha Assembly hall: PDEF+1
Lv49 Novaha Annex: MDEF+1
Lv53 Novaha Institute: HP+45
Lv57 Karolis Springs: HP REC+5
Lv65 Pelke Shrine Ruins: MATK+2
Lv68 Absenta Reservoir: ACC+1
Lv70 Sienakal Graveyard: EVA+1
Lv74 Carlyles Mausoleum: CRATE+1
Lv76 Delmore Hamlet: CATK+1
Lv80 Delmore Manor: CRES+1
Lv82 Feretory Hills: CRATE+1
Lv84 Delmore Outskirts: MAMP+2
Lv85 Mochia Forest: MAMP+2
Lv88 Sutatis Trade Route: PDEF+1
Lv91 Topes Fortress 1F: SP REC+3
Lv92 Bellai Rainforest: SP+18
Lv95 Topes Fortress 2F: EVA+1
Lv96 Zehara: SP REC+3
Lv100 Seir Rainforest: HP+45
Lv103 Galeed Plateau: ACC+1
Lv104 Fasika Plateau: MDEF+1

Lv110 Manahas: PATK+2

Lv113 Genar Field: CATK+1
Lv113 Sicarius 1F: CRES+1
Lv117 Sicarius 2F: MDEF+1

Fedimian Route:

Lv121 Starving Demons Way: HP REC+5

Lv124 Pilgrim Path: SP REC+3
Lv127 Altar Way: ACC+1
Lv130 Forest of Prayer: EVA+1
Lv132 Residence of the Fallen Legwyn Family: CATK+1
Lv133 Apsimesti Crossroads: CRATE+1
Lv137 Main Chamber: CRES+1
Lv140 Grand Corridor: STA+1408
Lv143 Penitence Route of Great Cathedral: WEIGHT+50
Lv145 Sanctuary: MAMP+2

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