The Convergence Properties of The Credibility Distribution Sequence of Fuzzy Variables

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Journal of Modem Mathematice Frontier Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2014

doi: 10.14355/jmmf.2014.0301.04

The Convergence Properties of the Credibility

Distribution Sequence of Fuzzy Variables
Sheng Ma
Department of Mathematics, Huanggang Normal University Hubei, 438000, China
In the paper, the convergence properties of the credibility
distribution sequence of fuzzy variables are discussed based
on credibility theory. We obtained that every credibility
distribution sequence has a subsequence and the credibility
distribution sequence converges uniformly when the
credibility distribution sequence converges to some special
credibility distribution functions at its every continuous
Fuzzy Variable; Credibility Distribution Sequence; Convergence
in Distribution

Fuzzy theory is well developed on the mathematics
foundations of fuzzy set theory, initiated by Professor
Zadeh founded in 1965. Fuzzy theory includes fuzzy
set theory, fuzzy logic, fuzzy reference and fuzzy
control and other aspects. Since, in 1966, P.N.Marinos
published a research report about fuzzy logic, and in
1974, Zadeh published a research report on fuzzy
reference, fuzzy theory has become a popular topic,
such as Kaufmann. Fuzzy theory can be applied in a
wide variety of real problems. Meanwhile, in 1988,
Dubois and Prade created possibility theory. And then,
possibility theory and fuzzy set theory provided an
alternative framework for modelling of fuzzy decision.
Many researchers well studied and deeply developed
As we all know, reflexive property is important and
necessary both in theory and implication, but the
possibility measure is no reflexivity. In order to
overcome the problem that lack of the reflexivity and
make it, in recent years, Liu and Liu have introduced a
new type of measure--credibility measure. They naturedly, think of harmoniously weighting possibility
and necessity measure and obtain credibility measure.
Then credibility measure plays the role of possibility
measure in fuzzy world because it shares some basic
properties with possibility measure. There are many
papers discussed the theory and implication of the

thesis. Specifically, since Liu has begun the survey of

credibility theory, and then many specific contents
have been discussed. For example, in the paper titled
Expected value of fuzzy variable and fuzzy expected
value model published in the journal IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Liu discussed
expected value of fuzzy variable, the credibility
distribution and the characteristic function of fuzzy
variables are discussed, some authors researched the
optimistic and pessimistic value of fuzzy variables,
some researchers studied comparison
of fuzzy
variables and recently, the moment generating
function of fuzzy variables has been introduced etc.
As we all know, the credibility distribution function
of a fuzzy variable plays an important role. So it is a
key concept. There are many good results obtain by
Liu. Then lots of researchers studied it and also made
some valuable propgress. Motivated by some
references, in the paper, we would discuss the
convergence properties of the credibility distribution
sequence of fuzzy variables, based on credibility
theory. And it is excited for us to obtain the good
result that
the credibility distribution sequence
converges uniformly when the credibility distribution
sequence converges to some special credibility
distribution functions at its every continuous point.
Whats more, we also found that every credibility
distribution sequence has a subsequence that
converges to a nondecreasing continious function with
some properties.
We organize the article as follows. In this section, we
will give a brief review of fuzzy theory and introduce
the research status of the thesis. Next, in section II, we
will give some preliminary results closely associated
with the paper. Then our main results and their proofs
are given in section III. Summary and conclusion are
finally drawn in section IV.
In this section, our aim is to provide the preliminary
important concepts closely associated with the paper

Journal of Modern Mathematics Frontier Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2014

| n ( M ) ( M ) |< , | n ( M ) ( M ) |<

such as credibility distribution, fuzzy variable,etc.

There are many ways to define fuzzy variable. In this
paper, we choose the fuzzy variable defined by

for all n > N1 . Thus one can obtain

Definition 1(Liu) A function from a possibility space

( , P(), Cr ) to the set of real numbers is called a

By above inequality (1), we get

fuzzy variable.
Definition 2 (Liu) For a fuzzy variable , the function
is defined by

n ( M ) < 2 , 1 n ( M ) < 2

| n ( x) ( x) | n ( x) + ( x)
n ( M ) + ( M ) < 3
for x < M , n > N1 . Similarly, we also obtain,

1 n ( x) + 1 ( x)

We call the function : R [0,1] is the credibility

Generally speaking, the credibility distribution of a
fuzzy variable is neither left-continous nor rightcontinuous. But it is plain for us to obtain that the
credibility distribution is continuous if its fuzzy
variable is continuous.
Definition 3 (Liu) Let and { n } be the credibility

for x < M , n > N1 . Because is

{ n }







sequence { n } converges


distribution to .
Main Results and Proofs
In this section,

the main results are the following

Theorem 1 Let and { n } be the credibility

distribution of fuzzy variable and fuzzy variable
sequence { n } respectively. If

x1 , x2 , , xl . Put x1 =
M , xl =
M , such that
( xi +1 ) ( xi ) <=
, i 1, 2, , l 1
There is a positive number N 2 > N1 , such that

| n ( xi ) ( xi ) |< ,

for every continious points x of and is

continious with (
) 0, (+
) 1 , then { n }
converges to uniformly for all x R .
Proof As we know, is a nondecreasing function and

lim =
( x) 0, (+

for all xi ,


2 , i 1, 2, , l 1 . For arbitrary

x [ M , M ] , one must get x [ xi , xi +1 ] for some i .

Thus, by (5), for all n > N 2 ,

n ( x) n ( xi +1 ) < ( xi +1 ) + ,


n ( x) n ( xi ) > ( xi ) ,


By (4) and (6), one obtains

n ( x) ( x) < ( xi +1 ) ( x) +
( xi +1 ) ( xi ) + <

n ( x) ( x) > ( xi ) ( x)

lim n ( x) =
( x)



Similarly, by (4) and (7),we also obtain


continuous, is

uniformly continuous in [ M , M ] . So there are points

distribution of the fuzzy variable and the fuzzy

( x) , for every continious points x of ,

lim n ( x) =


1 n ( M ) + 1 ( M ) < 3

distribution of fuzzy variable .



| n ( x) ( x) |= | 1 n ( x) (1 ( x)) |

( x) Cr{ | ( ) x}



lim =
( x) 1

x +

Thus, for arbitrary > 0, there is a positive number

M , such that

( xi ) ( xi +1 ) > 2


Thus, by (8) and (9), for all n > N 2 ,

| n ( x) ( x) |< 2


Thus, by (2)(3)(10), for n > N 2 , and all x R ,

| n ( x) ( x) |< 3
Thats, { n } converges to uniformly for all x R .

( M ) < , 1 ( M ) <

Theorem 2 For every the credibility distribution

sequence { n } of fuzzy variable sequence, there exist

Because is continuous, { n } converges everywhere

a subsequence { nk } and a nondecreasing continious

to . So there is a positive number N1 > 0 , such that

function , satisfying () 0, (+) 1 , such


Journal of Modem Mathematice Frontier Volume 3 Issue 1, March 2014



lim nk ( x) =
( x)

( x0 ) lim nk ( x0 ) lim nk ( x0 ) ( x0 ) +

for every continious points x of .

Thus, we can immediately obtain

Proof Put a countable dense subset

lim nk ( x0 ) =lim nk ( x0 ) =lim nk ( x0 ) =

( x0 )

{ x1 , x2 , , xs ,} R ,


where s is an integer. Consider sequence { n ( x1 )} ,

because of 0 n ( x1 ) 1 , and then there must be a
subsequence {1n } of

{ n } , such that {1n ( x1 )}

converges to some limit. Then consider bounded

sequence {1n ( x2 )} , there must be a subsequenc { 2 n }
of {1n } , such that { 2 n ( x2 )} converges to some limit.
Do it continuously, one obtains subsequences of { n } ,
that is,

11 , 12 , , 1n
21 , 22 , , 2 n
m1 , m 2 , , mn
The subsequence { mn } converges at xm , and every
subsequence is a subsequence of the subsequence
ahead. We choose the function on the diagonal as a
subsequence { mn } . Obviously, except some
beginning items, { nn } is a subsequence of the every
subsequence { mn } , thus, { nn } converges at xs C .
Put { mn } as { nk } , and lim nk ( xs ) =
V ( xs )

xs < x

Let x0 be a continious point of . For arbitrary > 0,

there is > 0 , such that, | ( x) ( x0 ) |< for all


xs , xs C ,

x0 < xs1 < x0 < xs2 < x0 + .

The proof of theorem 2 is over.

As we all know, in credibility theory, the credibility
distribution function is very important. In the paper,
we discussed the convergence properties of the
credibility distribution sequence of fuzzy variables,
based on credibility theory. And it is excited for us to
obtain the good result that the credibility distribution
sequence converges uniformly when the credibility
distribution sequence convergents to some special
credibility distribution function at its every continious
points. Whats more, we also obtain that every
credibility distribution sequence has a subsequence
that converges to a nondecreasing continuous function
with some properties. The results in the paper
obtained by us never exist before. Future exploration
will lead to interesting results.

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