Common Problems in Exterior Painting

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Pattern cracking in the paint surface resembling regular scales of an alligator.

1. Application of an extremely hard & rigid coating,
2. Application of top coat before the undercoat dry,
3. Constant expansion & contraction a paint film due to fluctuation of
temperature causes it to lose its elasticity.
1. To be completely removed by scraping & sanding the surface, a heat gun can
be used to speed work in large surface (paint surface not to be ignited)
2. The surface after cleaning should be primed with a high quality water based
primer, then painted with top quality exterior water based paint.

Bubbles resulting from localized loss of adhesion & lifting of the paint film from
underlying surface.

1. Painting a warm surface in direct sunlight,
2. Application of Oil/Alkyd paint on a wet or damp surface,
3. Moisture escaping through exterior walls (Less like to latex paint than
Oil/Alkyd paint)
4. Exposure of Latex paint to do, high humidity or rain shortly after drying of the
paint surface, especially occurs due to inadequate surface preparation.
If blister go down to the substrate, try to remove source of moisture. Remove blister
by scraping, then sanding the surface.
Prime with a high quality water based primer followed by a high quality water based

Formation of fine powder on the surface of the paint film during weathering causing
color fading,
although some degree of it is normal but should not be excessive.

1. Use of low grade high pigmented paint,
2. Use of an interior paint for an outdoor application.
Remove chalk residue using bristle brush (or wire brush on masonry) & then rinse
thoroughly with a garden hose, or use power washing equipment. If noticeable chalk
is still present, apply a quality solvent water based prime, then repaint with a
quality exterior coating. If little or no chalk remains & the old paint is sound, no
priming is necessary & the surface can be repainted with quality exterior paint.

Splitting of dry film through at least one coat, first appears as hair crack &
later flaking of paint chips occurs.


Use of lower quality paint having inadequate adhesion & flexibility,

Overthinning the panint or spreading it too thin,
Poor surface preparation,
Painting under hot or windy condition that makes water based paint
dry too fast.

Removing loose or flaking paint with scraper or wire brush, sanding, then
priming & painting it back with quality paint.

Crusty white salt deposits, leached from mortar to masonry as water passes
through it.
1. Failing to adequately prepare surface by removing all previous
2. Excess moisture escaping through the exterior masonry wall from

Eliminate source of moisture, may be from roof &/or gutters, downspouts,
and sealing it with high quality water based all-acrylic caulk.
Remove all efflorescence including loose material, then thoroughly rinse the
Apply quality water or solvent based masonry sealer & allow it to dry
Then apply a top quality masonry paint or elastomeric wall coating.

Fading/Poor Color Retention

Premature &/or excessive lightening of the paint color, which often occurs on
surfaces with a sunny exposure.


Use of interior grade paint for an outdoor application,

Use of lower grade paint leading to rapid degradation,
Use of paint vulnerable to UV radiation
Under tinting of a white base paint or over tinting of a light or medium
color paint base.

Use of exterior, quality grade, UV resistant, & properly tinted paint.

Appearance of a denser color or higher gloss where wet & dry layers overlap
during paint application.

1. Failure to maintain a WET EDGE when painting. Possibly some areas
are receiving 2 coats,
2. Inadequately primed & sealed porous surface,
3. Painting under high temperature,
4. Painting one area for too long, Paint has become too thick during
application, due to hot or windy conditions, both of which are
Maintaining a wet edge through brushing/rolling from wet to dry, will help
produce a smooth & uniform appearance.
It is wise to minimize the area being painted& planning for interruptions at
natural breaks like window, door or corner.
Solvent based paint has generally wet edge properties.

Black, Gray or Broun area on painted surface.

1. Often forms at Damp areas that receive little or no direct sunlight,
2. Failure to prime before painting,
3. Painted over a substrate or coating on which mould has not been

Apply a mixture of one part of household bleach & three parts of water to
clean Mould through scrubbing & Rinse it thoroughly. Then apply suitable
primer followed by a quality paint.

Loss of paint due to poor adhesion.

1. Seepage of moisture through un caulked joints, worn caulk or leaks in
Roof or Walls,
2. Excess moisture escaping through the exterior walls (likely in solvent
based paints),
3. Applying a solvent based paint on a wet surface,
4. Earlier Blistering of Paint etc.
1. Eliminate cause of Moisture,
2. Prepare surface by removing all lose paint with scraper/wire brush,
sand rough surface, and apply suitable Primer,
3. Apply water based paint for best adhesion & water resistant.

Poor Alkai Resistance;

Color loss & overall deterioration of Paint on fresh Masonry.

1. Humid environment, &
2. Applied on new Masonry that has not cure for full year. Fresh masonry
is likely to contain Lime, which is very Alkaline etc.
Remove salt with plastic bristle brush. And then apply an Alkali Resistant
Latex Primer followed by an Acrylic exterior (enamel/latex) paint.

Poor Gloss Retention

Excessive or rapid loss of lustre( a gentle sheen/soft glow/iridescent glaze) of
the top coat.

1. Use of interior paint outdoor,
2. Use of solvent based paint/gloss alkyd in areas of direct sunlight,
3. And direct sunlight degrades both binder & pigment, causing it to chalk
& loose its gloss.
Remove chalk residue, then rinse the surface thoroughly, apply proper water
based primer followed by an exterior quality paint.

Surfactant leaching
Water soluble ingredients in water based paints, crates a blotchy sometimes
a glossy appearance, often with a tan or brownish cast. And is observed
mostly with tinted paints than a factory made colored paints.

1. Painting in cool& humid condition, or just before they occur,
2. Longer drying time allows paints water soluble ingredients to leach
outby rain or dew & rises to the surface before it dries thoroughly,
3. Contact of mist, dew or other moisture with the painted surface shortly
after it it has dried.

Painting in the afternoon if cool, damp conditions are expected in the
evening or overnight. Favorable weather condition to be chosen for painting.
If leaching is observed, it is to be cleaned immediately before it sets up or

Tannin staining
Migration of Tannin from the substrate through the paint film.

1. Failure to adequately prime & seal the surface before applying the
2. Use of primer that is not sufficiently stain resistant,
3. Excess moisture escaping through the exterior walss, carry the the
stain into the paint surface etc.
Correction of possible source of excess moisture, application of high resistant
solvent/water based stain resistant primes, in extream case a second coat of
primer can be applied before to coats of paints.

Formation of a rough, crinkled paint surface.


Application of too thick paint,

Painting a hot surface or in very hot weather,
Exposure of uncured paint to rain, dew, fog or high humidity levels,
Application of top coat to insufficiently cure first coat,
Painting over contaminated surface etc.

Sand substrate to remove wrinkles coating, proper drying of first coat before
application of top coats, application of paint as per manufacturers spread
rate, in case of painting in humid, cool or damp weather, allow extra time for
drying of paints completely etc.

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