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Everything you need to know about resistors and ohm.

When we started working on explorer kit, we were so excited that we

would be able to share our expertise in electronics with kids and they
would be entertained too. But while working on the project so many
questions arose in front of us that there are many technicalities
associated with electronics and there are multiple parts which people
only know by names but do not understand how they work. To
understand electronics you must need to know about these stuff and it
will be quite easy for anyone to understand electronics easily.
One of the most important parts of an electronic circuit is resistors and
every by must have known at least the name of it but hardly only
hardcore electronics and electrical engineer knows how resistors really
work. From now explorer will share all its knowledge about electronics
and will try to elaborate in the best way possible.
What is a resistor?
A resistor is as the name suggests an important part of electronic
circuits and it resists the inflow of the electricity and only lets passes
the required amount of current. There are two important aspects of
electronics one is conductor and other is insulator. Conductor allow
current to pass easily and insulator discourage current to flow through
it. There is a combination of conductor and insulator in every circuits
and resistors works as both. If greater electricity will pass down the
circuit then the appliances will be damaged and same goes for the
lower amount of electricity, so resistor is used to create a balance
between higher and lower voltage and only allows the required amount
of voltage pass through it.

Resister comes in the category of passive electronic components

because its strengths lie in the stopping the current flows and it is
known as resistance. This resistance also incorporates in the drawback
of resistor because its resistance creates a heat in the system and if
the flow of electricity is too intense, then resistor will increase its
resistance too so ultimately it will create a pressure on the circuit and
heat will be generated.
What colors say in resistors?
If you see closely to a resistor you will find out that there are some
coloring patterns on the outer area. These patterns are not for making
resistor beautiful but they have some important messages to convey
to us. Actually these colors are symbols which show the resistance
level of particular resistor. Because writing actual resistance level
would be quite harder to read, so color are represented to show
resistance level and every color has a different resistance level. The
pattern is always definite and it shows their combination that denotes
total resistance of the particular resistor.

There are total ten numbers of colors used on resistor. The first two
strips of color shows two digits of resistors and third strips is the
multiplier. The multiplier is just a multiplication with *10.
So, the conclusion is if we have red, yellow and brown strips on any
resistor then we will have a resistance of 2 followed by 4 and
multiplied by 10, at last we will have a total resistance of 80 ohms or
0.080 kilohms.
We are presenting complete list of colors which we use in resistorsColor


Second Stripe

Third Stripe



Lets understand Ohms lawOhms law was given by Scientists Georg Simon Ohm and he showed
a relationship between current, resistance and voltage. As per his
theory, voltage is directly proportional to the product of current I
(amperes) and resistance R (Ohm).

Using such relationship we can further know about voltage, resistance

and current.
V = I*R (Voltage is equals to current multiplied by resistance).
R = V/I (Resistance is equals to voltage divided by current).
I = V/R (Current is equals to voltage divided by resistance).

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