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22 July 2016

Dear Community Partner:

Greetings !

In our modern globalized world, growth continues to be the focus of many corporations
who deplete our environment for economic gain. The real problem is the way people
think. We have turned our backs on nature's warning signs. We are totally living in
disharmony with the planet and we are paying the price. We believe that our actions are
based on our level of awareness. To win this battle to change people's minds and hearts
is actually a matter of lifting levels of awareness.

The Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary in cooperation with Subic Bay Metropolitan
Authority and The Lighthouse Marina Resort Legacy Foundation (LMRLF) has been
working hand-in-hand in creating a movement that will Start a Sea of Change to save
and protect our environment.

ICC is the worlds largest volunteer effort that is celebrated every 3rd Saturday of
September with over 540,000 volunteers from 91 countries and locations around the
world. In fact, the Philippines was ranked 1st in the world with the most number of
participants which reached more than 250,000 volunteers in 2015. The ripple effect of this
wave for change is seen in numbers, but our goal doesnt stop there!

While beach cleanups alone cant solve the ocean trash problem, having allies to help us
fight the exploitation of our planet, plays an integral piece to the overall solution which is
about changing peoples behavior. It may seem like an impossible task but as long as
there are people willing to make a change, there will always be a chance for a better

For more information on ICC Philippines, you may visit or visit to know more about the campaign in Zambales. Kindly visit the
resources below where you may watch recent ICC documentary videos for better
appreciation of the nationwide campaign.

ICC 2015 Clean up Video:

Environmental Summit 2015:
ICC Zambales History:
ICCPH Video Album:

We invite you to save the date for this years ICC and continue the battle for trash-free seas on
September 17, 2016. You are also most welcome to join us in all or any of the following events leading
up to ICC Day in Zambales as well as other activities throughout the year (tentative dates, subject to
further notice):


Exhibit & Press Launch

Environmental Education
Empowerment School Tour
Leave No Trace
(Responsible Tourism)
Recyclables Regatta
EcoFilm Festival
Environmental Education
Empowerment School Tour
Art Contest



Environmental Summit
ICC Cleanup &
Appreciation Night
Launching of Subic Bay
ICC Tours

Environmental Education
Empowerment School Tour
Environmental Education
Empowerment School Tour
Local event Tie-ups
Local event Tie-up

If youre looking for purpose, and if you would like to get involved, please see the attached sponsorship
packages for your study. We hope to discuss plans with you and if you have any questions or
clarifications, please dont hesitate to contact us. You may contact me through my mobile numbers:
09188933745 (Smart), 09178933745 (Globe), e-mail address:

Indeed, together, we can build a legacy of a healthy ocean for future generations. This could be a
worthwhile endeavor to help you reach your corporate social responsibility goals. Thank you for your
time and we look forward to hearing from you soon so we can create a bigger ripple effect with you in this
battle for trash-free seas.

Yours in community service

Zedrik Avecilla,
Area Coordinator, ICC Zambales
Environment Committee Chairman, SBFCC
Director, LMRLF

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