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7th Grade Reading 2016 Syllabus for

Mythology by Edith Hamilton

Due Date


Beginning of the book to page 47(Intro to Classic Mythology, Part 1 The
Creation, and the Earliest Heroes)
Pp. 48 95 (2. The Two Great Gods of Earth, 3. How the World and
Mankind were Created, 4. The Earliest Heroes)
Pp. 105 112 (6. Eight Brief Tales of Lovers)

Pp. 122 135 (7. The Quest for the Golden Fleece)
Pp. 139 179 (Pegasus and Bellerophon, Otus and Ephialtes, Daedalus,
Part 3 The Great Heroes before the Trojan War, ends with Hercules)
Pp. 180 210 (Atalanta, Heroes of the Trojan War, ends with the Fall of


Pp. 210 229. The adventures of Odysseus


Final Exam (Final Log check)

* The page numbers may be different in each book that is why I labeled each section.
Please see me if you have any questions.
*Project is to take a myth and put on a good performance by you or with a maximum of
two others.
* Remember to place ten vocabulary words in your log each week, 50 by the end of the

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