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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Palawan
Municipality of San Vicente
Committee on Tourism
Sangguniang Bayan Members
San Vicente, Palawan


Whether or not Port Bartons requests for the release and utilization
of Eco-Tourism Card collection fees amounting to One Hundred Eighty
Thousand One Hundred Pesos Only (Php 180,100.00), be granted for the
maintenance and development of their Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
and Solid Waste Management Program respectively.


On February 5, 2016, during the Municipal Tourism Council meeting, Hon. Mark
Acosta, Barangay Kagawad of Port Barton, proposed before the council to
appropriate funds out of the Eco-tourism collection fees for street sweepers and
workers to be assigned at the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) as support to the
barangays solid waste management program, for the following reasons, to wit:

98% of the total collected fees were from Port Barton;


Proliferation of wastes in coastal areas and streets due to tourist influx;



The highest percentage of tourist arrival in this Municipality comes from

Barangay Port Barton;

The implementation of Eco-Tourism Development and Management Fee,

though municipal wide, collections were mostly generated from Barangay Port
Barton, being one of the famous destinations in this municipality.

In relation to the provisions stated under Section 7.1.21 of the Municipal Ordinance
No. 08, s-2011, the Municipal Tourism Council through Resolution No. 1, s-20162
proposed the following considerations, to wit:

That cited provision be waived for this specific year of implementation as it

could not provide major impact to a specific infrastructure project due to

1 The proceeds from the sale of the San Vicente, Palawan Eco-Tourism Cards shall be
assigned to a Trust Fund and shall be allocated according to the following scheme: 60% shall
be utilized for the implementation of infrastructure projects in support to eco-tourism and
environmental development and 40% shall be utilized for administrative expenses relative to
tourism promotion, market development, and capability enhancement.
2 As per information provided by the Municipal Tourism Officer, said Resolution was passed
to the Office of the Municipal Mayor for signature but as of this writing, no resolution of this
kind was signed or approved.

insignificant amount that can be generated out of 60%-40% scheme;


That the accumulated amount equivalent to Php180,100.003 be programmed for

Solid Waste Management which is an urgent measure to maintain the
cleanliness in Port Barton during the peak season of 2016.


On March 21, 2016, Barangay Port Barton passed two (2) resolutions informing and
requesting the Honorable Maria Carmela E. Alvarez for the utilization of eco-tourism
collection fees for the purpose mention in item I.


With the assistance of the Municipal Tourism Officer, Lucylyn F. Panagsagan, Item
III was addressed through a letter signed by Atty. Denise B. Fidel-Pampo dated April
11, 2016 with the following comments/recommendations, to wit:
1. There must be an Appropriation Ordinance vis--vis eco-tourism fund
utilization approved by the Sangguniang Bayan;
2. MTC Resolution No.1,s-2016 was passed as an immediate remedy to the
concern of Barangay Port Barton subject for the approval of the Municipal
3. Fund utilization shall adhere to the provisions stated under Section 7.1.2 4 of
the Municipal Ordinance No.08,s-2011;
4. Refer matter to the Sangguniang Bayan for further study and deliberation;
5. Encourage the Port Barton Resort Owners and Tourism Association
(PBROTA) to implement its policy on maintaining the cleanliness of their
respective beachfronts daily.

V. As of June 2016, the Eco-Tourism Development and Management Fee has a total
accumulated amount equivalent to Five Hundred Eighty One Thousand Two Hundred
Seventy Five (Php 581,275.00) derived only from sales of Eco-cards;
VI. Municipal Tourism Office formulated an Eco-Tourism Fee Implementing guidelines subject
for the approval of the Municipal Mayor.


With the above premises, it is therefore appropriate to recommend that Port Bartons
requests for the released and utilization of Eco-Tourism Card collection fees
amounting to Php 180,000.00 for the maintenance and development of their Material
Recovery Facility (MRF) and Solid Waste Management Program, be delayed or
denied base on the following facts, to wit:
1. MTC Resolution No.1,s-2016 was not signed, therefore it is deemed
2. No Appropriation Ordinance approved by the Sangguniang Bayan relative to

3 Accumulated collection from February to December 2015 is Php126, 000.00 and January to
February 5, 2016 is Php54, 100.00
4 .. 60% shall be utilized for the implementation of infrastructure projects in support to ecotourism and environmental development and 40% shall be utilized for administrative
expenses relative to tourism promotion, market development, and capability enhancement

the utilization of eco-tourism fees;

3. The amount of Php500,000.00 downloaded to ten (10) barangays for
infrastructure projects5, specifically for the implementation of the Solid
Waste Management, will timely addressed the concerned of Port Barton ;
4. The Municipal Ordinance Prescribing an Eco-Tourism Development and
Management Fee in the Municipality of San Vicente, Palawan is not
effectively implemented due to its vagueness and lack of necessary
provisions on the following concerns, to wit;

No person is permanently identified as the assigned bonded

deputized by the Municipal Treasurer to collect fees (lack of
4.2. No effective system is applied in the collection of fees;
4.3. Lack of proper measures to take when tourist refuse to pay
Eco-tourism fees;
4.4. Collection of fees is solely focused in Port Barton neglecting other
areas with tourist;
4.5. There must be an Implementing Rules and Regulations supported
by an Executive Order for the implementation of Ordinance No.
08,s-2011 as amended by Ordinance No. 01,s-2014 (the Municipal
Tourism Office has already drafted an IRR);
4.7. And other necessary provisions identified during further study and
deliberation of concerned committees, for the effective
implementation of the said Municipal Ordinance.

Prepared by:
Jonah Mae T. Piero6
and Robert G. Camacho7
5 Municipal Development Council Meeting, July 19, 2016
6 Principal is a member of the concerned committee
7 Principal is the chairman of the committee on tourism

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