Woodleigh Weekly 21st May

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Issue 10 Friday 21st May 2010 Next issue: 28/05/10

Fountains Abbey trip for Year 6

On Tuesday year six had a trip to
fountains abbey. When they got there they
were told a bit about the abbey, then they
got robes called habits (picture across) and
wore rope belts called girdles.
The first thing they saw was a little
model of Fountains abbey. Then they went
and looked around the ruins of the abbey,
which were very busy. The punishment
was excellent, but for health and safety we
weren’t aloud to pretend to whip each
Finally they went and looked around
the mill then they went back to school.

By Fred Austin, Year 8

Aries, 21 March - 20 April : 942 1 2

orange toads will sit in your hot

3 4
Taurus, 21 April - 21 May : A
green bull will play the trombone
in your back garden.

Gemini, 22 May - 21 June : ulcers 6

with spikes will melt your T.V.

Cancer, 22 June - 23 July : A 7

naked crow will confuse you.

Leo, 24 July - 23 August : a

whiteboard will knock a duck
out. EclipseCrossword.com

Virgo, 24 August - 23 Septem- Across

ber : A juggling bear will kill a
1. A red thing that clownfish live in.
Libra, 24 September - 23 Octo-
3. A fish that can lose 30,000+ teeth in a lifetime. They
ber : A skeleton will talk seven
kinds of rubbish. are the traditional ocean hazard.
6. A fish that can reach up to 1.8m in length. there are
Scorpio, 24 October - 22 Novem- also planes and cars named after it.
ber : Holy crabs will praise you. 7. a very thin slimy thing. popularly made into soup.
8. A big bag of blubber and tusks.
Sagittarius, 23 November - 21
December : Cars will run over
your hand.
Capricorn, 22 December - 20
January : Ducks will grow car-
rots. 2. A whale that has a large horn
3. An inky, white thing. it has eight tentacles and isn't
Aquarius, 21 January - 19 Febru- an octopus.
ary : An aquarium will fall form
4. The staple underwater equivalent of a tree.
the sky.
5. an underwater tortoise.
Pisces, 20 February - 20 March :
A coalition of cauliflowers will
sit and grow.
TIP: This weeks crossword is based on under-water creatures.
French Oral
On Wednesday the 19th of May, year Mercredi le 19 mai, huitiemé a fait
8 did 50% of their French Common en- 50% de leur francais ‘Common Entarnce’
trance in their Oral and Listening. examen.
Madame Downy, the French teacher
said that ‚The marks were quite good‛. Madame Downey, le prof francais, a
The year 8s have been working really dit ‚Je suis content avec les resultats.‛
hard to prepare for the oral and listening Huitiemé a travaille trés bien pour
tests .

Year 1 and 2’s houses!

Woodleigh to swim the channel!

Woodleigh’s swimming pool, which
is now even warmer than it was at the be-
ginning of term, is the central attraction of
summer at Woodleigh.
This is to swim the English Channel
in our swimming pool! We will take it in
turns to swim lengths until we have com-
pleted the overall distance of the English
1st XI cricket
Tuesday and Wednesday, 18th few batsmen to bat out the overs.
Norton we left on 86-8 after 20 overs,
and 19th of May meaning we had one the match.
* * * *
BY CHARLES SAUNDERS AND CAM- The very next day Woodleigh hosted
ERON CASTLETON, YEAR 8 Moorlands in another 1st XI fixture. We
won the toss and batted first again.
This week the 1st XI have played two
Our batting this time around was
matches on consecutive days. These have
very poor, Jonty Gillingham and Mikey
both been successes but in completely dif-
Curtis getting the highest scores of 14 and
ferent styles.
11. After this terrible display we had fin-
On Tuesday, we travelled to Norton
ished on 56-9 after 20 overs.
College and beat them with a great batting
After a break Woodleigh had been
display. Jonty Gillingham was one run shy
rallied and went out into the field very de-
of having to retire on 29 and Charles Saun-
termined to win. A tight field on the off-
ders retired on 30 not out.
side was set and only five bowlers bowled,
Norton fielded quite poorly and this
with four overs each.
allowed us to score quickly making 133-6 in
On the first ball, Matt Procter bowled
20 overs.
a great ball, which was deflected down to
Our bowling wasn’t quite what it was
point, where Cameron Castleton fielded the
capable of being but we took a fair amount
ball very quickly and ran the batsman out.
of wickets over a steady period of bowling.
This boosted our morale and wickets
Also our fielding was not as good as it has
came freely soon after. There were a few
been this term.
catches in the field and a couple of people
In the 18th over Rob Bradley bowled
were bowled. In the end, every bowler had
a double wicket maiden, leaving their last
taken a wicket, very impressive. Moorlands
ended up all out on 43 after 17 overs.
These matches were both great dis-
plays and great wins by our team, who
have really improved this term. Well done!

By Patrick Litten, Charles Saunders and Cam-

eron Castleton.
With the help of Fred Austin.
Photos by Mr. Tolkien.
Special thanks to everybody else who was

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