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This Volume


Luisa Rodrigues

2016 Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

We waste more time in brooding over the past, which we cannot recall or in
anticipating the evils of the future, which we may never meet than possessing our
souls in the living present. The evils that afflict society arise from the lack of seeing
things from the standpoint of the soul; we have a wrong standpoint and everything is
out of focus. If we lived for the soul, cared for what made the soul a more living
reality and less for the meat and drink and paraphernalia of the body, the whole
world would be transfigured.

We forget that the soul is the thing. Soul is the Real Self, the only part of us which
lasts, the Divine in us, which we are sacrificing to the things of the day. It is through
the Soul that we obtain inspiration. The Soul links us with the Universe of Godwith
the Soul of the World. And when we lose touch with our Soul, we become a mere
prisoner in the dungeon of matter, through which we peer a little way by the windows
of the senses. What we do not seem to see is that the Soul is not a mere abstraction.
It is the Power which enables us to do all things. Make time to save eternity, to
possess it now and to know God.

Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Accustom yourself to seek

God in your heart and you will
find Him.

All inspiration comes from the Father.

Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

All knowledge of God comes from


All naturefrom the stone, worm,

tree, flower, bird, beast, up to
manis the expression of Gods
God lives in all things
All creation is God.
All souls are eternal, being parts
of the Divine Essence.

Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

All that He asks of us is that we

should aspire to higher life
Get nearer
And ever nearer
To God our Father.

All things are not only progressive

but are eternally progressing.

Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

All things work together for


Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Always avoid negative thinking

It shuts off your good.

Always choose wisely!

Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Always do the best you can.

An affirmation for you

I am so happy my soul
expands in love.

Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Are we not all brothers and sisters?

Are we not sons and daughters of a

common Father?

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

As a door shuts,
Another door opens immediately.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

As in so many other
ways, moderation is the
keynote of health.

Ask and ye shall receive is


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

A soul can never, never die.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

As we travel onward, we can look

upward in hope, for there is
always something above.

Bear in mind that life is a book and

a page is turned at the close of
every day.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Be guided by the example of

Jesus. He came to overcome
enmity by love.

Believe you have it and act

as if you have already

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Bend your knees in prayer;

Raise your voice in thanksgiving to the Mighty God,

The source of all Light and Love.

Be simple.
Be true.
God knows all.
His love will never fail.
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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Cheer up.
Heaven, home and love are all in store for us.
The miseries of the earth are but for a day.
The joys of heaven for all time and eternity.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Desire only what God

desires for you. Will only
what God wills for you.

Devote your whole day to

God in prayer, thoughts,
word and action.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Do to others as you would they should do to you.

Think of others as you would have others think of you.

Eternity stretches forever before


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Find time for listening each day. We must also learn how to listen. First, it is essential
to be alone and quiet. Even then you will find that though the body is still and the
eyes closed to keep out outside impressions, the mind is a teeming chaos of
impulses and impressions flitting back and forth in mad confusion. Classify these
thoughts and concentrate on one to still the others. This helps to think and to reach
the silence necessary to hear the voice of truth, which is our consciousness of

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Forward and onward and

upward is the line of march
marked out for us by the
Infinitely Wise Director of All

Freely ye have received,

freely give.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.





honest will as if the deed had

been successfully performed.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

God is good;
His mercy is beyond anyone's
power to limit.

God is Love
And all who love are in God
And He in them.

God is our daily unfailing and

inexhaustible supply.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

God loves all His creatures;

His gifts are for all His children,
for it is His great pleasure to
give His children all they can

We suffer want on

account of our lack of faith in


Good and evil mean truth and

error. In dropping error and taking
up truth, we advance quite a
distance on the road to wisdom.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Greed is a drug in heavens

market. If you have a dollar
more than you know what
to do with, get rid of it as
quickly as you can.

Happy are they who have risen

from the selfish and narrow aims
of personal ambition and greed
and are working and waiting for
the perfect day






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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Hope, patience and diligence will

eventually conquer all things.

If I had only one message to

give, this is the message
Love. If love were the ruling
influence, sorrow would be
hard to find and heartaches
would be felt nowhere.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

If you would dwell in peace,

Learn to love deeply.

Intuit God.
See Him in all things;
See Him in the winds;
Perceive His attributes in all
Natures workings.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

It is exactly as Master Jesus


And all things, whatsoever ye

shall ask in prayer, believing, ye
shall receive. Therefore, I say
unto you, what things so ever ye
desire, when ye pray, believe
that ye receive them and ye
shall have them.

It is in love and in service that we

find our salvation.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

It is the waiting and contrite

humble heart that receives the
heavenly influx, which is power

Keep on wishing and praying with all

your might.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Life is in all things

And God is the central Life of

Life, life, eternal life.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Love and God are the same and

when, from any cause, you hate or
do not love, to that extent you shut
God out from your life.

Love is the goal.

In loving one another we love God,
For God is love.

Love is the greatest power we

know. Without love, we can
never understand or have any





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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Make sacrifices.

Material life is necessary to

unfold character,

To develop the real self,

The Divine part in man

The only principle that endures


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Never cease from loving. Jesus

said a good deal about love.
Look up what He said and live it.
Love God by pouring yourself
away. Love your fellows by
giving them all you possess of
light and truth. Love LOVE for
her own blessed sake. Such love
will bring you nearer heaven.

Only feel that the power which has led

you so far will open up your path and
show you the way.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Our real incentive is to comply

with our Father's will.

Our thoughts are things

Real to the soul as material things are
to the material body.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Point and lead the way toward

heaven by driving out ignorance
with knowledge, evil with good,



thoughts of peace, beauty and


Prayer fosters the dawning of a

higher life.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Prepare for your good and do

something to show you expect it
to materialise.

Put fear behind you!

Fear is a power opposed to life;
It is an illusion.
Fear has no reality of its own.
Its power is generated from
within ourselves.
Cast it out.
Never fear again.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Remember this
The greater the darkness of the night,
The greater the brilliance of the dawn.

Remind yourself of the deep blue


The fluttering gold of autumn;

The thrill of fern fronds

And the sweet stirring earth of


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Seek God through the doors of

your own soul.

Seeking earnestly for truth serves

as a channel through which we
will receive it.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Self-development is our first aim in


Self-knowledge and self-control

form habits of right choice.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Send out from the centre of

your being honest thoughts
and honest purposes and you
will receive such in return.

Sincerity is the manifestation of a

mind who seeks the truth.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Somewhere within the soul,

There is silence.
Attain to it.
It is a pearl of great price.

Straight and narrow is the


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Strive with your entire mind

to hold beautiful thoughts,
for it is well worth your
every effort towards faith.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty,

My memory, my understanding and my whole will.
All that I am and all that I possess You have given me.
I surrender it all to You to be disposed of according to Your will.
Give me only Your love and Your grace;
With these, I will be rich enough,
And will desire nothing more.
Prayer of St Ignatius

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

The kingdom of heaven is

within you.

The only way we can progress is to go


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

The pathway is love





understanding of God and

His Kingdom.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

The pinnacle of all progress is


The present is the only real

there is.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

There is a lesson in every phase








That lesson is LOVE.

Until we fully realise this truth,






heirs of the Kingdom of God

For He who loves is born of


There is no end to life

The spirit is eternal.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

There is nothing we cannot have if we earnestly desire and constantly strive to

obtain it. To wish and strive for a thing is the only way to obtain anything whatsoever.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

The things that really count are the

things of the mind and the spirit.

The pinnacle of all progress is God.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

The problem of life is surely to avoid the waste of straying into cul-de-sacs or being
led into devious ways, which do not help you forward. In other words, what you have
to do is to see the point towards which you are tending and to persistently press
towards it. It is the things unseen which are eternal and the things invisible which
alone are of value. And my object is to urge you to concentrate life in the body on
objects that will last after you reach this side and not on those which cease to profit
after death.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and

the power

And the glory and the victory and

the majesty;

All that is in the heavens and the

earth is Thine;

Thine are all kingdoms, O Lord, and

Thou art exalted as head over all.

Both riches and honour come

of Thee;

In Thine hand is power and

might and in Thine hand, it is to
make great

And to give strength unto all.

Now, therefore, O Father, we

thank Thee and praise Thy
glorious name.


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Thinka loving thought is a

prayer. Thoughts are real things
to the soul.

To rob our fellow beings is

wasteful folly.

To divide our

jewels with them would be riches

untold. There is no justice in
robbing Peter that Paul may
gainWe are all brothers in
wisdom, love, justice and truth.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Trust in God for your daily supply.

We are living in the very vortex of


Change always brings great effects

when it takes place.

We need not fear it

Wisdom is always ready to build

more beautiful structures on the
ruins of the old.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Where I am there is life

a life that has love as its
vital breath.





What does this mean?











faith in God's Divine Plan.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

We live in deedsnot years;

In thoughtsnot breaths;
He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest and acts the best.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

What is your greatest desire?

Unite your earnest desire with






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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.






appreciating the sunshine if there

were no clouds that passed over
the sun's face?

What would we know about the

good, fine and pleasant weather if
there were no storms?

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

When a man loves his brother as

himself, he will do him every
kindness in his power and will
divide with him even his last loaf.

When love abides in our hearts,

selfishness makes its exit and misery
becomes a stranger.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

When love and wisdom meet

and join hands,

The gates of heaven are wide open to


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Heaven and happiness extend forever

before us
The more wisdom we obtain the
nearer heaven we are;

It is love and wisdom which

make heaven;
It is ignorance and error which
make hell or unhappiness.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

When the cold dark days of winter are with us, we are chilled. We forget that spring
has dawned on many past winters. We forget that death leads to resurrection and
regenerated lifelife in a wider sphere of extended usefulness, with nobler aims,
with truer purpose. We forget that death is only the dying of the grain of seed, which
is the condition of abundant increase. Death in life is the spiritual motto. Death
culminating in a higher life. Victory in the grave!

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Wisdom is the comprehension of


Knowledge is the road that takes us


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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

With God, all things are possible.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Your spirit is a storehouse of

effects and each effect is a
chapter in your life.

You will succeed if you really strive.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

Other Volumes in the Series

Made With LoveAll For Love

Made With LoveGlimmerings of Spiritual Things

Made With LoveGod In His Works

Made With LoveGodwards

Made With LoveMother Love

Made With LoveWords of Comfort and Good Cheer

Made With LoveWords of Power

Made With LoveWords of Spiritual Wisdom

Made With LoveSoul Seeds

Made With LoveThe Best of Some Things

Made With LoveThe Soul of Things

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Copyright Luisa Rodrigues. All rights reserved.

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