Syllabus West16-17

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Spring Woods High School

Chemistry I Academic & PreAP

One Mission: Success with Honor and Spirit

Course Syllabus

2045 Gessner Drive Houston, Texas 77080

Phone: (713) 251-3100 Fax: (713) 251-3130
Contact Information:
Name: Susan West
Phone: (713) 251-3100 x 3229 (after 3pm)


Instagram: @wildwest230
Remind Messages: Text @wstchem to 81010

Composition Notebook
Pencil/Eraser (Daily)

Scientific Calculator (Ex. Ti-30X IIS)

$10 Lab Fee

Course Outline:
1st 9-Weeks Exam (10/12-13)
2nd 9-Weeks Exam (12/9)
Midterm Exam (12/13-12/16)

3rd 9-Weeks Exam (3/7)

4th 9-Weeks Exam (5/19)
Final Exam (5/26-6/1)

Assignments will be categorized and weighted as follows:
Unit Tests, 9-Week Exams, and Major Projects
50 %
Quizzes, Labs, and Minor Projects
30 %
Daily Classwork and Homework
20 %
The letter grading scale is as follows:
A = 100-90
B = 89-80
C = 79-75
D = 74-70

F = Below 70

Policies and Procedures:

Absences It is important that you do not fall behind because new content will require previous knowledge.
Assignments that are due on the day of your absence are due on your first day back to not be considered late.
Assignments from the day(s) you are absent should be picked up from the designated bin/area.
1 day missed = 1 day to make up assignment, 2 days missed = 2 days to make up assignment, etc.
If you are absent on the day of a lab/quiz/test, you have 3 school days to make it up during afternoon tutorials.
Missing Assignments Work that a student received, but was not turned in on the assigned due date.
These assignments will receive a zero in the gradebook until they are received.
Work that is received past its due date will accrue an automatic 15 point deduction.
Retests Each 9-Week exam will serve as the retests for the three unit tests that occurred within that grading period.
If you are dissatisfied with your grade on a unit test, you will have the chance to improve your grade by scoring
higher on that units section of the 9-Week exam at the end of the grading period. No grade will be lowered.
o Eligibility for the retest opportunity is dependent on the completion of the unit review sheet and test
corrections during tutorials prior to the 9-week exam date. Corrections alone will improve your grade to a 70.
It is not required that you failed a unit test to be eligible for the retest opportunity, only that you are dissatisfied
with your grade and are willing to complete the review and test corrections by the exam date.
Academic Dishonesty:
You are expected to complete each assignment within the parameters set forth by your teacher. Specifically, with
regard to the extent of collaboration and what resources you are allowed to use on each assignment. Academic
dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in an office referral as well as a zero on an assignment that at the
discretion of your teacher may or may not be allowed to be redone.
I acknowledge by my signature that I have read and understand the above information set forth by the Academic
Chemistry I course syllabus. Further, I understand that my success in this course is contingent upon my adherence
to these policies and procedures.
Student Signature

Parent Signature


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