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Group 3: California

Joshua Arrowood
Lauren Jett
Kallie Meyer
Paul Sublett
Sarah Wright
Heather White

Team Member Roles and Responsibilities

Project Leader
Contact Information: Please list best contact for communication
Overall project leader. Responsibilities include generating a weekly agenda, coordinating agreed
upon tasks and timeline, and making sure each group member is completing his/her agreed upon
task on time. Sequence all submitted draft and final slides as they come in and have the most
recent project powerpoint available for team review in the file exchange folder. The project
leader is also responsible for the reference section and maintaining a master list of teams
references, as research is located.
Communication Leader
Contact Information:
Responsibilities include scheduling/coordinating/ recording virtual chats, moderating discussion
boards, sending out emails for deadline reminders, and recording meeting minutes and agreed
action items to submit x 4 on Bb.
Design Leader
Contact Information:
Responsibilities include project design details, design formatting of the PowerPoint (font,
alignment, picture distribution, color etc), locating appropriate graphics, and coordinating
graphics located and submitted by other team members.


Conflict Management Leader

Contact Information:
Responsibilities include the creation of a mediation and conflict resolution process to be
approved by the team.
Research Leader
Contact Information:
Responsibilities include collecting and coordinating information to be used in the presentation if
needed assistance is warranted. This includes personal research as well as coordination of
research content located by other team members.
Team Collective Leader
Contact Information:
Maintaining team motivation, and review of the body of the presentation and draft the
introduction and summary.
Team Norms
1. Team members will check and respond to emails and discussion board threads every
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
2. Any team member who fails to respond or contribute to discussion board as needed will
be subject to the conflict resolution process approved by the team.
3. Any team member who does not respond to emails within 48 hours will be subject to the
conflict resolution process approved by the team.
4. Virtual chats will be scheduled 5 days in advance.


5. Team members who miss virtual chats are responsible for reviewing the archived chat
session and responding appropriately to the team via email and/or discussion board
within 48 hours (unless otherwise agreed by the team)
6. All team members are responsible for submitting work in APA format, free of spelling,
punctuation, and grammatical errors.
7. Any team member who fails comply with team deadlines will be subject to the conflict
resolution process approved by the team.
Conflict Management Process
1. Team members should report conflict situations to the conflict manager who will initiate
the conflict management process
2. Specific issue must be identified (e.g., which team norm is being violated)
3. Email will be sent to the violator to explain concerns and initiate open discussion.
4. Every attempt to use course concepts to work out issues will be made.
5. Team members who do not make an effort to work out their differences with the team or
who fail to maintain their assigned responsibilities may be subject to 15 point penalty on
peer evaluations, or if necessary, may be fired from the team.
Note: these are suggestions please modify if you wish
Assignment Criteria: PowerPoint Presentation
We have to cover eight chronic diseases and research categories of six possibly seven
subcategories of that disease. So each team member should submit six to seven slides based
upon the disease of their choosing. A title, introduction, summary, and reference pages must all
be included in addition to the body of work. There are six team members and twelve slide
categories some of which are unequal in complexity. The organizing of the reference section is


not easy and requires constant checking of appropriate formatting so be aware of that. Our final
project should have 51-59 slides not including the reference section if we adhere to all the
subcategories of each eight diseases outlined by Prof. Alexander. PowerPoint presentations as
you all probably know should only have a minimal amount (kiss effect) of information on the
slide but the note section should be filled with the complete data and APA in-text citations should
be used.
Helpful Links
For information on APA in-text citation see Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab:
To begin the body of the work to start our research please review the CDC website:
Helpful Terminology
Psychosocial Issues: Medical-psychiatric comorbidity is a term coined to describe the
relationship between medical disease and psychological functioning. It is a complex but
important subject. Chronic illness clearly presents a challenge to psychosocial adjustment on
both the patient and his or her family. At the same time, psychosocial adjustment influences
onset, course, treatment effectiveness, and management of a chronic illness, which ultimately
bear upon the patients quality of life (National Jewish Health, n.d.).
Division Of Labor
1. Title Page (1 slide) Paul "Derrick" Sublett
2. Introduction (1 slide) Josh Arrowood
3. Physical Activity and Nutrition (6-7 slides) Paul "Derrick" Sublett
Comparative analysis of physical activity and nutrition between California and the United
States. Explain the reasons for the differences or similarities (lifestyles, air quality,


access to care, etc.). Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on the lifestyle of the
residents and vocational activities, and any other point you would like to relay to your
audience. Lastly what is the state doing to help improve their health status?
4. Tobacco and Alcohol Consumption/Abuse (6-7 slides) Heather White
Comparative analysis of tobacco and alcohol consumption/abuse between California and
the United States. Explain the reasons for the differences or similarities (lifestyles, air
quality, access to care, etc.). Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on the lifestyle of
the residents and vocational activities, and any other point you would like to relay to your
audience. Lastly what is the state doing to help improve their health status?
5. Cancer (6-7 slides) Kallie Meyer
Comparative analysis of cancer between California and the United States. Explain the
reasons for the differences or similarities (lifestyles, air quality, access to care, etc.).
Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on the lifestyle of the residents and vocational
activities, and any other point you would like to relay to your audience. Lastly what is
the state doing to help improve their health status?
6. Cardiovascular Disease (6-7 slides) Josh Arrowood
Comparative analysis of cardiovascular disease between California and the United States.
Explain the reasons for the differences or similarities (lifestyles, air quality, access to
care, etc.). Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on the lifestyle of the residents and
vocational activities, and any other point you would like to relay to your audience. Lastly
what is the state doing to help improve their health status?
7. Diabetes (6-7 slides) Sarah Wright
Comparative analysis of diabetes between California and the United States. Explain the
reasons for the differences or similarities (lifestyles, air quality, access to care, etc.).
Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on the lifestyle of the residents and vocational


activities, and any other point you would like to relay to your audience. Lastly what is
the state doing to help improve their health status?
8. Arthritis (6-7 slides) Sarah Wright
Comparative analysis of arthritis between California and the United States. Explain the
reasons for the differences or similarities (lifestyles, air quality, access to care, etc.).
Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on the lifestyle of the residents and vocational
activities, and any other point you would like to relay to your audience. Lastly what is
the state doing to help improve their health status?
9. Overarching Condition and/or Disease/Risk Factor (6-7 slides) Lauren Jett
Comparative analysis of an overarching condition and/or disease/risk factors between
California and the United States. Explain the reasons for the differences or similarities
(lifestyles, air quality, access to care, etc.). Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on
the lifestyle of the residents and vocational activities, and any other point you would like
to relay to your audience. Lastly what is the state doing to help improve their health
10. Overarching Condition and/or Disease/Risk Factor (6-7 slides) Lauren Jett

Comparative analysis of an overarching condition and/or disease/risk factors between

California and the United States. Explain the reasons for the differences or similarities
(lifestyles, air quality, access to care, etc.). Explain the psychosocial issues, impact on
the lifestyle of the residents and vocational activities, and any other point you would like
to relay to your audience. Lastly what is the state doing to help improve their health
11. Summary (1 slide) Josh Arrowood
12. Reference Section (1+ slides) Heather White
The reference section should be in APA format with hanging indents, hyperlinks turned


off and in alphabetical order. Here is the Purdue Online Writing Lab guidelines for a
Deadlines: Due Date November 12th by 7am

September 10-16: Adjust and/or agree to the team contract. Sign up for roles,

responsibilities and division of labor. Also fill in appropriate contact information.

September 17-23: Submissions of comparative statistics of the disease between state and

national figures to the team leader.

September 24-30: Submissions of explanations of the reasons for the differences or
similarities (lifestyles, air quality, access to care, etc.) to the team leader. Make any

corrections needed from the previous weeks work.

October 1-7: Submissions of covered psychosocial issues to the team leader. Make any

corrections needed from the previous weeks work.

October 8-14: Submissions of impact on the lifestyle of the residents to the team leader.

Make any corrections needed from the previous weeks work.

October 15-21: Submissions of impacts of vocational activities to the team leader. Make

any corrections needed from the previous weeks work.

October 22-28: Submissions of what the state is doing to improve their health status to

the team leader. Make any corrections needed from the previous weeks work.
October 29-November 4: Submission of any other point you would like to relay to the
class regarding your assigned disease. Submission of the introduction and summary by
the Team Collective Responsibilities team member to the team leader. Make any

corrections needed from the previous weeks work.

November 5-11: Vote on complete project and submit.
November 12th 7am: Project Due

Each team member should look over Prof. Alexanders group project information doc located in
the file exchange folder and cross check the assignment criteria to ensure nothing is left out.

National Jewish Health. (n.d.). Psychosocial Issues: Overview. Science Transforming Life.
Retrieved from

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